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Per me Edw: Odling ia' Teór [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Per me Edw: Odling ia' Teór [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
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Revision as of 13:50, December 15, 2013


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The 2d day of March. 1656 Examined upon the sayd Allegation


Edward Odling of the parish of Saint Andrewes. Warderobe London
Doctor in Physicke aged 58. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse
Sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet./

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That in or about the yeare 1653.
arlate the Corporation for the poore of the City of London arlate (whereof this deponent
then was and now is Agent or Sollicitor) had in their service and imployment for the
use and benefitt of the said poore, the shipp the Minories Busse arlate, And saith that
hee this deponent doeth not know the arlate John Keetch, was ever constituted Master
of the said shipp for or by order of the said Corporation and that the said
Corporation did not in the yeare aforesaid, nor at any other time by any order of their Court constitute the arlate
Captaine Richard ffearnes their Agent or husband (as is arlate) to looke to the
repairing fitting or furnishing out of any shipps or shipps for or upon the imployment
aforesaid. Which the premisses this deponent saith hee well knoweth to bee true for the
reasons aforesaid, having then been and still being privy to the transactions of the Court of that
Corporation. And further cannot depose, save that the said ffearnes never was knowne
or acknowledged for or as a member of the said Corporation./

To the second Article hee saith, That the said Richard ffearnes never had the qualification
of husband to the Corporation by any order or approbation of their Court, which
this deponent knoweth for the reasons aforesaid, and cannot further depose as to any
action or transaction of the said ffearnes in the quality aforesaid to the effect or purpose
in this Article deduced./

To the third hee saith, That shortly after the death of the said Captaine Richard ffearnes
(which happened about three yeares since) some application was made to the Court of the
said Corporation, by some of the parties promocent in this Cause (as hee hath heard and
beleeveth) hee not remembring at present their particular names, and that for and a bout
certaine materialls and necessaries for shipping furnished by them, (as was pretended)
by order of the said Captaine ffearnes, for the service, and on the behalfe of the
said Corporation, and that thereupon some Treatie did ensue betweene the said
parties and the said Corporation, but what the result thereof was hee saith hee
knoweth not, for that hee hath not seene the same, according to the usuall Custome of that
Corporation in all their publique transactions, sett down in the bookes or Registery
of the same, And further as to any transient discourse that passed betweene the said
parties and the said Corporation to the effect allegate in this article, hee saith, hee remembreth not.

To the fowerth hee saith, That saving his foregoeing deposition, to which hee referreth
himselfe, hee cannot of his knowledge depose any thing to the Contents of this
article, not knowing of nor remembring at present any order or result of the Court or Corporation aforesaid to
concerning the contents of this Article saving that the said shipp did about the time
aforesaid proceed upon a fishing voyage to sea for the service of the said Companie, but
whether the same soe proceeded being fitted and inabled by any of the Materialls or
necessaries in Controversie hee saith hee soeth not know, nor hath
heard any thing to that effect from any of the said Corporation

To the last hee saith, his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Crosse Interrogatories:-/

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, that hee this rendent was warned by Mr
Browne Deputy Marshall of this Court to come and declare the trueth
of his knowledge in this Cause, and otherwise negatively/

To the second hee saith, hee referreth himselfe to his precedent deposition, And
cannot further depose, saving that hee rendent did never see, soe farr as
hee remembreth, the interrate John keitch in the presence of the Court
of the said Corporation./

To the third hee saith hee this rendent was not present when the
interrate keitch gave any such Order as is interrate, And saith hee
knoweth not distinctly by name the persons interrate./

To the 4th negatively, And otherwise hee cannot depose

To the 5th hee saith, hee cannot knowingly depose any thing to this Interrogatorie

To the 6th hee saith, hee this rendent was not privy to the sale interrate/

To the 7th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition./

Repeated with his precontests
before Doctor Godolphin

Per me Edw: Odling ia' Teór [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner
