HCA 13/71 f.333v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.333v.

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words importing the like in effect And further hee cannot depose

To the 8th article hee saith that after the seizure of the Endeavour as
aforesayd hee heard the said Chirugion, boatswaine and others
of the sayd de La Roy his company saye that they were to have
gone to Lisbon in Portugall to provide them selves of wines for
their voyage but were prevented of soe doeing by Crosse windes
and thereupon steered their Course for the Coast of the Canaries
being sure (as they sayd) at that tyme of the yeare to meete with shipps
upon that Coast ladean with wines And further to this article hee
cannot depose./

To the 9th and 10th articles of the said allegation hee saith that hee well
knoweth being a sufferer therein that the sayd de La Roy and
Company at the tyme of the surprizall of the Endeavour plundered
all her Company of their cloathes and left them only the worst of them
to cover their nakednesse and tooke away all their Sea Instruments and
private adventures which cloathes Sea Instruments and private Adventures
t?es ˹? plundered˺ were in this deponents Judgment and estimate worth three hundred and
fifty pounds sterling at least, and the sayd ship Endeavour and her TO DO: ladeing?
apparrell and furniture at her seizure afoursayd was in this deponents
Judgment well worth six hundred pounds and better of like money And
what her Companies wages did then amount unto hee cannot estimate./

To the 11th hee saith that the wines seized in the Endeavour were at the
tyme of their seizure very choice and good wines, and as hee verily
beleeveth and is persuaded in his conscience were the best sorte of wynes which
came from the Canaries in the yeare 1655 and would have yeilded
as hee verily beleeveth (if they had come safe to the Cittie of London,) at the
least thirty pounds sterling a X ˹pipe˺ cleare of all charges And the reason
of such his beleefe is for that since his coming to London hee hath TO DO: ?
heard severall Merchants of London of very good worth and quality TO DO: ?
that in the moneths of November And December 1655 they solde TO DO: good?
Canarie wines in London at sixty three pounds sterling a pipe And
further to this article hee cannot depose /

To the 12th hee saith hee is verily persuaded that the arlate J?
and Company beside the losse of their principall and damnified TO DO: ?
the want thereof to make use of and in their losse of tyme and imployment
occasioned by the sayd shipps seizure of the sayd shipp and ladeing two
hundred pounds sterling at the least besides their sayd principall And
the arlate Oxwick? and Company Owners of the Endeavour for want of
their sayd ship and freight thereof are damnified to a great value TO DO: ?
their principall, but what to estimate their dammage at hee knoweth not
And further hee cannot depose./

To the 13th hee saith hee is verily persuaded in his conscience and beleeveth that
the arlate Baker and Company by reason of the seizure and losse of their sayd TO DO: ?
have bin and are damnified for want of the moneys they would have
yeilded if they had come safe to London to use in the way of trade the sum
of two thousand pounds sterling besides their principall And further to this article hee
4cannot depose /

Reported before Cof? Cork? the 15th of August/

Thomas Humphr? [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner