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Line 9: Line 9:
# Write shillings for ''s'' and pence for ''d''. Use a "£" sign before numeral, otherwise "pound" or "pounds"  
# Write shillings for ''s'' and pence for ''d''. Use a "£" sign before numeral, otherwise "pound" or "pounds"  
# Put a square bracket around a word which is doubtful. Use capital "X" for each unknown letter in a word. Put a "?" at the start of the doubtful word in square brackets. As in [?AndrXX] or [?Andro].  
# Put a square bracket around a word which is doubtful. Use capital "X" for each unknown letter in a word. Put a "?" at the start of the doubtful word in square brackets. As in [?AndrXX] or [?Andro].  
# For weights and measures, which are often abbreviated, think "hundredweight" (112 pounds), "stones" (14 pounds), "pounds", "ounces" (16 ounces in a pound); "barrels", "butts", "hogsheads"; "gallons" (1 gallon = 4 quarts), "quarts" (1 quart = 2 pints), pints"; "ells" (measure of cloth). For more background on C17th weights and measures browse the [http://www.marinelives.org/wiki/Weights_and_Measures MarineLives weights and measures glossary]  
# For weights and measures, which are often abbreviated, think "hundredweight" (112 pounds), "stones" (14 pounds), "pounds", "ounces" (16 ounces in a pound); "barrels", "butts", "hogsheads"; "gallons" (1 gallon = 4 quarts), "quarts" (1 quart = 2 pints), pints"; "ells" (measure of cloth). For more background on C17th weights and measures browse the [http://www.marinelives.org/wiki/Weights_and_Measures MarineLives weights and measures glossary]
# For ordinal and cardinal numbers, very occasionally the roman as opposed to arab system is used
# DON'T insert the amounts of money recorded in the account books if on the RH side of the page. Colin is sorting out most efficient way to enter tabular data in the wiki. Until then, concentrate on the words.
# DON'T insert the amounts of money recorded in the account books if on the RH side of the page. Colin is sorting out most efficient way to enter tabular data in the wiki. Until then, concentrate on the words.
====Transcription tips====
====Transcription tips====
Line 113: Line 114:
Item the -27 day I bought four dossone Jeareises
Item the -27 day I bought four dossone Jeareises
stokeins at -07s-06d per dossone which is - £01-10s-00d
stokeins at -07s-06d per dossone which is - £01-10s-00d
[Research how shoes were soled]
<u>Image: 20211008_112731</u>
<u>Image: 20211008_112731</u>
Line 269: Line 265:
Item I paye for ankerertsch and berkeinge<ref>"ankeretsch" = anchorage; "berkeinge" = berthing. Anchorage and berthing charges are petty port charges paid by ships in Early Modern (and Modern) ports. EXPAND THIS NOTE</ref>
Item I paye for ankerertsch and berkeinge<ref>"ankeretsch" = anchorage; "berkeinge" = berthing. Anchorage and berthing charges are petty port charges paid by ships in Early Modern (and Modern) ports. EXPAND THIS NOTE</ref>
Item from the searchers [?fers] of our [?XXXX]
Item from the searchers [?fers] of our [?XXXX]<ref>'Item from the searchers feis of our cokked' - i.e. paid to the customs searchers to as a fee to have a document sealed with a ccket to show that dues had been paid on goods.</ref>
Item to the sogers<ref>"sogers" = souldiers</ref> of the Castill
Item to the sogers<ref>"sogers" = souldiers</ref> of the Castill
Item for ane 142 weight of bef
Item for ane 142 weight of bef
Line 278: Line 274:
the 27 day of august we com to [?Cinsall]<ref>"Cinsall" = Kinsale in Ireland</ref> harbor
the 27 day of august we com to [?Cinsall]<ref>"Cinsall" = Kinsale in Ireland</ref> harbor
Item the 29th [?XXXX] the [?bell] thwarth the toun
Item the 29th [?XXXX] the [?bell] thwarth the toun<ref>Possibly to 'sound the bell athwart or opposite the town'. </ref>
Item the ferst of September for one quarteer of beiff
Item the ferst of September for one quarteer of beiff
And one peck of [?mell]
And one peck of otmell
Item for one Cord of wod
Item for one Cord of wod
the 9
the 9
Item Johne Smally boutscher had of me [?XX] for 10 koues
Item Johne Smally boutscher had of me [?XX]<ref>Apparently the word 'me' repeated.  </ref> for 10 koues
at 7 shillings per hundredweight waying 220-3 quarters-14 pound weight comes to
at 7 shillings per hundredweight waying 220-3 quarters-14 pound weight comes to
the 11
the 11
Line 293: Line 289:
bought in my absence with on pek of otmell is
bought in my absence with on pek of otmell is
Item it cost me in scharges with the karpenters and
Item it cost me in scharges with the karpenters and
[?Breameing] and treimeing of our scerp
[?Breameing]<ref>'Breaming' or burning off marine growths on the underwater part of the hull. This seems to have been connected with caulking - see 'thrums' and 'okkum' below. </ref> and treimeing of our scerp
Item for half one honder of [?russome]
Item for half one honder of [?russome]<ref>Possibly 'rissom', heads of corn or some other grain - OED.  </ref>
Item for thre baralls of beir
Item for thre baralls of beir
Item for too hogsheids of otmell an on barrall
Item for too hogsheids of otmell an on barrall
Item for fowr pownd of thrummes
Item for fowr pownd of thrummes<ref>Waste wool or another cloth used to make mops for applying pitch or tar to the hull.</ref>
Item for okkum thair
Item for okkum thair<ref>Oakum was used with pitch or tar to caulk the plank seems in a ship. Normally it consisted of fibres unpicked from old ropes (OED), but in this case, unless 'thair' simply means 'there', it may have derived from animal hair.</ref>
Item in scharge at Lau with our Carpanter<ref>Legal charges incurred in connection with ship's carpenter of the ''Abraham'', who appears to have been imprisoned in Kinsale, Ireland</ref>
Item in scharge at Lau with our Carpanter<ref>Legal charges incurred in connection with ship's carpenter of the ''Abraham'', who appears to have been imprisoned in Kinsale, Ireland</ref>
Item I payed for our Couper when he was put in pre
Item I payed for our Couper when he was put in pre
Line 307: Line 303:
for mr sleaye
Item I payed to the woman tha[t]  dwelt above
when we salted our beiff I dens it by my boy
Item I delivred Lewe with my met Gabber when
I went out in the Contray for servants
twenty shillings and he bought the[?XXX]
Item at Last for ane Cord of wod
Iten mr whyt Com did pay the bakker in my
behalff the some of
for four thoussand of bisket and the rest in
fresh [?brXXX]
Item allso he  payed the breuarr for six tons
of berr
Item I was in scharges myself for serw-
ants in the Contray
on the other side
In folio 10 p[?XXX]
for 3 barrell of Butter and Aparrell etcetera [?XXXX]
<u>Image: 20211008_112844</u>
<u>Image: 20211008_112844</u>
Line 313: Line 338:
The 17 of september 1636
Andro Hardie creditor
the 17 [XXXX]
Item for ane syd of beiff
I payd to the marshall as will aperr by his not
for our carpantar upon agreiment and promess
that wold performe the wayaye which when he
com out he woll [?XXX] performe and maid me Lay
him [?fast] againe and I payed for him
Item for entring of our schep in the Customhouses
Item for Cleereing of my bond thaarr
Item thar for my mett Leing bill
the 19 [?XXXX]
Item for the sellar we sallted our beif in
Item to samouall berr to apper for thre tone of
Cask and two Cord of fyre wod and 2 dossone of small [?XXXX]
Item to thomas browne watter belley for ankreytsch
granetsch and all other deus
Item of John samalleing for thrie syds of beiff
Item mor to him for one hyd
the 20 [?XXXX]
Item to Thomas the schandler for ane hundredweight of salts
and kandells
Item I payed to John doffs his wyf for dawed Jacb
Item mor I payed for him for ane paar of bowts
and more that he  delivered me of Lent money
Item I payed for ane paar of bowts for the bosmane
Item I payed good wyff doff for James Lanne
Item payed to her mor forrertschard [?saires]
Item I payed her for on barall of ternep and poltere and [?XXXX]
Item to the smeith for irrone work which schall aperr by his not
Item to welliam wodmane
Item for broumes
Item to the boutscher for 7 sydes of beif and 10 pound
weight of seuat comes to
Item mr Antony pot to accompt to me for too hogsheids
of otmell and ane peck of otmell
Item for ane Leoghter that Cairried abourd our beir
Item it cost me with the Customes when I Cleired our schepp
<u>Image: 20211008_112859</u>
<u>Image: 20211008_112859</u>
Line 319: Line 408:
The accompt of moneys that
I reseaved of mr Robert Nelland
And went [?XXXX] Debtors
Item frome the 24 of November unto
The 7 of december 1636 Recaiwed
off him in moneys [?XXXXXXX] and other
nessessaries [?XXXXXXX] the somme of
and exchange of his moneis
which is in all
<u>Image: 20211008_112902</u>
<u>Image: 20211008_112902</u>
The 24 of november receaved
of mr Robert nell Land in [?XXXX]
the 4 [?XXXX]
Item receavved of him
Utem for a fathome of wod
Item for breinging too ofour passengers that
[?XXX] away
of him
Item for on Cabel waying 700 weight at £1
16 shillings per tonnes to
of him
Item one messane saill

Latest revision as of 17:56, December 21, 2021

This page is for the transcription of digital images in the HCA 30/636/3 Dropbox folder

Transcriptions contributed by Colin Greenstreet, Ian Friel, Michael Powell-Davies, Jen Waghorn, and Charlie Wilson

Transcription conventions

  1. Transcribe as you see the text, using original spelling
  2. Reproduce upper and lower case as written
  3. Expand contractions. No need to use square brackets as you expand the contracted word.
  4. Write shillings for s and pence for d. Use a "£" sign before numeral, otherwise "pound" or "pounds"
  5. Put a square bracket around a word which is doubtful. Use capital "X" for each unknown letter in a word. Put a "?" at the start of the doubtful word in square brackets. As in [?AndrXX] or [?Andro].
  6. For weights and measures, which are often abbreviated, think "hundredweight" (112 pounds), "stones" (14 pounds), "pounds", "ounces" (16 ounces in a pound); "barrels", "butts", "hogsheads"; "gallons" (1 gallon = 4 quarts), "quarts" (1 quart = 2 pints), pints"; "ells" (measure of cloth). For more background on C17th weights and measures browse the MarineLives weights and measures glossary
  7. For ordinal and cardinal numbers, very occasionally the roman as opposed to arab system is used
  8. DON'T insert the amounts of money recorded in the account books if on the RH side of the page. Colin is sorting out most efficient way to enter tabular data in the wiki. Until then, concentrate on the words.

Transcription tips

Think laterally. Andrew Hardie's spelling in his account book in in HCA 30/636/3 is particularly unusual.

Colin (a half Scot) is convinced Hardie is a Scot, but has no proof, other than the intriguing fact that Hardie dictated his will, whilst sick and living in the "Scot's house" in Middleburg, after the Abraham had arrived there from Barbados.

Image: 20211008_112432


Andrew Hardees Accomptes
for the Shippe Abraham,
@? 1636 and 1637

Image: 20211008_112439


Image: 20211008_112448


Image: 20211008_112620

Verso and Recto

[BLANK VERSO; DATA ON RECTO - Transcribe on next page please]

Image: 20211008_112624


A memorandum that I have brought out of Ill of weight with
me to sey[1] in my scheast[2] the soume of £03-13s-11
Per me Andro Hardie

the 20 Day of Jun we began [?upone] ane hoghead of beff
and [?thare] was in it 144lb

Image: 20211008_112636



Image: 20211008_112640


September Jully

I did reseave in [?XXXX] [?XXXXX] of
by mr penner his letter
Item I had of mr anthony the third day of
the 2[nd] september 1636 in kensaill
the 7[th] september 1636 I had of him mor the secont day
the 3[rf] september 1636 he payd to mr mat for me in [?borX]
[?XXXX] I had of John hansseill
[?XXXX] I had of him mor
[?XXXX] I had of him mor the 7 [th] day of october
[?XXXX] for one barrall of botter [?XXXXXXXX] 124
wherof is 20 allowed for [?XXXX] so ther resteth
[?more] at 27 shillings 6 pence hundrets
[?XXXX] ane other barrall of botter [?XXXXXX] 124
[?XXXX] ane other barrall of botter [?XXXeing] 100 a
quarter and three pounds at the [?cost] of 27 shillings [?XXXX]
the 9[th] day

Image: 20211008_112656



Image: 20211008_112659



Image: 20211008_112717



Image: 20211008_112720


The Last Day of agust
I did by iii [?laman] [?breadg] vpone
my owen acompt 1636

Item ane dossone of -2 solled shews[3] and [?] at - £01-01s-00d
Mor on dossone of three solled shewes at - £01-02s-00d
and I gave him - 02s in earnest
Item the -27 day I bought four dossone Jeareises
stokeins at -07s-06d per dossone which is - £01-10s-00d

Image: 20211008_112731



Image: 20211008_112733





Image: 20211008_112741



Image: 20211008_112743





Image: 20211008_112750



Image: 20211008_112753


The compt that I andru hardie hath laid out upon
the sherp abraham the 23 day of apryll 1636


Item for breingein abowrd too hogsherds of [?XXXXX] and beir
Item to ane porter and Cowpper
May Item the last day of apryll for three labr[our]s abowrd
the 2 day for fowr labr[our]s abowrd
the 4 day to mr meredeath his man James abowrd
Item payed to watter men
the 7 day Item to the [?carters] too of thame 8 dayes and on 16 [?XX]
Item then to mr mortone
the 14 Item he had of me in the half moene teverone
the 15 Item the bosman had of me in my [?holls]
the 16 Item payd for [?XXXXXX] and [?XXXXXX] for owr salt
Item for bred botter and [?XXXXX] my wyf hand out
Item to the Rotkatscher
the 19 Item to mr holder for his half pay
the 23 Item to mr daw[?XX] for [?XXXX[
Item to my met John Jay
Item my charges to detford to [?XXXX] our men
Item for on kettill to dry the bredrome
the 24 Item for the colter [?XXXXX] to our [?teller]
Item mor for men to mor our scherp
the 24 Item to frances [?somery] Carpenter
the 25 Item to the gunners wyf John Casteill
Item to our pyllot
the 26 Item to [?XXX] me [?XXXXXXX] downe the scherp to the wall
Item for sending hom to Captaine hecoyersomes wyff
on hogshead of [?XXXXX] with on person and target 3 tyms
the 25 of may to fyve men to corry downe the scherp to
graves end with one wherry with thames
Item for ane bots ore
Item for mending of our teller

Image: 20211008_112800



Image: 20211008_112803


the 27 day of May 1636

Item to gud man freman and his man for too days
Item the Customhows for [?XXXXerny] of our [?wert]
Leing bill and our bond in the Customhows
Item the ropmaker had of me
the 28 our sorgen had of me in the pottegers
Item for nyne stone of okkome[4] at 10 shillings [?farXXX] per ston
the last Item for [?XXXXXeing] of our scherp and our [?XXXX] the [?XXXX]
Item ane [?XXXXX XXXXX] waying 16 pounds
Item ane barrall of pouder
first of June Item for on bot to graves end to Carry or Compasses
and rops and schers
the 3 day The seorgen had of me
Item I payed to the watter men that brought his [?schersts]
the 4 day Item it Cost me with the searchers befor thay k[l]ered
The shep
and twentie schelleing I had of mr meredath to give
the 4 day Item I payed my met habber which he laid out upon
The scherp as shall a peir by his not
Item I paied the botsman his half pay
Item [?XXXXX] [?XXXXXX] his half pay
Item Robert stowt his half pay
Item to william odem for half pay
Item the boy Johne
Item for [?soull] newdell
the 6 day Item for [?XXXX] [?hollby]
Item to Carry me doun to the [?hollp] and my scharg
es at graves end after the scherp was gone
the 14 day Item to owr pylot to Carry him up
Item at Deall for on [?grapnett] for our bot
Item for on peece of [?JonnXX]
the 17 day Item for one peutter bessing at sandwetsch
Item for one greindinstone to our carpenter
Item for fresh met

Image: 20211008_112813



Image: 20211008_112815



Image: 20211008_112826



Image: 20211008_112829


August we com into fallmouth

Item I paye for ankerertsch and berkeinge[5]
Item from the searchers [?fers] of our [?XXXX][6]
Item to the sogers[7] of the Castill
Item for ane 142 weight of bef
Item for 10 pound weight of botter at 4 pence per pound
Item thar for fyre wod
Item thar for fresch peillchards

the 27 day of august we com to [?Cinsall][8] harbor

Item the 29th [?XXXX] the [?bell] thwarth the toun[9]
Item the ferst of September for one quarteer of beiff
And one peck of otmell
Item for one Cord of wod
the 9
Item Johne Smally boutscher had of me [?XX][10] for 10 koues
at 7 shillings per hundredweight waying 220-3 quarters-14 pound weight comes to
the 11
Item to mr Ferdrecke for 10 koues mor at 6 shillings 6 pence per hundredweight
waying 2300-1quarter-15 pounds comes to
Item in scharges of sallting of our bef
Item for three quarters of beef my met hakker[11]
bought in my absence with on pek of otmell is
Item it cost me in scharges with the karpenters and
[?Breameing][12] and treimeing of our scerp
Item for half one honder of [?russome][13]
Item for thre baralls of beir
Item for too hogsheids of otmell an on barrall
Item for fowr pownd of thrummes[14]
Item for okkum thair[15]
Item in scharge at Lau with our Carpanter[16]
Item I payed for our Couper when he was put in pre

Image: 20211008_112841


for mr sleaye

Item I payed to the woman tha[t] dwelt above
when we salted our beiff I dens it by my boy

Item I delivred Lewe with my met Gabber when
I went out in the Contray for servants
twenty shillings and he bought the[?XXX]

Item at Last for ane Cord of wod

Iten mr whyt Com did pay the bakker in my
behalff the some of

for four thoussand of bisket and the rest in
fresh [?brXXX]

Item allso he payed the breuarr for six tons
of berr

Item I was in scharges myself for serw-
ants in the Contray

on the other side
In folio 10 p[?XXX]

for 3 barrell of Butter and Aparrell etcetera [?XXXX]

Image: 20211008_112844


The 17 of september 1636
Andro Hardie creditor

the 17 [XXXX]
Item for ane syd of beiff
I payd to the marshall as will aperr by his not
for our carpantar upon agreiment and promess
that wold performe the wayaye which when he
com out he woll [?XXX] performe and maid me Lay
him [?fast] againe and I payed for him

Item for entring of our schep in the Customhouses

Item for Cleereing of my bond thaarr

Item thar for my mett Leing bill

the 19 [?XXXX]
Item for the sellar we sallted our beif in

Item to samouall berr to apper for thre tone of
Cask and two Cord of fyre wod and 2 dossone of small [?XXXX]

Item to thomas browne watter belley for ankreytsch
granetsch and all other deus

Item of John samalleing for thrie syds of beiff

Item mor to him for one hyd

the 20 [?XXXX]
Item to Thomas the schandler for ane hundredweight of salts
and kandells

Item I payed to John doffs his wyf for dawed Jacb

Item mor I payed for him for ane paar of bowts
and more that he delivered me of Lent money

Item I payed for ane paar of bowts for the bosmane

Item I payed good wyff doff for James Lanne

Item payed to her mor forrertschard [?saires]

Item I payed her for on barall of ternep and poltere and [?XXXX]

Item to the smeith for irrone work which schall aperr by his not

Item to welliam wodmane

Item for broumes

Item to the boutscher for 7 sydes of beif and 10 pound
weight of seuat comes to

Item mr Antony pot to accompt to me for too hogsheids
of otmell and ane peck of otmell

Item for ane Leoghter that Cairried abourd our beir

Item it cost me with the Customes when I Cleired our schepp


Image: 20211008_112859


The accompt of moneys that
I reseaved of mr Robert Nelland
And went [?XXXX] Debtors
Item frome the 24 of November unto
The 7 of december 1636 Recaiwed
off him in moneys [?XXXXXXX] and other
nessessaries [?XXXXXXX] the somme of
and exchange of his moneis
which is in all

Image: 20211008_112902


The 24 of november receaved
of mr Robert nell Land in [?XXXX]

the 4 [?XXXX]
Item receavved of him

Utem for a fathome of wod

Item for breinging too ofour passengers that
[?XXX] away

of him
Item for on Cabel waying 700 weight at £1
16 shillings per tonnes to

of him
Item one messane saill


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  1. "sey" = sea
  2. "scheast" = chest. Andrew Hardie places an "s" before"ch" as in "scheast" ans "schardges"
  3. Modern shoes exist in two and three soled versions. See, for example, Church's double sole range
  4. "okkome" = oakum. "Oakum is a preparation of tarred fibre used to seal gaps. Its main traditional applications were in shipbuilding, for caulking or packing the joints of timbers in wooden vessels...In ship caulking, it was forced into the seams using a hammer and a caulking iron, then sealed into place with hot pitch." (Wikipedia entry: Oakum)
  5. "ankeretsch" = anchorage; "berkeinge" = berthing. Anchorage and berthing charges are petty port charges paid by ships in Early Modern (and Modern) ports. EXPAND THIS NOTE
  6. 'Item from the searchers feis of our cokked' - i.e. paid to the customs searchers to as a fee to have a document sealed with a ccket to show that dues had been paid on goods.
  7. "sogers" = souldiers
  8. "Cinsall" = Kinsale in Ireland
  9. Possibly to 'sound the bell athwart or opposite the town'.
  10. Apparently the word 'me' repeated.
  11. "My met hakker" was Phillop (or Phillip] Hakker. Hakker was one of two master's mates in the Abraham of London. The other was John Jay or Joy. See list of company of the Abraham of London
  12. 'Breaming' or burning off marine growths on the underwater part of the hull. This seems to have been connected with caulking - see 'thrums' and 'okkum' below.
  13. Possibly 'rissom', heads of corn or some other grain - OED.
  14. Waste wool or another cloth used to make mops for applying pitch or tar to the hull.
  15. Oakum was used with pitch or tar to caulk the plank seems in a ship. Normally it consisted of fibres unpicked from old ropes (OED), but in this case, unless 'thair' simply means 'there', it may have derived from animal hair.
  16. Legal charges incurred in connection with ship's carpenter of the Abraham, who appears to have been imprisoned in Kinsale, Ireland