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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 16/03/13 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted into wikispot on 24/04/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 16/03/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/03/16
|First transcribed=13/03/16
|Editorial history=Edited on 26/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1130910.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 07/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1130910
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1130910.JPG}}
|Transcription=To the third he knoweth not further to answeare than
he hath predeposed
|Transcription=1. To the third he knoweth not further to answeare than
To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate
2. he hath predeposed
John Viber was Boatswaine of the interrate shipp in her
outwards bound voyage as farr as the Downs, and
that he was found embeazealing or stealing away some
of the Merchants goods and running away with the said
goods in the skiffe belonging to the said shipp
and that by some of the shipps Company (who
pursued him in the longe boate) he the sayd Viber was
brought back, and by the producent Captaine Totty
his order putt into chaynes, but that afterwards he
was released from the sayd chaynes by the entreaty of
the sayd shipps Company And further he knoweth
not to answeare./
3. To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate
To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that the sayd fower men
4. John Viber was Boatswaine of the interrate shipp in her
servants were in the service of the Commonwealth under
5. outwards bound voyage as farr as the Downs, and
the Comand of Major Sedgewick as this Rendent
6. that he was found embeazeling or stealing away some
hath heard by some of the interrate shipp the ''Edward
7. of the Owners ˹Merchants˺ goods and running away with the said
and John'' her Company, And further referring
8. goods in the long boate skiffe belonging to the said shipp
himselfe to what he hath predeposed he knoweth not
9. and that by some of the shipps Company (who
to answeare/
10. pursued him in the longe boate) he the sayd Viber was
11. brought back, and by the producent Captaine Totty
12. his order putt into chaynes, but that afterwards he
13. was released from the sayd chaynes by the entreaty of
14. the sayd shipps Company And further he knoweth
15. not to answeare./
16. To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that the sayd fower men
To the sixth Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp
17. servants men in the service of the Commonwealth under
interrate her tackle and cables were (in this Rendents
18. the Comand of Major Sedgewick as this Rendent
iudgement) sufficient and that he the Rendent did
19. hath heard b of by some of the interrate shipp the Edward
not know nor hath heard that the producent hath received
20. and John gave Company, And further referring
primage and average for the voyage interrate
21. himselfe to what he hath predeposed he knoweth not
And further he cannot answeare/
22. to answeare/
23. To the sixth Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp
24. interrate her tackle and cables were (in this Rendents
25. iudgement) sufficient and that he the Rendent did
26. not know ˹nor hath heard˺ that the producent hath received or XX
27. receive primage and average for the voyage interrate
28. And further he cannot de answeare/
On the two and twentith day of August 1656
On the two and twentith day of August 1656
Line 56: Line 53:
'''John Elliott''' of the parish of Stepney in the
'''John Elliott''' of the parish of Stepney in the
County of Middlesex Mariner, aged about 4X GUTTER
County of Middlesex Mariner, aged about 4&#91;X GUTTER&#93;
yeares a wittnes sworne and examined deposeth
yeares a wittnes sworne and examined deposeth
as followeth/
as followeth/
37. To the seaventh article of the sayd allegation he deposeth
To the seaventh article of the sayd allegation he deposeth
38. and saith tht the producent Captaine Totty and One of the
and saith that the producent Captaine Totty and One of the
39. Owners of the arlate shipp the Edward and John did on
Owners of the arlate shipp the ''Edward and John'' did on
40. or about the 26th or 27th dayes of June last past meet GUTTER
or about the 26th or 27th dayes of June last past &#91;?meet GUTTER&#93;
41. with him this deponent and one Captaine Thomas Bennett GUTTER
with him this deponent and one Captaine Thomas &#91;?Bennett GUTTER&#93;
42. upon the old Exchange London, and desired them this deponent
upon the old Exchange London, and desired them this deponent
43. and the sayd Bennett to take the paines and goe with him GUTTER
and the sayd Bennett to take the paines and goe with &#91;?him GUTTER
44. the sayd Totty and the Owner aboard the sayd shipp
the sayd Totty and the Owner aboard the sayd shipp
45. the Edward and John, and that accordingly he this deponent GUTTER
the ''Edward and John'', and that accordingly he this deponent
46. and the sayd Bennett did goe along with them unto GUTTER
and the sayd Bennett did goe along with them unto
47. or neare Greenwich in the River of Thames where the
or neare Greenwich in the River of Thames where the
48. sayd shipp then lay at Anchor; and that they being
sayd shipp then lay at Anchor; and that they being
49. all come aboard the sayd shipp the sayd Captaine
all come aboard the sayd shipp the sayd Captaine
50. Totty calld his Mate up, and asked him if they (XXXX GUTTER
Totty calld his Mate up, and asked him if they ( &#91;?meaning GUTTER&#93;
51. him the said Mate and the rest of the said shipps
him the said Mate and the rest of the said shipps
52. Company) would unlade the goods and that the same
Company) would unlade the goods and that the same
53. Mate answeared ˹that the Cooper could tell what they XXXXX XX˺ they were resolved not that XXXX
Mate answeared that the Cooper could tell what they
54. ˹to doe˺ not and that afterwards the sayd Captaine Titty called
to doe and that afterwards the sayd Captaine Totty called
55. up the Cooper and asked him if they would unlade the
up the Cooper and asked him if they would unlade the
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Latest revision as of 18:12, May 23, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.373v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third he knoweth not further to answeare than
he hath predeposed

To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate
John Viber was Boatswaine of the interrate shipp in her
outwards bound voyage as farr as the Downs, and
that he was found embeazealing or stealing away some
of the Merchants goods and running away with the said
goods in the skiffe belonging to the said shipp
and that by some of the shipps Company (who
pursued him in the longe boate) he the sayd Viber was
brought back, and by the producent Captaine Totty
his order putt into chaynes, but that afterwards he
was released from the sayd chaynes by the entreaty of
the sayd shipps Company And further he knoweth
not to answeare./

To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that the sayd fower men
servants were in the service of the Commonwealth under
the Comand of Major Sedgewick as this Rendent
hath heard by some of the interrate shipp the Edward
and John her Company, And further referring
himselfe to what he hath predeposed he knoweth not
to answeare/

To the sixth Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp
interrate her tackle and cables were (in this Rendents
iudgement) sufficient and that he the Rendent did
not know nor hath heard that the producent hath received
primage and average for the voyage interrate
And further he cannot answeare/



On the two and twentith day of August 1656

Rp. 12

John Elliott of the parish of Stepney in the
County of Middlesex Mariner, aged about 4[X GUTTER]
yeares a wittnes sworne and examined deposeth
as followeth/

To the seaventh article of the sayd allegation he deposeth
and saith that the producent Captaine Totty and One of the
Owners of the arlate shipp the Edward and John did on
or about the 26th or 27th dayes of June last past [?meet GUTTER]
with him this deponent and one Captaine Thomas [?Bennett GUTTER]
upon the old Exchange London, and desired them this deponent
and the sayd Bennett to take the paines and goe with [?him GUTTER
the sayd Totty and the Owner aboard the sayd shipp
the Edward and John, and that accordingly he this deponent
and the sayd Bennett did goe along with them unto
or neare Greenwich in the River of Thames where the
sayd shipp then lay at Anchor; and that they being
all come aboard the sayd shipp the sayd Captaine
Totty calld his Mate up, and asked him if they ( [?meaning GUTTER]
him the said Mate and the rest of the said shipps
Company) would unlade the goods and that the same
Mate answeared that the Cooper could tell what they
to doe and that afterwards the sayd Captaine Totty called
up the Cooper and asked him if they would unlade the