KaggleTestSnippets: HCA 13/68 f.17r

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Signoff image

KaggleTestSnippets: HCA 13/68 f.17r

Palaeographical comments

Hailwood: I think this is probably a very basic 'G'. Some marks do take this curved form, but do they usually curve the other way? Something to look out for.

KaggleTestSnippets: HCA 13/68 f.17r
First name George
Middle name(s)
Last name Moulin
Occupation Mariner
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation Carpenter's mate
Citizen Unknown
Res street Shadwell
Res parish Stepney
Res town
Res county Middlesex
Res province
Res country England
Age at deposition 32
Birth year 1621
Deposition date Oct 13 1653
Deposition start page HCA 13/68 f.16r Annotate
Deposition signoff page HCA 13/68 f.17r Annotate
Type of signoff Marke, Initial
Type of marke Curved form
Number of initials 1
Signoff rotation
Grade of signoff Greenstreet Simple
Grade of signoff Hailwood Simple
Grade of signoff Ponte
Grade of signoff Van Lottum
Numerical grade of signoff Greenstreet
Numerical grade of signoff Hailwood
Numerical grade of signoff Ponte
Numerical grade of signoff Van Lottum