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Revision as of 09:36, April 17, 2015

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/76 f.75r.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Petrus Olson de Mastrand als Masterland in Swedeland
Nauta ubi natus fuit, annos agens 34 ait inter
dicit et deponit prout sequitur videlicet.

Ad prima Interr rendit That hee this deponent knowe the Interrate ship Saint Jacob for
about five yeeres last, and sayth that shee was built at ?XXback in ?Harlan
in Swedeland by one Bengt Insrogen since dead of whom the now skippers father
called XXX ffrederickson bought her about five yeeres since for himselfe
had for upon the account of a debt and put Jacov Olson Master for XXX and ?let him sold
a part with him and about the last Spring the now Skipper XXX bought the sd Olson
part and sayth XXXXX XXX ffrederickson saving what Interest the said
Olson had in her as aforesd hath bin for these five yeeres last or thereabouts
and at present is the true and sole Owner of the said ship which hee knoweth for
that hee of the same towne, and hath belonged to the said ship for the three last
yeeres. and sayth that XXXX ffrederickson (whom hee hath knowne
from his childhood) liveth in Mastrand and was borne there, and there hath
lived all his time, which place is under the dominions of the King of Sweden
whose subiect hee is, and soe is this deponent and soe was the said Bengt Infrogen, and soe
is the said Jacob Olson and the now skipper, and sayth that the said ship was never
in ffrance but was once in Holland which was about
foure yeeres since and shee hath bin twice in Denmarke which was
in the first yeere that the said XXX ffrederkson had her but this deponent was then not
then in her, and saith that since shee hath not bin there but in XXXXX, et alr

Ad reliqua rendit That the said ship is of about halfe a hundred lasts and shee is
laden w:th Pitch, Iron, Steele, and some Deales which was laden onboard the said ship at
Stockholme, in Sweedesland by Sweedes and saith that as God shall helpe him hXXX
to XXXXX be delivered out of the said ship at this Port of London, but for
whose account or the Laders names hee for his part knoweth not, and saith that
all the Company were hired by the skipper to come to London, and because the said Lading was
to come to London hee is well assured that noe enimy has any interest
therein and saith that they carryed Herrings to Stockholme from Masterland
the voyage next before this on the said shipp XXX account and a little for the Company
which Lading the Skipper sold to severall Sweedes of XXXXXX and saith that the said
ship company are seaven besides the skipper, and one of them is a ?frenchman
but all the rest are ?livers, and natives of the Masterland and subjects of Sweden, and
saith that the said ship was taken by the fanfan about a fortnight since
and they then declared as the truth was that they were of
Masterland but sayd that they were bound to ffrance fearing that the Dutch had
met with them, it being then darke and sayth that hee knowes not what
writings were onboard the said ship besides her passe but beleeveth that
all the writings came to the Seizors hands and saith that none were
burnt or colourable or any wayes made away, and sayth that the said ship did
and doth carry the Sweedes flag and never carryed any other Colours since hee knoweth her