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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 18/03/13 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted nto wikispot on 17/04/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/03/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/03/18
|First transcribed=13/03/18
|Note=IMAGE: P1140485.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 11/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140485
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140485.JPG}}
|Transcription=and saith that upon these words, severall of the shipps company deserted and left her
|Transcription=ánd ˹saith that˺ upon these words, severall of the shipps company deserted and left her
declaring that if the carpenter and Gunner (which the said Whitfeild
declaring that if the carpenter and Gunner reported (which the said Whitfeild
and Edwards were) reported soe of her, they had noe reason to venture them=
and Edwards were) reported soe of her, they had noe reason to venture them=
selves in her. howbeit hee saith that hee cannot affirme such speeches
selves in her. howbeit hee saith that hee cannot affirme such speeches
and behaviour of the said whitfeild and Edwards XXXX XXXX of the
and behaviour of the said whitfeild and Edwards to be the cause of the
freighters giving over the voyage, for notwithstanding the same the
freighters giving over the voyage, for notwithstanding the same the
said shipp proceeded on the said voyage with the said goods from Saint Christofers
said shipp proceeded on the said voyage with the said goods from Saint Christofers
Line 25: Line 21:
goods of the Governour there for England, but in her course after three
goods of the Governour there for England, but in her course after three
times setting out shee proved soe leakie, that shee was faine to returne
times setting out shee proved soe leakie, that shee was faine to returne
againe into Montserr the Roade of Saint Christofers, and soe the Captaine
againe into the Roade of Saint Christofers, and soe the Captaine
got them laden in other go shipps for England, all which hee knoweth
got them laden in other shipps for England, all which hee knoweth
being one of her company, And otherwise hee cannot depose saving the
being one of her company, And otherwise hee cannot depose saving the
said shipp lay tenn or eleaven monethes at Saint Christofer.
said shipp lay tenn or eleaven monethes at Saint Christofers.
To the third article hee saith and deposeth during such time as the
To the third article hee saith and deposeth during such time as the
said shipp remained at Saint Christofer the said voyage, the said Whitfeilds
said shipp remained at Saint Christofers the said voyage, the said Whitfeilds
mate and an other man endeavouring to stop a leake which shee had
mate and an other man endeavouring to stop a leake which shee had
sprung, the said whitfeild came and did XXXX and was much displeasd
sprung, the said whitfeild came and did chide and was much displeasd
with his mate for doing it without his order, telling him that if
with his mate for doing it without his order, telling him that if
they let her alone, that shee might behald ashore, as captaine
they let her alone, shee might be hald ashore, as captaine
Brownes men had donne theirs and soe they might have had their
Brownes men had donne theirs and soe they might have had their
wages, whereof they which they were more likely (as they said) to have
wages, which they were more likely (as they said) to have
by haling her ashore than by stopping her leakes or to that effect,
by haling her ashore than by stopping her leakes or to that effect,
but the foresaid goods were taken out before this passage happened,
but the foresaid goods were taken out before this passage happened,
Line 43: Line 39:
To the 4th hee cannot depose, saving there happened a greate storme
To the 4th hee cannot depose, saving there happened a greate storme
while the said shipp was neere the Maderas in her homewards voyage.
while the said shipp was neere the Madera's in her homewards voyage.
To the fifth hee saith that the said voyage there was at New England
To the fifth hee saith that the said voyage there was at New England
a good quantitie of corne put aboard the said shipp, XXX XXX XXXXXXX,
a good quantitie of corne put aboard the said shipp,
for the Madera's; amd in her course for the Maderas the said shipp
for the Madera's; amd in her course for the Maderas the said shipp
her bulkheads not being made fast, shee was in much perill of perishing,
her bulkheads not being made fast, shee was in much perill of perishing,
and her men had much adoe to keep her free, but for any order given
and her men had much adoe to keep her free, but for any order given
to Whitfeild to have a care or looke to them, or any neglect of his therein
to Whitfeild to have a care or looke to them, or any neglect of his therein
hee cannot depose, and saving that by the said defect of the said
hee cannot depose, and
bulke saith that the said voyage for Madera's the corne ran downe
saith that the said voyage for Madera's the corne ran downe
into the wells, aand thereby the pumpes were choked, and the said
into the wells, and thereby the pumpes were choked, and the said
corne soe fallen downe was spoiled and heaved over board. And
corne soe fallen downe was spoiled and heaved over board. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
otherwise hee cannot depose.
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|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Latest revision as of 16:36, May 22, 2015


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HCA 13/71 f.618r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and saith that upon these words, severall of the shipps company deserted and left her
declaring that if the carpenter and Gunner (which the said Whitfeild
and Edwards were) reported soe of her, they had noe reason to venture them=
selves in her. howbeit hee saith that hee cannot affirme such speeches
and behaviour of the said whitfeild and Edwards to be the cause of the
freighters giving over the voyage, for notwithstanding the same the
said shipp proceeded on the said voyage with the said goods from Saint Christofers
to goe to Montserrat where shee was to have taken in fiftie other tonnes of
goods of the Governour there for England, but in her course after three
times setting out shee proved soe leakie, that shee was faine to returne
againe into the Roade of Saint Christofers, and soe the Captaine
got them laden in other shipps for England, all which hee knoweth
being one of her company, And otherwise hee cannot depose saving the
said shipp lay tenn or eleaven monethes at Saint Christofers.

To the third article hee saith and deposeth during such time as the
said shipp remained at Saint Christofers the said voyage, the said Whitfeilds
mate and an other man endeavouring to stop a leake which shee had
sprung, the said whitfeild came and did chide and was much displeasd
with his mate for doing it without his order, telling him that if
they let her alone, shee might be hald ashore, as captaine
Brownes men had donne theirs and soe they might have had their
wages, which they were more likely (as they said) to have
by haling her ashore than by stopping her leakes or to that effect,
but the foresaid goods were taken out before this passage happened,
All which hee heard and saw. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 4th hee cannot depose, saving there happened a greate storme
while the said shipp was neere the Madera's in her homewards voyage.

To the fifth hee saith that the said voyage there was at New England
a good quantitie of corne put aboard the said shipp,
for the Madera's; amd in her course for the Maderas the said shipp
her bulkheads not being made fast, shee was in much perill of perishing,
and her men had much adoe to keep her free, but for any order given
to Whitfeild to have a care or looke to them, or any neglect of his therein
hee cannot depose, and
saith that the said voyage for Madera's the corne ran downe
into the wells, and thereby the pumpes were choked, and the said
corne soe fallen downe was spoiled and heaved over board. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 6th hee saith that the said Edwards once or twice strucke the
steward of the said shipp the said voyage. And otherwise hee cannot

To the 7th hee cannot depose.

To the 8th hee cannot depose, saving the said Edwards from
New England to the Madera's carried Pipe staves, (but how many
hee knoweth not) and wines from the Madera's but the quantities hee
knoweth not.

To the nineth hee cannot depose.

To the tenth hee cannot depose.
