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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 21/01/13 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted into wikispot on 12/04/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 21/01/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/01/21
|First transcribed=13/01/21
|Editorial history=Edited on 05/08/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1140477.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 11/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140477
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140477.JPG}}
|Transcription=in the power and peaceable possession of her master and company all
Englishmen (save one who was a ffrench man) for the use and behoofe of the
said Peter and Abraham Caulier and company, and were from thence to
have gonne for the Barbadas where the said Negro's and Elephants teeth
were to be sold and bartered away for sugars and commodities of that
place for the account aforesaid, and saith that while the said shipp
was soe at and neere the said Cape shee was in a quiet and peaceable
condition, without her master or companies doing or offereing any violence
or hurt, to any shipp or person of or belonging to any shipp. which hee
knoweth being there, and Gunner of the said shipp.
|Transcription=1. in the power and peaceable possession of her master and company all
To the third hee saith that within the said time and while the said
2. Englishmen (save one who was a ffrench man) for the use and behoofe of the
shipp was with the said Negroes and Elephants teeth neere the said
3. said Peter and Abraham Caulier and company, and were from thense to
Cape and was going to saile thence, there were two dutch shipps there
4. have gonne for the Barbadas where the said Negro's and Elephants teeth
riding, commanded and manned with dutch men (or most of them
5. were to be sold and bartered away for sugars and commodities of that
dutch men) subiects of the States of the United Netherelands, one of the
6. place for the account aforesaid, and saith that while the said shipp
said shipps called the ''Cat frigot'' commonly saod to be belonging to
7. was soe at and neere the said Cape shee was in a quiet and peaceable
Amsterdam, and the other of them said to be alsoe belonging to the lowe
8. condition, without her master or companies doing or offereing any violense
countries in Subiection to the said States, and for such they were acknowledged
9. or hurt, to any shipp or person of or belonging to any shipp. which hee
by their commanders and company, and that they were set out thence
10. knoweth being there, and Gunner of the said shipp.
and saith that the said Captain Cox was commander of the said shipp
the ''Cat frigot'', and Captain [?Japoon] was commander of the other
The premisses hee deposeth for the reasons aforesaid./
11. To the third hee saith that within the said time and while the said
To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that within the said time
12. shipp was sai with the said Negroes and Elephants ˹teeth˺ neere the said XX
and while the said shipp the ''Brotherhood'' was soe upon the said coast
13. Cape and was going to saile thense, there were two dutch shipps there
neere Cape Lopus and going to saile namely about the beginning of
14. XXXX riding, commanded and manned with Dutch men (or most of them
the moneth of ffebruary 1655 (English stile) there came the said
15. Dutch men) subiects of the States of the United Netherelanads, one of the
Captaine Coxes boate from his said shipp, manned with
16. said shipps called the Cat frigot commonly saod to be belongingto
armed men who and forcibly
17. Amsterdam, and the other of them said to be alsoe belonging to the lowe
entred the said shipp the ''Brotherhood'' and in an hostile manner
18. countries in Subiection to the ˹said˺ States, and for such they were acknowledged
seized and possessed them selves by violence of her and of her said
19. by their commanders and company, and that they were set out thense
Negroes and Elephants teeth, and dispoiled and dispossessed her
20. and saith that the said Captain Cox was commander of the said shipp
master and company, and turned them into the said boate wherein they
21. the Cat frigot, and Captain Japoon was commander of the ˹other˺ theXX.
came aboard her, and carried and put them and kept them prisoners
22. The premisses hee deposeth for the reasons aforesaid./
aboard the said frigot the ''Cat'' of the sight and by the order of the
said Cox and approbation of Japoon, and brought the said shipp the
23. To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that within the said time
''Brotherhood'' to an anchor betwixt the said two dutch shipps, and
24. and while the said shipp the Brotherhood was soe upon the said coast
the next day the said Captaine Cox sent all the said shipp the
25. neere Cape Lopus and going to saile namely about the beginning of
''Brotherhood'' her company (whereof this deponent was one) and
26. the moneth of ffebruary 1655 /English stile) there came the said
turned them (saving the said ffrench man) ashoreat Cap lopas in
27. Captaine Coxes boate from his said shipp, manned with his
a [?desolat] and insociable condition, unprovided both of food and
28. men and some of Captaine Japoons men armmed ˹men who˺ and forcibly
necesssaries, exposing them to the mercie of the savage people, and
29. entred the said shipp the Brotherhood and in an hostile manner
in their sight sailed away with their said shipp Negro's, Elephants teeth
30. seized and possessed them selves by violense of her and of her said
and all their clothes (saving what they had on their backs) and necessaries
31. Negroes and Elephants teeth, and dispoiled and dispossessed her
and soe the said master and company were utterly deprived thereof, and
32. master and company, and turned them into the said boate wherein they
the said owners despoiled and lost their said shipp, Negros and Elephants
33. came aboard her, and carried and put them and kept them prisoners
34. aboard the said frigot the Cat of the XXX and by the order of the
35. said Cox and approbation of Japoon, and brought the said shipp the
36. Brotherhood to an anchor betwixt the said two dutch shipps, and
37. the next day the said Captaine Cox sent all the said shipp the
38. Brotherhood her company (whereof this deponent was one) and
39. turned them (saving the saif ffrench man) ashoreat Cap lopas in
40. a desabaX and insociable condition, unprovided both of food and
41. necesssaries, expecting them to the mercie of the savage people, and
42. in their sight sailed away with their said shipp Negro's, Elephants teeth
43. and all their clothes (saving what they had on their backs) and necessaries
44. and soe the said master and company were utterly deprived thereof, and
45. the said owners despoiled and lost their said shipp, Negros and Elephants
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Latest revision as of 17:57, May 30, 2016

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HCA 13/71 f.614r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in the power and peaceable possession of her master and company all
Englishmen (save one who was a ffrench man) for the use and behoofe of the
said Peter and Abraham Caulier and company, and were from thence to
have gonne for the Barbadas where the said Negro's and Elephants teeth
were to be sold and bartered away for sugars and commodities of that
place for the account aforesaid, and saith that while the said shipp
was soe at and neere the said Cape shee was in a quiet and peaceable
condition, without her master or companies doing or offereing any violence
or hurt, to any shipp or person of or belonging to any shipp. which hee
knoweth being there, and Gunner of the said shipp.

To the third hee saith that within the said time and while the said
shipp was with the said Negroes and Elephants teeth neere the said
Cape and was going to saile thence, there were two dutch shipps there
riding, commanded and manned with dutch men (or most of them
dutch men) subiects of the States of the United Netherelands, one of the
said shipps called the Cat frigot commonly saod to be belonging to
Amsterdam, and the other of them said to be alsoe belonging to the lowe
countries in Subiection to the said States, and for such they were acknowledged
by their commanders and company, and that they were set out thence
and saith that the said Captain Cox was commander of the said shipp
the Cat frigot, and Captain [?Japoon] was commander of the other
The premisses hee deposeth for the reasons aforesaid./

To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that within the said time
and while the said shipp the Brotherhood was soe upon the said coast
neere Cape Lopus and going to saile namely about the beginning of
the moneth of ffebruary 1655 (English stile) there came the said
Captaine Coxes boate from his said shipp, manned with
armed men who and forcibly
entred the said shipp the Brotherhood and in an hostile manner
seized and possessed them selves by violence of her and of her said
Negroes and Elephants teeth, and dispoiled and dispossessed her
master and company, and turned them into the said boate wherein they
came aboard her, and carried and put them and kept them prisoners
aboard the said frigot the Cat of the sight and by the order of the
said Cox and approbation of Japoon, and brought the said shipp the
Brotherhood to an anchor betwixt the said two dutch shipps, and
the next day the said Captaine Cox sent all the said shipp the
Brotherhood her company (whereof this deponent was one) and
turned them (saving the said ffrench man) ashoreat Cap lopas in
a [?desolat] and insociable condition, unprovided both of food and
necesssaries, exposing them to the mercie of the savage people, and
in their sight sailed away with their said shipp Negro's, Elephants teeth
and all their clothes (saving what they had on their backs) and necessaries
and soe the said master and company were utterly deprived thereof, and
the said owners despoiled and lost their said shipp, Negros and Elephants