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==Richard Holworthie will==
'''Richard Holworthie will'''
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 Will of Richard Holworthie, Merchant, Alderman of Bristol, Gloucestershire 09 December 1645 (See also PROB 11/100 Montague 44-83 Sentence of Robert Holworthie of Bridgwater, Somerset 02 December 1602)
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 Will of Richard Holworthie, Merchant, Alderman of Bristol, Gloucestershire 09 December 1645 (See also PROB 11/100 Montague 44-83 Sentence of Robert Holworthie of Bridgwater, Somerset 02 December 1602)
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30/11/11: Created page and posted completed transcription
30/11/11: Created page and posted completed transcription
===Abstract & context===
==Abstract & context==
The Bristol merchant and former mayor of Bristol, Richard Holworthie, was the father of Sir Mathew Hollsworthy, the London based merchant and a major subscriber in the ''SVJS''.  The Holworthie/Hollsworthy family came originally from the port town of Bridgewater in Somerset.
The Bristol merchant and former mayor of Bristol, Richard Holworthie, was the father of Sir Mathew Hollsworthy, the London based merchant and a major subscriber in the ''SVJS''.  The Holworthie/Hollsworthy family came originally from the port town of Bridgewater in Somerset.
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will|Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will]]
See [[MRP: Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will|Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will]]
See [[MRP: Bristol|Bristol]]
==To do==
(1) Check the transcription
'''This transcription needs to be proof read'''
'''This transcription needs to be proof read'''
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ITEM  I give to my daughter ??Cam twenty pounds
ITEM  I give to my daughter ??Cam twenty pounds
ITEM I give to my daughter Croft xx:li
ITEM I give to my daughter Croft<ref>Married to James Croft, former factor of Richard Holworthy (Patrick McGrath, ''Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth-century Bristol'' (XXXX, 1955), fn. 4, p. 147</ref> xx:li
ITEM I give to all my grandchildren ten pounds a peece to be payed to y:e sonnes at their age of one & twenty yeares respectively and to y:e daughters at y:e age of xxiij:th yeares or day of marriage respectively as shall first happen
ITEM I give to all my grandchildren ten pounds a peece to be payed to y:e sonnes at their age of one & twenty yeares respectively and to y:e daughters at y:e age of xxiij:th yeares or day of marriage respectively as shall first happen
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ITEM I give to my Man ??Arnby five pounds, To my mayd Susan three pounds, and to my other maid servant?s ffortie shillings
ITEM I give to my Man ??Arnby five pounds, To my mayd Susan three pounds, and to my other maid servant?s ffortie shillings
ITEM I give to my sonne Mathew Holworthie my XXX scabberd w:ch I had when I was Maior
ITEM I give to my sonne Mathew Holworthie<ref>The future Sir Mathew Hollsworthy, London merchant, who was a major subscriber to the ''SVJS''. See [[MRP: Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will|Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will]]</ref> my XXX scabberd w:ch I had when I was Maior
ITEM I give to my sonne Thomas Holworthie my white mare
ITEM I give to my sonne Thomas Holworthie my white mare
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===Alderman & mayor===
"Richrad Holworthie (Holworthy), sheriff, 1621-1622: mayor, 1635-1636: Master of the Merchant Venturers, 1635-1636: died, October, 1643 (Beaven, ''Bristol Lists''). In 1632 he was one of the two representatives sent by the Merchant Venturers to the Council to oppose proposals to regulate the French trade.  The Society's correspondence shows that it was not entirely satisfied with the way its representatives handled its case (McGrath, ''Merchant Venturers'', p. 209 ff).<ref>Married to James Croft, former factor of Richard Holworthy (Patrick McGrath, ''Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth-century Bristol'' (XXXX, 1955), fn. 3, p. 145</ref>
The Bristol alderman Richard Hallworthy is listed in an ordinance of May 1643
The Bristol alderman Richard Hallworthy is listed in an ordinance of May 1643
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Note that Edward Ash was one of the commissioners for Wiltshire named in the same ordinance, and that Sir Basil Dixwell and Sir George Sands were named for Kent.
Note that Edward Ash was one of the commissioners for Wiltshire named in the same ordinance, and that Sir Basil Dixwell and Sir George Sands were named for Kent.
===James Croft (alias Crofte), son-in-law===
"James Crofte was admitted to the freedom of Bristol as a merchant on 17 November, 1631, as the apprentice of Mr. Richard Holworthy (''Burgess Book'', 1607-1651, fo. 210v).  He was admitted as a Merchant Venturer on 20 April, 1639 (McGrath, ''Merchant Venturers'', p. 41). He was Treasurer of the Merchant Venturers, 1647-1648 and sheriff, 1650-1651."<ref>Married to James Croft, former factor of Richard Holworthy (Patrick McGrath, ''Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth-century Bristol'' (XXXX, 1955), fn. 4, p. 147</ref>
==Possible primary sources==

Latest revision as of 18:46, January 11, 2012

Richard Holworthie will

PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 Will of Richard Holworthie, Merchant, Alderman of Bristol, Gloucestershire 09 December 1645 (See also PROB 11/100 Montague 44-83 Sentence of Robert Holworthie of Bridgwater, Somerset 02 December 1602)

Editorial history

30/11/11: Created page and posted completed transcription

Abstract & context

The Bristol merchant and former mayor of Bristol, Richard Holworthie, was the father of Sir Mathew Hollsworthy, the London based merchant and a major subscriber in the SVJS. The Holworthie/Hollsworthy family came originally from the port town of Bridgewater in Somerset.

Suggested links

See Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will

See Bristol

To do

(1) Check the transcription


This transcription needs to be proof read

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The tenth day of October AnnoDom 1643. Anno ?13 regnin ?Rx Caroli xr. Xxr I Richard Holworthie marchant one of the Aldermen of ye Citty of Bristoll being sick in bodie but of sound & pfect memorie (thankes be given to allmightie god therefore) doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament in manner & forme following (that is to say)

ffirst & principally I commend my soule into the hands of allmightie god my most mercefull father & Creator hopeing to be saved only thoroagh the death & passion of Jesus Christ myne only Saviour and redeemer, & my body to thearth from whence it came to be layed in Christian buriall at y:e discrecon of my wife theare to remayne untill the resurrecon of the iust att w:ch tyme (as I stedfastly hope) the same shalbe raysed a body mortall & glorious and w:th my soule shall merit eternall life w:th my saviour & blessed Saunts & Angels

ITEM as touching such worldly estate as god of his great mercie hath given me I dispose thereof as followeth

WHEREAS I have by deed indented setled the estate of all such Mannors messuages lands tenem:ts & hereditam:ts whereof I am seized of any estate of inheritance or freehold amongst w:ch I have conveyed my dwelling house in Small streete in Bristoll to my wife for her life, the remaynder to certaine frends being the Overseers hereafter in these p:rsents named of this my will and to their heyres upon trust & confidence to be by them XXXned & sould and the proceed thereof to be imployed 6 disposed to and amongst my children by such parts and porcons and in such manner & forme as I by my last will & testam:t should limitt & appoint I doe therefore give 6 devise my said house & p.rmisses to my said Overseers and their heyres after my wives decease and doe hereby limit & appoint y:t yf my wife shalbe content to ioyne in the sale thereof & shall soe ioyne that then shee shall have to her owne use the moyetee or one half of the moneys & consideraccon for w:ch the same house shalbe soe sold and theother moetie or half part shalbe equally devided amongst my eight children herein after named to have each a pte of y.e remainder of myne estate. But yf my wife shall rather choose to keepe the said house for her life, and soe not ioyne the sale, then I limit & appoint that the moneys & consideracon to be had by myne overseers for the said house by the sale thereof shalbe by them devided equally amongst my said eight children

ITEM I give to my wife the remainder of the terme w:ch I have to come in the eight part of the ?pcell XXX to taken in the port of Bristoll and the remaynder of my terme of yeares in knoll farme, And alsoe I give to her all my householdstuff & all her rings XXXes & jewekks & ornam:ts of her



ITEM I will that my wife shall dureing her life XXXX and occupacon of my groud in Charfeild called Harfford Close in XXXXXX hand by lease & the remaynder of my tereme therein after my decease I will shallbe enoyed by such person & psons from tyme to tyme as by the true intent & meaning of my XXX deed indented are to hould & enioy my freehould lands in Charfeild adoresaid that is to say by moyetes as the sayd freehold lands are to be enoyed

ITEM I give & bequeath to y:e Maior and XXXXX of Bridgewater in the county of Somerset where I was borne the sume of ffiftie & two pounds in currant English money To the intent and purpose that they shall in respect thereof weekly every sabbath daye forever provide twelve pence in bread to be distributed to the poore there by the direcon of y:e Minister, Church wardens & overseers of the poore there

ITEM I give to my daughter XXXX twenty pound, And to her sonne John ten pounds

ITEM I give to William LaXXXX for a Ringe three pounds

ITEM I give to my daughter ??Cam twenty pounds

ITEM I give to my daughter Croft[1] xx:li

ITEM I give to all my grandchildren ten pounds a peece to be payed to y:e sonnes at their age of one & twenty yeares respectively and to y:e daughters at y:e age of xxiij:th yeares or day of marriage respectively as shall first happen

ITEM I give to my brother Nicholas Holworthie five pounds & to his children five pounds a peece

ITEM I give to my sister ?Mallet twenty pounds, and to all her children five pounds a peece

ITEM I give to the poore of every Almshouse in Bristoll xx:li to every Almshouse

ITEM I give to M:r Richard ??Torogood M:r Richard Steadfast and M:r Robert ??Prichard Ministers in Bristoll three pounds a peece

ITEM I give to the Clarke of S:t ?Warborowes xx:s and to the Sexton there xx:s

ITEM I give to my Man ??Arnby five pounds, To my mayd Susan three pounds, and to my other maid servant?s ffortie shillings

ITEM I give to my sonne Mathew Holworthie[2] my XXX scabberd w:ch I had when I was Maior

ITEM I give to my sonne Thomas Holworthie my white mare

ITEM I doe ordaine and appoint my loveing frend M:r Richard Long Alderman and my sonne in Lawe M:r James Crofte and my loveing firend M:r William ??Yeomans gent to be overseers of this my last will & testam:t & to be assistant to myne executrix in the execucon thereof as alsoe in the breeding of my children that they may be vertuously brought up in the feare of god, and to dispose of them in such callings as shalbe fittest for them w:ch I desire them to performe And I give them as a remembrance towards their paynes twenty nobles a peece;

All the rest & residue of my goods cattlles chattles moneys debts & other estate not herein before given or bequeathed my debts & legacies being payed and funerall expence discharged I will shalbe devided into ten equall parts whereof I will that my Wife shall have two of the said parts and myne eight children viz:t Mathew Richard John Thomas Joseph Nathaniel Samuel & Sarah to have each of them one of the sayd ten parts, And I will that the parts belonging to my X younger children not yet of age shalbe imployed and disposed for their good by my wife dureing her widdowhood in such manner as myne Overseers or the greatest number of them shall approve of; But after her


Marriage againe then to be imployed by mine Overseers; And likewise I will that my wife shall dureing her widdowhood have the educacon & bringing up of my younger children: and to have such allowance for the same as mine Overseers shall thinke fit; But after her marriage Then I will my children shalbe disposed of touching their breeding & educacon as mine Overseers shall thinke best And I will & charge all myne younger children that they be dutifull obedient & respectfull to their mother and be ruled by her in their marriages & disposeing And I will that the parts & porconns of my foure younger sonnes shalbe payed to them att their severall ages of one & twentie yeares respectfully and that yf any of them dye before that age, that in such case: the pte & porcon of him soe dyeing shall remayne and be equally devided amongst the survivors of them And I explaine my meaning to be that the XX:li in the Chamber of Bristoll given by my father in lawe M:r ??ffownes is not to be reckoned as myne estate, but is as an C:li a peece to my sayd foure younger sonnes & daughter Sarah as the guift of their grandfather

IN WITNES whereof I have to this my last will & testam:t put my hand & seale the day and yeare first above written

ITEM I give unto my brother Robert Haviland five pounds for a token

Rich: Holworthie

This is the last will & testament of the said Richard Holworthie conteyned in these six sheets of pap To the last vizt the sixth he hath putt his hande and sealed and published the same will the daye & yeare above written in the p:rsence of Willia yeoamans: HXX Yeamans Tho: Holworthy Tho: Turner. Tho: Moore.//



Alderman & mayor

"Richrad Holworthie (Holworthy), sheriff, 1621-1622: mayor, 1635-1636: Master of the Merchant Venturers, 1635-1636: died, October, 1643 (Beaven, Bristol Lists). In 1632 he was one of the two representatives sent by the Merchant Venturers to the Council to oppose proposals to regulate the French trade. The Society's correspondence shows that it was not entirely satisfied with the way its representatives handled its case (McGrath, Merchant Venturers, p. 209 ff).[3]

The Bristol alderman Richard Hallworthy is listed in an ordinance of May 1643

- For Bristoll, Richard Allworth Major, Ioseph Iackson, Hugh Brown, Sheriffs, Richard Hallworthy Alderman, Luke Hodges, Henry Gibbs.[4]

Note that Edward Ash was one of the commissioners for Wiltshire named in the same ordinance, and that Sir Basil Dixwell and Sir George Sands were named for Kent.

James Croft (alias Crofte), son-in-law

"James Crofte was admitted to the freedom of Bristol as a merchant on 17 November, 1631, as the apprentice of Mr. Richard Holworthy (Burgess Book, 1607-1651, fo. 210v). He was admitted as a Merchant Venturer on 20 April, 1639 (McGrath, Merchant Venturers, p. 41). He was Treasurer of the Merchant Venturers, 1647-1648 and sheriff, 1650-1651."[5]

Possible primary sources

  1. Married to James Croft, former factor of Richard Holworthy (Patrick McGrath, Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth-century Bristol (XXXX, 1955), fn. 4, p. 147
  2. The future Sir Mathew Hollsworthy, London merchant, who was a major subscriber to the SVJS. See Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will
  3. Married to James Croft, former factor of Richard Holworthy (Patrick McGrath, Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth-century Bristol (XXXX, 1955), fn. 3, p. 145
  4. 'May 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising and levying of money thorowout the whole Kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales for the relief of the Common-wealth, by taxing such as have not at all contributed or lent, or not according to their Estates and Abilities.', Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660 (London, 1911), pp. 145-155. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=55812 Date accessed: 02 March 2011
  5. Married to James Croft, former factor of Richard Holworthy (Patrick McGrath, Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth-century Bristol (XXXX, 1955), fn. 4, p. 147