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|Status=Uploaded image
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 29/09/2017
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|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2017/09/29
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0510.jpg
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|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_117_07_0510.jpg}}
|Transcription=To the 11. 12. 13 and 14 hee referreth himselfe to his foreggoing deposition and to the
said bills of lading and otherwise cannot answer, saving there is warr betwixt
ffrance and Spaine.
To the 15 hee saith hee cannot depose, but beleeveth that a shipp bpound
from Lisbone for ffrance and having a charter partie aboard specifying the said shipp
to be freighted by a Portuguese and laden for his account to dischardge in ffrance
will be made prize being taken by the Spaniards.
claes albertson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before doctors Clarke and Godolphin
The 9th of January 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Claime of Nicholas Cordes and others}
for the ''ffortune'' of Lubeck Nicholas Neyman}
master, and for the goods in the same.}
Examined upon an allegation given on the
behalfe of the said Cordes and
'''Nicholas Neyman''' of Lubeck Mariner
Master of the said shipp aged 46 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that for the
space of a yeare last past or thereabouts the producents Nicholas Cordes, William [?WhiX]
Albert Saffe and company of Lubeck have bin the true and lawfull owners
and proprietors of the said shipp the ''ffortune'' and of her tackle and furniture
and soe are at this present save only that in the moneth of July last
past hee this deponent being owner of three eighths and one sixteenth part
of teh said shipp, sold the said 16th part to the arlate Andrew Desall of
Riga, who hath ever since bin and is the true and lawfull owner of the said
part. And saith the said shipp was built at Lubeck and hath ever since
belonged to that port, and was soe built by her said owners of Lubeck
and finished in or about the moneth of May last annd that this is her
first voyage, All which hee knoweth to be true being a part builder, and
a part owner, and master of the said vessell, and otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second and third articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
in or about the moneth of January last past the said Nicholas Cordes and
company of Lubeck owners of the said shipp sent her under the conduct of
this deponent to Riga consigned to the said Andrew Desall, with
letters and orders for the said Andrew to lade her with Clapboards for the account
of the said owners, and that the said shipp arived at Riga in or about the
beginning of July last past, where the said Andrew Desell accordingly laded
her with clapboards for ffrance for the said owners their accompt, and
gave this deponent order to sel the same at Rochell or Saint martins, and
with the proceede thereof there lade the said shipp with salt to be brought
back into the East countrey, all for the ioynt accompt of the said owners, who
were the sole proprietors of the said clapboards, and that noe other
person had then any interest thereon; and saith that in persuance of
the premisses hee this deponent departed with the said shipp and lading for
ffrance, and at Saint Martins sold the said clapboards for 52 gilders
per hundred to one Mr Bowdewin there dwelling, of whom hee this

Latest revision as of 06:37, September 29, 2017

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Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
Marine Lives Tools


HCA 13/68 f.476r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 11. 12. 13 and 14 hee referreth himselfe to his foreggoing deposition and to the
said bills of lading and otherwise cannot answer, saving there is warr betwixt
ffrance and Spaine.

To the 15 hee saith hee cannot depose, but beleeveth that a shipp bpound
from Lisbone for ffrance and having a charter partie aboard specifying the said shipp
to be freighted by a Portuguese and laden for his account to dischardge in ffrance
will be made prize being taken by the Spaniards.

claes albertson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctors Clarke and Godolphin


The 9th of January 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Claime of Nicholas Cordes and others}
for the ffortune of Lubeck Nicholas Neyman}
master, and for the goods in the same.}

Examined upon an allegation given on the
behalfe of the said Cordes and


Nicholas Neyman of Lubeck Mariner
Master of the said shipp aged 46 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that for the
space of a yeare last past or thereabouts the producents Nicholas Cordes, William [?WhiX]
Albert Saffe and company of Lubeck have bin the true and lawfull owners
and proprietors of the said shipp the ffortune and of her tackle and furniture
and soe are at this present save only that in the moneth of July last
past hee this deponent being owner of three eighths and one sixteenth part
of teh said shipp, sold the said 16th part to the arlate Andrew Desall of
Riga, who hath ever since bin and is the true and lawfull owner of the said
part. And saith the said shipp was built at Lubeck and hath ever since
belonged to that port, and was soe built by her said owners of Lubeck
and finished in or about the moneth of May last annd that this is her
first voyage, All which hee knoweth to be true being a part builder, and
a part owner, and master of the said vessell, and otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second and third articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
in or about the moneth of January last past the said Nicholas Cordes and
company of Lubeck owners of the said shipp sent her under the conduct of
this deponent to Riga consigned to the said Andrew Desall, with
letters and orders for the said Andrew to lade her with Clapboards for the account
of the said owners, and that the said shipp arived at Riga in or about the
beginning of July last past, where the said Andrew Desell accordingly laded
her with clapboards for ffrance for the said owners their accompt, and
gave this deponent order to sel the same at Rochell or Saint martins, and
with the proceede thereof there lade the said shipp with salt to be brought
back into the East countrey, all for the ioynt accompt of the said owners, who
were the sole proprietors of the said clapboards, and that noe other
person had then any interest thereon; and saith that in persuance of
the premisses hee this deponent departed with the said shipp and lading for
ffrance, and at Saint Martins sold the said clapboards for 52 gilders
per hundred to one Mr Bowdewin there dwelling, of whom hee this