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fearing that some body might come aboard and search her tooke and [XXXX] the preservation and foresaid
instructions of the said Phillip van hulten for the [?performing] this voyage, and threw the same over board,
for that if the Spaniards had met with them, they would thereby have made the shipp and goods prize
[X]ean Molle[?r] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
To the 7th hee saith hee hath knowne the said shipp the ''Santa Maria''
To the 7th hee saith hee hath knowne the said shipp the ''Santa Maria''

Revision as of 04:30, February 7, 2014

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Van hulten. [TOP, LH MARGIN]

To the 6th Interrogatori[?a] hee answereth and saith that the said bills of lading
that are soe in the hands of the said Captaine Stokes and whereof hee hath soe left
the Exemplars, the Charter partie, [?factor] book of the ading taken in at
Amsterdam, and another booke of the selling or bartering away of the same in the West Indias, and the
account of the buying in the Whole homewards ladingat Santa domingo, and another
booke concerning this deponents owne lading, (all which bookes are of this
rendents owne hadnwriting) and more other certaine papers of the masters
concerning the shipp and his owne goods were aboard the said shipp and
came to the hands of the said Captaine Stokes who as hee beleeveth
still hath them. And saith that this respondent having received severall
letters at Santa Crusa to be delivered at Cadiz, and comming about the
mouth of the Streights and meeting with a fleete of ffrench Newfound land
men and fearing that some might come from them aboard and search
and find the said Letters and s[?ee] some dammage come thereby thos deponent
(not knowing the contents of them) tooke and threw them over board, and
saving them that were noe papers or wrtings whatsoever, threwe
over board, burnt or made away in any manner whatsoever or concealed [?,]
nor were there any but what came to the hands of the said Story and Stokes
And further answereth not saving as aforesaid, and saving that in [XXXXX] from
Santa domingo meeting with some Spanish shipps (as hereafter is mentioned) this deponent #


fearing that some body might come aboard and search her tooke and [XXXX] the preservation and foresaid
instructions of the said Phillip van hulten for the [?performing] this voyage, and threw the same over board,
for that if the Spaniards had met with them, they would thereby have made the shipp and goods prize
[X]ean Molle[?r] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

To the 7th hee saith hee hath knowne the said shipp the Santa Maria
ever since shee was in building as aforesaid, and saith shee belongeth to Amsterdam
only some of her owners dwell at hamborow, and saith that the said owners
are as followeth, videlicet of Amsterdam, hack[XX] Petersson, Gilbert Schouten,
Nicholas Bl[?eanenhelme], Guilliam Momma, M[?aarten] ffransen
vander Sch[?olXX] and alsoe the said John van lynen, and of hamborow Michael
Engels, daniell Coll[?ina], and hendrick Momma, and saith they are all
hollanders and hamburgers, And saith that somtimes before Santa domingo
the said shipp had a Burgogne flagg out with a holland flagg, and
somtimes the Holland flagg alone, which Burgogne flagg the master
had formerly in another shipp, and somtimes shee had a redd flagg
out and somtimes all three at once, and somtimes none but
the hollands [?vandels which were alwaies out, and otherwise negatively saving as aforesaid.

To the 8th hee saith ther were fourtie men belonging to the said shipp
when shee was seized hollanders and Easterlings all, but none of them
subiect to the king of Spaine.

To the 9th hee saith that the said shipp had 28 guns when shee was seized
whereof foure were brasse, and saith shee is of the burthen of two
hundred lasts or thereabouts, and saith there were aboard the said shipp
at the time of the said seizure and came to the hands of the said Captaine
Story in two chests or cases [?asmuch] plate wrought in dishes, candlesticks and
other vessell and utensills of silver as weighed two hundred fiftie
and three markes and s[XXXX] ounces more or lesse, and two baggs containing
two thousand peeces of eight, all belonging to the said John van
Linen, and moreover that was belonging to this deponent nine smale
barrs weighing sixtie eight marke and six ounces, and seaventie markes
three ounces and a halfe in such like silver vessell and utensills as aforesaid
more a silver water pot a greate silver box, and a greate silver wine
cup whereof hee knoweth not the weight, being things hee constantly made
use of, and a hundred peeces of eight, all which said plate and money of
this deponents, were in his chest and the said Captaine alsoe tooke that and
the key thereof and carried the same aboard his frigot with the said contents
as alsoe hee did the said two cases of the said John van lynen, and saith there
were noe jewells aboard the said shipp, and further hee cannot depose
saving as aforesaid.
