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|Transcription=The 24:th of March 1658

Revision as of 08:48, August 15, 2013

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The 24:th of March 1658

A business of y:e Examinacon of Witnesses on the behalfe)
of S:r John Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks)
Richard ffoord, Edward Mico, William ?Pretman, and)
Company concerning the seizure, and for some time)
detention and the hinderance of the trade in a Certaine)
ship called the BANTAM FFRIGOT whereof Isaac Taylor)
was M:r and Comand:r & such of the lading)
as was aboard the said Ship in ffact but unduly made)
by Antonie Van Voozst Captaine and Comander of
the ship the Turtle Dove in the Imediate Service of)
the Dutch East India Company and alsoe Concerning)
all Damages happening thereupon and ag:t one John
?Mait ?Suijker y:e now, or late Generall of the said Company)
at Battavia in y:e East Indias ag:t the said Van Voozst in pticular)
and all others y:e will take upon them the Justificaccon of the said Busines)


Examined upon
and Allegacon given
in by M:r ffrancklin
on the part and
Behalfe of the
said S:r John Dethicke
Knight Edward Bolle
John Bancks Richard
Foord, Edward Mico
William Pretman
and Company.

1. ub: CATCH KYME of Ratcliffe in the
parish of Stepney and County of Mid
Mariner Mate of the Bantam ffrigot aged 26 yeeres or thereabouts
Sworne and Examined

To the first arle of the said Allon hee saith and deposeth
that during all the monethes of September
October, November, December, January, ffebruary and March
1656: English Stil, and Continually since: the said S:r John
Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks Richard fford
Edward Mico and William Pretman and Company
have bin and are Comonly accounted and reputed the true
and lawfull owne:rs and proprieto:rs of the said ship the
BANTAM FRIGOT (whereof Isaac Taylor was & is M:r.) and
of the tackle Apparrell, and furniture, And soe hee verils
beleeveth they were, and at p:rsent are; And further hee
cannot depose.

To the Second hee saith that y:e said S:r John Dethick, and
Company aforesaid /who are all (as hee beleeveth) subjects of
this Comonwealth of England.) did set out the said ship from
this port of London in the sayd moneth of October 1656 (sic)
upon their owne account (as hee beleeveth) to East India. there to
Lade pepper. and other Merchandizes, and to bring the same
for ?Europe, and saith the said Isaac Taylor, was and was
M:r of the said ship y:e said voyage, and y.e arlate Thomas
Newman Supra Cargoe; w:ch hee knoweth for that hee went M:rs Mate
of y:e said ship (y:e said Voyage) and further cannot depose:

To the third hee saith y:e said Taylo, Newman, and this depo:t
the rest of the Marine:rs of the said Ship, set saile
in her from this port to ?Indria ?Ponza in y:e island of Sumatra in y:e East Indias
and there ?arriveth on or about y:e Nineth or tenth day of August 1657: w:ch hee knoweth being
then on board her and further cannot depose