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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 07/02/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 07/02/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/02/07
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4338.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4338.JPG}}
|Transcription=commonly then and there reputed to bee the true and lawfull owner
and Proprietor of the sayd shipp And saith the sayd Negroes brought
thither on board the sayd shipp (being three hundred or thereabouts) were
were commonly reputed to belong to the sayd Gamboa and were there sold and disposed of by the ffactors or Agents of the sayd Gonsales do
Gamboa dgalo as laden for his proper Account and belonging to him And
further to this article hee cannot depose/
|First transcribed=13/02/07
To the third fowerth and fifth articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
hee this deponent lodged in house at Bahia with Phillip Moira a factor
or Agent of the sayd Gonzalo da Gamboa dyalo at Bahia and by that means
knoweth that the sayd Phillip de Moira did as ffactor of the sayd Gambo with
the proceeds of the sayd Negroes brought from Guinney in the ''Nostra Seniora''
''do Rosario'' alias the ''Lady Mary'' and other Negroes sent by the said Gamboa
thither in an other shipp, in the moneth and tyme arlate in the yeare one
thousand sixe hundred and fiftie at Bahia lade and put aboard the sayd shipp
the ''Nostra Seniora do Rosario'' alias the ''Lady Mary'' for Accompt of the sayd
Gonzalo da Gambea dyalo to bee transported thense to Lisbone for his
Account and Adventure one hundred and two chests of sugar and five
Chests of Tobaccoe marked and numbered as is arlate that is to saye
forty three chests of white sugar and thirty one chests of Muscavadoes sugar
of the first marke in the margent and fower chests of white sugar of
the second marke in the margent and five chests of tobaccoe numbered
9: 10: 8: 15: 11 and twenty fower other chests of white sugar of the
sayd first marke in the margent all to be delivered at Lisbone for
Account and adventure of the sayd Gambon the premisses hee deposeth
for the reasons aforesayd and for that hee sawe them there laden aboard
the sayd shipp for the sayd Gamboas Account And further to these
articles hee cannot depose./
|Editorial history=Created 26/04/13, by CSG
To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee cannot of his
certayne knowledge depose thereto for that hee came not home from the
Bahia in the shipp, or Company of the shipp the ''Nostra Seniora da''
''Rosario'' alias the ''Lady Mary'' but hath Credibly heard and verily
beleeveth that the sayd shipp ''Nostra Seniora da Rosario'' in her course
from Bahia towards Lisbone was mett with all and seized (with
all the sayd goods on board her) by a shipp belonging to this Common
wealth of England and brought into England And further hee
cannot depose./
To the 7th article hee saith hee well knew the arlate Gonsalo Gamboa
dyalo and saith hee dyed since the ladeing of the sugars and
|Transcription image=P1140918
tobaccoe predeposed of and at his death was commonly reputed to
bee a batchelor and are commonly reputed the brother and sister
and heyres of the sayd Gonsalo da Gambea And both
the sayd Matheo and Barbara of this deponents knowledge live at Lisbone
and are subiects of the King of Portugall betwixt which King and
this Commonwealth there in peace and Amity And further to this
article hee cannot depose/
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
To the Interrogatories/ &#91;CENTRE HEADING&#93;
1. commonly then and there reputed to bee the true and lawfull owner
2. and Proprietor of the sayd shipp And saith the sayd Negroes brought
3. thither on board the sayd shipp (being three hundred or thereabouts) were
4. ˹were commonly reputed to belong to the sayd Gamboa and were˺ there sold and disposed of by the ffactors or Agents of the sayd Gonsales do
5. Gamboa dgalo as laden for his proper Account and belonging to him And
6. further to this article hee cannot depose/
7. To the third fowerth and fifth articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
8. hee this deponent lodged in house at Bahia with Phillip Moira a factor
9. or Agent of the sayd Gonzalo da Gamboa dyalo at Bahia and by that means
10. knoweth that the sayd Phillip de Moira did as ffactor of the sayd Gambo with
11. the proceeds of the sayd Negroes brought from Guinney in the Nostra Seniora
12. do Rosario alias the Lady Mary and other Negroes brought sent by the said Gamboa
13. thither in an other shipp, in the moneth and tyme arlate in the yeare one
14. thousand sixe hundred and fiftie at ˹Bahia˺ lade and put aboard the sayd shipp
15. the Nostra Seniora do Rosario alias the Lady Mary for Accompt of the sayd
16. Gonzalo de Gambea dyalo to bee transported thense to Lisbone for his
17. Account and Adventure one hundred and two chests of sugar and five
18. Chests of Tobaccoe marked and numbered as is arlate that is to saye
19. forty three chests of white sugar and thirty one chests of Muscavadoes sugar
20. of the first marke in the margent and fower chests of white sugar of
21. the second marke in the margent and five chests of tobaccoe numbered
22. 9: 10: 8: 15: 11 and twenty fower other chests of white sugar of the
23. sayd first marke in the margent all to be delivered at Lisbone for
24. Account and adventure of the sayd Gambon the premisses hee deposeth
25. for the reasons aforesayd and for that hee sawe them there laden aboard
26. the sayd shipp for the sayd Gamboas Account And further to these
27. articles hee cannot depose./
28. To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee cannot of his
29. certayne knowledge depose thereto for that hee came not home from the
30. Bahia in the shipp, or Company of the shipp the Nostra Seniora da
31. Rosario alias the Lady Mary but hath Credibly heard and verily
32. beleeveth that the sayd shipp Nostra Seniora da Rosario in her course
33. from Bahia towards Lisbone was mett with all and seized (with
34. all the sayd goods on board her) by a shipp belonging to this Common
35. wealth of England and brought into England And further hee
36. cannot depose./
37. To the 7th article hee saith hee well knew the arlate Gonsalo Gamboa
38. dyalo and saith hee dyed since the ladeing of the sugars and
39. tobaccoe predeposed of and at his death was commonly reputed to
40. bee a batchelor and are commonly reputed the brother and sister
41. and heyres of the sayd Gonsalo da Gambea And both of this deponents
42. the sayd Matheo and Barbara of this deponents knowledge live at Lisbone
43. and are subiects of the King of Portugall betwixt which King and
44. this Commonwealth there in peace and Amity And further to this
45. article hee cannot depose/
46. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
48. To the Interrogatories/ CENTRE HEADING
49. To.

Latest revision as of 19:08, November 17, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.5v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


commonly then and there reputed to bee the true and lawfull owner
and Proprietor of the sayd shipp And saith the sayd Negroes brought
thither on board the sayd shipp (being three hundred or thereabouts) were
were commonly reputed to belong to the sayd Gamboa and were there sold and disposed of by the ffactors or Agents of the sayd Gonsales do
Gamboa dgalo as laden for his proper Account and belonging to him And
further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the third fowerth and fifth articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
hee this deponent lodged in house at Bahia with Phillip Moira a factor
or Agent of the sayd Gonzalo da Gamboa dyalo at Bahia and by that means
knoweth that the sayd Phillip de Moira did as ffactor of the sayd Gambo with
the proceeds of the sayd Negroes brought from Guinney in the Nostra Seniora
do Rosario alias the Lady Mary and other Negroes sent by the said Gamboa
thither in an other shipp, in the moneth and tyme arlate in the yeare one
thousand sixe hundred and fiftie at Bahia lade and put aboard the sayd shipp
the Nostra Seniora do Rosario alias the Lady Mary for Accompt of the sayd
Gonzalo da Gambea dyalo to bee transported thense to Lisbone for his
Account and Adventure one hundred and two chests of sugar and five
Chests of Tobaccoe marked and numbered as is arlate that is to saye
forty three chests of white sugar and thirty one chests of Muscavadoes sugar
of the first marke in the margent and fower chests of white sugar of
the second marke in the margent and five chests of tobaccoe numbered
9: 10: 8: 15: 11 and twenty fower other chests of white sugar of the
sayd first marke in the margent all to be delivered at Lisbone for
Account and adventure of the sayd Gambon the premisses hee deposeth
for the reasons aforesayd and for that hee sawe them there laden aboard
the sayd shipp for the sayd Gamboas Account And further to these
articles hee cannot depose./

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee cannot of his
certayne knowledge depose thereto for that hee came not home from the
Bahia in the shipp, or Company of the shipp the Nostra Seniora da
Rosario alias the Lady Mary but hath Credibly heard and verily
beleeveth that the sayd shipp Nostra Seniora da Rosario in her course
from Bahia towards Lisbone was mett with all and seized (with
all the sayd goods on board her) by a shipp belonging to this Common
wealth of England and brought into England And further hee
cannot depose./

To the 7th article hee saith hee well knew the arlate Gonsalo Gamboa
dyalo and saith hee dyed since the ladeing of the sugars and
tobaccoe predeposed of and at his death was commonly reputed to
bee a batchelor and are commonly reputed the brother and sister
and heyres of the sayd Gonsalo da Gambea And both
the sayd Matheo and Barbara of this deponents knowledge live at Lisbone
and are subiects of the King of Portugall betwixt which King and
this Commonwealth there in peace and Amity And further to this
article hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]
