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|Editorial history=Created 27/08/14, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/11/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2014/11/23
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0399.JPG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0399.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.393r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_0399.JPG}}
To the eleaventh Interrogatory he answereth negatively, And
further saith that he hath not heard that any party or
parties did buy in the Morea any Currance of the same
yeares growth with those , which the producents bought./
To the twelth Interrogatory he answereth that presents or guifts being
customary unto the officers interate, It is reckoned according to
agreement in every bargaine made betweene Merchants factor[?s]
and the Turkish officer, sometimes tis agreed that the factor
shall pay and cleere all charges, and sometimes that the officer
of the Country shall doe it, because he can come off cheaper.
To the 13th Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate shipp departed
from Petras on or about the ninth of October last past and
that she stayed about 7 dayes at Petras after the losse of
the sayd Currance;
To the fourteenth Interrogatory he answereth that when the ''Morea
Merchant'' came from Petras there was left belonging to
the sayd John Taylor and Company the effect of the said
two halfe peeces of Scarlett being 70ty Dollars and alsoe
belonging to them the said John Taylor and Company one hundred
and twelve Dollars wrongfully detayned by the Vice Bashaw,
whose name is Sin Nonaga, and he alsoe answereth that there
were brought hence in the said shipp 89 piggs of Lead, which
would have bin sold at Morea with good profitt, But the
menaces and threats of the Great ones of the Country procured
by the foule practices of the said ffowke made the said shipp
to come caway with the said goods unsold
And that his this Rendents contest John kennett did on the
day or day before the said boate of Currance was taken away
from the ffactors or Agents of the producents, send unto this
Rendent 240 Dollars which this Rendent (in respect of the
danger and disturbance that was like to followe upon the said ffowlkes
procurement) sent back againe on shipp board to the said
kennett, And further he cannot answeare
To the fifteenth Interrogatory he answereth that the Currants interrate
were those in the boate not caskt at the time interrate./
To the sixteenth he referreth himselfe to his former deposition./
To the seaventeenth Interrogatory he answereth that when he the Rendent
for and on the behalfe of the producents did bargaine for all
the Currance predeposed of, he did not heare nor had heard one
word of any bodyes having boought the same or any part therof
And further he cannot answeare.
To the eighteenth Interrogatory he answereth that he never knew
that any factor or any other belonging to the Turkey company could or
did buy what they thought fitt at Lepanto or Petras without
the said and assistance or leave of the Consull there, And further
referring himselfe to his former deposition he cannot answeare
To the nineteenth Interrogatory he answereth that the Consulls of Smyrna
and Aleppo are salariated by the Turkey Company, and the
Merchants factors in those places may bargaine, buy and doe
what they will without advising the Consull, but he saith
that in regard the Consull of the Morea hath noe salary
from the Company but maintains all officers and all other
incident expenses at his owne charges, It hath bin the custome
that the Consull of the Morea hath bin consulted with and advised
about the buying of the commodities of the growth of that Country
And further he knoweth not to answeare.

Latest revision as of 22:49, November 15, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.393r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




To the eleaventh Interrogatory he answereth negatively, And
further saith that he hath not heard that any party or
parties did buy in the Morea any Currance of the same
yeares growth with those , which the producents bought./

To the twelth Interrogatory he answereth that presents or guifts being
customary unto the officers interate, It is reckoned according to
agreement in every bargaine made betweene Merchants factor[?s]
and the Turkish officer, sometimes tis agreed that the factor
shall pay and cleere all charges, and sometimes that the officer
of the Country shall doe it, because he can come off cheaper.

To the 13th Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate shipp departed
from Petras on or about the ninth of October last past and
that she stayed about 7 dayes at Petras after the losse of
the sayd Currance;

To the fourteenth Interrogatory he answereth that when the Morea
Merchant came from Petras there was left belonging to
the sayd John Taylor and Company the effect of the said
two halfe peeces of Scarlett being 70ty Dollars and alsoe
belonging to them the said John Taylor and Company one hundred
and twelve Dollars wrongfully detayned by the Vice Bashaw,
whose name is Sin Nonaga, and he alsoe answereth that there
were brought hence in the said shipp 89 piggs of Lead, which
would have bin sold at Morea with good profitt, But the
menaces and threats of the Great ones of the Country procured
by the foule practices of the said ffowke made the said shipp
to come caway with the said goods unsold
And that his this Rendents contest John kennett did on the
day or day before the said boate of Currance was taken away
from the ffactors or Agents of the producents, send unto this
Rendent 240 Dollars which this Rendent (in respect of the
danger and disturbance that was like to followe upon the said ffowlkes
procurement) sent back againe on shipp board to the said
kennett, And further he cannot answeare

To the fifteenth Interrogatory he answereth that the Currants interrate
were those in the boate not caskt at the time interrate./

To the sixteenth he referreth himselfe to his former deposition./

To the seaventeenth Interrogatory he answereth that when he the Rendent
for and on the behalfe of the producents did bargaine for all
the Currance predeposed of, he did not heare nor had heard one
word of any bodyes having boought the same or any part therof
And further he cannot answeare.

To the eighteenth Interrogatory he answereth that he never knew
that any factor or any other belonging to the Turkey company could or
did buy what they thought fitt at Lepanto or Petras without
the said and assistance or leave of the Consull there, And further
referring himselfe to his former deposition he cannot answeare

To the nineteenth Interrogatory he answereth that the Consulls of Smyrna
and Aleppo are salariated by the Turkey Company, and the
Merchants factors in those places may bargaine, buy and doe
what they will without advising the Consull, but he saith
that in regard the Consull of the Morea hath noe salary
from the Company but maintains all officers and all other
incident expenses at his owne charges, It hath bin the custome
that the Consull of the Morea hath bin consulted with and advised
about the buying of the commodities of the growth of that Country
And further he knoweth not to answeare.
