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==Sir William Ryder will==
'''PROB 11/331/110 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669'''
'''PROB 11/331 Coke 108 - 166 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669'''
PROB 11/331 Coke 108 - 166 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669
'''Editorial history'''
30/11/11, CSG: Restructured page
==Abstract & context==
==Suggested links==
See biographical profile of [[MRP: Sir William Ryder|Sir William Ryder]]
See [[MRP: Jeremy Blackman senior will|Jeremy Blackman senior will]] (close commercial associate of William Ryder)
See [[MRP: Sir George Oxenden will|Sir George Oxenden will]] (commercial associate of Sir William Ryder in 1660s)
See [[MRP: Sir George Smith will|Sir George Smith will]] (commercial associate of Sir William Ryder in 1660s)
==To do==
(1)  Comple transcription
(2)  Check transcription against digital image
===Map of Middlesex, extract, showing location of Bethnal Green, Lysons, 1792===
===Map of Bethnal Green: estates, c. 1700, Victoria County History (XXXX)===
See [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/image.aspx?compid=22756&filename=fig24.gif&pubid=92 'Map of Bethnal Green: estates, c. 1700,' in T.F.T. Baker (ed.), A History of the County of Middlesex, vol. 11: Stepney, Bethnal Green (London, 1998)]
===Image credits & copyright information===
(1) Extract from Anon, 'Map of Middlesex,' ca. 1792, in Daniel Lysons, ''The environs of London'', vol. 2 (London, 1792), op. title page<ref>Daniel Lysons, The environs of London, vol. 2 (London, 1792), op. title page</ref>
- Sourced from Internet Archive copy
- Image and book are out of copyright
(2)  'Map of Bethnal Green: estates, c. 1700,' in T.F.T. Baker (ed.), A History of the County of Middlesex, vol. 11: Stepney, Bethnal Green (London, 1998)
- Copyright British History OnLine
- Shown in British History OnLine website
[This transcription has not yet been completed]
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ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Free Schoole of Poplar erected by the Hon:ble East India Companie the summe of Fiftie pounds, which Legacie my will is shall be paid within one yeare after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Free Schoole of Poplar erected by the Hon:ble East India Companie the summe of Fiftie pounds, which Legacie my will is shall be paid within one yeare after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my honoured Freind Sir John Robinson Lieutenant of his Majesties Tower the summe of Twentie pounds to buy him a Ring in remembrance of  mee his olf Freind
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my honoured Freind Sir John Robinson Lieutenant of his Majesties Tower the summe of Twentie pounds to buy him a Ring in remembrance of  mee his old Freind
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my servant Sam Heron the summe of one hundred pounds to be paid him within One yeare after my decease if he be then liveing to receave the same desiring him to assist my wife and children when I am gon as to the gitting in of my  Estate and perfecting all things for my Executors And to all my other Servants that should be with mee at the tyme of my death and remayne with my wife six moneths after my decease I give the summe of Five pounds to each of them
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my servant Sam Heron the summe of one hundred pounds to be paid him within One yeare after my decease if he be then liveing to receave the same desiring him to assist my wife and children when I am gon as to the gitting in of my  Estate and perfecting all things for my Executors And to all my other Servants that should be with mee at the tyme of my death and remayne with my wife six moneths after my decease I give the summe of Five pounds to each of them
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Priscilla Ryder Thomas Ryder
Priscilla Ryder Thomas Ryder
===Register Book of St Olave Hart Street===
"BAPTISM. 1643.  May 17 Elizabeth d. William & Priscilla Rider" (p. ?52) http://archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/52/mode/2up
"BAPTISM 1646.  July 3. George s. William it Priscilla Ryder" (p. 55) http://archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/54/mode/2up
"BURIALS 1646.  July 10. George s. Will & Priscilla Rider: church" (p. 179)http://archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/178/mode/2up
"Sir William Ryder: Buried 30 August 1669, St. Andrew Undershaft with St. Mary Axe"<ref>http://histfam.familysearch.org/getperson.php?personID=I78198&tree=London, viewed 18/01/12</ref>
===Sir William Ryder mansion, Bethnal Green, Lsyons, 1792===
"[Kirby Castle] The old manfion above-mentioned, called in the survey of 1703 Bethnal-Green-houfe, was built in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by John Kirby, citizen of London.  Fleetwood, the recorder of London, in a letter to the lord treafurer (about the year 1578), mentions the death of "John Kirby, who built the fair houfe upon Bethnal-Green, which houfe, lofty like a caftle, occafioned certain rhimes abufive of him and fome other city builders of great houfes, who had prejudiced themfelves thereby; viz. Kirby's Caftle, and Fifher's Folly; Spinola's Pleafure, and Meggs's Glory." This houfe was afterwards the refidence of Sir Hugh Platt, Knt. author of " the Garden of Eden," " the Jewell-houfe of Art and Nature," and other works'.  Sir William Ryder, Knt. died there in 1669, it being then his property. It now belongs to James Stratton, Efq. of Hackney, and has for many years been ufed for the reception of infane persons. It is ftill called in the writings Kirby Caftle."<ref>[http://www.archive.org/stream/environsoflondon02lyso#page/28/mode/2up Daniel Lysons, The environs of London, vol. 2 (London, 1792), p. 29]</ref>
Lysons mentions a survey of Bethnal Green, made in 1703 (Lysons, 1792:27).  He states that St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, was immediately to the West (Lysons, 1792:27).
===Potential primary sources===
===Bethnal Green, Victoria County History (1998)===
'''Add extract'''
==Potential primary sources==
===Plymouth and West Devon Record Office===
See [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/A2A/records.aspx?cat=028-457&cid=1-1-15#1-1-15 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 457/15  1 July 1599:] Contents: Deed of Exchange: 1. Richard Cole of Buckyshe, esq, 2. Martyne Ryder of Wemburie and William Ryder his son:  Lands in Down Thomas, Dunston and Bowe parke; Land in Wemburie Boveysand Meddowe, Wembury
See [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/A2A/records.aspx?cat=028-457&cid=1-1-15#1-1-15 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 457/15  1 July 1599:] Contents: Deed of Exchange: 1. Richard Cole of Buckyshe, esq, 2. Martyne Ryder of Wemburie and William Ryder his son:  Lands in Down Thomas, Dunston and Bowe parke; Land in Wemburie Boveysand Meddowe, Wembury
Line 119: Line 187:
- The Calmadys first emerge from obscurity in the person of Vincent Calmady who negotiated the purchase of Langdon in 1564. He is described as an attorney at law and may have been agent for several landed properties. He was the third son of the John Camady of Calmady who married Frances Vincent.
- The Calmadys first emerge from obscurity in the person of Vincent Calmady who negotiated the purchase of Langdon in 1564. He is described as an attorney at law and may have been agent for several landed properties. He was the third son of the John Camady of Calmady who married Frances Vincent.
- Josias Calmady died 12 December 1611 aged 46. When the inquisition post mortem was taken at Exeter 22 April 1612, it was found that he died seised of Langdon, and the other Wembury properties, Monkswell and Dunridge in Sampford Spiney, lands in Horrabridge, Whitchurch, Plympton St. Mary, Halberton and Beare (in Broadclyst).
- Josias Calmady died 12 December 1611 aged 46. When the inquisition post mortem was taken at Exeter 22 April 1612, it was found that he died seised of Langdon, and the other Wembury properties, Monkswell and Dunridge in Sampford Spiney, lands in Horrabridge, Whitchurch, Plympton St. Mary, Halberton and Beare (in Broadclyst).
C 22/927/5 Baylie v. Ryder Between 1558 and 1714
C 110/29 BAYLEY v RYDER: Accounts and family correspondence of William Reversham, Priscilla Baylie, Robert Bernard, William Riders and others 1677-1716
PROB 4/2746 Ryder, William, of St Leonard, Shoreditch, Midd., Citizen and Skinner of London 1669 12 Aug.
PROB 11/119 Fenner 1-59 Will of Josias Calmadie of Wembury, Devon 04 February 1612 (pp. 7 PDF)
PROB 11/119 Fenner 1-59 Will of Josias Calmadie of Wembury, Devon 04 February 1612 (pp. 7 PDF)
Line 127: Line 203:
- Note that Brixton, Devon, is ca. 5 miles north-east of Wembury, Devon
- Note that Brixton, Devon, is ca. 5 miles north-east of Wembury, Devon
- Josias Ryder's will identifies his wife as "Agnis Rider"
- Josias Ryder's will identifies his wife as "Agnis Rider"
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 XXXXXXX
PROB 11/331 Coke 108 - 166 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669
===Potential secondary sources===
==Potential secondary sources==
[http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarsofwills35exet#page/n5/mode/2up Fry, Edward A. (ed.), ''Calendars of wills and administrations relating to the counties of Devon and Cornwall, proved in the court of the principal registry of the bishop of Exeter, 1559-1799. And of Devon only, proved in the court of the archdeacontry of Exeter, 1540-1799. All now preserved in the Probate Registry at Exeter'' (London, 1908)]
[http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarsofwills35exet#page/n5/mode/2up Fry, Edward A. (ed.), ''Calendars of wills and administrations relating to the counties of Devon and Cornwall, proved in the court of the principal registry of the bishop of Exeter, 1559-1799. And of Devon only, proved in the court of the archdeacontry of Exeter, 1540-1799. All now preserved in the Probate Registry at Exeter'' (London, 1908)]
Line 138: Line 216:
[http://www.archive.org/stream/ahistoryborough00rowegoog#page/n320/mode/2up Rowe, Joshua B., ''A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton'' (Exeter, 1906), p. 278]
[http://www.archive.org/stream/ahistoryborough00rowegoog#page/n320/mode/2up Rowe, Joshua B., ''A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton'' (Exeter, 1906), p. 278]
- "...An Inquisition indented taken at Plympton in the said County of Devon the four and twentieth day of October Anno Domini One thousand six hundred and fifty Before Phillip Crocker, Choefer Martyn, Phillip Frances, William Woolacombe, Nicholas Rowe, Walter Sterte and Richard Pearse Esquires, by virtue of a Commission under the Great Seal of England hereunto annexed unto them and others directed by the Oathes of Mayne Snooke [Swete] of Modbury Gentleman, Thomas Pearse of Ermington, John Pearse of the same, John Andrew of the same, Henry Cliffe of the same, Leonard Fords of Ugborough, John Forde of the same, Gent, John Lavers of Cornewood, Richard Turpyn of the same, Richard Pearse of Yealmpton, John Pearse of the same, Richard Avent of Brixton, '''Nathaniell Rider of Wembury Gent''', John Jesham of Shawe Gent, James Merige of Plimstocke Gent, Daniel Shute of Yealmpton and Henry Holbeton of Revelstock..." (Joshua B. Rowe, ''A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton'' (Exeter, 1906), p. 278)
- "...An Inquisition indented taken at Plympton in the said County of Devon the four and twentieth day of October Anno Domini One thousand six hundred and fifty Before Phillip Crocker, Choefer Martyn, Phillip Frances, William Woolacombe, Nicholas Rowe, Walter Sterte and Richard Pearse Esquires, by virtue of a Commission under the Great Seal of England hereunto annexed unto them and others directed by the Oathes of Mayne Snooke [Swete] of Modbury Gentleman, Thomas Pearse of Ermington, John Pearse of the same, John Andrew of the same, Henry Cliffe of the same, Leonard Fords of Ugborough, John Forde of the same, Gent, John Lavers of Cornewood, Richard Turpyn of the same, Richard Pearse of Yealmpton, John Pearse of the same, Richard Avent of Brixton, '''Nathaniell Rider of Wembury Gent''', John Jesham of Shawe Gent, James Merige of Plimstocke Gent, Daniel Shute of Yealmpton and Henry Holbeton of Revelstock..." (Joshua B. Rowe, ''A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton'' (Exeter, 1906), p. 278)
- SEE ALSO:  '''Nathanaell Rider'''
MARRIAGE: Nathanaell Rider; Anne Reede: Date of marriage: 26 Dec 1632; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-L5T : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Nathanaell Rider and Anne Reede, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
Worth, Richard Nicholls, ''Calendar of the Plymouth municipal records'' (XXXX, 1893)
Worth, Richard Nicholls, ''Calendar of the Plymouth municipal records'' (XXXX, 1893)
Line 145: Line 228:
"[Farm of the rectories at the chapels of Wembury, leased to John Ryder for 21 years at Michaelmas 1538,..."<ref>Joyce A. Youings (ed.), ''Devon monastic lands: calendar of particulars for grants, 1536-1558'' (XXXX, 1955), p. 50</ref>
"[Farm of the rectories at the chapels of Wembury, leased to John Ryder for 21 years at Michaelmas 1538,..."<ref>Joyce A. Youings (ed.), ''Devon monastic lands: calendar of particulars for grants, 1536-1558'' (XXXX, 1955), p. 50</ref>

Latest revision as of 22:19, June 3, 2016

PROB 11/331/110 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669

PROB 11/331 Coke 108 - 166 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669

Editorial history

30/11/11, CSG: Restructured page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See biographical profile of Sir William Ryder

See Jeremy Blackman senior will (close commercial associate of William Ryder)
See Sir George Oxenden will (commercial associate of Sir William Ryder in 1660s)
See Sir George Smith will (commercial associate of Sir William Ryder in 1660s)

To do

(1) Comple transcription

(2) Check transcription against digital image


Map of Middlesex, extract, showing location of Bethnal Green, Lysons, 1792

BOOK MAP Middlesex Extract Lysons 1792 Vol2 IArch DL CSG 280212.PNG

Map of Bethnal Green: estates, c. 1700, Victoria County History (XXXX)

See 'Map of Bethnal Green: estates, c. 1700,' in T.F.T. Baker (ed.), A History of the County of Middlesex, vol. 11: Stepney, Bethnal Green (London, 1998)

Image credits & copyright information

(1) Extract from Anon, 'Map of Middlesex,' ca. 1792, in Daniel Lysons, The environs of London, vol. 2 (London, 1792), op. title page[1]
- Sourced from Internet Archive copy
- Image and book are out of copyright

(2) 'Map of Bethnal Green: estates, c. 1700,' in T.F.T. Baker (ed.), A History of the County of Middlesex, vol. 11: Stepney, Bethnal Green (London, 1998)
- Copyright British History OnLine
- Shown in British History OnLine website


[This transcription has not yet been completed]


Domini Willimi Ryder

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this ninth of June One thousand Six hundred Sixty Eight I S:r William Ryder of Bethnall Greene in the parish of Stepney in the Countie of Midd. Knight being at this present time crazie in my Bodie but in sound and perfect minde and remembrance for which the Lords most holie name be praised I being growne in yeares and crazie in my Bodie Doe consider w:th my selfe the certaintie of death and the uncertaintie of the time place and manner thereof have thought it requisite to make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)

FFIRST and principallie I doe committ and recommend my immortall Soule into the hands of Almightie God in full assurance of the free pardon of all my sinnes by and through the pretious merritts: death and passion of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ by whome only I expect life and salvation and to live with him forever in his everlasting Kingdome prepared for all beleivers my Bodie I committ unto the Earth from whence it came in hope of a joyfull resurrection and to be buried in such decent manner as my Executrix and Executor hereafter named shall thinke fitt, and for that portion of this worldly Estate and substance which the Lord hath beene gratiously pleased to make mee an unworthie steward of in thee present life I doe order and dispose thereof all XXXX

FFIRST I give and bequeath unto my deare and loving wife Damee Priscilla Ryder all that Messuage where I now live with the Tenements and Lands theruntobelonging or in anie wayes appertaining and also the two ffeilds in ?Berebinder Lane which Andrewes at the present holdes Also my ffarme at Black Fenns and all the wood Lands that I have in Bexley in the County of Kent with also ?Slyffilds Lodge in the County of Wlts and about one Thousand Acres of Land thereunto belonging and likewise the tenement and Fields of ?Malgrone meadows In Two XXXX and ?Salmons houlden by ?Porter Ashen and Letten All which Tenements and Lands she is to have and enjoy during the time of her naturall life And in case God shall spare mee soe long to purchase more Lands I shall then setlle her ffive hundred pounds per Annum out of that if she thinkes fitt to accept there before this I likewise bequeath unto my said wife all my household stuffe Linnen plate and her Jewells and also Two Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid her within Twentie moneths after my decease I also bequeath unto my said wife the summe of six hundred pounds part of my Adventure that I have in the Stock with the Royall Company be it to profitt or losse one share and a halfe in that Stock all which Legacies my will is shall be in full of all that she can pretend unto out of my Estate and also for what was given by will of her deceased Father Roger Tweedy Esquire

ITEM I give unto bequeath unto my eldest sonne Thomas Ryder the Farme of Kenleys and little Gore oake which John Fitschhoulder and the revertion of all that I formerly bequeathed his Mother to him and his heires for ever And I also give unto my said sonne Thomas the summe of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid within


TWENTIE M:ths after my decease And I also give him the summe of Fower hundred pounds part of my Adventure which I have in the Stocke of the Royal Companie

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my younger sonne Will Ryder all that Banke Ducatts Fourteene Thousand with the interest and profitts thereof which I have at 6 pc:t Interest p Ann in the Cheste or Exchequer of the Republique of ?Venice And I also give and bequeath unto my said younger sonne the summe of one Thousand pound ?Stock money to be paid him within Twentie months after my decease and my will is that these Legacies shall be in full of what he can pretend unto out of his deceased Grandfather's Estate

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Eliz:a Middleton the summe of One hundred pounds and unto her husband Master Richard Middleton the summe of one hundred pounds to each of them and to their prettie Babes Richard Elizabeth and Marie Middleton one hundred pounds to each of them to be paid them within one yeare after my decease and that theire Father and Mother together with my Executor improve the same to the childrens most advantage and at theire hazard which Legacies to my said daughter Middleton or with the porccon at alreadie made good to her husband my will is that it shall be in full of all that shee or they can anie way pretend unto out of the Estate of her deceased Grandfather Roger Tweedy Esquire

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my second daughter Priscilla Bayley the summe of one hundred pounds and to her husband Master Richard Bayly the summe of one hundred pounds Alsoe the three first children which God shall send them the summe of one hundred pounds to each of them I alsoe give and bequeath unto my sonne and daughter Bayly one share or Fower hundred pounds which is part of the Adventure that I have in the Stock of the Royall Companie

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Third daughter Mary Ryder the summe of Two Thousand pounds to be paied her at day of marriage or age of Eighteene which shall first happen And I alsoe give unto my said daughter Marie one share or the summe of ffower hundred pounds adventure in the stock of the Royall Company which my will is shall be in full of all that she can pretend unto out of the Estate of her deceased Grandfather Roger Tweedy Esquire

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Fourth daughter Anna Ryder the summe of Two Thousand pounds to be paid at her day of marriage or age of Eighteene which shall first happen And I alsoe give unto my said daughter one share or ffower hundred pounds of my adventure in the Stock of the Royall Companie, and my will is that this shall be in full of all that she canin anie way claime or pretend unto the Estate of her deceased Grandfather Roger Tweedye Esquire

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my youngest daughter Martha Ryder the summe of Two thousand pounds to be paid her at her day of marriage or age of Eighteene which shall first happen And I alsoe give unto my said youngest daughter one share or Fower hundred pounds part of my adventure in the Stock of the Royall companie which my will is shall be in full of what she can pretend unto out of the Estate of her deceased Grandfather Roger Tweedye Esquire and my will and desire is that all portions or legacies bequeathed unto my Three younger daughters shall be made them good within Two yeares after my decease and that in the Interim they have theire maintenance out of the Estate bequeathed my executrix and Executor and when theire portions growe due to be improved for them according to theire severall and respective parts by them my said Executors and overseers hereafter nominated shall thinke fitt and appointe at the hazard of my said Children respectively be the same to


PROFITT or losse And if my said eldest sonne Thomas Ryder should happen to depart this life before his Mother my deare wife without any child in such case I give and bequeath the Reversion of all my Lands Houses and Leases xr unto my Second Sonne William Ryder and to his heires for ever and alsoe the share of Fower hundred pounds adventure in the Stock of the Royall Companie if my said eldest sonne Thomas shall not have disposed of the same before his decease and alsoe the summe of Two Thousand pounds legacie if undisposed of by him before his death my will is that five hundred pounds thereof be to my sonne William and the other fifteene hundred pounds be equallie devided amongst my three younger daughters Mary Anna and Martha and to the Survivour and Survivours of them And if anie of my said Three younger daughters shall happen to depart this life before theire dayes of marriage or age of Eighteene then my Will is that theire portions or portion soe dyeing shall be equallie devided amongst my surviving Children And if my Sonne William should happen to depart this life before his legacies be due or payd him my Will is that the moyetie thereof be enjoyed by my eldest sonne Thomas Ryder and the other moyetie to be equallie devided amongst my Three younger daughters and to the Survivour and Survivours of them requiring all my deare Children to be dutifull and obedient unto theire deare Mother when I am gon to Father and at rest from the Cares and troubles that attend this life

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my deare Sister Mistris Joane Crowther the summe of Fiftie pounds and to her Eight children Twentie pounds to each of them and to the Reverend Doctor Joseph Crowther I give Twentie pounds to buy a Ring and weare in remembrance of his ould Freind

ITEM I give unto the Reverend Deane Clarke the summe of Tenn poundes desiring him if about London when I come to be interred that he will be pleased to preach my Funerall Sermon

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Phillip ?Gowne the summe of Fiftie pounds to be paid him within one yeare after my decease if then liveing to receave the same and I give unto my Neece Elizabeth ?Pomray the summe of Twentie pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Captaine Jeremie Blackman and to his wife Tenn pounds a peece and to Maurice Blackman[2] Tenn pounds to buy them mourning or a Ring to were in remembrance of mee

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of Wenbury[3] in Devonshire the summe of Fiftie pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the Corporation of the Trinitie House the summe of Twentie poundes to buy a peece of plate

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Stepney the summe of Eightie pounds to be devided to the Eight Hambletts Tenn pounds (vizt: To Bethnall Green, Spittlefeilds, Myle End, Ratcliffe, Shadwell, Lyme House, Poplar, Blackwell

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of S:t Andrew Undershaft London the summe of Twentie pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Free Schoole of Poplar erected by the Hon:ble East India Companie the summe of Fiftie pounds, which Legacie my will is shall be paid within one yeare after my decease

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my honoured Freind Sir John Robinson Lieutenant of his Majesties Tower the summe of Twentie pounds to buy him a Ring in remembrance of mee his old Freind

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my servant Sam Heron the summe of one hundred pounds to be paid him within One yeare after my decease if he be then liveing to receave the same desiring him to assist my wife and children when I am gon as to the gitting in of my Estate and perfecting all things for my Executors And to all my other Servants that should be with mee at the tyme of my death and remayne with my wife six moneths after my decease I give the summe of Five pounds to each of them


ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Freind Master Tho: Keck the summe of Twentie poundes and unto my freind Sir Richard Ford the summe of Tenn poundes to buy him a Ring All the rest of my readie moneys goods merchandize part of shipping debts or Estate that I shall dye possessed of my just debts Legacies and Funerall charges first deducted I give and bequeath unto my two sonnes Thomas Rider and William Rider to be equallie devided amongst them and unto the Survivour of them and I require them to be dutifull and obedient unto their deare Mother and to take care of each other and of their younger Sisters And I doe here by further declare that if anie of my children or anie whom I name here given Legacies unto shall demand or question anie Legacie given them by the Will of the deceased Roger Tweedye Esquire in such case the Legacie or Legacies hereby given shall cease and not be paid unto him or her soe questioning the same I doe hereby nominate and appointe my deare consort Dame Priscilla and my deare sonne Thomas Ryder to be Executo.rs of this my last Will and Testament made by mee and I doe hereby revoke and make null all other Wills and Testaments made by mee and if either my deare wife or eldest sonne should happen to depart this life before thsi my Will be fullie executed Then I nominate and appointe my sonne William Ryder to have full power as an Executor to XXX with the surviving Executrix or Executor to all intents and purposes as fullie and effectuallie as the partie deceased might have done in his or her life tyme adn I desire my deare sonnes in Lawe Richard Middleton and Richard Baylie to take upon them the trouble as Overseers that this my last Will and testament be duelie and fullie executed, and if I have wronged anie one in thought word or deed I hartelie desire them to forgive mee as I from the bottome of my hearte doe freelie forgive all them that have anie wayes wronged or injured mee and I doe hereby publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testam:t contained in Two Sheetes of paper besides this Third all written with my owne hand and subscribed at the bottome with my name to each sheet and fixed together at the topp with my seale

IN WITNESSE thereof I have published the same the nynth day of June in the Twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith xr Anno Domini One Thousand six hundred Sixtie Eight:


Signed Sealed and published by mee Will Ryder to be my last Will and Testament in presence of Sam Heron George ?Haines the marke of RIch:d Nicholls William Hasall

An addition unto my last Will and Testament: Wm: Ryder

THIS ENSUEING LINE TO BE added to my last Will and Testament as foll:

THAT Whereas I gave Deane Clarke the summe of Tenne pounds now I give him Tenn pounds more to make it up Twentie

ITEM whereas I bequeathed Tenn pounds a peece to the Hamletts of Stepney parish makeing it Eight Hamletts and being but: Seaven Mylend bethnell Green Spittle Feild Rattcliffe Shadwell Limehouse with Blackwall and Poplar which is: 70:li in all Lastly it is my will and desire that if the Executors of Tho: Marsham esquire deceased will be content to accept of Fifteene hundred for the XXXXX that are in the XXXXX of XXXX and all XXXXXX that my Executors pay it theXX to be in full of all demands and for the kindnes I owe that Familie with my hand and seale this Thirteenth day of Januarie One


THOUSAND Six hundred Sixtie Eight

ITEM Moreover my desire That if annie or either of my Sonn Midtons Children happn to die before they shall receave theire Legacies That then my Will is that his her or theire portions soe dyeing shall be equallie devided equallie amongst the Survivour or Survivours of them my said Children


Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Tho: Ryder William Ryder Sam Heron


Priscilla Ryder Thomas Ryder


Register Book of St Olave Hart Street

"BAPTISM. 1643. May 17 Elizabeth d. William & Priscilla Rider" (p. ?52) http://archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/52/mode/2up

"BAPTISM 1646. July 3. George s. William it Priscilla Ryder" (p. 55) http://archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/54/mode/2up

"BURIALS 1646. July 10. George s. Will & Priscilla Rider: church" (p. 179)http://archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/178/mode/2up


"Sir William Ryder: Buried 30 August 1669, St. Andrew Undershaft with St. Mary Axe"[4]

Sir William Ryder mansion, Bethnal Green, Lsyons, 1792

"[Kirby Castle] The old manfion above-mentioned, called in the survey of 1703 Bethnal-Green-houfe, was built in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by John Kirby, citizen of London. Fleetwood, the recorder of London, in a letter to the lord treafurer (about the year 1578), mentions the death of "John Kirby, who built the fair houfe upon Bethnal-Green, which houfe, lofty like a caftle, occafioned certain rhimes abufive of him and fome other city builders of great houfes, who had prejudiced themfelves thereby; viz. Kirby's Caftle, and Fifher's Folly; Spinola's Pleafure, and Meggs's Glory." This houfe was afterwards the refidence of Sir Hugh Platt, Knt. author of " the Garden of Eden," " the Jewell-houfe of Art and Nature," and other works'. Sir William Ryder, Knt. died there in 1669, it being then his property. It now belongs to James Stratton, Efq. of Hackney, and has for many years been ufed for the reception of infane persons. It is ftill called in the writings Kirby Caftle."[5]

Lysons mentions a survey of Bethnal Green, made in 1703 (Lysons, 1792:27). He states that St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, was immediately to the West (Lysons, 1792:27).

Bethnal Green, Victoria County History (1998)

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Potential primary sources

Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

See Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 457/15 1 July 1599: Contents: Deed of Exchange: 1. Richard Cole of Buckyshe, esq, 2. Martyne Ryder of Wemburie and William Ryder his son: Lands in Down Thomas, Dunston and Bowe parke; Land in Wemburie Boveysand Meddowe, Wembury

See Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 74/71/2 1588: Contents: Release 1. Martyn Ryder of Wembury, gent, and William, his son, 2. Josias Calmady of Wembury, gent; Lands in Brytherixcheston and Ranleigh, Down Thomas manor, Wembury

See Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 74/71/4 1593/4: Contents: Quitclaim 1. John Calmady of Essettle, gent 2. Martyn Ryder and William Ryder; Property at Bretherixton and Ranleighe, Down Thomas, Wembury

See: Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 74/71/5 1618: Contents: Feoffment 1. Edmond Rowse of Wembury, yeoman and Martyn, his son 2. William Ryder of Wembury, gent.; Thorneparke, part of the barton of Down Thomas

Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 457/27 18 September 1622: Contents: Lease for 99 years 1. Martyn Ryder of Down Thomas, gent 2. John Prynne, merchant
Tenement called Yeoland in Wembury; Rent: 50s p.a.

Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: 372/9/3/12 1629: Contents: 1. Sir Shilston Calmady, kt and Edward Calmady, of Plymouth, esq 2. Josias Ryder of Wembury, yeoman; Mitchells Hill in Wembury

Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Calmady Manuscripts
- The main accumulation of material resulted from the business enterprise of Vincent Calmady, the purchaser of Langdon, followed by a series of profitable marriage alliances.
- The Calmadys first emerge from obscurity in the person of Vincent Calmady who negotiated the purchase of Langdon in 1564. He is described as an attorney at law and may have been agent for several landed properties. He was the third son of the John Camady of Calmady who married Frances Vincent.
- Josias Calmady died 12 December 1611 aged 46. When the inquisition post mortem was taken at Exeter 22 April 1612, it was found that he died seised of Langdon, and the other Wembury properties, Monkswell and Dunridge in Sampford Spiney, lands in Horrabridge, Whitchurch, Plympton St. Mary, Halberton and Beare (in Broadclyst).


C 22/927/5 Baylie v. Ryder Between 1558 and 1714

C 110/29 BAYLEY v RYDER: Accounts and family correspondence of William Reversham, Priscilla Baylie, Robert Bernard, William Riders and others 1677-1716

PROB 4/2746 Ryder, William, of St Leonard, Shoreditch, Midd., Citizen and Skinner of London 1669 12 Aug.

PROB 11/119 Fenner 1-59 Will of Josias Calmadie of Wembury, Devon 04 February 1612 (pp. 7 PDF)
PROB 11/70 Spencer Quire 1-40 Will of John Ryder of Exeter, Devon 25 January 1587
PROB 11/169 Sadler 93-132 Will of Thomas Ryder, Servant unto the Honourable East India Company and Sailor in the good Ship Hart 08 October 1635
PROB 11/233 Alchin 1-50 Will of Josias Ryder, Yeoman of Wembury, Devon 05 December 1654
PROB 11/244 Aylett 51-106 Will of Agnes Ryder, Widow of Brixton, Devon 12 July 1655
- Note that Brixton, Devon, is ca. 5 miles north-east of Wembury, Devon
- Josias Ryder's will identifies his wife as "Agnis Rider"
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 XXXXXXX
PROB 11/331 Coke 108 - 166 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669

Potential secondary sources

Fry, Edward A. (ed.), Calendars of wills and administrations relating to the counties of Devon and Cornwall, proved in the court of the principal registry of the bishop of Exeter, 1559-1799. And of Devon only, proved in the court of the archdeacontry of Exeter, 1540-1799. All now preserved in the Probate Registry at Exeter (London, 1908)

Charter of Incorporation of Plymouth, Devon
- "... And we have assigned, nominated, constituted and made, and do by these presents, for oui'selvcs, our heirs and successors, assigne, nominate, constitute and make our beloved George Treby, Knight, Chief Justice of our Common Bench, Charles Trclawney, Esq., the aforesaid Francis Drake, William Courtney, William Davy, Walter Young, Baronets, John El will, Kt., Josias Calmady, George Parker, William Harris, of Hayne, Arthur Tremayne, John Clobcry, John Arscott, Martyn Rider, Courtney Croker, John Coplestone, Edwai'd Fortescue, Nicholas Morris, Moses Gould, Henry Watts, Esq., Thomas Pync and John Sprage, Doctors in Physick, George Lapthorne, Samuel Carkett, Philip Pentyre, Merchants, and John Vallack, Apothecary, to be the first and modern Freemen of the burrough aforesaid..." (F.W.J. Llewellynn, A history of Plymouth (XXXX, 1873), p. 301)

Rowe, Joshua B., A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton (Exeter, 1906), p. 278
- "...An Inquisition indented taken at Plympton in the said County of Devon the four and twentieth day of October Anno Domini One thousand six hundred and fifty Before Phillip Crocker, Choefer Martyn, Phillip Frances, William Woolacombe, Nicholas Rowe, Walter Sterte and Richard Pearse Esquires, by virtue of a Commission under the Great Seal of England hereunto annexed unto them and others directed by the Oathes of Mayne Snooke [Swete] of Modbury Gentleman, Thomas Pearse of Ermington, John Pearse of the same, John Andrew of the same, Henry Cliffe of the same, Leonard Fords of Ugborough, John Forde of the same, Gent, John Lavers of Cornewood, Richard Turpyn of the same, Richard Pearse of Yealmpton, John Pearse of the same, Richard Avent of Brixton, Nathaniell Rider of Wembury Gent, John Jesham of Shawe Gent, James Merige of Plimstocke Gent, Daniel Shute of Yealmpton and Henry Holbeton of Revelstock..." (Joshua B. Rowe, A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton (Exeter, 1906), p. 278)

- SEE ALSO: Nathanaell Rider

MARRIAGE: Nathanaell Rider; Anne Reede: Date of marriage: 26 Dec 1632; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-L5T : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Nathanaell Rider and Anne Reede, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Worth, Richard Nicholls, Calendar of the Plymouth municipal records (XXXX, 1893)
- See p. 168 for reference to M:r Martyn Rider (1675-6)

"30 May 1649 Wm: Ryder and John Robinson, merchants of London, beg to compound on their own discovery for a debt of 2500:l. and 900l. interest, due by John, Earl of Rutland, and Wm. Savile, to Thos. Marsham, and assigned to them. No order."[6]

"[Farm of the rectories at the chapels of Wembury, leased to John Ryder for 21 years at Michaelmas 1538,..."[7]
  1. Daniel Lysons, The environs of London, vol. 2 (London, 1792), op. title page
  2. Maurice Blackman was probably named after Maurice Thompson, who was a close commercial colleague of Jeremy Blackman senior
  3. It is possible that Sir William Ryder was born in Wenbury, alias Wembury, Devonshire, which lies ca. 5 miles south east of Plymouth
  4. http://histfam.familysearch.org/getperson.php?personID=I78198&tree=London, viewed 18/01/12
  5. Daniel Lysons, The environs of London, vol. 2 (London, 1792), p. 29
  6. Mary Anne Everett Green, Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding, & C., 1643-1660: Cases, 1647-June 1650, vol. 3 (London, 1901
  7. Joyce A. Youings (ed.), Devon monastic lands: calendar of particulars for grants, 1536-1558 (XXXX, 1955), p. 50