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#redirect C6/151Pt1/55 Inventory of John Wolsentholme, merchant taylor, 1661, ff. X-1
//THE INVENTORY of all and singular the goods//
//Chattels and debts of John Wolstenholme late of the//
//parish of S:t Dunstans in the West Citizen and//
//Marchantaylor of London deceased taken valued//
//and apprized this fourth day of November one//
//Thousand six hundred Sixty one by Roger Lambert//
//Citizen & Broderer of London William Wall Citizen &//
//Marchantaylor & Joseph Drake Citizen & Blacksmith//
//of London Apprrizers whose names are here//
//underwritten (viz:t)
//IMPRIMIS    '''In the Workehouse'''//
//The shop boards and foure shelves a settle bedstead//
//Joynt stoole & an old Leather Chaire a ffeatherbed a//
//fflock boulster two old greene Ruggs & a Matt two//
//Candlesticks two pressinge yrons & other old Lumber//
//valewed & apprized att//
//'''In a little Garrett'''//
//IT: One halfe headed Bedstead matt & Cord fflock bed ffeather//
//Bed & boulster all verry old two shelves Valued att//
//'''In the passage'''//
//IT: One presse bed & matt one old fflock bed two old ffeathere//
//boulsters an old Coverlett & an old blankett one yron//
//bound chest or Trunke & a ??bell Valued att//
//'''In the Cuttinghouse'''//
//IT: 15 halfe peices of Dyde ?Sleezes 26 yards more of//
//the same att 7:d p yard//
//ITEM: 13 yards of Vermilion att 10:d p yard//
//ITEM: 104 yards of ??Powdre att 8:d p yard//
//ITEM: 4 Ende of ?Jandeffustian att 16:s p End//
//ITEM: Cutt ?Jane & a small Remnant of shagg w:th//
//makeupp an End valued at 16:s p End//
//ITEM: 47 paires of ?Belly peices att 2:s-2:d p Dozen//
//ITEM: 22 Collars att 2:s 2:d p Dozen is//
//ITEM: for 2 or 3 sorts of Livery lace//
//ITEM: for 2 old Coats ??Liningde//
//ITEM: for sewall peeces and Remnants of Cloth//
//Bayes & ?Stuffes remaining in the Cutting house valued att//
//ITEM: 5 yards of Dimety att 9:d p yard//
//ITEM: 13 yards & 1/2 of broad Callicoe att 9:s p yard//
//ITEM: 14 yards 3 q:ters of white Callicoe att 7:s p yard//
//ITEM: one peice of White Callicoe valued att//
//ITEM: 6 Ends of ?Canvas valued//
//ITEM: Sewall Remnants of?Bam baseen Containing 20 y:ds//
//ITEM: ffor Sewall Remnants of sarge & a Remnant of//
//Camlett valued att//
//ITEM: ffor Remnants of stuffe valued//
//ITEM: ffor affXXXn Gray camlett coats lined w:th sarge//
//?shaleene & left in the Cutting Roome valued att//
//ITEM: for 2 paire of Sheares valued att//
//ITEM: Shop board shelves & other Lumber//
//ITEM: 4 dozen of Candles valued att//
//ITEM: ffor an old velvett Lining of a Cloake//
//ffor canvase ?Belliperes Dyde linen Dimety//
//'''In the Greene hanged Chamber below//
//the Cuttinge Roome'''//
//ITEM: A Large ffrench Bedstead Matt & Cords 4 Curtaines//
//& Double Vallance of Greene ??Carfy Testor & headcloth//
//& Counterpane 4 Chaires 2 stools & a great elbow//
//Chaire all suitable w:th 7 Knobbs valued att//
//ITEM: The ffeatherbed & bolster 2 pillowes 3 Blanketts one//
//holland Quilt one old blew Rugg 2 ffeather Cushions valued att//
//ITEM: The Hangings in the same Roome w:th 3 curtaines//
//& Curtaine Rodds one ovall Chaire table ffire pan & tongs//
//& end of Dogges all w:th brasse knobbs bellowes one stand//
//for a bason & shelves in the Closett & an old greene Cloth//
//Carpett & Chimney Cloth valued att//
//'''In the Roome next  adjoining the same//
//ffloare under the Cutting Roome'''//
//'''In a Little Roome on the same ffloare'''//
//'''In the Dining Roome'''//
//ITEM: 9 old ??Varder hangings<ref>Varder = Verdure. See: ""eighteen peeces of course varder (verdure) hangings, vallued and prised at iij1'. vjs. viijd. There were also five "varder coverlets," valued at xs" (See: XXXX, ''Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London'' (London, 1864), p. 31</ref> about the Room an oval Table &//
//2 Irish sticht carpetts one side board Table seaven old//
//Turky worke Chaires 9 old ??Rushie Leathered Chaires & a great//
//Elbowe Leathered Chaire one p of ?brasse And yron & XXXX w:th//
//brasse Knobbs & an yron backe ?shelves in the Closett & 3 white//
//BXXX potts w:th other Lumber valued att//
//'''In the Little Roome adjoining on the same ffloare'''//
//ITEM: One standing bedstead Matt & Cord & 3 Curtaine Rodds Testor//
//6 Curtaines of  stript stuff & a pcell of old stript stuffe//
//Two old greene Ruggs ffeather bed & boulster & an old//
//perpetuanys 3 Curtaine Rodds one Greene Rugge 3 blanketts one//
//redd Rugg 2 ffeather beds one ffeather boulster 5 ffeather pillowes//
//valued att//
//'''The Testators Plate'''//
//'''In Linnen'''//
//ITEM: One long Damask Table Cloth Sydeboard Cloth//
//& 12 Napkins valued//
//ITEM: 2 ?Cupboard Cloathes of Holland//
//ITEM: 5 Table Clothes of Diaper//
//ITEM:16 piece of fflaxen Sheetes valued att//
//ITEM: 5 pairs of Course sheetes//
//ITEM: XXXXX of overworne Linnen//
//ITEM: 13 Diaper XXXX//
//ITEM: 14 Pillow beares//
//ITEM: XX Napkins
//ITEM: ?2 CXXX Jewells//
//ITEM: 9 paire of XXXX//
//ITEM: 17 Napkins 6: Table Clothes att//
//'''In the Ground Roome on the same ffloare//
//w:th the Kitchin'''//
//ITEM: The hangings about the Roome being of old//
//stript stuffe 4: Chaires an old wainscott chest//
//& a Cupboard an old Leather Trunke a paire of//
//End Yrons w:th brasses & an old Looking glasse an//
//old cupboard table//
//ITEM: A ffrench bedstead matt & Cord Testor & head Cloth//
//4 Curtains & Vallance a ffeather bed & boulster//
//3 old blanketts//
//'''In a Little Roome by the Kitchin'''
//'''In Brasse'''//
//ITEM: Two midle sized Kettles  2 small Kettles 2 little//
//potts a pestle & mortar ?1 ??Scummdra XXXX & a table//
//3 brasse Candlesticks one little ??posnett 2 brasse//
//Ringes all valued att 1 ?morter more a brasse ??Chafer//
//'''In Iron Ware'''//
ITEM: 2 greate yron potts & a Kettle & a p of potthooks//
//2 pott XXXX & frying pann//
//ITEM: Sewall peices of ?Tinn shelves & table & watertubb//
//forme & other Lumber//
//'''In the Kitchin'''//
//ITEM: Jack Chaine Waight Line & pullyes 4 spitts//
//a Grid yron ffireforks shovell & Tongs an yron//
//Range an yron to sett before the fire a p of//
//Racke XXyrons an yron Candlesticke valued att//
//'''Wooden Ware'''//
//ITEM: An old Cupboard forme & table 5 Chaires whereof//
//2 of Leather & 2 cusheons 6 XXXXXXX & RackeXXXX//
//the XXXXX all valued at w:th shutters for ye windowes//
//shelves in the Closett w:th a spice box bread grater//
//& table valued att//
//'''In the Kitchin Sellar'''//
//ITEM: A very old Jack a paire of fire yrons & sewall//
//peices of old yron all valued together att//
//ITEM: A Leaden Cisterne pipe a ?Cocke//
//ITEM: Stillage for beare shelves tubbs & other wooden//
//Limber valued att//
//ITEM: Wood & Coale Valued att//
//'''In Pewter'''//
//'''In Bonds'''//
//1.  One bond from John Gilbert of New Sarum for 11:li//
//to bee paid XX First of August 1661//
//2.  Edward Bromfeild of the Middle Temple &//
//Edward Wood?ard of Lambeth Marsh indebted//
//XX to bee paid y:e 12 Decemb 1661//
//3.  Christopher Usher of Dublin & John fforrest of//
//the same indebted 24:li to be paid the 1:o of May 1662//
//4.  Thomas XXXX

Latest revision as of 09:54, December 25, 2011

  1. redirect C6/151Pt1/55 Inventory of John Wolsentholme, merchant taylor, 1661, ff. X-1