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is to bee paid by one hundred pounds per Anm from the time of my decease untill the said five yeares bee elapsed and incurred shall bee paid to the persons as they bee in order and according to the proportions following vizt.  To Ellinor Hinton wife of M:r Tho: Hinton in Southampton Streete in or neare to the Citty of London Apothecary the summe of one hundred pounds  To M:r William Methold the Elder the summe of fifty pounds To Mary his daughter the summe of one hundred pounds To Thomas Methold his brother the summe of two hundred pounds  To Susan Cockaine sister of the said Thomas Methold twenty pounds to buy her a dyamond ring And to Susan Blackerby daughter of my Cosen Blackerby<ref>PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of Samuel Blackerby, Clerk of Stowmarket, Suffolk 09 February 1675</ref> late Minister of Stowmarket thirty pounds  And I doe hereby give full power and authority to my Executors and the survivor of them and to the executors and Administrators of such survivor and to the said Ellinor Hinton William Methold Mary his daughter Thomas Methold Susan Cockaine and Susan Blackerby and to every of them for recovery thereof by all wayes and meanes that shall bee thought convenient for that purpose
is to bee paid by one hundred pounds per Anm from the time of my decease untill the said five yeares bee elapsed and incurred shall bee paid to the persons as they bee in order and according to the proportions following vizt.  To Ellinor Hinton wife of M:r Tho: Hinton in Southampton Streete in or neare to the Citty of London Apothecary the summe of one hundred pounds  To M:r William Methold the Elder the summe of fifty pounds To Mary his daughter the summe of one hundred pounds To Thomas Methold his brother the summe of two hundred pounds  To Susan Cockaine sister of the said Thomas Methold twenty pounds to buy her a dyamond ring And to Susan Blackerby daughter of my Cosen Blackerby<ref>PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of Samuel Blackerby, Clerk of Stowmarket, Suffolk 09 February 1675</ref> late Minister of Stowmarket thirty pounds  And I doe hereby give full power and authority to my Executors and the survivor of them and to the executors and Administrators of such survivor and to the said Ellinor Hinton William Methold Mary his daughter Thomas Methold Susan Cockaine and Susan Blackerby and to every of them for recovery thereof by all wayes and meanes that shall bee thought convenient for that purpose
ITEM I give to my Neice Mary Kent the summe of twenty five pounds to bee paid to her within three yeares next after my decease soe as  her husband on payment thereof doe lay out as much more of his owne money in purchase of lands and cause the same to bee setled on him and her and heires of their two bodyes to bee begotten with the approbation of my Executors or the survivor of them
ITEM I give to my cosen Elizabeth wife of Charles Goodale Doctor of Physick the summe of One hundred pounds to bee paid her at the end of five yeares next after my decease and then the same to bee laid out in purchase of lands to bee setled upon her and her said husband and the heires of their two bodies to bee begotten and the feesimple thereof to her and her heires
ITEM I give to my Cosen Margaret Blackerby To my Cosen ffrancis Blackerby in Marke Lane London and to my Cosen Sarah wife of Mathew Soame to every of them five pounds apeece to bee paid at the end of three yeares next after my decease
ITEM I give to the two sisters of George Mast late of Isleham aforesaid To Jeremy his sonne to his brother Driver and to his brother Rombelowe and to Thomas Mast his nephew to every of them twenty shillings apeece to bee paid at the end of three yeares next after my decease
ITEM I give to my said deare wife five pounds for mourning to bee forthwith paid after my decease and tenn pounds more to bee paid within a convenient time after and my Bible embost with silver And alsoe I give to her the use of my great Bible in folio dureing her life and after her decease I give the same to my said Cosen Samuel Blackerby and after him to his sonne that shall bee owner of ?Shackerland Hall And as my further Will is that my wife shall continue in my house and have the free use thereof for the space of six weeks next after my decease
ITEM I give to M:rs Blayre daughter of my brother Bowtell deceased forty shillings
ITEM I give to my Godchildren after named vizt. Charles Goodall Elzabeth Barrell Sarah ffairclough Thomas Brooke and Susan Gibson to every of them five pounds apeece  And to Thomas West Bridget Keble Mary ?Munday Blackerby Tirrell and Thomas Colson to every of them three pounds apeece all these legacyes to bee paid at the end of five yeares next after my decease  But if the said Thomas West Blackerby Tirrell or Thomas Colson or any of them shall with consent of my Executors bee bound out Apprentices before that time then my will is that his or their said legacy or legacyes whoe shall bee soe bound shall bee paid for or towards his or their binding out
ITEM I give to my Cosens William Blackerby and Thomas Blackerby his sonne of the County of Norfolk to each of them the summe of five pounds peece
ITEM I give to Nathaniell ffairfay of Barking Clerke the summe of five pounds to buy him a silver Tankard on which I desire my Coate of Armes with his may bee engraven
ITEM I give to my honoured freind S:r Samuel Barnardiston Baronet To my loveing freinds John Southerbie Esq:r To the wife of Bartholomew Bly of Kensington To Richard Slade and Mary his wife  my Neice and to every of the said Maryes Children that shall bee liveing at my decease  To my Brother Pa?mant Goodwyn of melton in Norfolk and his six Children  To my Cosen Toft of Westwick in Norfolk his wife and three children  To the two sisters of my Cosen George Blacerby of Ely To my Cosen Samuel Turner of Bradley and his three sisters Bridget Mary and Alice To M:r Samuel ffairclough and his wife To my cosen John ffairclough of kennett and his wife and foure Children besides my Goddaughter To the three Children of my Uncle Lawrence Blackerby To my Cosen James Blackerby To my Cosen Doctor Goodall and his wife To my Cosen George Jones and his wife to every and each of them twenty shilllings apeece to buy them rings in remembrance of mee
ITEM I give to Martin ffinch his wife and two children To Susan Playford To my Cosens Nathan Burrell Christopher Burrell and Richard Burrell To M:r Thomas Bright of Bury Saint Edmund and his three daughters To M:rs Wren?th and her daughter Hannah wife to Parrett late of London To Christopher Sheriffe and Samuel Sheriffe To M:rs Mary Townsend To M:rs Gibson of Stowmarket To Richard Wilkinson of London To my Cosen Samuel Blackerby his wife and foure children To M:rs Elizabeth Barnardiston her sonnes and Jane Man her daughter To Thomas Russell and his wife To Robert Cooke of Stowmarket and his wife To Richard Cooke his sonne and his wife and to my Cosen Anthony Tirrell sonne of Thomas Tirrell to every and each of the said persons mentioned ten shillings a peece to buy them rings
ITEM I give to the Ministers of Gods word following vizt. M:r Richard Jennings M:r Sal?bold M:r Legg M:r ffenwick M:r ffairfax and M:r Waller to every of them twenty shillings apeece
ITEM I give to as many poore people of Stowmarket as I shall bee yeares old at the time of my decease six shillings a peese to buy them and make up for every of them black mourning cloakes of bayes to accompany my Corps to the grave the persons to bee elected and gownes provided by my Executors
ITEM I appoint three pounds six shillings and eight pence to bee laid out at my buriall for two hundred foure penny loaves to bee distributed by the appointment of my executors to two hundred poore people of Stowmarket and Stowupland in the morning of the day I shall bee buried
ITEM I give to the said M:rs Temperance ?Perden (Or, Rerden) foure pounds and forty shillings to her said sister Elizabeth
ITEM I give to John Sparrow and Susand Denoy my servants thirty shillings apeece towards mourning
ITEM I give to the said Towne of Stowmarket for ever the summe of tenn pounds to bee lent out by the Minister Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore there fir the time being or the major parte of them to some honest poore Tradesmen of the same Towne at their election upon good security for foure yeares for carrying on his Trade  paying yearly one shilling to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore as an acknolwedgment and soe to bee lent to other Tradesmen of the same
Towne in like manner

Revision as of 22:34, February 11, 2012

Thomas Blackerby will


Editorial history

11/02/12, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See 21st March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Blackerby to Sir GO, London
See 11th March 1666/67, Letter from Thomas Blackerby to Sir GO, Stowmarket

To do


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Thomas Blackerby of Stow Market in the County of Suffolk Esq:r tho at this present infirme in body yet being praised bee God of sound memory and perfect understanding revoakeing all former Wills by mee at any time heretofore made doe make this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following

IN THE FIRST PLACE I recommend my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator hopeing and stedfastly beleiving through his mercy and the pretious merrits of Christ Jesus His blood to bee washed from all my sinns and for ever to bee received into Eternall blisse with my deare Saviour whome I have for above threescore yeares and doe still desire sincerely with my soule and body to love serve and beleive in for my only Redeemer and Advocate And I order my body to be decently Interred in the Chauncell of the Church in Stowmarket aforesaid where severall of my Relations are buries

And as to that Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse mee I dispose thereof as followeth

IMPRIMIS I give and devise to my deare and loveing wife Katherine my two Mannours of Thorney Campsey and Thorney keys als Kebles w:th


all the righte members and appurtenances to them or either of them belonginge in Stowe Upland Medlesham and ?Gipping or in any other Towne or Townes thereunto neare adjoyning in the said County of Suffolk And all that Capitall Messuage or ffarme called Saint Thomas Hall als Browne Baston or by whatsoever other name or names the same bee called or knowne with the lands meadowes pasture underwoods and other the Appurtenances conteining together one hundred and forty Acres bee the same more or less situate in Stowe Upland Medndlesham and ?Gipping aforesaid and Earle Stonham now or heretofore in the occupation of Margaret Clarke widdowe or her Assignes shee keeping the same in Tenantable reparations and committing noe strip or waste To hold the same to her and her Assignes for and dureing the terme of her naturall life Alsoe I give to the said Katherine my wife the summe of thirty pounds to bee paid to her within one yeare neyt after my decease and a necklace of pearle one gold chaine one Jewell that shee usually weares one silver porringer one silver spoone my owne picture edged with gold to weare by her side one feathered boulster bedstead pillowes blankets rug and all other furniture in or belonging to the Chamber in my dwelling house where my sister Pendleton late lay six pewter plates whereon my Coate of Armes bee engraven and my best Chariot and one paire of Coach harnesse

ITEM I give to Blackerby ffairfax sonne of my Cosen Nathaniell ffairfax Doctor of Physicke and his heires my Revertion or Remainder expectant after the death of the wife of John Heyward of ?Dimbleston of one Messuage with the Appurtenances in Ipswich streete in Stowmarket aforesaid now or late in the occupation of Beniamine Langham and others and was formely an Escheat to my Mannour of Stowmarket by the Attainder of one Stopes for felony whoe was Attainted and Executed for the same Alsoe I give to the said Blackerby ffairefax his Executors and Assignes my Interest or Terme of yeares in a Coachhouse w:ch I built and have by Lease for ninety yeares or thereabouts from the Townesmen of Stowmarket which adjoyned to Samuel Pulfords house and abuts upon the Churchyard towards the North

ITEM I give to the poore of Stowmarket Church by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore there for the time being and afterwards the same day distributed by them with the consent of the Minister there for the time being to thirteene poore people to bee elected by them for that purpose which shall constantly frequent the Church unlesse they bee hundred by sicknesse or other impotency after they are appointed to receive the charity

ITEM I give to two honest poore men of Stowmarket aforesaid and to one of Stow Upland vizt. To every of them a Cloath gowne of a violet color at such times and in such manner as is hereafter nominated and appointed by this my Will successively the same to bee faced with yellow bayes or serge and the Letters T.B. to bee set in the sleeves or breast of every gowne and those that weare the same gownes shall from time to time bee appointed by the Minister Church Wardens and Overseers of the poore of Stowmarket and Stowupland for the time being and three other substantiall Inhabitants there whereof one to bee of Stowupland or the major parte of them And for this purpose I will that foure pounds every fourth yeare for ever shall bee paid to the Churchwardens and Overseeres of the said respective parishes for the time being the first paym:t to bee made in the fifth yeare after my decease in the moneth of October and from thenceforth every fourth yeare successively in the same moneth for ever

ITEM I give for ever hereafter to the Minister of Stowmarket aforesaid for the


time being twenty shillings yearely vizt. thirteene shillings and foure pence to preach two sermons in the Parish Church of Stowmarket aforesd one upon Saint Thomas day and the other upon Saint Peters day yearely and three shillings and foure pence for a dinner or collation upon each of those dayes the same being specified in a certaine Instrum:t or Writeing under my hand and seale contrived for the setling of the Vicarages of Saint Peter and Saint mary in Stowmarket aforesaid beareing date the third day of June in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Six

ITEM I give to the Townes of Isleham in the County of Cambridge and of Worlington and Badwell Ash in the County of Suffolke and of ?Horlwold (Or, ??Hockworld) cum Wilton in the County of Norfolk respectively the severall and respective summes of foure and twenty shillings a yeare for ever hereafter to bee paid to the respective Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of those severall parishes respectively to buy six loaves of bread weekely the ?inbread to bee included and to cause the same every Lordsw day to bee set up in their respective parish Churches and by them after the Worship of God in the forenoone is Ended to bee distributed to six Protestant poore people in every of the said parishes that come constantly to Church to serve God unlesse hindred by sicknesse or other impotentcy they haveing beene first appointed thereunto by the Ministers Churchwardens and Overseeres of the poore of those parishes respectively or the major parte of them for the time being to receive that charity And my will is that this my devise bee entred into the Church bookes of those severall Townes respectively

ITEM I give to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of Stowmarket aforesaid yearly for ever twenty shillings to bee by them laid out for teaching three poore Children to read English and to write and the persons to bee soe taught to bee from time to time Elected by the Minister Churchwardens and Overseeres of the poore of the same Towne or the major parte of them for the time being and none to have the benefit of this gift after they have attained the age of tenn yeares and then to bee bestwoed on others to bee Elected as aforesaid

ITEM I give to the Minister of Stowmarket aforesd for the time being that shall bee of the Reformed Protestant Religion weekly for ever upon every Thursday twelve pence for and towards the preaching of a Lecture in the parish Church there and for soe long time as hee shall continue to preach the same Lecture But if hee shall neglect or cease from preaching the same by the space of a moneth together then the payment of the said twelve pence per week to cease untill hee shall recontinue the preaching of the same Lecture which if hee doe then the twelve pence a week to bee paid to him as formerly soe long as he shall continue to preach the same and noe longer the said twelve pence to bee weekely paid to him by the Eldest Churchwarden of Stowmarket aforesaid for the time being in such manner as is afterwards in this my Will mentioned And Whereas by and Indenture Tripartite beareing Date on or about the sixteenth day of Jannary in the Thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of our Late Soereigne Lord King Charles the Second made betweene myselfe and my wife of the first parte Sir Samuell Barnardiston Baronett Palatia Baranardiston Esq:r and Richard ffairclough and Samuell ffaireclough Clerk of the second parte and Nathaniell Barnardiston and Samuel Blackerby Esq:r and Elizabeth Barnardiston Spinster of the third parte I have setled my reall estate to the severall uses therein mentioned and amongst other the Mannours Messuages and Lands herein before devised to my wife


in such manner as the same is hereby devised to her for the better secureing of her estate therein And One Annuity or yearly rent of fourteene pounds free from taxes to and uppon the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston Pelatia Barnardiston Richard ffairclough and Samuel ffairclough and their heires payable at Lady day and Michaelmas yearely to commence immediately after my decease and to bee issueing out of the Rectoryes and Parsonages of Saint Peter and Saint Mary in Stowmarket and Stowupland aforesd and other Townes and Hamlets and the Tithes growing and renewing there and in Chilton Hamblets in trust that they and their herires should pay the same Annuity to such person and persons as by my last Will and Testament in writeing I should limit and appoint Now in pursueance of the power and authority soe to mee reserved I doe by this my Wil declare and appoint that the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston and other the said trustees and their heires shall pay or cause to bee paid yearely and every yeare for ever hereafter the said fourteene pounds to the Elder Churchwarden of Stowmarket aforesaid for the time being and that hee shall from time to time pay out the same to the severall Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of the severall parishes of Iselham Worlington Badwell Ash and ?Hockwold cum Wilton aforesaid or one of the said Officers of every of those parishes the severall summes of foure and twenty shillings a yeare halfe yearly as hee shall receive the same upon demand thereof to bee by them severally disposed of according to the severrall appointements aforesaid

And my Will is that out of the remainder of the said fourteene pounds per Annum the Elder Churchwarden of Stowmarket aforesaid shall from time to time pay for the said poore mens gownes bread for the poore of Stowmarket the Ministers sermons and dinners the teaching of the poore Children to read and write and for preaching the Lecture in Stowmarket as aforesaid And the overplus of the said fourteene pounds per Annm if any There shall bee after full discharge of the said last mentioned Charities my will is and I doe appoint the same to be paid to my Executors hereafter named and the survivour of them towards the discharge of my legacyes and the Execution of this my Will and after the same shall bee fully satisfied then if any overplus shall yet remaine I give and appoint the same to bee paid to my kinsmen Robert Blackerby neare to Walton in Norfolk and William Blackerby of Kings Lynne in Norfolk and to their heires to bee equally devided betweene them And that upon every Easter Tuesday for ever hereafter the said Elder Church Warden of Stowmarket aforesaid shall render an Accompt of the poore there for the time being of his receipts and disbursements in the premisses And Wheread I have by the said recited Tripartite Indenture reserved power to my selfe to charge the said Rectoryes and Parsonages of Saint Peter and Saint Mary aforesaid by my last Will with any summe or summes of money not exceeding five hundred pounds to bee paid within five yeare commencing from my decease to such persons and for such uses as I should appoint by my Will Now my will and mind is And I doe hereby Charge the said Rectoryes and Parsonages with their appurtenances with the said five hundred pounds And I doe direct and appoint my Executors herein after named and the survivor of them and the Executors amd Adminstrators of such survivor to receive and take the said five hundred pounds according to my true intent and meaning and the porport of the said recited Indenture And my Will is that the same five hundred pounds as it shall bee received which by Agreement betweene mee and my said Cosen Samuel Blackerby


is to bee paid by one hundred pounds per Anm from the time of my decease untill the said five yeares bee elapsed and incurred shall bee paid to the persons as they bee in order and according to the proportions following vizt. To Ellinor Hinton wife of M:r Tho: Hinton in Southampton Streete in or neare to the Citty of London Apothecary the summe of one hundred pounds To M:r William Methold the Elder the summe of fifty pounds To Mary his daughter the summe of one hundred pounds To Thomas Methold his brother the summe of two hundred pounds To Susan Cockaine sister of the said Thomas Methold twenty pounds to buy her a dyamond ring And to Susan Blackerby daughter of my Cosen Blackerby[1] late Minister of Stowmarket thirty pounds And I doe hereby give full power and authority to my Executors and the survivor of them and to the executors and Administrators of such survivor and to the said Ellinor Hinton William Methold Mary his daughter Thomas Methold Susan Cockaine and Susan Blackerby and to every of them for recovery thereof by all wayes and meanes that shall bee thought convenient for that purpose

ITEM I give to my Neice Mary Kent the summe of twenty five pounds to bee paid to her within three yeares next after my decease soe as her husband on payment thereof doe lay out as much more of his owne money in purchase of lands and cause the same to bee setled on him and her and heires of their two bodyes to bee begotten with the approbation of my Executors or the survivor of them

ITEM I give to my cosen Elizabeth wife of Charles Goodale Doctor of Physick the summe of One hundred pounds to bee paid her at the end of five yeares next after my decease and then the same to bee laid out in purchase of lands to bee setled upon her and her said husband and the heires of their two bodies to bee begotten and the feesimple thereof to her and her heires

ITEM I give to my Cosen Margaret Blackerby To my Cosen ffrancis Blackerby in Marke Lane London and to my Cosen Sarah wife of Mathew Soame to every of them five pounds apeece to bee paid at the end of three yeares next after my decease

ITEM I give to the two sisters of George Mast late of Isleham aforesaid To Jeremy his sonne to his brother Driver and to his brother Rombelowe and to Thomas Mast his nephew to every of them twenty shillings apeece to bee paid at the end of three yeares next after my decease

ITEM I give to my said deare wife five pounds for mourning to bee forthwith paid after my decease and tenn pounds more to bee paid within a convenient time after and my Bible embost with silver And alsoe I give to her the use of my great Bible in folio dureing her life and after her decease I give the same to my said Cosen Samuel Blackerby and after him to his sonne that shall bee owner of ?Shackerland Hall And as my further Will is that my wife shall continue in my house and have the free use thereof for the space of six weeks next after my decease

ITEM I give to M:rs Blayre daughter of my brother Bowtell deceased forty shillings

ITEM I give to my Godchildren after named vizt. Charles Goodall Elzabeth Barrell Sarah ffairclough Thomas Brooke and Susan Gibson to every of them five pounds apeece And to Thomas West Bridget Keble Mary ?Munday Blackerby Tirrell and Thomas Colson to every of them three pounds apeece all these legacyes to bee paid at the end of five yeares next after my decease But if the said Thomas West Blackerby Tirrell or Thomas Colson or any of them shall with consent of my Executors bee bound out Apprentices before that time then my will is that his or their said legacy or legacyes whoe shall bee soe bound shall bee paid for or towards his or their binding out


ITEM I give to my Cosens William Blackerby and Thomas Blackerby his sonne of the County of Norfolk to each of them the summe of five pounds peece

ITEM I give to Nathaniell ffairfay of Barking Clerke the summe of five pounds to buy him a silver Tankard on which I desire my Coate of Armes with his may bee engraven

ITEM I give to my honoured freind S:r Samuel Barnardiston Baronet To my loveing freinds John Southerbie Esq:r To the wife of Bartholomew Bly of Kensington To Richard Slade and Mary his wife my Neice and to every of the said Maryes Children that shall bee liveing at my decease To my Brother Pa?mant Goodwyn of melton in Norfolk and his six Children To my Cosen Toft of Westwick in Norfolk his wife and three children To the two sisters of my Cosen George Blacerby of Ely To my Cosen Samuel Turner of Bradley and his three sisters Bridget Mary and Alice To M:r Samuel ffairclough and his wife To my cosen John ffairclough of kennett and his wife and foure Children besides my Goddaughter To the three Children of my Uncle Lawrence Blackerby To my Cosen James Blackerby To my Cosen Doctor Goodall and his wife To my Cosen George Jones and his wife to every and each of them twenty shilllings apeece to buy them rings in remembrance of mee

ITEM I give to Martin ffinch his wife and two children To Susan Playford To my Cosens Nathan Burrell Christopher Burrell and Richard Burrell To M:r Thomas Bright of Bury Saint Edmund and his three daughters To M:rs Wren?th and her daughter Hannah wife to Parrett late of London To Christopher Sheriffe and Samuel Sheriffe To M:rs Mary Townsend To M:rs Gibson of Stowmarket To Richard Wilkinson of London To my Cosen Samuel Blackerby his wife and foure children To M:rs Elizabeth Barnardiston her sonnes and Jane Man her daughter To Thomas Russell and his wife To Robert Cooke of Stowmarket and his wife To Richard Cooke his sonne and his wife and to my Cosen Anthony Tirrell sonne of Thomas Tirrell to every and each of the said persons mentioned ten shillings a peece to buy them rings

ITEM I give to the Ministers of Gods word following vizt. M:r Richard Jennings M:r Sal?bold M:r Legg M:r ffenwick M:r ffairfax and M:r Waller to every of them twenty shillings apeece

ITEM I give to as many poore people of Stowmarket as I shall bee yeares old at the time of my decease six shillings a peese to buy them and make up for every of them black mourning cloakes of bayes to accompany my Corps to the grave the persons to bee elected and gownes provided by my Executors

ITEM I appoint three pounds six shillings and eight pence to bee laid out at my buriall for two hundred foure penny loaves to bee distributed by the appointment of my executors to two hundred poore people of Stowmarket and Stowupland in the morning of the day I shall bee buried

ITEM I give to the said M:rs Temperance ?Perden (Or, Rerden) foure pounds and forty shillings to her said sister Elizabeth

ITEM I give to John Sparrow and Susand Denoy my servants thirty shillings apeece towards mourning

ITEM I give to the said Towne of Stowmarket for ever the summe of tenn pounds to bee lent out by the Minister Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore there fir the time being or the major parte of them to some honest poore Tradesmen of the same Towne at their election upon good security for foure yeares for carrying on his Trade paying yearly one shilling to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore as an acknolwedgment and soe to bee lent to other Tradesmen of the same


Towne in like manner


Possible primary sources

British Library

Blackerby (Thomas). of the E. India Co. Letters to Sir G. Oxenden 1662-1667.
Add. 40696 f. 167
Add. 40700 f. 188
Add. 40711 f. 17 (copy)
Add. 40712 ff. 17, 48 b (copies)
Add. 40713 f. 4 (copy)

Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch

Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch: Aldeburgh Borough Records: PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS [no ref. or date: ELECTION INDENTURES [no ref. or date]: Indenture of the election of John Bence, London, Esq. as Member of Parliament for the Borough EE1/K1/1 2nd November - 9th November, 1669]
- Contents: With writ of Thomas Blackerby, Sheriff, attached. 2nd November, 1669.

Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds Branch

Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds Branch: Badwell Ash Parish Records: CLERGY FL507/3 [n.d.: Mortgage FL507/3/36 1689]
- Contents: Mortgage of parsonage and all income belonging to the same by the administrator of the estate of the late Thomas Blackerby of Stowmarket to Elizabeth Barnardiston of Kedington, with assignment of remainder of mortgage term on 2 messuages in St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich and another in St. Stephen's, Norwich

Surrey History Centre

Surrey History Centre: PROPERTY IN SURREY AND ELSEWHERE: DEEDS AND PAPERS, 1573-1827: G20/2/23: Bargain and sale 1) Thomas Blackerby of Stowmarket, esq 2) William Mayes of Stanton, Suffolk, clothier, 10 Oct 1671
- Bargain and sale 1) Thomas Blackerby of Stowmarket, esq 2) William May of Radwell, clothier. Bases meadow, Hunston, Suffolk. Consideration: £43. Signed and sealed


C 9/294/17 Blackerby v. Barnadiston 1698
C 9/294/51 Barnardiston v. Barnardiston and Blackerby 1694
C 9/294/61 Blackerby v. Barnardiston 1694
C 9/295/14 Blackerby v. Goodyeare 1692
C 9/295/34 Blackerby v. Barnardiston 1698
C 9/314/61 Blackerby v. Barnardiston 1702
C 9/314/63 Blackerby v. Barnardiston 1702
C 9/316/22 Barnardiston v. Blackerby 1694
C 9/316/37 Barnardiston v. Blackerby 1694
C 9/337/4 Micoe v. Blackerby 1693
C 9/437/20 Blackerby v. Barnardiston, knt. 1698
C 9/456/18 Barnardiston v. Blackerby 1703
C 9/457/100 Barnardiston v. Blackerby 1693

C 10/119/4 Blackerby v. Howe: Suff 1660
C 10/282/3 Barnardiston, Blackerby, Bowles v. Micow, Harrison: Middx 1691
C 10/284/5 Blackerby, Barnardiston, Bowles, Stewart v. Micoe, Harrison: Middx 1692
C 10/290/21 Richard Lloyd v Sir Thomas Barnardiston baronet, Sir Samuel Barnardiston baronet, Thomas Death, Samuel Blackerby and Mary his wife and others: Cakewell, Gomersall and others, Yorkshire. Bill and two answers 1695

PROB 4/12568 Blackerby, Samuel, of Stowmarket, Suff, clerke 1675 9 Feb.

PROB 11/141 Swann 1-66 Will of John Blackerby, Yeoman of Wilton, Norfolk 13 May 1623
PROB 11/147 Clarke 103-147 Will of Edward Blackerby, Clothworker of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London 22 November 1625
PROB 11/167 Sadler 1-44 Will of Sir John Poley of Saint Peter Stowmarket, Suffolk 29 April 1635
PROB 11/231 Brent 319-367 Will of William Methwold 15 April 1653
PROB 11/314 Bruce 49-96 Will of Sir William Poley of Boxted, Suffolk 19 June 1664
PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of Samuel Blackerby, Clerk of Stowmarket, Suffolk 09 February 1675
PROB 11/380 Cann 52-107 Will of Barnaby Bowtell of Parham, Suffolk 22 May 1685
- Probably Barnaby Bowtell (b. 1609?, d. ?1684) of Parnham Hall, Suffolk. Parnham Hall was located XXXX. An Archaeological Excavation report, 2005, states that Katherine Blackerby, nee Bowtell, was the niece of a Batholomew Gosnold. She is buried at St. Peter and St. Mary's Church, Stowmarket[2]
PROB 11/396 Ent 91-138 Will of Thomas Blackerby of Stowmarket, Suffolk 27 August 1689, pp. 11
PROB 11/443 Lort 1-44 Will of William Bowtell, Merchant of London 20 January 1698

PROB 11/545 Fagg 39-79 Will of Samuel Blackerby of Grays Inn, Middlesex 14 April 1715
  1. PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of Samuel Blackerby, Clerk of Stowmarket, Suffolk 09 February 1675
  2. 'Summary', p. iii, in APVA excavations at Shelley & Stowmarket churches, Suffolk (SHY 004 & SKT 015 (Ipswich, 2005), pub. at http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/catalogue/adsdata/arch-415-1/dissemination/pdf/suffolkc1-11090.pdf, viewed 11/02/12