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'''HB 77/C/3 Inventory of household goods, Bedingfeild Heigham jun. & his wife Hester Heigham'''
'''HB 77/C/3 Inventory of household goods, Bedingfeild Heigham jun. & his wife Hester Heigham'''
'''Editorial history'''
20/10/10, CSG: Imaged document
12/03712, CSG: Created page
===In the Men’s Chamber of ?Harthoft Garrett===
In the Men’s Chamber of ?Harthoft Garrett vizt
1 ffeather bed & Bolstor
1 BedstedVallence & curtainds of Cloth
3 Blanketts & 1 rugg
1? Pallet bed
1 flock quilt
1 Wonscott ?stow  Lyned wth Tin for drying ?vestments
===In the Maids Chamber or Second Garret===
In the Maids Chamber or Second Garret vizt
1 ffeather bed.  Bolster & Pillar
3 Blanketts at 2 s each & 1 Rugg 4 s
1 Bedsted Vallence & stuff curtains
1 Large Wainscott Table & frame 10 s. & 1 Large folding Leaf [one letter crossed out] 8 s
===In the Little Garret next the stares===
In the Little Garret next the stares vizt
1 Large chest for Lynnen
1 Deal press
2 Turkey ?Work Carpetts
3 Ruggs at 4 s
1 old Trunk
2 bookcases wth frames & Glasse
===In the Dyning Roome===
In the Dyning Roome. vizt.
4 Cane Chaires 2 s & 1couch wth coushons 8 s
1 Large Looking Glass. 1 10 inch wide & 2. Ft. High
1 Table inlayed
7 Pictures    all ffamily pices at 20 s each
1 Iron Harth
===In the Chamber over the Kitchen vizt.===
In the Chamber over the Kitchen vizt.
3 Blanketts. At 6 s each
1 quilt
1 black Table
===In little Clossett in the foresaid Chamber over Kitch.===
In little Clossett in the foresaid Chamber over Kitch.
1 Chest of drawers bed
1 ffeather bed Bolster & Pillow
3 Blanketts at 3 s &1 rugg at 4 s
1 Glass Case & fframe
===On The Great Stare Case pictures===
On The Great Stare Case pictures. vizt
1 of King Charles & 1 Queen Kathe  X each
1 Large Still Life
The 3 ?[Hatal] sisters a large ?X
1 large Wolf
2 large hounds at full length20 s each
1 hound ?[price] half Lenght
2 Women half lengt
1 still life
1 Vergin Mary
1 ?[European]
6 Small painted X
9 prints
===In the best Chamber over the little Parler===
In the best Chamber over the little Parler vizt.
1 Damask Bed, Curtains & Vallence & quilt &
6 Elbow Chares wth Damask Couers, & a Large Serge
Case for the Bed
1 ffeather Bed Bolster & Pillors
3 Blanketts at 5 s & 1 quilt 8 s
1 Easie Chare
1 Steal Harth Shouelle & Tongs
1 Large looking glass  - 2 ffoot 1 inch Wide & 2.11 High
1 Table & Stand
===In the little Chamber next the back stares===
In the little Chamber next the back stares
1 ffeather bed Bolster & Pillar
3 Blanketts at 3 s _ 1 quilt . & 1 rugg . 4 s
1 Bed sted & Curtains & vallence. printed Linnen
3 Cane Chares 2
1 Paper Hangins 6 s , 1 black Table 4s
1 Steal Harth Shouelle & Tongs wth Silver ?[carps] or [clasp]
===In the Midle Chamber Called the nursery===
In the Midle Chamber Called the nursery
2 ffeather Beds, 2 Bosters & 2 Pillars
1 Bedsted Curtains & Vallence of blew printed stuff
6 Chares blew serge
3  pcsTappestry Hangings & ?[has been crossed out ? - Glass] stuff
1 Large Looking glass 1 ffoot 8 inch wide & 2 ffoot high
1 blew Bed Curtains & Vallence
2 pcs Window Curtains
1 Chest of drawers new
1 Brass harth shouelle & Tongs
6 Blanketts at 3 s each 2 quilts at 4 s
In the passage 5 maps at 1 s each a ?[peuble Boston – highly illegible] 6 s
1 picture and Chimney a ?[handy] OR [FAMILY]
===In the Harthoft Chamber===
In the Harthoft Chamber
1 ffeather bed 1 Bolster & pillow
1 Bedsted Vallence & Curtains striped Camlett
3 Blanketts at 4 s & 1 quilt 6 s counter press 20 s
4 Elbow Chares & Strped Camlett Cuchions
1 quilles quilt
1 India Cabbinett at eight pounds
1 India chest for cloths
1 Large looking glass 1 ffoot 9 inch wide & 3 foot high
1 Small table
2 pare Window curtains
1 steele Harth Shovelle & Tongs
1 small Folding Table inlayed
?[Choyrey & Dresware]
===In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber===
In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber
1 large red leather Trunk
1 Large Looking glass 2 ffoot 9 inch wide & 2 ff 4 high
1 Table & Small Looking glass & dressing boxes
1 Beaurow
===In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber===
In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber
1 Iron Chest 8th ?[pts]
1 strong box with brass work
1 Chest drawers
1 Brass harth shovelle & Tongs
25 small pictures at 2 s
3 Chares at 2 s
1 pare striped worked Curtains
1 small Table
2 ?[rounds stoothe]
===In the best Parler===
In the best Parler, vizt
1 Copper Lakette & stand
1 Larger looking glass . 2 ffoot 2 inch wide & 2 ft. 6 high
1 black Table
1 marble Chimney &?[slabs]
Window curtains White ? satting
6 large Elbow Chares needlework at 10 s each
1 couch & needlework cushons
1 Looking glass over the Chimney 4 foot 7 long & 1.8 high
1 Brass fyre grate Shovelle & tongs
1 picture over the chimney
1 small round Table
1 Tea table 5 s all the Cheyney Cups potts ?[salurs] 35 s
Pictures vizt.
1 Seage of Troy
2 sea pictures
2 Battles ?[large oualle]
1 Venus & Cupitt
1 King ?[ahashusus]
2 straw ?[patrial]
2 Turks heads
1 small Sea ?
1 Large oualle
1 Large oualle
===In the Hall===
In the Hall vizt
1 pendulum Clock & case
2 pictures- ffamily xx
4 Cane Chares
1 Wonscott Table
1 Small wonscott Table
1 Large Map of England
1 picture of Vergin Mary
1 ?Beaurow
===In the little Parler ===
In the little Parler  vizt
2 Cane Chares
1 Wonscott Side bord Table
1 Looking Glass ?ad the ?Chimney
1 Window Curtain Striped Stuff & ?Coxxxisle
1 Iron grate for  fyre
2 xxxx of Lookx
===In the Wash-house===
In the Wash-house vizt
1 Large Copper belonging ?In the house
1 Small Copper - wth iron base & dxxx
3 Brewing Vessells & hand pxxx & ??Cooles
4 Washing Tubbs 2s.
1 Bottle Rack ?5s & 14 Doz. Glass bottles at 2s
1 Wooden ?sstand
1 powdring Tub
2 Wooden S?lops
Carry over
Carry over
===In the Passage to the Kitchin===
In the Passage to the Kitchin  vizt
1 Wonscott ?safe wth ??eyron xxxx
1 flower Tub
1 Large Wonscott Table
1 Napkin Press
1 old map
===In the Kitchin===
In the Kitchin vizt
1 Jack weight & line
1 iron fork shovell & ??tongs
  (Dozen Pewter plates xx/p Dozen 10d pxx
  (Ditto    Pewter Dishes 9d pxx
Total wt 210?li at 9d
1 Large Brass pott 20s
1 Midling brass pott 14s
1 Smaller pott  8s
1 Long Table
  Iron potts 8s each
1 Copper still ?wxxx & Tub & Chafing dish
1 Tea Kettle 6s each
1 Iron Crane in Chimney
2 Copper Drinking potts 3s
6. Brass Candle Sticks 2s
1 Brass fish kettle 10s 1 Dish kettles 6s
1 Brass stew pan 6s  1 ?hand stew pan 5s
1 Brass ?Ladles 2s & 1. Skinxxxx 2s  stone xxxx 6s
4. spitts 3s each
1 Muskett 10s & 1 blunder buss 8s Banderleer & wxxx
1 pa brass weights & brass scales
1 Brass Warming pan
1 Brass pale
1 pare still yards
?Divers Small  ?utensills of Brass Tin or earthen ware vald at
Carry over
Brought over
===In the Celler===
In the Celler
9 xxxxx barrels  for ?beer  2s each
2 Stands for ?beer 3s each
----In the Little yard===
In the Little yard
1 Hen Coope
1 ?syde screen
===In the Stable===
In the Stable
2 Coach Geldings
1 pare Coach Harness
Curry, Comb & Brush
3 ??Bitts Case for Corn at 5s each
===In the ??fire  Court===
In the ??fire  Court
4 Lawrell Trees in boxes at 3s
4 Lawrell Trees in boxes
===In the Garden===
In the Garden
16 Sypruss (sic) Trees round the grass ?plats
1 Whet stone  Grindstone
1 Water Tub 10s a Wheel Barrow 2s 2 spade  2 Sythe
3 ?frames xx xxxx bed
Carry over
Brought over
===In the Coach-house===
In the Coach-house
1 Chariott
4 Bins Cases for corn 5s
A Syder press
1 old cart
1 Mill for grinding Malt
XXXXXXXXXXXX1 Looking Glass our the Chimney
Plate 212 oz at 5s
6 silver knives & 6 fforkes at 4s each
1 Tankerd)
3    Castors)
10  Spoons)
2 Candlesticks)
1 pa  Snuxxx & pan)
2 salt sellers)
5 ?salvers)
1 larg Ladle)
1 greeat Bason)
All weighed 212 oz.
3 Damask Table Clothes .... at 8s each
3 Damask napkins  xxx old
2 ?Diaper Table Cloths at
10 Old Napkins
18 Towels ?Hulckaback xxx old
7 old Diaper Towels
3 Calla Sheetes . old
2 paire fine sheetes at
===Bedingfield Heigham sen===
Bedingfield Heigham (alt. Higham) sen. was a London merchant.  His inventory is in TNA  The inventory index record bears two dates, the first being 1693, the year before his son, Bedingfield Heigham jun. married Hesther White, daughter of Stephen White, merchant, whohimself was nephew and partner of Sir Stephen White, SVJS subscriber.  Bedingfield Heigham jun. appears to have died c. 1707 as a widower, so Hesther White predeceased him at an unknown date.    Bedingfield Heigham jun.’s inventory is in the Suffolk Record Office.  A sentence but no will is available in the PRC.
The Lethieullier family was originally from Brabant, with a number of brothers active in London as merchants in the 2H C17th.  At least three of the Lethieullier brothers were engagaged in trade with Portgugal  - Abraham, Samuel, and William, all three of whom appear in the ML (1677) against the same Broadstreet address.  Sir John Lethulier appears in the ML (1677) at Mark-lane, Tower Street Ward, and Christopher Lethulier appears at Turn-wheel-lane.  Samuel Lethieullier was naturalised in 1656.  Interestingly, Abraham Lethulier was a Dyer,  as was William.  Abraham was a founding committee of the Bank of England in 1694.
The strong Lethieullier connection with the White family is presumably through the Portuguese trade. Christopher, Samuel, William and Abraham Lethieullier were executors to the wills of both Thomas White and John White, merchants of Oporto, brothers of Steven White, the father of Hesther Bedingfeild and cousins of Sir Stephen White.  Steven White, the nephew of Sir Stephen White, himself active in the Portuguese trade with his uncle, Sir Stephen White, made Christopher Lethieullier the executor of his will (1681 prob) and guardian of his children, who were below 21 at his death.  In the ML (1677) Sir Stephen White and his nephew are shown at the same address in Hackney and also at the Spanish walk on the Royal exchange.
The Heigham family of Suffolk is probably linked to the parish or village of Higham, which is near Bury St. Edmunds.  There appears to have been a manor of Higham/Heigham.  In the 1630-70 period a Clement Heigham Esq. was living in the parish of Barrow, Suffolk, which is c. one mile south-east of Higham, and c. 8 miles west of Bury St. Edmunds.  There are several earlier Heighams whose PRC wills have locations near Higham, such as Clement Heigham (prob. 1620), and Sir Clement Heigham (prob.1571).  There may have been a Heigham London merchant early in the C17th.  It seems likely that Bedingfield Heigham sen and jun came from a successful Suffolk family, with Sir Clement Heigham a Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer udner Elizabeth I.
A Bedingfield family with Suffolk and Norfolk connections appears in NA records from the time of Edward VI.  There are many chancery cases throughout the C16th and C17th involving the Bedingfield family of Suffolk.
==Possible primary sources==

Latest revision as of 10:49, March 12, 2012

HB 77/C/3 Inventory of household goods, Bedingfeild Heigham jun. & his wife Hester Heigham

Editorial history

20/10/10, CSG: Imaged document
12/03712, CSG: Created page


In the Men’s Chamber of ?Harthoft Garrett

In the Men’s Chamber of ?Harthoft Garrett vizt

1 ffeather bed & Bolstor
1 BedstedVallence & curtainds of Cloth
3 Blanketts & 1 rugg
1? Pallet bed
1 flock quilt
1 Wonscott ?stow Lyned wth Tin for drying ?vestments

In the Maids Chamber or Second Garret

In the Maids Chamber or Second Garret vizt

1 ffeather bed. Bolster & Pillar
3 Blanketts at 2 s each & 1 Rugg 4 s
1 Bedsted Vallence & stuff curtains
1 Large Wainscott Table & frame 10 s. & 1 Large folding Leaf [one letter crossed out] 8 s

In the Little Garret next the stares

In the Little Garret next the stares vizt

1 Large chest for Lynnen
1 Deal press
2 Turkey ?Work Carpetts
3 Ruggs at 4 s
1 old Trunk
2 bookcases wth frames & Glasse

In the Dyning Roome

In the Dyning Roome. vizt.

4 Cane Chaires 2 s & 1couch wth coushons 8 s
1 Large Looking Glass. 1 10 inch wide & 2. Ft. High
1 Table inlayed
7 Pictures all ffamily pices at 20 s each
1 Iron Harth

In the Chamber over the Kitchen vizt.

In the Chamber over the Kitchen vizt.

3 Blanketts. At 6 s each
1 quilt
1 black Table

In little Clossett in the foresaid Chamber over Kitch.

In little Clossett in the foresaid Chamber over Kitch.

1 Chest of drawers bed
1 ffeather bed Bolster & Pillow
3 Blanketts at 3 s &1 rugg at 4 s
1 Glass Case & fframe

On The Great Stare Case pictures

On The Great Stare Case pictures. vizt

1 of King Charles & 1 Queen Kathe X each
1 Large Still Life
The 3 ?[Hatal] sisters a large ?X
1 large Wolf
2 large hounds at full length20 s each
1 hound ?[price] half Lenght
2 Women half lengt
1 still life
1 Vergin Mary
1 ?[European]
6 Small painted X
9 prints

In the best Chamber over the little Parler

In the best Chamber over the little Parler vizt.

1 Damask Bed, Curtains & Vallence & quilt &
6 Elbow Chares wth Damask Couers, & a Large Serge
Case for the Bed
1 ffeather Bed Bolster & Pillors
3 Blanketts at 5 s & 1 quilt 8 s
1 Easie Chare
1 Steal Harth Shouelle & Tongs
1 Large looking glass - 2 ffoot 1 inch Wide & 2.11 High
1 Table & Stand

In the little Chamber next the back stares

In the little Chamber next the back stares

1 ffeather bed Bolster & Pillar
3 Blanketts at 3 s _ 1 quilt . & 1 rugg . 4 s
1 Bed sted & Curtains & vallence. printed Linnen
3 Cane Chares 2
1 Paper Hangins 6 s , 1 black Table 4s
1 Steal Harth Shouelle & Tongs wth Silver ?[carps] or [clasp]

In the Midle Chamber Called the nursery

In the Midle Chamber Called the nursery

2 ffeather Beds, 2 Bosters & 2 Pillars
1 Bedsted Curtains & Vallence of blew printed stuff
6 Chares blew serge
3 pcsTappestry Hangings & ?[has been crossed out ? - Glass] stuff
1 Large Looking glass 1 ffoot 8 inch wide & 2 ffoot high
1 blew Bed Curtains & Vallence
2 pcs Window Curtains
1 Chest of drawers new
1 Brass harth shouelle & Tongs
6 Blanketts at 3 s each 2 quilts at 4 s
In the passage 5 maps at 1 s each a ?[peuble Boston – highly illegible] 6 s
1 picture and Chimney a ?[handy] OR [FAMILY]

In the Harthoft Chamber

In the Harthoft Chamber

1 ffeather bed 1 Bolster & pillow
1 Bedsted Vallence & Curtains striped Camlett
3 Blanketts at 4 s & 1 quilt 6 s counter press 20 s
4 Elbow Chares & Strped Camlett Cuchions
1 quilles quilt
1 India Cabbinett at eight pounds
1 India chest for cloths
1 Large looking glass 1 ffoot 9 inch wide & 3 foot high
1 Small table
2 pare Window curtains
1 steele Harth Shovelle & Tongs
1 small Folding Table inlayed
?[Choyrey & Dresware]

In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber

In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber

1 large red leather Trunk
1 Large Looking glass 2 ffoot 9 inch wide & 2 ff 4 high
1 Table & Small Looking glass & dressing boxes
1 Beaurow

In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber

In the Clossetts in the foresaid Chamber

1 Iron Chest 8th ?[pts]
1 strong box with brass work
1 Chest drawers
1 Brass harth shovelle & Tongs
25 small pictures at 2 s
3 Chares at 2 s
1 pare striped worked Curtains
1 small Table
2 ?[rounds stoothe]

In the best Parler

In the best Parler, vizt

1 Copper Lakette & stand
1 Larger looking glass . 2 ffoot 2 inch wide & 2 ft. 6 high
1 black Table
1 marble Chimney &?[slabs]
Window curtains White ? satting
6 large Elbow Chares needlework at 10 s each
1 couch & needlework cushons
1 Looking glass over the Chimney 4 foot 7 long & 1.8 high
1 Brass fyre grate Shovelle & tongs
1 picture over the chimney
1 small round Table
1 Tea table 5 s all the Cheyney Cups potts ?[salurs] 35 s

Pictures vizt.

1 Seage of Troy
2 sea pictures
2 Battles ?[large oualle]
1 Venus & Cupitt
1 King ?[ahashusus]
2 straw ?[patrial]
2 Turks heads
1 small Sea ?
1 Large oualle
1 Large oualle

In the Hall

In the Hall vizt

1 pendulum Clock & case
2 pictures- ffamily xx
4 Cane Chares
1 Wonscott Table
1 Small wonscott Table
1 Large Map of England
1 picture of Vergin Mary
1 ?Beaurow

In the little Parler

In the little Parler vizt

2 Cane Chares
1 Wonscott Side bord Table
1 Looking Glass ?ad the ?Chimney
1 Window Curtain Striped Stuff & ?Coxxxisle
1 Iron grate for fyre
2 xxxx of Lookx

In the Wash-house

In the Wash-house vizt

1 Large Copper belonging ?In the house
1 Small Copper - wth iron base & dxxx
3 Brewing Vessells & hand pxxx & ??Cooles
4 Washing Tubbs 2s.
1 Bottle Rack ?5s & 14 Doz. Glass bottles at 2s
1 Wooden ?sstand
1 powdring Tub
2 Wooden S?lops

Carry over

Carry over

In the Passage to the Kitchin

In the Passage to the Kitchin vizt

1 Wonscott ?safe wth ??eyron xxxx
1 flower Tub
1 Large Wonscott Table
1 Napkin Press
1 old map

In the Kitchin

In the Kitchin vizt

1 Jack weight & line
1 iron fork shovell & ??tongs

  (Dozen Pewter plates xx/p Dozen 10d pxx
  (Ditto    Pewter Dishes 9d pxx

Total wt 210?li at 9d
1 Large Brass pott 20s
1 Midling brass pott 14s
1 Smaller pott 8s
1 Long Table

  Iron potts 8s each

1 Copper still ?wxxx & Tub & Chafing dish
1 Tea Kettle 6s each
1 Iron Crane in Chimney
2 Copper Drinking potts 3s
6. Brass Candle Sticks 2s
1 Brass fish kettle 10s 1 Dish kettles 6s
1 Brass stew pan 6s 1 ?hand stew pan 5s
1 Brass ?Ladles 2s & 1. Skinxxxx 2s stone xxxx 6s
4. spitts 3s each
1 Muskett 10s & 1 blunder buss 8s Banderleer & wxxx
1 pa brass weights & brass scales
1 Brass Warming pan
1 Brass pale
1 pare still yards
?Divers Small  ?utensills of Brass Tin or earthen ware vald at

Carry over

Brought over

In the Celler

In the Celler

9 xxxxx barrels for ?beer 2s each
2 Stands for ?beer 3s each

In the Little yard===

In the Little yard

1 Hen Coope
1 ?syde screen

In the Stable

In the Stable

2 Coach Geldings
1 pare Coach Harness
Curry, Comb & Brush
3 ??Bitts Case for Corn at 5s each

In the ??fire Court

In the ??fire Court

4 Lawrell Trees in boxes at 3s
4 Lawrell Trees in boxes

In the Garden

In the Garden

16 Sypruss (sic) Trees round the grass ?plats
1 Whet stone Grindstone
1 Water Tub 10s a Wheel Barrow 2s 2 spade 2 Sythe
3 ?frames xx xxxx bed

Carry over

Brought over

In the Coach-house

In the Coach-house

1 Chariott
4 Bins Cases for corn 5s
A Syder press
1 old cart
1 Mill for grinding Malt
XXXXXXXXXXXX1 Looking Glass our the Chimney


Plate 212 oz at 5s
6 silver knives & 6 fforkes at 4s each
1 Tankerd)
3 Castors)
10 Spoons)
2 Candlesticks)
1 pa Snuxxx & pan)

2 salt sellers)
5 ?salvers)
1 larg Ladle)
1 greeat Bason)

All weighed 212 oz.



3 Damask Table Clothes .... at 8s each
3 Damask napkins xxx old
2 ?Diaper Table Cloths at
10 Old Napkins
18 Towels ?Hulckaback xxx old
7 old Diaper Towels
3 Calla Sheetes . old
2 paire fine sheetes at


Bedingfield Heigham sen

Bedingfield Heigham (alt. Higham) sen. was a London merchant. His inventory is in TNA The inventory index record bears two dates, the first being 1693, the year before his son, Bedingfield Heigham jun. married Hesther White, daughter of Stephen White, merchant, whohimself was nephew and partner of Sir Stephen White, SVJS subscriber. Bedingfield Heigham jun. appears to have died c. 1707 as a widower, so Hesther White predeceased him at an unknown date. Bedingfield Heigham jun.’s inventory is in the Suffolk Record Office. A sentence but no will is available in the PRC.

The Lethieullier family was originally from Brabant, with a number of brothers active in London as merchants in the 2H C17th. At least three of the Lethieullier brothers were engagaged in trade with Portgugal - Abraham, Samuel, and William, all three of whom appear in the ML (1677) against the same Broadstreet address. Sir John Lethulier appears in the ML (1677) at Mark-lane, Tower Street Ward, and Christopher Lethulier appears at Turn-wheel-lane. Samuel Lethieullier was naturalised in 1656. Interestingly, Abraham Lethulier was a Dyer, as was William. Abraham was a founding committee of the Bank of England in 1694.

The strong Lethieullier connection with the White family is presumably through the Portuguese trade. Christopher, Samuel, William and Abraham Lethieullier were executors to the wills of both Thomas White and John White, merchants of Oporto, brothers of Steven White, the father of Hesther Bedingfeild and cousins of Sir Stephen White. Steven White, the nephew of Sir Stephen White, himself active in the Portuguese trade with his uncle, Sir Stephen White, made Christopher Lethieullier the executor of his will (1681 prob) and guardian of his children, who were below 21 at his death. In the ML (1677) Sir Stephen White and his nephew are shown at the same address in Hackney and also at the Spanish walk on the Royal exchange.

The Heigham family of Suffolk is probably linked to the parish or village of Higham, which is near Bury St. Edmunds. There appears to have been a manor of Higham/Heigham. In the 1630-70 period a Clement Heigham Esq. was living in the parish of Barrow, Suffolk, which is c. one mile south-east of Higham, and c. 8 miles west of Bury St. Edmunds. There are several earlier Heighams whose PRC wills have locations near Higham, such as Clement Heigham (prob. 1620), and Sir Clement Heigham (prob.1571). There may have been a Heigham London merchant early in the C17th. It seems likely that Bedingfield Heigham sen and jun came from a successful Suffolk family, with Sir Clement Heigham a Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer udner Elizabeth I.

A Bedingfield family with Suffolk and Norfolk connections appears in NA records from the time of Edward VI. There are many chancery cases throughout the C16th and C17th involving the Bedingfield family of Suffolk.

Possible primary sources