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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 29/03/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; trancsribed on 29/03/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/03/29
|First transcribed=13/03/29
|Editorial history=Edited on 12/02/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1140516.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 05/04/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140516
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140516.JPG}}
|Transcription=át the time of the seizure aforesaid, and alsoe all such other
Negroes as with the residue of the said Outward Cargoe would or
1. át the time of the seizure aforesaid, and alsoe all such other
might have beene procured, if the said seizure had not intervened,
2. Negroes as with the residue of the said Outward Cargoe would or
might have beene sold and disposed of and for at Virginia, and
3. might have beene procured, if the said seizure had not intervened,
the Barbadoes, and the like hee verily beleeveth of the said 160
4. might have beene sold and disposed of and for at Virginia, and
Negroes, which hee deponent credibly was in formed were laden
5. the Barbadoes, and the like hee verily beleeveth of the said 160
putt aboard and seized in the said shipp the ''Sarah''. And further
6. Negroes, which hee deponent credibly ........ was in formed were laden ..
to this Article hee cannot depose./
7. putt aboard and seized in the said shipp the Sarah. And further
8. to this Article hee cannot depose./
9. To the 9th. Article hee saith, That hee cannot of his knowledge depose
10. any thing to or upon the Contents of this Article further or otherwise than
11. by hin us predeposed.
12. To the 10th. Article hee saith, That the said shipp Rappahannacke at
13. the time of her setting forth from England upon the Voiage aforesaid,
14. being a shipp of the burthen of two hundred tunn.. and upwards, and
15. carrying eight peeces of ordnance and every way well fitted and
16. furnished ˹with tackle and furniture fitting˺ for such an undertakeing; and having sufficient store of
17. good provisions both for her Companie and for the Negroes to ˹bee˺ put on board
18. her was in this deponents judgement and estimate worth about two
19. thousand pounds Lawfull money of England, And further this deponent
20. cannot depose:-
21. To the 11th hee saith, That after this deponent and severall of the Companie
22. of the said shipp Rappahannacke had bin under restraint in the
23. said Scrolls shipp for about the space of five weekes, the said surprizers
24. redelivered the said shipp Sarh to the Master and Companie thereof
25. and to the Master and Companie of the said shipp Rappahannacke
26. and to the Companies of two other English shipps which the said Scroll
27. and Confederates had alsoe taken, leaving them very slender and
28. very badd provisions not sufficient for twenty men for the space of
29. five weekes, whereas there were about threescore persons putt on
30. board and a tedious voyage of two moneths at the least to be expected
31. to the Barbadoes, being the neerest place under the power of the
32. English that they could come to, soe that they were necessitated to
33. putt in to the Island of Saint Thomas, and there to sell or exchange the
34. said shipp Sarah for another small shipp and provisions necessarie to carry
35. and keepe them alive to the Barbadoes aforesaid thense to gett
36. passage gome for England, and that if they had not soe done, they must
37. have perished for want of Victualls, and by reason of the insufficiency
38. of the sales and other of the said shipps appurtenances alltogether
39. unfitting for such a voiage. The premisses hee saith hee well knoweth
40. by the like sadd and calamitous experience. And further cannot
41. depose./
42. To the 12th hee saith hee verily beleeveth, That the said John
43. Jeffereys and Thomas Colclough and Companie by meanes of the Losse of the
44. said shipp and of her tackle and furniture Negroes and lading
45. as aforesaid have suffered very great losse, and dammage over
46. and besides their principall, by the summe or valew of about six or
|Secondary sources==
|Suggested links=[[PhD Forum|PhD Forum]]
[[PhD Forum#head-94d5186ba3ec63d1ebcb1e902a2d13ac15f0c527|PhD Forum Themes]]
To the 9th. Article hee saith, That hee cannot of his knowledge depose
any thing to or upon the Contents of this Article further or otherwise than
by hin us predeposed.
To the 10th. Article hee saith, That the said shipp ''Rappahannacke'' at
the time of her setting forth from England upon the Voiage aforesaid,
being a shipp of the burthen of two hundred tunn and upwards, and
carrying eight peeces of ordnance and every way well fitted and
furnished with tackle and furniture fitting for such an undertakeing; and having sufficient store of
good provisions both for her Companie and for the Negroes to bee put on board
her was in this deponents judgement and estimate worth about two
thousand pounds Lawfull money of England, And further this deponent
cannot depose&#58;-
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
To the 11th hee saith, That after this deponent and severall of the Companie
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
of the said shipp ''Rappahannacke'' had bin under restraint in the
said Scrolls shipp for about the space of five weekes, the said surprizers
redelivered the said shipp ''Sarah'' to the Master and Companie thereof
and to the Master and Companie of the said shipp ''Rappahannacke''
and to the Companies of two other English shipps which the said Scroll
and Confederates had alsoe taken, leaving them very slender and
very badd provisions not sufficient for twenty men for the space of
five weekes, whereas there were about threescore persons putt on
board and a tedious voyage of two moneths at the least to be expected
to the Barbadoes, being the neerest place under the power of the
English that they could come to, soe that they were necessitated to
putt in to the Island of Saint Thomas, and there to sell or exchange the
said shipp ''Sarah'' for another small shipp and provisions necessarie to carry
and keepe them alive to the Barbadoes aforesaid thense to gett
passage gome for England, and that if they had not soe done, they must
have perished for want of Victualls, and by reason of the insufficiency
of the sales and other of the said shipps appurtenances alltogether
unfitting for such a voiage. The premisses hee saith hee well knoweth
by the like sadd and calamitous experience. And further cannot
To the 12th hee saith hee verily beleeveth, That the said John
Jeffereys and Thomas Colclough and Companie by meanes of the Losse of the
said shipp and of her tackle and furniture Negroes and lading
as aforesaid have suffered very great losse, and dammage over
and besides their principall, by the summe or valew of about six or

Latest revision as of 10:23, May 23, 2015

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
Marine Lives Tools


HCA 13/71 f.633v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


át the time of the seizure aforesaid, and alsoe all such other
Negroes as with the residue of the said Outward Cargoe would or
might have beene procured, if the said seizure had not intervened,
might have beene sold and disposed of and for at Virginia, and
the Barbadoes, and the like hee verily beleeveth of the said 160
Negroes, which hee deponent credibly was in formed were laden
putt aboard and seized in the said shipp the Sarah. And further
to this Article hee cannot depose./

To the 9th. Article hee saith, That hee cannot of his knowledge depose
any thing to or upon the Contents of this Article further or otherwise than
by hin us predeposed.

To the 10th. Article hee saith, That the said shipp Rappahannacke at
the time of her setting forth from England upon the Voiage aforesaid,
being a shipp of the burthen of two hundred tunn and upwards, and
carrying eight peeces of ordnance and every way well fitted and
furnished with tackle and furniture fitting for such an undertakeing; and having sufficient store of
good provisions both for her Companie and for the Negroes to bee put on board
her was in this deponents judgement and estimate worth about two
thousand pounds Lawfull money of England, And further this deponent
cannot depose:-

To the 11th hee saith, That after this deponent and severall of the Companie
of the said shipp Rappahannacke had bin under restraint in the
said Scrolls shipp for about the space of five weekes, the said surprizers
redelivered the said shipp Sarah to the Master and Companie thereof
and to the Master and Companie of the said shipp Rappahannacke
and to the Companies of two other English shipps which the said Scroll
and Confederates had alsoe taken, leaving them very slender and
very badd provisions not sufficient for twenty men for the space of
five weekes, whereas there were about threescore persons putt on
board and a tedious voyage of two moneths at the least to be expected
to the Barbadoes, being the neerest place under the power of the
English that they could come to, soe that they were necessitated to
putt in to the Island of Saint Thomas, and there to sell or exchange the
said shipp Sarah for another small shipp and provisions necessarie to carry
and keepe them alive to the Barbadoes aforesaid thense to gett
passage gome for England, and that if they had not soe done, they must
have perished for want of Victualls, and by reason of the insufficiency
of the sales and other of the said shipps appurtenances alltogether
unfitting for such a voiage. The premisses hee saith hee well knoweth
by the like sadd and calamitous experience. And further cannot

To the 12th hee saith hee verily beleeveth, That the said John
Jeffereys and Thomas Colclough and Companie by meanes of the Losse of the
said shipp and of her tackle and furniture Negroes and lading
as aforesaid have suffered very great losse, and dammage over
and besides their principall, by the summe or valew of about six or