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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 25/01/13 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted into wikispot on 02/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=13/01/25
|Editorial history=Created 09/02/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 09/02/14, by CSG
|Transcription=Current Transcription
|Transcription image=P1130904
|Transcription=worth one thousand pounds or thereabouts. And saith the said [?five GUTTER]
Spaniards have severall times declared to this deponent that the
said ''Negro's'' goods and merchandizes did produce about [XX GUTTER]
valew of thirtie six thousand pounds sterling there, and [XXX GUTTER]
[?have] produced much more had they bin sold at their true valew
in that countrey.
pp Roger Kilverts [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 21th of August 1656.
huggery, Turpin and Company against&#125;
Captaine John Totty&#125;
Exámined upon the allegation given in
on the behalfe of the said Captaine
Totty the 13th instant.
'''See the first 6 in mr. olivers quire
'''Rp. 7.'''
'''Benjamin Lee''' of Greenwich Waterman, aged 32 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the seaventh article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that in the moneth of June last past the shipp the Edward and John
arlate came to an anchor in the River of Thames neere Greenwich
and being soe come to an anchor, Captaine Totty her commander
came on shore at Greenwich to hire men to goe and worke aboard
her, and did hire six men there whereof this deponent was one
who went the same day at (being in the moneth aforesaid) abaord
her, and found a lighter lying by her side, halfe laden, and the
company of the shipp at a stay or ceasing from working &#91;?toward GUTTER&#93;
the finishing of her lading, and this deponent and the said other
five hired men being upon their comming aboard demanded by &#91;?one GUTTER&#93;
of the shipps company what they came aboard for, and they answered
that they came to worke aboard, the said &#91;?pursons&#93; of the shipps
company replied that ˹there was damage in the goods aboard, which they would &#91;?leave&#93; have surveyed before there should be any more &#91;?steeved and GUTTER&#93; if thtey offered to lay hand on any tackle to
hoist out any goods, they would knock them on the heads; &#91;XX&#93; hereto
this deponent and the said five others staying aboard about halfe
an houre without working, the said Captaine Totty came aboard
and demanding of them whie they were not at worke about
h&#91;?oysing&#93; out of goods, they told him how his man had forbidden
and threatened them, which when hee understood, hee said &#91;XXXXXXX GUTTER&#93;
to worke and I will this &#91;XXX be&#93; boatswaine and help you &#91;?my GUTTER&#93;
selfe, and if they (speaking of his men) will knock you on &#91;XXX GUTTER&#93;
heads they shall begin with &#91;?mee&#93;, or words to the same effect
And soe hee saith the said Captaine and this deponent and the
&#91;?three&#93; men aboard with him as aforesaid, and about six other
persons that hee had hired and sent aboard at other times
proceeded to make and hoist out goods from about tenn of &#91;?the GUTTER&#93;
clock till about five in the evening, during all which space
his men for the most part and principall of them looked on &#91;?and GUTTER&#93;
walked to and againe in the shipp, without once offereing to &#91;?get GUTTER&#93;
to worke, but were very angry at the hired men, which were
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 12:02, May 2, 2014

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worth one thousand pounds or thereabouts. And saith the said [?five GUTTER]
Spaniards have severall times declared to this deponent that the
said Negro's goods and merchandizes did produce about [XX GUTTER]
valew of thirtie six thousand pounds sterling there, and [XXX GUTTER]
[?have] produced much more had they bin sold at their true valew
in that countrey.

pp Roger Kilverts [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 21th of August 1656.

huggery, Turpin and Company against}
Captaine John Totty}

Exámined upon the allegation given in
on the behalfe of the said Captaine
Totty the 13th instant.

See the first 6 in mr. olivers quire

Rp. 7.

Benjamin Lee of Greenwich Waterman, aged 32 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the seaventh article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that in the moneth of June last past the shipp the Edward and John
arlate came to an anchor in the River of Thames neere Greenwich
and being soe come to an anchor, Captaine Totty her commander
came on shore at Greenwich to hire men to goe and worke aboard
her, and did hire six men there whereof this deponent was one
who went the same day at (being in the moneth aforesaid) abaord
her, and found a lighter lying by her side, halfe laden, and the
company of the shipp at a stay or ceasing from working [?toward GUTTER]
the finishing of her lading, and this deponent and the said other
five hired men being upon their comming aboard demanded by [?one GUTTER]
of the shipps company what they came aboard for, and they answered
that they came to worke aboard, the said [?pursons] of the shipps
company replied that ˹there was damage in the goods aboard, which they would [?leave] have surveyed before there should be any more [?steeved and GUTTER] if thtey offered to lay hand on any tackle to
hoist out any goods, they would knock them on the heads; [XX] hereto
this deponent and the said five others staying aboard about halfe
an houre without working, the said Captaine Totty came aboard
and demanding of them whie they were not at worke about
h[?oysing] out of goods, they told him how his man had forbidden
and threatened them, which when hee understood, hee said [XXXXXXX GUTTER]
to worke and I will this [XXX be] boatswaine and help you [?my GUTTER]
selfe, and if they (speaking of his men) will knock you on [XXX GUTTER]
heads they shall begin with [?mee], or words to the same effect
And soe hee saith the said Captaine and this deponent and the
[?three] men aboard with him as aforesaid, and about six other
persons that hee had hired and sent aboard at other times
proceeded to make and hoist out goods from about tenn of [?the GUTTER]
clock till about five in the evening, during all which space
his men for the most part and principall of them looked on [?and GUTTER]
walked to and againe in the shipp, without once offereing to [?get GUTTER]
to worke, but were very angry at the hired men, which were

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner