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==C5/53/78 f. 3==
==C5/53/78 f. 3==
See also:
[[MRP: C5/53/78 f. 1|C5/53/78 f. 1]]
[[MRP: C5/53/78 f. 2|C5/53/78 f. 2]]
[[MRP: C5/53/78 f. 4|C5/53/78 f. 4]]
Line 68: Line 74:
'''Names mentioned in Cutler's contra accounts'''
'''Names mentioned in Cutler's contra accounts'''
Mr ?Andrew Boy
Mr Clavering
Mr Clavering
XXXX Clawson
Mr William Cutler
Mr Dickerson
Abraham Durant
John ffayram
John ffayram
William Horfall
Mr ffletcher
Walter ?Goutery (Or ?Goutexy)
Mr Grubb
Mr Grubb
ffrancis Sheldon
Mr ?Andrew Boy
Samuell Heron
Samuell Heron
XXXX Clawson
William Horfall
Mr William Cutler
Mr John Milford
Adolph Monschhauer
Adolph Monschhauer
Mr George Shuttleworth of Stockholme
Moritz & Earnst
John Pawll<ref>See possibly PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of John Powell alias Pauls, Mariner of Westmore, Sweden 21 October 1672</ref>
Sir William Rider & Company
Sir William Rider & Company
The Ridder house
The Rider house
Moritz & Earnst
ffrancis Sheldon<ref>Probably one of the two Sheldon brothers, Charles and Francis, who worked in Sweden and Denmark as shipbuilders</ref>
?James Simple
Mr George Shuttleworth of Stockholme<ref>See PROB 11/348 Dycer 52-105 Will of George Shuttleworth, Merchant of Stockholm, Sweden 17 June 1675; see also PROB 11/303 May 1-53 Will of Henry Shuttleworth, Merchant of Amsterdam, Holland 31 January 1661</ref>
Abraham Durant
?James Simples
Walter ?Goutery (Or ?Goutexy)
Samuel Sowton
Admirall ?Sternshult
Mr Dickerson
Mr William Smyth of Stockholme
Mr William Smyth of Stockholme
Mr ffletcher
Samuel Sowton
Admirall ?Sternshult<ref>Possibly Baron Claes Nilsson Stiernsköld, 'amiral: 1661', see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Admiral_%28Sweden%29, viewed 03/11/11; see http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claes_Nilsson_Stiernsk%C3%B6ld, viewed 03/11/11</ref>
Mr Tho: Walker
Mr Tho: Walker
Mr John Milford
John Pawll
'''Ships mentioned in both sides of the account'''
'''Ships mentioned in both sides of the account'''
The Half Moone
The Half Moone
The Morian
The Saint John
The Saint John
'''Places mentioned in both sides of the account''
'''Places mentioned in both sides of the account'''
Sound of Danemark
Sound of Danemark
Kingdome of Sweeden
Kingdome of Sweeden
Line 119: Line 123:
===Possible secondary sources===
Glete, Jan, ''Swedish Naval Administration, 1521-1721: Resource Flows and Organisational Capabilities
Volume 46 of Northern world'' (Leiden, 2010)

Latest revision as of 14:54, November 4, 2011

C5/53/78 f. 3

See also:

C5/53/78 f. 1
C5/53/78 f. 2
C5/53/78 f. 4



//Sa: Sowton XX Accompt Currtt XX D XX XXXXX//

//XXXX allowed y:w before I came from Stockholme towards my pte of a pcell of//
//XX in the Sound//
//XXX M:r Geo: Shuttleworth hath or ought to allowy y:w on my accompt w:ch I ??support//
//?The ?sd in y:e owne hands y.e being indebted to him aboute D 5964:1:7 whereof y:e XXXX to him//
//but D 1800 soe rests upon my accompt//
//To mony XXXX in to y:e order of ffra: Sheldon w:ch y:w should have ?pd there it being pte of//
//the Ball?e due to y:w w:ch It:o according to M:r Jn:o Milfords award to M:r ?Heron aboute//
//To mony y:w recved of the ?Tobacco Comp:a upon my accompt//
//To mony ?rmitted y:w in a bill of the Banck//
//To mony ?It:o in W:m Cutler here w:ch y:w were indebted to him before I came away//
//To :w bill of ex: drawne on me about ?a ?pcell 66 payable to M:r Jn:o ?Pawll or ord:r//
//To charges pd for a boy of hatts sent y:w//
//To mony I remitted y:w to Hamburgh aboute May 66//
//To y:r Moyety of a pcell of Sug:r according to y:e accompt w:ch y:w accepted off//
//To ditto of a pcell of Tobacco w:ch y.w accepted off//
//To ditto of a pcell of Lead w:ch y:w accepted off//
//To ditto of Cotton wooll w;ch y:w accepted off//
//To y:w bill drawne on me payable to Tho: Walker or ord:r//
//To ditto payable to Tho: Powlas//
//To ditto payable to M:r ffletcher or ord:r//
//To mony for 50 Dlll of Iron y:w ordered me to bring to M:r ffra Sheldons accompt//
//To charges pd for y:w at receipt of a pcell of Iron//
//To mony y:w drew the 3:d May 1666 on my accompt at Hamburgh RR 511: w:ch//
//To change reckned at 21½ XX//
//To mony y:w were to allow me for Koloff Cornelison before I came away//
//To mony remitted y:w in M:r Dicksons bill of 100 XX ?exch: val at 21½ m?k XX//
//To mony y:w recvd of Admirall ?Stornshult aboute//
//To y:e bill drawne on me payable to Henry Leighton or ord:r//
//To my 1/3 of the next proceed of a pcell of herrings sould by y:w
//To my 1/3 of the next proceed of a pcell of ffren: wine sould by y:w//
//To my ?1/3 (OR ?1/2) of the next proceed of a pcell of sug:r sould by y:e as p accompt//
//To the ?1/2 of X 142 w:ch y:w charge for y:w provition when by agreem:tt y:w were XX//
//have noe BrXXXXX X Neither doe I charge y:w wth it//
//To y.e ?1/2 of the Neet proceed of a pcell of Cotton wooll as p y:e accompt//
//To the ?1/2 neet proceed of a pcell of Lead sould by y.w//
//To y:e Neet proceed of a pcell of gloves sould by y:w as p accompt//
//To the Neet proceed of a pcell of Sug:r shipt in the Name of Nicho: Cutler for my XXX XXXX//
//To mony he chargeth for pXXX of the sd sug:r and was to have none by agreem:t//
//To XX Packs of white stuffs shipt to him w:ch he sould at 15 p XX proffitt free of all//
//charges cost here £160: 14s: 8d w:ch my proffitt is//
//To mony he recvd of M:r Boy of Stockholme for my accompt//
//To mony he drew upon Hamburgh upon accompt my account//
//To mony M:r W:m Smyth of Stockholm allowed him on my accompt//
//To mony pd M:r Dickerson the XXXX by y.e ord:r aboute//
//To mony for 10: barrells off ?Laake shipt by y:e ord:r aboute//
//To mony was due to me when I came from Stockholme to my provition//
//To goods shipt in y:e 1/2 moone [for accompte of S:r W:m Rider & Company] WORDS IN BRACKETS CROSSED OUT IN ORIGINAL
//To mony was due to me then for my provition of Spanish wines sould by me//
//for account of M:r W:m Cutler//
//?ffor Xhhead of fren: wine given to Admirall Stoxnshult//
//To mony was due to me at Stock: for 1/2 provition of Rol of ??Cornelison ?Suet//



Names mentioned in Cutler's contra accounts

Mr ?Andrew Boy
Mr Clavering
XXXX Clawson
Mr William Cutler
Mr Dickerson
Abraham Durant
John ffayram
Mr ffletcher
Walter ?Goutery (Or ?Goutexy)
Mr Grubb
Samuell Heron
William Horfall
Mr John Milford
Adolph Monschhauer
Moritz & Earnst
John Pawll[1]
Sir William Rider & Company
The Rider house
ffrancis Sheldon[2]
Mr George Shuttleworth of Stockholme[3]
?James Simples
Mr William Smyth of Stockholme
Samuel Sowton
Admirall ?Sternshult[4]
Mr Tho: Walker

Ships mentioned in both sides of the account

The Half Moone
The Morian
The Saint John

Places mentioned in both sides of the account

Sound of Danemark
Kingdome of Sweeden


Possible secondary sources

Glete, Jan, Swedish Naval Administration, 1521-1721: Resource Flows and Organisational Capabilities

Volume 46 of Northern world (Leiden, 2010)
  1. See possibly PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of John Powell alias Pauls, Mariner of Westmore, Sweden 21 October 1672
  2. Probably one of the two Sheldon brothers, Charles and Francis, who worked in Sweden and Denmark as shipbuilders
  3. See PROB 11/348 Dycer 52-105 Will of George Shuttleworth, Merchant of Stockholm, Sweden 17 June 1675; see also PROB 11/303 May 1-53 Will of Henry Shuttleworth, Merchant of Amsterdam, Holland 31 January 1661
  4. Possibly Baron Claes Nilsson Stiernsköld, 'amiral: 1661', see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Admiral_%28Sweden%29, viewed 03/11/11; see http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claes_Nilsson_Stiernsk%C3%B6ld, viewed 03/11/11