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'''Rp. 1'''
'''Rp. 1'''
'''John Creamer'' of the parish of Saint Magnus London
'''John Creamer''' of the parish of Saint Magnus London
ffishmonger aged 29 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
ffishmonger aged 29 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

Revision as of 21:11, October 5, 2013

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The 15th of March 1657.

Bartram against the William)
and George alias the Royall)
Defence: Cheeke)

Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe
of the said Bartram the 4th of this instant.

Rp. 1

John Creamer of the parish of Saint Magnus London
ffishmonger aged 29 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the shipp the William
and George alias the Royall defence arlate and hath soe donne for
theise twelve yeares last or thereabouts, and well knew the
arlate Thomas Babb, who (as hee saith) was for all the time arlate master and
commander of the said shipp and had the charge thereof
as maste, and proceeded on two voyages with her from this
port for parts beyond the sea, and retourned from the same
to this prot with her as master, All which hee knoweth seeing
him in that commande the said times, And for and as master
of her hee was for all the said time commonly accounted and
reputed. And further hee doth not depose to this article.

To the second article hee saith and deposeth that within the said
time the said shipp the William and George, since called the
Royall defence being bound out to sea on voyages, and standing
in neede of provisions of fish for the same, the said Thomas
Babb her said master came to the producent James Bartram
to his shopp in Thamestreete and bespake and desired the said
Bartram to deliver him (or such as should come in his name)
severall parcells of fish to be carried aboard to and for the
use and provisioning of the said shipp, whereupon the said
Bartram (by this deponent his then servant) did deliver
aboard the said shipp within the same time for her use and provision
the severall quantities and parcells of fish and on the severall
dayes mentioned and contained in the schedule annexed and
now by him read over, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
as servant to the said Mr Bartram went aboard with the said
fish and saw the deliverie thereof aboard, and did with his
owne hand make entrie thereof in his said masters shopp
debt booke, which booke this deponent hath this morning
compared the said schedule and findeth in [XXXXXXX], parcells
and prices to agree exactly therewith. And saith that the
said fish was delivered at the prices schedulated, and soe much
the same was then worth, and that that was the then common
and market price for the like goods of his knowledge, and
for soe much the same have bin sold to others at these times
amounting in the totall to - 37 li - 5 s - 10 d, aAnd otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the third hee saith hee hath since deliverie of the said fish heard
the said Thomas Babb acknowledge the receipt thereof aboard the
said shipp to her use and provisioning. And further deposeth not.

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin