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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the ffourteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred ffifty and Eight I Edward Wood Esquire Cittizen and Grocer of London being at this present tyme somewhat altered from my former health but of sound and perfect mind and remembrance (for which I praise Almighty God) But considering with, my selfe the frailty of  all people in this present life the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the tyme and hower thereof And,  to thene to settle my Estate soe as noe difference may arise after my decease: DOE therefore make and declare my last will and Testament, in manner followeing:
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the ffourteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred ffifty and Eight I Edward Wood Esquire Cittizen and Grocer of London being at this present tyme somewhat altered from my former health but of sound and perfect mind and remembrance (for which I praise Almighty God) But considering with, my selfe the frailty of  all people in this present life the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the tyme and hower thereof And,  to thene to settle my Estate soe as noe difference may arise after my decease: DOE therefore make and declare my last will and Testament, in manner followeing (That is to say)
FFIRST and principally I doe recommitt and retourne my soule (which is immortall and dyeth not) into the hands of Almighty God my Creator That gave it me hopeing and stedfastly beleiving to obtaine the full and free pardon and remission of all my sinnes And eternall life onely by and through the most prectious death and blood shedding of Jesus Christ my alone saviour and Redeemer And my body I committ to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried in the new vault in the South Chapell within the parish Church of S:t Dunstan in the East London where my late deceased deare wife lyeth interred And my funerall to be ordered aswell for mourning as otherwise according to the good discretion of my Executo:rs hereafter named
And as touching such Lands Tenements and hereditaments as I am now seized of I doe give devise and dispose thereof as followeth
FIRST I give devise and bequeath unto my onely sonne Thomas Wood and his heires and assignes for ever All and singular my Mannors lands Tenements and hereditaments aswell scituate lyeing and being in the parish of Lenham in the County of Kent as elsewhere within the Commonwealth of England Charged with the Annuities hereafter menconned
ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my Loveing sister Elizabeth Wood dureing the terme of her naturall life One Annuity or yearly Rent Charge of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England And to my Loveing sister Anne Wood dureing the terme of her naturall life  One Annuity or yearely rent Charge of ffive pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my loveing sister Katherine Smith widdow dureing the terme of her naturall life one Annuity or yearly rent Charge of Eight pounds of lawfull money of England All which said Annuityes or yearely rent Charges soe by me given and bequeathed my Expresse will and mind is And I doe hereby appoint the same to be paid unto them respectively att the ffoure most usuall ffeast  dayes or Termes in the yeare or within One and Twenty dayes  next after every of the same ffeast dayes The ffirst payment thereof to begin and to be made on such of the Quarter ffeast dayes as shall ffirst and next happen after my decease And I doe hereby expressly Charge All my said lands with the payment of all and every the said Annuities or Rent Charges to be issueing and payable out of them accordingly
ITEM I give and bequest unto my cosin Harddings daughter the summe of ffive pounds  And to M:rs ??Saint dwelling at my cosine M:r Robert Thirkettles house the like summe of ffive pounds  And to John Groomes sonne the like summe of ffive pounds  And to my old acquaintance and loveing freind M:rs Anne White widdow Twenty Markes soe as I doe not in my life tyme give it her my selfe
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Kempe the like summe of fforty pounds of lawfull money of England And to my sister Martha Wood Widdow the wife of my brother Nicholas Wood deceased the summe of Tenn pounds of like lawfull money of England To be paid unto them respectively within six months next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Boughton als Barton in the County of Suff (sic) where I as borne And to the poore of the parish of Blakeney in the County of Norfolk the  summe

Revision as of 16:17, October 27, 2011

Edward Wood will



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the ffourteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred ffifty and Eight I Edward Wood Esquire Cittizen and Grocer of London being at this present tyme somewhat altered from my former health but of sound and perfect mind and remembrance (for which I praise Almighty God) But considering with, my selfe the frailty of all people in this present life the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the tyme and hower thereof And, to thene to settle my Estate soe as noe difference may arise after my decease: DOE therefore make and declare my last will and Testament, in manner followeing (That is to say)

FFIRST and principally I doe recommitt and retourne my soule (which is immortall and dyeth not) into the hands of Almighty God my Creator That gave it me hopeing and stedfastly beleiving to obtaine the full and free pardon and remission of all my sinnes And eternall life onely by and through the most prectious death and blood shedding of Jesus Christ my alone saviour and Redeemer And my body I committ to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried in the new vault in the South Chapell within the parish Church of S:t Dunstan in the East London where my late deceased deare wife lyeth interred And my funerall to be ordered aswell for mourning as otherwise according to the good discretion of my Executo:rs hereafter named

And as touching such Lands Tenements and hereditaments as I am now seized of I doe give devise and dispose thereof as followeth

FIRST I give devise and bequeath unto my onely sonne Thomas Wood and his heires and assignes for ever All and singular my Mannors lands Tenements and hereditaments aswell scituate lyeing and being in the parish of Lenham in the County of Kent as elsewhere within the Commonwealth of England Charged with the Annuities hereafter menconned

ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my Loveing sister Elizabeth Wood dureing the terme of her naturall life One Annuity or yearly Rent Charge of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England And to my Loveing sister Anne Wood dureing the terme of her naturall life One Annuity or yearely rent Charge of ffive pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my loveing sister Katherine Smith widdow dureing the terme of her naturall life one Annuity or yearly rent Charge of Eight pounds of lawfull money of England All which said Annuityes or yearely rent Charges soe by me given and bequeathed my Expresse will and mind is And I doe hereby appoint the same to be paid unto them respectively att the ffoure most usuall ffeast dayes or Termes in the yeare or within One and Twenty dayes next after every of the same ffeast dayes The ffirst payment thereof to begin and to be made on such of the Quarter ffeast dayes as shall ffirst and next happen after my decease And I doe hereby expressly Charge All my said lands with the payment of all and every the said Annuities or Rent Charges to be issueing and payable out of them accordingly

ITEM I give and bequest unto my cosin Harddings daughter the summe of ffive pounds And to M:rs ??Saint dwelling at my cosine M:r Robert Thirkettles house the like summe of ffive pounds And to John Groomes sonne the like summe of ffive pounds And to my old acquaintance and loveing freind M:rs Anne White widdow Twenty Markes soe as I doe not in my life tyme give it her my selfe

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Kempe the like summe of fforty pounds of lawfull money of England And to my sister Martha Wood Widdow the wife of my brother Nicholas Wood deceased the summe of Tenn pounds of like lawfull money of England To be paid unto them respectively within six months next after my decease

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Boughton als Barton in the County of Suff (sic) where I as borne And to the poore of the parish of Blakeney in the County of Norfolk the summe


