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|Editorial history=Created 07/06/14, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 04/08/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2014/08/04
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0113_copy.JPG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0113_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/73 f.451v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_0113_copy.JPG}}
|Transcription=To the 5th article hee deposeth not, saving that some of the said [?company GUTTER]
also acknowledged that the said John Mexia de herera came alsoe to Santa
Cruse with the said other Spaniards, who as aforesaid were by the said [?XXX GUTTER]
and marchant their said obligation to be put ashore at Santa Cruse
To the sixth hee saith that the said John Moller him selfe upon this [?deponents GUTTER]
examination of him at Toulon did alsoe confesse that there were other [?papers GUTTER]
belonging to the said shipp, which after the said shipps comming from Santa
Cruse neere the Streights mouth were throwne over board (upon the [?XXX GUTTER]
of a ffrench ffleete who were then enemies to the Spaniard) [?XXXX GUTTER]
the Spanish flagg. And saith that to his best remembrance it was alsoe
acknowledged that it was the masters mate that threw the said papers and
flagg over board, and that hee did it by command or order of the [?Spanish GUTTER]
officer that was aboard in command. And further deposeth not.
To the seaventh hee saith that the said Moller alsoe confessed to this [?deponent GUTTER]
that hee who was the cheife man of the Spaniards aboard the said shipp
to Cadiz, and saith that diverse of the said shipps company informed
this deponent that the said John Moller waited upon the Spanish [?XXX GUTTER]
and made his bedd in his cabbin during all the time that the said [?Spanish GUTTER]
Captaine was in her. And further deposeth not.
To the 8th article hee saith that hee cannot depose, saving that the [?said GUTTER]
shipp and lading was seized and brought up to Toulon as being belonging to
enemies of this Commonwealth, and some of her company said that [?shee GUTTER]
was delivereing som eof her goods into a dutch fliboat when Captaine
Storey came with the ''ffairfax frigot'' and tooke her.
To the 9th article hee saith that hee hath heard Captaine h[?XXXXX GUTTER]
declare that hee in the ''kentish frigot'' meeting with the ''Santa Maria''
aforesaid in her outward course off the Norther Cape or [?XXXX GUTTER]
thesea did examine John Van lynen (who then appeared as master
whether hee was bound, and that hee had made answer that hee as
bound for Ca[?cousa] one of the Caribbe Islands, and further saith
upon [?Paine] of the said shipps companyes examination at Toulon [?after ?the GUTTER]
seizure touching the said Captaine harmans said meeting of the [?said GUTTER]
shipp, they confessed that at that time when the said ''kentish frigot''
spake with the ''Santa Maria'', the said Spanish Captaine lay hid in her
And further deposeth not saving as aforesaid.
To the tenth hee saith that the time arlate the use hath bin and [?XXX GUUTER]
is upon hostilitie betweene England and Spaine, and the same hath [?XXX GUTTER]
notorious, and universall reprizalls graunted, and that by vertue thereof [?the GUTTER]
said shipp and goods were and are duely seized, And saith that for [?the GUTTER]
reasons aforesaid and other [?XXXXXXXX to XXX appearing] hee verily and doth in his consciencethat the said [?XXX GUTTER]
and lading of the ''Santa Maria'' were and are good prize to this [?Commonwealth GUTTER]
And further (referring himselfe to the law and what hee hath said before hee
cannot depose.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.
Upon the allegation of the thirteenth of August.
|Transcription=[INSERT TEXT]
To the first hee saith that both the said van lynen and Moller upon th[?eir GUTTER]
said examination by this deponent at Toulon, confessed and acknowledged
that they carried in the said shipp out from Amsterdam [XXXX]. and [?XXX GUTTER]
materialls of a boate, and cordage, and that some they sold there and
left some at Santa domingo in the hands of the Spaniards, And [?further XXXX GUTTER]

Latest revision as of 19:41, May 16, 2015

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HCA 13/73 f.451v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th article hee deposeth not, saving that some of the said [?company GUTTER]
also acknowledged that the said John Mexia de herera came alsoe to Santa
Cruse with the said other Spaniards, who as aforesaid were by the said [?XXX GUTTER]
and marchant their said obligation to be put ashore at Santa Cruse

To the sixth hee saith that the said John Moller him selfe upon this [?deponents GUTTER]
examination of him at Toulon did alsoe confesse that there were other [?papers GUTTER]
belonging to the said shipp, which after the said shipps comming from Santa
Cruse neere the Streights mouth were throwne over board (upon the [?XXX GUTTER]
of a ffrench ffleete who were then enemies to the Spaniard) [?XXXX GUTTER]
the Spanish flagg. And saith that to his best remembrance it was alsoe
acknowledged that it was the masters mate that threw the said papers and
flagg over board, and that hee did it by command or order of the [?Spanish GUTTER]
officer that was aboard in command. And further deposeth not.

To the seaventh hee saith that the said Moller alsoe confessed to this [?deponent GUTTER]
that hee who was the cheife man of the Spaniards aboard the said shipp
to Cadiz, and saith that diverse of the said shipps company informed
this deponent that the said John Moller waited upon the Spanish [?XXX GUTTER]
and made his bedd in his cabbin during all the time that the said [?Spanish GUTTER]
Captaine was in her. And further deposeth not.

To the 8th article hee saith that hee cannot depose, saving that the [?said GUTTER]
shipp and lading was seized and brought up to Toulon as being belonging to
enemies of this Commonwealth, and some of her company said that [?shee GUTTER]
was delivereing som eof her goods into a dutch fliboat when Captaine
Storey came with the ffairfax frigot and tooke her.

To the 9th article hee saith that hee hath heard Captaine h[?XXXXX GUTTER]
declare that hee in the kentish frigot meeting with the Santa Maria
aforesaid in her outward course off the Norther Cape or [?XXXX GUTTER]
thesea did examine John Van lynen (who then appeared as master
whether hee was bound, and that hee had made answer that hee as
bound for Ca[?cousa] one of the Caribbe Islands, and further saith
upon [?Paine] of the said shipps companyes examination at Toulon [?after ?the GUTTER]
seizure touching the said Captaine harmans said meeting of the [?said GUTTER]
shipp, they confessed that at that time when the said kentish frigot
spake with the Santa Maria, the said Spanish Captaine lay hid in her
And further deposeth not saving as aforesaid.

To the tenth hee saith that the time arlate the use hath bin and [?XXX GUUTER]
is upon hostilitie betweene England and Spaine, and the same hath [?XXX GUTTER]
notorious, and universall reprizalls graunted, and that by vertue thereof [?the GUTTER]
said shipp and goods were and are duely seized, And saith that for [?the GUTTER]
reasons aforesaid and other [?XXXXXXXX to XXX appearing] hee verily and doth in his consciencethat the said [?XXX GUTTER]
and lading of the Santa Maria were and are good prize to this [?Commonwealth GUTTER]
And further (referring himselfe to the law and what hee hath said before hee
cannot depose.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.

Upon the allegation of the thirteenth of August.

To the first hee saith that both the said van lynen and Moller upon th[?eir GUTTER]
said examination by this deponent at Toulon, confessed and acknowledged
that they carried in the said shipp out from Amsterdam [XXXX]. and [?XXX GUTTER]
materialls of a boate, and cordage, and that some they sold there and
left some at Santa domingo in the hands of the Spaniards, And [?further XXXX GUTTER]
