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|Status=First cut transcription completed on 14/12/12 by Jill Wilcox; edited on 16/12/12 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted into wikispot on 07/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Jill Wilcox 14/12/12
|Editorial history=Created 10/04/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 10/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140197
|Transcription=taken away, but for all and singular the goods, materialls and shipps provisions
mentioned in the schedule annexed (now read unto him) hee the
saith they were in the said shipp when shee went into the power of the said Welch and
company, but upon this deponents comming aboard hee found them all wanting
being embeazeld, spent and made away while shee was under the said seizure
soe that this deponent never did or could recover them againe, and saith they
were the time aforesaid worth the severall summes and prises mentioned
in the said schedule. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that hee
heard the said welches Commission read, and understood it to be graunted
a Commission of Reprizall graunted to one Riley, and
saving that the arlate Christen, Quinteer and GXXXne were said to be the
said welches setters out and lastly being that whereas in the beginning of the
said schedule, mentioned is made of one barrell of pitch, hee saith it was
a barrell slised in two.
To the interrogatories CENTRE HEADING
To the first hee saith that this deponent in the whole parsell of clap boards
had only two hundred belonging to himselfe, and that of the flax and tallow
belonged to him and ˹ships˺ company ioyntly, and saith that Peter Olde and
was the company of the said wilkin wade in the said
cargo of pipe staves ˹clap boards˺ saving the said 200 belonging to this deponent, and that
they the said wilkin and peter being the freighters of her and then they
the said wilkin and Peter and Albert Schult all of Hambourne were ˹there˺ and
are her owners, and of her said tackle and furniture and or victualls and
provisions, and this deponent and shipps company of the clothes and
other thing, necesaries ˹and for˺ with the flax and tallow, hee saith they belonged to
him, and his boatswaine hones schult, his Cook martin took fish
the Carpenter, Cornelius, and the Steward Caspar Brum
and Simon Peters his Purser, and saith hee is to have his part of
the said goods being so receaved, and otherwise being this foregoing
deponent hee cannot answer, saving hee was a master of the said vessell.
To the second hee saith hee sawe all the said goods counted and weighed in
Riga upon the said shipps proceeding thense, either by himselfe, purser
or stiersinou, and finned the bills and accounts for the same, but from
returne of her seizure, till hee was righted, hee was not aboard her,
being about three monethes absent, and saith hee sawe the clap boards
to be that were recovered at hull, and the flax there receaved was there
weighed, and in ffrance assurred hee sawe the same weighed, and found
to be as aforesayd. and others X hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing XXXX
To the third negatively, beleeveth that not any of this company too be
out of any of the said goods.
To the fourthe hee saith hee and entrie in his backe as hull of
the said losses and defecte, out of which boate the XXXXscuck of the said
the [XXXXX] to be for the mast part, and thic deponent had before.
the seizure an in seentucy of the shipp goods, tackle and furniture,
and the account of his tahisfe which hee all left as home, and there
they are as present, and other article hee cannot answer,being as aforesaid.
To the last hee can write and reade and well know and ineled the said
goods and inxteriated both what was the said shipp was when hee was
seized and what was wasting, and otheres X hee referreth himselfe
to his foregoeing deponent.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Gripeter Baterson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 21:38, May 7, 2014

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taken away, but for all and singular the goods, materialls and shipps provisions
mentioned in the schedule annexed (now read unto him) hee the
saith they were in the said shipp when shee went into the power of the said Welch and
company, but upon this deponents comming aboard hee found them all wanting
being embeazeld, spent and made away while shee was under the said seizure
soe that this deponent never did or could recover them againe, and saith they
were the time aforesaid worth the severall summes and prises mentioned
in the said schedule. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that hee
heard the said welches Commission read, and understood it to be graunted
a Commission of Reprizall graunted to one Riley, and
saving that the arlate Christen, Quinteer and GXXXne were said to be the
said welches setters out and lastly being that whereas in the beginning of the
said schedule, mentioned is made of one barrell of pitch, hee saith it was
a barrell slised in two.

To the interrogatories CENTRE HEADING

To the first hee saith that this deponent in the whole parsell of clap boards
had only two hundred belonging to himselfe, and that of the flax and tallow
belonged to him and ˹ships˺ company ioyntly, and saith that Peter Olde and
was the company of the said wilkin wade in the said
cargo of pipe staves ˹clap boards˺ saving the said 200 belonging to this deponent, and that
they the said wilkin and peter being the freighters of her and then they
the said wilkin and Peter and Albert Schult all of Hambourne were ˹there˺ and
are her owners, and of her said tackle and furniture and or victualls and
provisions, and this deponent and shipps company of the clothes and
other thing, necesaries ˹and for˺ with the flax and tallow, hee saith they belonged to
him, and his boatswaine hones schult, his Cook martin took fish
the Carpenter, Cornelius, and the Steward Caspar Brum
and Simon Peters his Purser, and saith hee is to have his part of
the said goods being so receaved, and otherwise being this foregoing
deponent hee cannot answer, saving hee was a master of the said vessell.

To the second hee saith hee sawe all the said goods counted and weighed in
Riga upon the said shipps proceeding thense, either by himselfe, purser
or stiersinou, and finned the bills and accounts for the same, but from
returne of her seizure, till hee was righted, hee was not aboard her,
being about three monethes absent, and saith hee sawe the clap boards
to be that were recovered at hull, and the flax there receaved was there
weighed, and in ffrance assurred hee sawe the same weighed, and found
to be as aforesayd. and others X hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing XXXX

To the third negatively, beleeveth that not any of this company too be
out of any of the said goods.

To the fourthe hee saith hee and entrie in his backe as hull of
the said losses and defecte, out of which boate the XXXXscuck of the said
the [XXXXX] to be for the mast part, and thic deponent had before.
the seizure an in seentucy of the shipp goods, tackle and furniture,
and the account of his tahisfe which hee all left as home, and there
they are as present, and other article hee cannot answer,being as aforesaid.

To the last hee can write and reade and well know and ineled the said
goods and inxteriated both what was the said shipp was when hee was
seized and what was wasting, and otheres X hee referreth himselfe
to his foregoeing deponent.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Gripeter Baterson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner