Tools: PROB 11/316/375 Will of John Bellamy of All Hallows Barking, City of London 12 April 1665
PROB 11/316/375 Will of John Bellamy of All Hallows Barking, City of London 12 April 1665
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Abstract & context
John Bellamy [alt. Bellemy] (b. ca. 1619, Evesham, Worcestershire; m.16XX, Abigail; d. ca. 1665, Allhallowes Barking, London), wine cooper, of the parish of All Hallowes Barking.
His widow, Abigail (alt. Abigael, Abegell) was living on the west side of Seething Lane in the parish of All Hallowes Barking at the time of the 1666 hearth tax assessment, in a building of 10 hearths, John Bellamy having probably died in 1664 or early 1665.[1] A post-mortem inventory has survived, which should reveal details of the building in Seething Lane, and possibly some physical aspects of a wine cooper's trade.[2] A Samuell Bellemy had a five hearth building close by, on the east side of Seething Lane, which was recorded as empty in same hearth tax assessment.[3]
In July 1656, John Bellamy described himself as a wine copper of the parish of AllHallowes Barking, "aged 36 yeeres or thereabouts", appearing as a witness on the behalf of the London merchant John Tivall and the Plymouth merchant John Page.[4]
John Bellamy, at the age of thirty-nine, some seven years before his death, had provided testimony in the English Admiralty Court in the case of XXX.[5]. He described himself as a wine cooper of Allhallowes Barking London, and stated that he had been employed by the London based merchant Antonio Rodrigues Robles for the last ten years "as his wine Cooper to take up and order his wynes." Robles (and thus also John Bellamy) were dealing in relatively large quantities of Canary wine, with Bellamy stating in his testimony that Robles "hath yearely receaved some tymes fower hundred pipes of Canariie wines sent thence by his factors to this Port of London for his Accompt."[6]
John Bellamy's will
John Bellamy's will is dated February 1st, 1653(54), and was proved on April 12th, 1665.
Bellamy's will makes reference to his wife, Abigail Bellamy, who survived him, and to his mother, Mary Bellamy, who was still living at the time of the making of the will. He had children under the age of twenty-one, with at least one son, and one daughte (unnamed in the will). The sons were probably Henry Bellamy, who also became a coooper and was resident in the parish of Allhallowes Barking at his own death ca. 1701, and an Edward Bellamy. John Bellamy mentioned two sisters, the one named Anne P[?arker] and the other named Mary Atkins. Reference is made to lands in the county of Suffolk.
In answers to interrogatories on the behalfe of the Lord Protector in the same case, John Bellamy stated that he was "an Englishman by byrth borne at Evesham in Worcestershiere."[7]
Henry Bellamy, cooper, son of John Bellamy
One of the unnamed sons in John Bellamy's was probably Henry Bellamy, who made his own will (written in 1696, with an additional memorandum dated 1700, and proved in 1701), describing himself as "of the parish of Allhallowes Barkin London and Citizen and Cooper of London."[8] This will mentions a brother Edward Bellamy, and a niece Sarah Bellamy (daughter of the brother, Edward). It also mentions a brother William Bellamy, who was to receive land in Clopson in the county of Suffolk (the same Suffolk parish mentioned in John Bellamy's will).
Henry Bellamy's residence appears in the Four Shillings in the Pound tax assessment of 1693/94. The property is listed in the Seething Lane precinct of Tower Ward in the City of London, with the high assessed stock value of £400. Henry's commercial success is also reflected in the size of legacies given in his will.
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Annotate HCA 13/71
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To do
(1) Check body of transcription for accuracy
(2) Complete latin probatum
(3) Check English High Court of Admiralty (HCA) records for further Bellamy references
(4) Compare John Bellamy, wine cooper, with other wine coopers identified in HCA records in 1650s, and compare with other coopers (e.g. coopers involved in London whale oil trade)
Tm Johanis Bellamy
In the name of God Amen
I John Bellamy of the parish of Allhallowes Barking London being weake
in body But in perfect minde and memory doe make and ordaine this my last
Will and Testament in manner and forme following
ffirst I Committ my Soule
into the hands of my Creator being through the death of Jesus Christ to
receive the just pardon of all my Sinnes and eternall life My body I Committ to
the Earth to bee buried according to the direction of my Executor hereafter
Secondly my Will is that that parcell of Land lying in Cla[?a or ?o]pson of one
hundred pounds per Annum in the County of Suffolke bee sold by my Executor
And then for my worldly Estate I give and bequeath as followeth
Imprimis I
give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Abigail Bellamy One third part of
my estate as bee paid after my decease and into my children one third part of
my Estate to bee equally devided amongst them a like As for my sonnes the[?m]
to bee paid att the Age of One and Twenty yeares And for my daughter her to
bee paid att the Age of one and Twenty yeares or att the day of marriage which
shall first happen And my Will is that if any of my children should dye before
the Age of one and Twenty yeares or day of marriage: That then the Legacie
of him or her shall goe unto the Survivor of them being equally devided And
as for my remaining One third of my Estate after any debts bee paid and my
funerall charges borne and defraid Then doe I give unto my sonne John Bell=
=amy One hundred pounds to bee paid unto him at the Age of one and twentye
yeares or sooner if my Executor pleaseth And I doe give unto my loving
Mother Mary Bellamy Tenne Pounds to bee paid after my decease And six
Pounds Per annum during her life to bee paid every halfe yeare And I doe
give unto my sister Anne Parker Tenne pounds to bee paid after my decease And
unto my sister Mary Atkins that Bond of twenty pounds which shee oweth mee
And I doe give unto the poore of the parish where my Mother liveth five pounds
To be paid after my decease And I doe give unto my Loving Wife Abig[?a]ell
Bellamy the furniture of my matted Chamber and all things belonging unto that
Chamber All these Legacies being paid out my last one third part of my Estate The
residue the remayneing part to bee equally devided amongst my children And I
doe nominate and appointt my Loving wife Abig[?a]el Bellamy my sole and [XXXX]
Executor of this my last Will and Testament And my loving freinds Mr Thomas
Langston and Mr Richard Od[XXX]s to bee my Overseers of this my last Will And
I doe give unto them to bee paid out of my last one third part of my Estate fortye
shillings a peece to buy each of them a Ring
Wittnesse my hand and seale this
ffirst day of ffebruary One Thousand six hundred and Sixty Three
John Bellamy)
Wittnessed by us att the sealing hereof and att the delivery
Ralph B[XXX]ke,
Samuel Pomfrett, John Wadham./
Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascrptum apud London Coram [XXXX] et
egregis D[XX] Willimo Mercke [XXXX] et legum
People mentioned by testator:
Anne Parker
Sister of John Bellamy, the testator
Mary Atkins
Sister of John Bellamy, the testator
Abigael Ballamy
Wife of John Bellamy, the testator
Other Bellamys living in London in mid-Cth
There does not appear to be an immediate family connection between John Bellamy, our testator, and Edward Bellamy, citizen of London, who was a member of the fishmongers, living at his "dwelling house Called the fflying horse in Thames streete in the parish of Magnni the Martyr neare London Bridge".[9] Nevertheless, genealogical sources have suggested that Edward's father was a Robert Bellamy, and that Robert Bellamy was allegedly born in Evesham, Worcestershire (the location given by John Bellamy as his place of birth in answer to English High Court of Admiralty interrogatories).[10]
Edward Bellamy appears to have been a stationer or bookseller, despite his membership of the Fishmongers. His daughter, Mary, was married to a stationer of London(George [?Hurlock], and according to Edward's will, this daughter was to receive Edward's "Book shopp and Stock and furniture therein and thereto belonging, adioying to Saint Magnus Church in Thames Streete in London", including "my Copies of Bookes and share in Copies of Bookes Commonly sold therein." His son, Edward Bellamy, was to receive land and buildings "in Bridgstreete otherwise now ffish Streete in London and shopp in old ffish sreete in London."[11] Edward Bellamy, the testator, also mentions in his will land in Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick.
Places mentioned by testator:
Allhallowes Barking
Survey of London, vol. 15: The parish of All Hallowes Barking (pt. II) (London, 1934)
- Internet Archive edition
Evesham, Worcestershire
Genealogical sources confirm the link between the Bellamy family name and the place of Evesham in Worcestershire.
For example, a Family Search Community Tree identifies a Robert Bellamy as born in Evesham, Worcestershire, married to a Bridget More, with a son, Edward Bellamy, of Saint Magnus the Martyr, London. The original source appears to have been London Visitation Pedigrees 1664 (1940), Whitmore, John Beach, (Publications of the Harleian Society: Visitations, volume 92. London: [Harleian Society], 1940).[12]
Possible primary sources
C 6/186/16 Short title: Bellamy v Simpson. Plaintiffs: Samuel Bellamy . Defendants: Elizabeth Simpson widow and Henry Mockery . Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer, schedule. 1669
PROB 11/316/375 Will of John Bellamy of All Hallows Barking, City of London 12 April 1665
PROB 11/258/240 Will of Edward Bellamy, Fishmonger of Saint Magnus the Martyr, City of London 25 September 1656
- SEE Ancestry digital image
PROB 11/428/156 Will of Samuell Bellamy, Mariner now belonging to their Majesty's Ship Monmouth 13 November 1695
PROB 11/459/140 Will of Henry Bellamy, Cooper of All Hallows Barkin, City of London 03 February 1701
- SEE Ancestry digital image
Possible secondary sources
Survey of London, vol. 15: The parish of All Hallowes Barking (pt. II) (London, 1934)
- ↑ 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Barking : Seething Lane West', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011); PROB 11/316/375 Will of John Bellamy of All Hallows Barking, City of London 12 April 1665
- ↑ PROB 4/2703 Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660. Bellamy, John, of [All Hallows] Barking, London, cooper. 11 May 1666
- ↑ 'Seething Lane East Side' in 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Barking : Sething Lane East Side', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)
- ↑ HCA 13/71 f.278r
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.390v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.390v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.391v
- ↑ PROB 11/459/140 Will of Henry Bellamy, Cooper of All Hallows Barkin, City of London 03 February 1701
- ↑ PROB 11/258/240 Will of Edward Bellamy, Fishmonger of Saint Magnus the Martyr, City of London 25 September 1656
- ↑ 'Robert Bellamy', Person ID 1476, Family Search Community Trees, viewed 16/01/14, HCA 13/72 f.391v
- ↑ PROB 11/258/240 Will of Edward Bellamy, Fishmonger of Saint Magnus the Martyr, City of London 25 September 1656
- ↑ 'Robert Bellamy', Person ID 1476, Family Search Community Trees, viewed 16/01/14