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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 26/11/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/11/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2014/11/26
|Editorial history=Created 27/08/14, by CSG
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0255.JPG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0255.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.321r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_0255.JPG}}
|Transcription=abafte the sayd pepper laye without eceiving any preiudice by wett neerer a great deale to the seeleing of the shipp
|Transcription=abafte the sayd pepper laye without eceiving any preiudice by wett neerer a great deale to the seeleing of the shipp
then the sayd baggs of pepper did wwhereby hee well knoweth that the sayd baggs, if they had
then the sayd baggs of pepper did wwhereby hee well knoweth that the sayd baggs, if they had
Line 28: Line 26:
and an eye witnesse of them And further to this article hee cannot depose/
and an eye witnesse of them And further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the third article
To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith the sayd shipp the
''Levant ffrigott'' was chased (in her course towards Allecant) by a dutch man
of warr (there being then hostility betwixt the English and dutch) and
the arlate haslegrave and company were forced to runne into Cadiz
in Spaine to avoide being taken and made prize by the dutch and durst not goe
out from thence divers dayes for feare of being taken by the dutch who hovered
thereabouts, neither durst hee and company goe with their shipp under Command of
the forts there, by reason that pepper was and is a Commodity prohibited to be brought
thither by any but the Nations and subiects of the King of Spaine soe that the sayd haslegrave
was faine to dispose of and sell some pepper which had bin saved at the pumpe
and was put up in baggs which were mended and [?sett] in places more subiect to discoverie unto certayne shipps there rideing without
Command of the fforts, but what hee sold the same for hee knoweth not nor to
whome hee paid the money made thereof, but saith hee well remembreth that William
deeping the sonne of the Chirurgion of the ''Levant ffrigott'' told this deponent that
hee had two hundred peeces of eight part of the money for which the sayd pepper
was sold in his custodie, and that the same was at Cadiz seized upon on shoare as
hee was bringing it to the sayd shipp, and this deponent knoweth that the sayd William
deepeing was there imprisoned for being taken conveying money on shipp board,
contrary to the lawes of Spaine and was in danger to loose his life for the same but made an escape and got on board the ''Levant ffrigott'' And saith that of this deponents knowledge the
arlate haslegrave did deliver all the remayning part of the sayd thirty baggs of pepper
(not disposed of at Allecant as aforesayd) unto the arlate Alexander Bence
for the use of the arlate Andrews and Clutterbrooke, and without imbeazelement
of any part thereof that this deponent knoweth of, or hath heard, or beleeveth, the
premisses hee deposeth for the readons aforesayd And further to this
article hee cannot depose./
To the 4th article hee saith hee cannot depose not knowing of his owne certayne
To the 4th article hee saith hee cannot depose not knowing of his owne certayne
Line 41: Line 63:
the marke of the sayd
the marke of the sayd

Latest revision as of 21:07, November 14, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.321r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


abafte the sayd pepper laye without eceiving any preiudice by wett neerer a great deale to the seeleing of the shipp
then the sayd baggs of pepper did wwhereby hee well knoweth that the sayd baggs, if they had
not received soe much wett before they were laded aboard the sayd ship) could not
have proved rotten as they did, and bin soe damnified as they were by meanes of any
wett on board the sayd shipp And hee saith the baggs were all of them soe rotten
that they were faine to be mended by the sayd shipps company with part of the
sayles of the shipp before they were in any fitt capacity to be hoysed over the
shipps sides, and saith the factors at Allecant belonging to the Owners of the
sayd pepper were made acquainted in what condition the pepper was and
thereupon came on board and sawe how it was stowed and sawe the same was comodiously stowed and safe and well for takeing any
wett by reason of any leakinesse of the shipp, and found noe fault therewith, but
sent canvas aboard to make three or fower new sacks, and the rest there mended with
sayles as aforesayd the premisses hee deposeth being Quarter Master
and an eye witnesse of them And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith the sayd shipp the
Levant ffrigott was chased (in her course towards Allecant) by a dutch man
of warr (there being then hostility betwixt the English and dutch) and
the arlate haslegrave and company were forced to runne into Cadiz
in Spaine to avoide being taken and made prize by the dutch and durst not goe
out from thence divers dayes for feare of being taken by the dutch who hovered
thereabouts, neither durst hee and company goe with their shipp under Command of
the forts there, by reason that pepper was and is a Commodity prohibited to be brought
thither by any but the Nations and subiects of the King of Spaine soe that the sayd haslegrave
was faine to dispose of and sell some pepper which had bin saved at the pumpe
and was put up in baggs which were mended and [?sett] in places more subiect to discoverie unto certayne shipps there rideing without
Command of the fforts, but what hee sold the same for hee knoweth not nor to
whome hee paid the money made thereof, but saith hee well remembreth that William
deeping the sonne of the Chirurgion of the Levant ffrigott told this deponent that
hee had two hundred peeces of eight part of the money for which the sayd pepper
was sold in his custodie, and that the same was at Cadiz seized upon on shoare as
hee was bringing it to the sayd shipp, and this deponent knoweth that the sayd William
deepeing was there imprisoned for being taken conveying money on shipp board,
contrary to the lawes of Spaine and was in danger to loose his life for the same but made an escape and got on board the Levant ffrigott And saith that of this deponents knowledge the
arlate haslegrave did deliver all the remayning part of the sayd thirty baggs of pepper
(not disposed of at Allecant as aforesayd) unto the arlate Alexander Bence
for the use of the arlate Andrews and Clutterbrooke, and without imbeazelement
of any part thereof that this deponent knoweth of, or hath heard, or beleeveth, the
premisses hee deposeth for the readons aforesayd And further to this
article hee cannot depose./

To the 4th article hee saith hee cannot depose not knowing of his owne certayne
knowledge any thing of the contents of the sayd article, but having heard the sayd
haslegrave affirme that the sayd Andrews and Clutterbrooke had receaved certificate
from their factors that hee had paied the arlate Lewis and Mead the moneys raised upon
sale of the pepper by him sold at Cadiz, and that hee had delivered the remayning baggs
being eighteene to the arlate Bence./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

the marke of the sayd