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=James Clitherow will=
'''James Clitherow will'''
'''PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682'''
PROB 11/371/441 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682
(PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682)
'''Editorial history'''
12/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
==Abstract & context==
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: Sir Christopher Clitherowe will|Sir Christopher Clitherowe will]]
==To do==
'''This transcription requires improvement'''
Iacob’ Clitherow [LH margin]
Iacob’ Clitherow [LH margin]
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ITEM I give to the poore of new Brentford Twenty pounds to be disposed as my deare wife shall direct in putting out Children Apprentices or to poore aged and decayed people
ITEM I give to the poore of new Brentford Twenty pounds to be disposed as my deare wife shall direct in putting out Children Apprentices or to poore aged and decayed people
AND as for the Rest of my Estate wherewithit hath pleased God to Blesse mee I will that after my just debts are satisfied and paid and my ffuneralls l discharged One Thousand pounds be presently paid to my deare wife To whom I alsoe give and bequeath All my householdstuffe Linning Plate Jewells Pearles Rings and Xoyes  And  alsoe all my Brewing vessells Coppers ffuell of wood and Coach horses Coaches Carts Ploughs harrowes and their harnesses and all my Corne and the Books in her Closett with all my Provision of wine and Beers
AND as for the Rest of my Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Blesse mee I will that after my just debts are satisfied and paid and my ffuneralls l discharged One Thousand pounds be presently paid to my deare wife To whom I alsoe give and bequeath All my householdstuffe Linning Plate Jewells Pearles Rings and Xoyes  And  alsoe all my Brewing vessells Coppers ffuell of wood and Coach horses Coaches Carts Ploughs harrowes and their harnesses and all my Corne and the Books in her Closett with all my Provision of wine and Beers
PROVIDED she accepts the Joynture I setled on her Though the Rents these Bad times be abated
PROVIDED she accepts the Joynture I setled on her Though the Rents these Bad times be abated
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Joynture And I desire the said 200:ll may be improved for him att Interest or otherwise Together with the Rents of his freehold and Coppyhold Lands after his necessary expenses are deducted hee beareing all hazard thereof It being my desire he should bee directed by his XXXX my Executo:r in all his affaires  Chargeing him to be dutyfull unto him  Then to pay my daughter Elizabeth if she marry with her mothers Consent ffour Thousand pounds half on the day of her Marriage and the other halfe within Twelve Monthes  And  one hundred pounds to furnish her with wedding clothes  But if she marry without her mothers Consent Then I will that she have but Two Thousand pounds att her age of Twenty one yeares  And all the rest of my personall Estate I give to my sonne Christopher to be delivered up to him when he comes to the age of Twenty one yeares  And in the meanetime I desire my Executor to improve it by Trading or otherwise And I doe will that my Executor suffer noe detriment thereby  And I doe here by impower him to Compound or take soe much of any losse or bad debt as he can gett (if any happen) or may be had  And that my said sonne Christopher doe beare the losse  And I doe will and impower my Executor To pay my daughter Elizabeth Three score pounds a yeare for her maintenance till she receive what I have bequeathed to her by this my will  And the Twenty pounds per Ann (sic) I have agreed to pay for my sonne Christopher during his Apprenticeshipp
Joynture And I desire the said 200:ll may be improved for him att Interest or otherwise Together with the Rents of his freehold and Coppyhold Lands after his necessary expenses are deducted hee beareing all hazard thereof It being my desire he should bee directed by his XXXX my Executo:r in all his affaires  Chargeing him to be dutyfull unto him  Then to pay my daughter Elizabeth if she marry with her mothers Consent ffour Thousand pounds half on the day of her Marriage and the other halfe within Twelve Monthes  And  one hundred pounds to furnish her with wedding clothes  But if she marry without her mothers Consent Then I will that she have but Two Thousand pounds att her age of Twenty one yeares  And all the rest of my personall Estate I give to my sonne Christopher to be delivered up to him when he comes to the age of Twenty one yeares  And in the meanetime I desire my Executor to improve it by Trading or otherwise And I doe will that my Executor suffer noe detriment thereby  And I doe here by impower him to Compound or take soe much of any losse or bad debt as he can gett (if any happen) or may be had  And that my said sonne Christopher doe beare the losse  And I doe will and impower my Executor To pay my daughter Elizabeth Three score pounds a yeare for her maintenance till she receive what I have bequeathed to her by this my will  And the Twenty pounds per Anm I have agreed to pay for my sonne Christopher during his Apprenticeshipp
ALSOE to reimburse himselfe all Charges he shalbe att in the Execution of this my will Charging my sonne Christopher to be dutifull to his mother and his uncle my Executor and Respectfully give him  a discharge when he receives his Estate
ALSOE to reimburse himselfe all Charges he shalbe att in the Execution of this my will Charging my sonne Christopher to be dutifull to his mother and his uncle my Executor and Respectfully give him  a discharge when he receives his Estate
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==Possible primary sources==
PROB 4/13312 Clitherow, James, of Boston in New Branford [Brentford] Mdx, esq. 1683 20 June
PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682

Latest revision as of 17:15, December 21, 2013

James Clitherow will

PROB 11/371/441 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682

(PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682)

Editorial history

12/12/11, CSG: Restructured page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Sir Christopher Clitherowe will

To do


This transcription requires improvement

Iacob’ Clitherow [LH margin]

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I James Clitherow of Boston in the County of Middlesex Esquire being ?crasie but of perfect memory (Praised be God Doe make this my last will and testament Revoking all former wills by me at any time declared and made

FIRST I commend my soule into the hands of God Trusting to be saved onely By the meritts of his sonn Jesus Christ And I will that my Body bee decently interred in the Chappell of new Brentford till the Resurrection Alsoe I will that my Executor hereafter named doe pay ffifty pounds to my deare wife And ffifteene pound, a peice to my Two Sonns[1] and daughter Elizabeth[2] To himselfe To my sister the Lady Trollope[3] To my sister Paule[4] To my Brother and Sister Jennyns and to my sonn and daughter Jenniyns[5] To provide them mourning And I will that about the value of tenn pounds apeice be sent in Black Cloth to my Nephew Christopher Clitherow and his wife and my Brother Henry Barker if they can accompany my Corps to the Grave else not And I will that my servants liveing with mee att the time of my decease and my Brother Johns man be Clothed in Black according to their quality

ITEM I give to the poore of new Brentford Twenty pounds to be disposed as my deare wife shall direct in putting out Children Apprentices or to poore aged and decayed people

AND as for the Rest of my Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Blesse mee I will that after my just debts are satisfied and paid and my ffuneralls l discharged One Thousand pounds be presently paid to my deare wife To whom I alsoe give and bequeath All my householdstuffe Linning Plate Jewells Pearles Rings and Xoyes And alsoe all my Brewing vessells Coppers ffuell of wood and Coach horses Coaches Carts Ploughs harrowes and their harnesses and all my Corne and the Books in her Closett with all my Provision of wine and Beers

PROVIDED she accepts the Joynture I setled on her Though the Rents these Bad times be abated

ALSOE I give to her All my gold coyns which I gave her at any time to keepe And all the money I have allowed or had from her att any time to improve att Interest which will appeare as her Act:s in my Leidger Booke and is now ?increased above one Thousand pounds

ITEM I give to my sisters the Lady Trollope and M:rs Paule and to my nephew Christopher Clitherow ffifty pounds apiece To my Nephew James Paule one hundred pounds And all of my Bedding and ffurniture in his house att London Except my Iron Chest and writing Deske To Henry Barkingham ffifty pounds To my Cosin William Hide the younger of ?Langhoft my Cosen Henry Hawley and M:r Richard Steevens ffive pounds apeice desireing them to be ayding to my wife and Children and Executor with their good advice and helpe To my servants liveing with mee at the time of my decease I give ffive pounds a peice if they have been with mee Three yeares else but fforty shillings To my sonne and daughter Jennyns Tenn pounds a peice to buy each of them a peice of Plate To my Cosin Widdow PhilipXXXx ffive pounds And to old M:rs Booker fforty shillings And to my Loving Brother M:r John Clitherow whom I make Executor of this my will I give Three hundred pounds desiring him to be Guardian to my Children and to preserve the Remainder of my Estate and improve it for the uses following.

FIRST I will that my said Executor do take Two hundred pounds out of it for my cousin James which I doe here by give him because these bad times have lessened the Rents of the Lands I setled on him by his deceased Mothers Joynture


Joynture And I desire the said 200:ll may be improved for him att Interest or otherwise Together with the Rents of his freehold and Coppyhold Lands after his necessary expenses are deducted hee beareing all hazard thereof It being my desire he should bee directed by his XXXX my Executo:r in all his affaires Chargeing him to be dutyfull unto him Then to pay my daughter Elizabeth if she marry with her mothers Consent ffour Thousand pounds half on the day of her Marriage and the other halfe within Twelve Monthes And one hundred pounds to furnish her with wedding clothes But if she marry without her mothers Consent Then I will that she have but Two Thousand pounds att her age of Twenty one yeares And all the rest of my personall Estate I give to my sonne Christopher to be delivered up to him when he comes to the age of Twenty one yeares And in the meanetime I desire my Executor to improve it by Trading or otherwise And I doe will that my Executor suffer noe detriment thereby And I doe here by impower him to Compound or take soe much of any losse or bad debt as he can gett (if any happen) or may be had And that my said sonne Christopher doe beare the losse And I doe will and impower my Executor To pay my daughter Elizabeth Three score pounds a yeare for her maintenance till she receive what I have bequeathed to her by this my will And the Twenty pounds per Anm I have agreed to pay for my sonne Christopher during his Apprenticeshipp

ALSOE to reimburse himselfe all Charges he shalbe att in the Execution of this my will Charging my sonne Christopher to be dutifull to his mother and his uncle my Executor and Respectfully give him a discharge when he receives his Estate

AND if it please God that my sonne Christopher dye before he is one and twenty yeares old Then I will that my deare wife and my Executor shall have my Remaining Personall Estate and the improvement thereof Equally distributed betweene them

ITEM I give to my deare wife during her life The Addition I have made to the house in Lombard Streete in London mentoned in her Joynture which I rebuilt after the dreadfull fire and inlarged into Cornhill on ground bought of Edward Thursfield And have lett to Anthony Starer upholster for a Lease of one and Twenty yeares And after her decease I give the said Addition to my sonne Christopher with such Estate and Estates in case he dye without issue male as I have ordered the said house in his Mothers Joynture And I doe here by Accordingly declare That if my said sonne Christopher doe dye without issue male lawfully begotten That I doe here by give the said house and Additions of building to my Brother John Clitherow his heires and Assignes for ever Alsoe I will and devise that during her life my deare wife doe enjoy and receive the Rents issues and proffitts of my Mannor of Burston alias Boston cum Brentford in the County of Middlesex And of all my Lands Messuages and Tenements thereunto belonging Subject to the Annuity of ffive pounds per Ann which I have setled out of the same by deed on Christs hospitall in London

PROVIDED that she accommodate my sonne James with fitting diett and Living in Boston house And doe permitt my Executor to have Conveniency my said house to lodge and order my Books of Accompts and papers the better to dispatch the affaires Relating to this my will But if she shall refuse Then I will and bequeath The said Mannor and premises to my sonne Christopher to injoy the rents issues and proffitts from and after my decease But if she accommodate my sonne James and my Executor as I have ordered in this my will Then after her decease I doe give and devise All my said Mannor Lands and premises unto


unto my said Sonne Christopher and the heirs male of his body Lawfully begotten And in default of such issue unto my Brother John Clitherow his heires and assignes forever And whereas I have surrendered into the hand of the Lord of the Mannor HanwellTo the use of my last will All my Coppyhold land and premises there I doe hereby give and devise All my said Coppyhold land and premises with their appurtenances to my sonn Christopher and to the heires male of his body lawfully begotten And for want of such issue to my brother John Clitherow his heires and assignes for ever

IN WITNES WHEREOF I the said James Clitherow have written two parts of this my last will with my owne hand being of the same Content and each Contayned in one side and part of another side And to each of them have subscribed my name and sett my seale att the bottom of the writing on both sides The one of which being Proved in Court I order the other to be an authentick Coppy thereof both being dated the 17:th day of November in the xxxiiij [i.e. 34th]:th year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second over England Ann Dom 1682.


Signed Sealed and declared to be the last will and testament of mee James Clitherow in the presence of

Edward ?Chatar
Thomas Wilkins
John Bird

WHEREAS I have Surrendered to the uses specified in my last will and testament in writing All my Coppyhold lands in the mannor of Moore and the Mannor of Ruyslipp I doe by this Codicil to be annexed to my last will and Testament give and devise the said Coppyhold Lands as followeth I hereby give and devise All the said Coppyhold lands unto my sonne James Clitherow during his naturall life And from and after his decease I will and devise them to the ffirst son of his body lawfully begotten and the heirs male of the said ffirst sonn And for want of such To the second son of his body lawfully begotten And his heire male of his being lawfully begotten And for want of such heirs male to the Third 4:th 5:th 6:th 7:th 8:th 9:th 10:th son successively and their Respective heires males successively And for want of such heires Male then to the issue ffemale of him my said son James if but one And if more to them all in Comon And to their issue And for want of such issue Then to my son Christopher Clitherow and his heires forever In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 23:rd day of November 1682.


Sealed and published to be a Codicil to be annexed to his will as part thereof in the presence of

Thomas Bedingfeild
thomas Wilkins
John Bird

PROBATUM FUIT Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Cum Codicillo annexo Coram venerabili viva Cuilemo Trumbull Legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilis et Egrigiy vivi Domini Leolini Jenkins militis Legum etiam Doctoris Curia Praerogativa Cantuabriensis Magester Custodis sive Commissariy Legitime Constisuh viresimo Octavo die menses Novembris Anno Domini Millisimo Septentisimo octogisimo Secundo Juramento Johannis Clitherow frateris dxxx disfxxxx ?Extases in hixxxxxd Testamento nominate Cui Commissa fuit Administrato Ominum A Singularum bonorum Juricum et Creditorum dicti defuncti de Bxxxxx fideleter Administrand xxx Ad Sancta Dei Evangelia Jurate. Ex:r



Possible primary sources


PROB 4/13312 Clitherow, James, of Boston in New Branford [Brentford] Mdx, esq. 1683 20 June

PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682
  1. James, by first wife; Christopher, by third wife
  2. Elizabeth Powel
  3. Mary Trollope, née Clitherow
  4. Possibly James Clitherow’s elder sister, Rachel, who married a William Paule; James’ son Christopher Clitherow himself married a Rachel Paule
  5. Jane Jenyns, née Clitherow