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==C10/60/30 f. 1==
==C10/60/30 f. 1==

Latest revision as of 06:03, October 19, 2011

C10/60/30 f. 1





Complyaning herwith unto ye Lordshipp ye xxxx oratos William Love Esq. Thomas Bretton [?] Edward Pearle and Symon Delboe of London Merchants & Martin Stowell [?] Esq Frrancis Dashwood Esq & Martha his wife Thos Pettit [??] Executors of Nathaniell Temms Esq deceased Edward Xxxx James Clitherow Abraham Sayon John White Edwin Browne & Abraham Bush of London merchants That in the year of or Lord God one thousand six hundred ffifty and six ye oratos and Christopher Oxinden (sic) George Oxinden and William Noke of London merchants having for themselves or by ffreinds on their behalfe subscribed or agreed to subscribe and xxxx for all great money xxxx accounting in the whole to thirteen thousand two hundred pounds to be imployed in Escado [??] of merchandise to Macau in China & other parts & places without the Straights (sic) of Gibraltar for the benefitt of the xxxx xxx soo subscribing according to xxx and xxxxx for management of the said Joynt Stock for the benefitt of themselves and the other xxxx xxxx therin and from tyme to tyme to give such xxxx and instructions to ffactos aboard & other xxxx imployed by them in managing and carrying on the said Stocke and Escado [??] as they shoulde thinke fitt of themselves And in purchase of the said Trust [??] ye said Octob William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and Nathaniel Temms do [??] afterwards [afterwards has been inserted in black ink as an addition] on or about the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ffifty and five Did xxxx and take to ffreight the good shipp called the King Ferdinande of London of Thomas XXXlling James Lytton and Symon XXXXX owners of the said shipp for xxxxx xxxx xxxx to begin to be Accountd ffrom the first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ffifty six (sic) or from the day of departure of the said shipp from Gravesend [??] outwards upon her said intended voyage to Machau And ffor soo long tyme after the said xxxx xxxxx [monthes??] not exceeding Eighteen monthes as ye said oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and the said Nathaniel Temms and their factos or Assignees should tthink fitt to keepe and imploye the said shipp in the said xxxx and imployment paying for the said shipp one hundred and thirty pounds ye month And ye said oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and the said Nathaniel Temms did covenant with the said XXXXX not only to give order & directions to the Ms of the said shipp to return & to em Bark with the said shipp to the Ctity of London to xxx voyage so that she might be discharged from and out of their service at or before the end of six and thirty months & to be accountd ffrom the tyme of her xxxx into her monthly pay as aforesaid But also to pay or casue to be paid into the said xxxx

& there be dyscharged as by the Charterxxx made betweene the said owners and ye oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and the said Nathaniel Temms xxx xxxx xxx

& a aforesaid the said Nathaniel Temms did ingage to pay into the said Stock two thousand pounds That is to say ffifteen hundred pounds for his own xx account & ffive hundred pounds for the account of the said William Noke And ye orato William Love did ingage to pay into the said Stock one thousand and eight hundred pounds And ye orato Thomas Pearce [CSG: I presume this is a mistranscription by me for Thomas Pearle] did ingage to pay into ye Stock one thousand and nine hundred pounds That is to say one thousand pounds for his own account and nine hundred pounds for ye account of ye orato Edwin Browne And ye said orato Thomas Bretton and Edward XXXX [CSG: I presume this is Edward Pearce] did ingage to pay into the said Stock three thousand pounds That is to say each of them one thousand pounds for their own accounts and one thousand pounds for the account of ye said George Oxenden And ye said orato Symon Delboe & John White did both of them ingage to pay into the said Stock one thousand pounds apeice And ye said oratos James Clitherow Abraham Sayon Martin Noell [??] & Abraham Bush and the said Christopher Oxinden [“and the said Christopher Oxinden” has been inserted in black pen] did each of them ingage to bring (sic) into the said Stock ffive hundred pounds apeice as by a xxxx signed & sealed by the said severall subscribers and xxxx ready to be xxxx appeared And by the said writing It was notarised [???] and agreed and the said xxxx xxxxx did thereby give full power & authority unto the said Nathaniell Temms and ye said oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle and Symon Delboe many xxxx to be their lawfull xxxxxx to lay out disburse & dysxxxx of the said Joint Stock here [??] in England or what part thereof they are good in such goods & monies & commodities as they or any ffaxxxx of them should think ffitting for the setting fforth of the said shipp and also to oreder and dixxxx the said shipp to goo to suhport (sic) ffactos and plaxxx in the part xx and beyond the seas as they xxxx for use of them should tthink ffitt and also to imploy such factos or factos abroad for the xxxx/ of the said joint Stock and xxx making of returne for the xxx as they or any four [??] of them should think best for most profitt and advantage And also to act and doo all other matters & things what soever as they or any four of them should think/ best & most xxxxing for the carrying on of affayres & business in the said Joynt Stock And what xxxx their said xxxxxxs or any four of them should act of doo or cause to be acted or done in or about the imployment of the said shipp & Joint Stock/ as aforesaid they did by the said writing signed & sealed by them as aforesaid ratify confirme & allowe of the same as by the said writing ready to be produced Appearxxx & ye said oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and ye said Nathaniel Temms being soo intrusted and impowered as aforesaid did buy & provide species xxx xxxx [“species xxx xxxx” is inserted in black ink] for all goods and commodities which they laded aboard the said shipp & about the month of December one thousand six hundred ffity & six the said shipp sett sayle from Gravesend with directions to goo to Machau in China and from then (sic) to Surratt in the East Indies & soo to returne for England And ye said oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and ye said Nathaniel Temms sent Lotto [??] of Quittos [??] & instructions by the said Christopher Oxinden being imployed by them as the facto upon the said shipp [“upon the said shipp” is inserted in black ink] xx & to China to sell & diperse [??] of the cargos [??] xxx of goods laden aboard the said shipp as soone as conveniently he xxx at Machau/ & to buy such commodities there as xxx most prop for England [“England” inserted in black ink] & Surratt and to imbarque them on the said shipp & goo with the said shipp & goods to Surratt as by their said Lottos [??] of Advitto [??] xxxx being therunto had xxx of xxxx And accordingly the said Christopher / Oxinden did sell & dispers [??] of divers [??] of the said goods at Machau & bought other goods & commodities there & laded them aboard the said shipp for Surratt & ye said William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and ye said Nathaniel Temms sent letters of advice & instructions to George Oxinden & William Noke then resident att Surratt & whom they imployed as their factos theire to provide A cargo of goods at Surratt of such kind & sort as were particularly specified & directed [“as were particularly specified & directed” inserted in black ink] mentioned in schedule [??] hereunto annexed and may be taken as a pt of this their bill of comxxxx [complaint?] with your xxxx pray [“may be taken as a pt of this their bill of comxxxx with your xxxx pray” inserted in black ink] / Against the shipps arrivall then [then” inserted in black ink] to be by them delivered to the said Chrystopher Oxinden & to be laden abord the shipp & forthwith to be sent for England And the price [or purchase”??] of the goods to be paid by Chrystopher Oxinden out of the ready monies & profitt of the goods brought from/ China the ready moneys & profitt of the goods brought from China being of xxxx sufficient to ddo the said withxxx xxxx xxxx as by the said letter of advice & instructions to the said George Oxinden & William Noke xxx the same xxxxd may be xxx being thereunto had [& in the hands of George Oxinden or some other by his delivery [?] to assist or primarily”: all in black ink, not clear where inserted] had/more at XXXX may [“may” inserted in balck ink] Appeared [??] The which said Letters of Advice & Instructions xxxx the said Chrystopher Oxinden George Oxinden & [“William Noke did respectively [?] and exxxx take to pxx such” inserted in black ink] cxxx ye said oratos & the said Nathaniell Temms hope [?] they would soo have done But the said Chrystopher Oxinden George Oxinden William Noke combining together & xxxxxxxxx how they might xxxxxtionably xxx xthemselves & though to ye oratos Losse & Damage the said George Oxinden & William Noke contrary to the advice & directions of the said oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle Symon Delboe and ye said Nathaniel Temms sent to xxxxxx by them as aforesaid bought but to the value of one hundred fifty five thousand seven hundred ninety three mamoodies according to their own xxxx & xxxx which makes of English sterling money [?seven??] thousand /seven hundred eighty & nine pounds & thirteen shillings) of such kind of goods as they were ordered & directed to buy at Surratt as herby ye said oratos directed the buying of goods to the value of thirteen thousand pounds sterling as ye oratos did estimate the same And the said George Oxinden &/William Noke did xxx ye said goods by them bought at more than in truth they really bogt) And ye ready monies & xxx of ye goods bought thither from China by Chrystopher Oxinden were of it farre greater value than thousand seven hundred eighty & nine pounds & thirteen shillings And ye said George/Oxinden & William Noke having before bought for [?] all other sort [?]of goods one hundred forty seven [??] thousand seven hundred & thirteen [?] mamoodies which makes of English sterling money seven thousand three hundred eighty ffive punds & thirteen shillings more or therre about as /xxx xxxx their xxxxx at losse [at losse” inserted in black ink] & for the buying whereof they had noo orders nor instructions from ye said oratos William Love Thomas Bretton Thomas Pearle & Symon Delboe nor any of them, soo to doo the same were [“soo to doo the same were” inserted in black ink] But bought on their own Accounts & not on the Accounts of ye oratos yett [??] ye said George Oxinden William/Noke finding the said goods lying dead upon their hands & they not knowing well how to putt the same off They the said Chrystopher Oxinden George Oxinden & William Noke in xxxx of the combined aforesaid agreed Ammount {?} themselves put the said goods on ye oratos Account at what price [?] they/ pleased & at greater than they bogt & without any directions from ye oratos to xxxx with the same into xxxxx & other ye xxx with the said shipp & goods which accordingly they did And the said Chrystopher Oxinden did not returne with the said shipp & her lading from Surratt to/ London as he was directed they the said Chrystopher Oxinden, George Oxinden & William Noke intending to make Advantage to themselves by the said voyage into Ffortia [????] if the xxxxx xxxxx fittable [?] otherwise to borrow [??] the losse on ye oratos oratos have ordered them the said George Oxinden & William Noke to buy as aforesaid And which were particularly Exxxxx in A Schedule sent unto them by ye said oratos & to this Bill/ Annexed as aforesaid But [“But” inserted in black ink over a ruled out word] they the said Confederates [?] not only neglected soo to do But sold and disyexed of the said goods soo bought by them According to ye oratos instructions as aforesaid for Losse then halfe the value they/ would have yielded here in England which dooing of the said Confederates xxxxx to ye oratos greate Losse and damage much more than the xxxx putt into the said Joint Stock by and for them the said Chrystopher Oxinden / George Oxinden and William Noke as aforesaid will satisfy And ye oratos ffurther show [?] that Losse happening by the said Escado [?] as they the said Confederates
xxxx the better to xxx their xxx deals xxx xxx xxxx xxxx/ of the Combinators [??] & their xxxxtionable xxxx as aforesaid Agreed that the said Chrystopher Oxinden should sign A note and accordingly as the said Confederates xxx the said Chrystopher Oxinden did sign A note to them/ the said George Oxinden & William Noke not only for such kind of goods as they bought According to their instructions sent to them as aforesaid by ye oratos amounting to seven thousand seven hundred eighty nine punds and thirteen shillings According to their xxxx but likewise ffor the other goods which they had bought upon their owne Account as aforesaid And for the buying whereof they had noo instructions Amounting/ to seven thousand three hundred and eighty five pounds and thirteen shillings more (both which said xxxx amounted to ffifteen thousand one hundred seventy [?] ffive pounds and ffive shillings or their (sic) abouts) as/ though all the said goods had bin bought for ye oratos Account And upon the Account of the said Joint Stock And thereby xxxxcreased to charge ye oratos and the said Joint Stock with the whole ffifteen thousand/ one hundred seventy five pounds and five shillings And xtend [??] the ready monies And product [?] of the goods brought to Surratt from China not being sufficeint to satisffye for all the said goods bought by the said / George Oxinden & William Noke Ammounting to ffifteen thousand one hundred seventy and five pounds and sixe shillings or thereabouts they were inforced [?] to imploy the said shippe and goods in Escado [?] in the / xxxxx to raise money [???] to satisffye the said ffifteen thousand one hundred & five pounds & sixe shillings all which was without and contrary to orders [??] and they knowing this abused ye oratos And the xxxx xxx/ in them in or about the month of June in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fifty and nine sent home the said shipp with other kind of goods than such as they had instructions to buy as/ aforesaid which xxx not soo vendable (sic) here in England & which xxx now xxx xxxx to ye oratos Losse besides the unnecesary charge which the said Joint Stock was putt unto by the said Confederates/ keeping the said shipp Abroad & not sending her home for England according to the orders to them given & sent as aforesaid to the value of ten [I think I have this correct] thousand pounds more at the least [?] for ffreight of the said shipp marriners wages xxxx / and otherwise all which ought to be made good unto ye oratos by the said Confederates out of the monies putt in for them into the said Joint Stock as farre as it will Extend (they to “they to” inserted in black ink) satisffye the orratos the surplus) the aforesaid Axxxx being / bogt by them contray to orders and in breach of the Exxxx xxxx in them And if the said Confederates had forethwith sent the said shipp home for England with such goods as they had with instructions to buy at Surratt the / xxxx would have bin of great profitt and increase of the said Joint Stock to the doubling thereof or more whereas now the oratos by the said Confederates keeping and xxxx of the said Joint Stock or the product thereof in their hands for which they refuse to Account and by their all [?] carriages and breach of trust and by their Acting in Contrary to orders and instructions as aforesaid are like to lose a greate parte of their xxx/ which dooo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [a whole line is hiden by a fold in the parchment]
