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'''Hearth tax'''
#redirect Hearth tax: London
'''Editorial history'''
19/08/11, CSG: Created page
This page provides a finding aid to selected hearth tax records and their associated residents in Kent, London, Middlesex, and Surrey.  Essex data are currently not available.
The hearth tax records have been linked, where possible, to probate records such as wills and post mortem inventories.
The hearth tax records have been selected according to three criteria.
Firstly, the records of members of the Oxenden, Dallison, Masters and related families.
Secondly, the records of subscribers to the [[MRP: Smirna Venture Joint Stock subscriber list| Smirna Venture Joint Stock]] in the mid-1650s, of [[MRP: Alphabet of names | correspondents of Sir George Oxenden, 1662-1669]], and  of [[MRP: Bigger alphabet of names| individuals mentioned in the correspondence]].
Thirdly, a fuller listing of the residents of areas of importance to Sir George Oxenden and Elizabeth Dallison, especially [[MRP: House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell| Clerkenwell]], [[MRP: Ludgate Hill|Ludgate Hill]], [[MRP: Putney|Putney]], Saint Mary Woolnoth, [[MRP: Elizabeth Dallison's lodgings, Throgmorton Street, London| Throgmorton Street]], and [[MRP: Limehouse|Limehouse]].
For areas where an individual has been identified according to the first two criteria, some additional records have been provided as context.  These are, by choice, those of larger hearth tax assessees, typically of ten hearths and above.
Also available:
A partial directory of relevant secondary publications.
A  separte listing of [[MRP: Inventories|Inventories]], linked where possible to hearth tax records
==Suggested links==
==To do==
* Add Godstone, Surrey
===All Hallows Barking===
'''Chiterlin aley'''<ref>'Chiterlin aley' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118447#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Barking : Chiterlin Alley', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12</ref>
Wm Allen 15 hearths<ref>Wm (William) Allen.  Possibly William Allen, London merchant (PROB 11/356 Reeve 1-55 Will of William Allen, Merchant of Tower Hill London 19 February 1678)</ref>
Wm Walrond  14 hearths<ref>Wm (William) Walrond.  Just possibly William Walrond, London haberdasher (PROB 11/444 Lort 45-91 Will of William Walrond, Haberdasher of London 17 February 1698)</ref>
'''Cruchet Fryers west side'''
Richard Millward  14 hearths<ref>Richard Millward.  Just possibly Richard Milward, London merchant (PROB 11/325 Carr 117-176 Will of Richard Milward, Merchant of London 14 December 1667</ref>
'''East Side'''<ref>'East Side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118449#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Barking : East Side', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Mr. James Mann 10 hearths</u><ref>Mr. James Mann.  James Mann, London merchant, who was a subscriber to the ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock''.  He stated in his will, written in 1668, that he was living in Mortlake, Surrey, but mentioned: "my house scituate in Mark Lane London  wherein I did lately dwell and now is in the occupation of George Boddington which I hold by Lease of the Right worshipfull Company of Drapers in London of which Company I am a member" ([[MRP: James Man will| PROB 11/335 Duke 1-53 Will of James Man of Mortlake, Surrey 02 March 1671]]</ref>
'''All Hallows Barking: North side'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118452 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Barking : North Side', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Bengefield Hiham 14 hearths</u><ref>Bengefield Hiham.  Bedingfield Heigham was a London merchant.  He had a son of the same name.  See "Bedingfield Higham Seething Lane, Tower Street Ward" (ML (1677) (PROB 20/1264 Higham, Bedingfield: St Mary Whitechapel 1693, 1701;  PROB 11/498 Poley 270-312 Sentence of Bedingfield Heigham, Widower of Saint Mary Matfellon alias Whitechapel, Middlesex 20 March 1707; PROB 18/29/53 Probate lawsuit Wheake (as guardian) v Heigham, concerning the deceased Bedingfield Heigham. Allegation and interrogatory 1707</ref>
'''All Hallows Barking: Tower Strett South Side'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118466 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Barking : Tower Street South', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Richard Beckford 17 hearths<ref>Richard Beckford.  Probably Richard Beckford Tower-street, Tower Street Ward (ML (1677) (PROB 11/361 King 125-176 Will of Richard Beckford of London 10 December 1679)</ref>
===All Hallows Staining===
'''All Hallowes Stanings north side: Fanchurch streete ye north syde'''<ref>'All Hallowes Stanings north side: Fanchurch streete ye north syde' in 'All Hallowes Stanings north side: Fanchurch streete ye north syde' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118472#s2 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Staining ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Nicholas Penning  11 hearths<ref>Nicholas Penning.  Possibly Nicholas Penning, London merchant (PROB 11/335 Duke 1-53 Will of Nicholas Pening or Penning, Merchant of London 28 February 1671)</ref>
'''Fanch Stre south'''<ref>'Fanch Stre south' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118472#s6 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Staining ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Emanuell Coyners  6 hearths
Arther Remington  7 hearths
<u>Ralfe Ingram  6 hearths</u><ref>Ralfe Ingram.  Ralph Ingram was possibly a London merchant tailor, who was the nephew of Sir Arthur Ingram, London merchant and son in law of Sir Thomas Chambrelan.  J.R. Woodhead's entry on Ralph Ingram gives dates for his death and burial at St Dionis Backchurch ("d 30 Jan 1695/6, bur St Dionis").  These dates seem inconsistent with an inventory dated in the electronic index record as April 9th 1695.  Only a look at the physical manuscript at TNA will resolve this (PROB 11/430 Bond 1-42 Will of Ralph Ingram, Merchant Tailor of London 28 March 1695); PROB 4/12262 Ingram, Ralph, of St. Dionis Backchurch, London, citizen and merchant tailor 1696 9 Apr. (1695); 'Ingram, Ralph' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31885#s4 'Iles - Izard', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 95-96], viewed 13/02/12)</ref>
'''Marke Lane West'''XXXX
Roger Hatton Esq.  17 hearths<ref>Roger Hatton Esq.  Probably Roger Hatton (b. 1622, d. 1666), London merchant, draper and alderman.  This is confirmed by J.R. Woodhead's entry for Roger Hatton (PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138 Will of Roger Hatton, Alderman of London 13 August 1666; PROB 4/11888 Hatton, Roger, of St. Allhallowes, Barking, London, esq., citizen and draper 1667 23 Dec.; 'Hatton, Roger' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31884#s50 'Hackshaw - Hyatt', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 81-95], viewed 15/02/12)</ref>
Anthony Sturt  8 hearths<ref>Anthony Sturt.  Just possibly Anthony Sturt of London (PROB 11/413 Will of Anthony Sturt of London 07 January 1693)</ref>
'''Marke Laine West side'''<ref>'Marke Laine West side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118472#s8 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Staining', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Mihkell Evens  8 hearths<ref>Mihkell Evens, alias Michael Evans (PROB 11/346 Bunce 104-150 Will of Michael Evans of Mark Lane, City of London 26 October 1674)</ref>
Samson Cotten  8 hearths (& 2 hott presses)
Josepth (sic) Cheshere  4 hearths (& 1 fordge)<ref>Josepth (sic) Cheshere.  Probably  Joseph Cheshire, London clothworker (PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Joseph Cheshire, Clothworker of All Hallows Staining, City of London 22 August 1671)</ref>
'''Marke Lane Este side'''<ref>'Marke Lane Este side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118472#s9 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Staining', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12)</ref>
Francis Ellison 11 hearths<ref>Francis Ellison.  Francis Elison, London merchant (PROB 11/356 Reeve 1-55 Will of Francis Elison, Merchant of All Hallows Staining, City of London 01 May 1678)</ref>
'''Strette side north'''<ref>'Strette side north' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118472#s11 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: All Hallows Staining', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed03 February 2012</ref>
Doctor Thench  8 hearths<ref>Doctor Thench.  Just possibly Edmond Trench, doctor of physic;  fellow of Royal College of Physicians, 1663/64 (b. ?, d. ca. 1670) (PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66  Will of Edmund Trench, Doctor of Physic of Saint Olave Hart Street, City of London 07 January 1670)</ref>
the Irmongers Comp:  10 hearths
Sr John Worsnam  27 hearths"
===Bishopsgate Ward: First precinct (1662)===
'''In the first precinct on the west'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118367 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1662: Bishopgate ward: First Precinct West', London Hearth Tax: City of London, 1662 (2011)], viewed 30 January 2012</ref>
<u>Martine Nowell esq 13 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Martine Nowell esq.  Sir Martin Noell, London merchant and ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock'' subscriber ( [[MRP: Martin Noel will| PROB 11/318 Hyde 108-162 Will of Sir Martin Noell of London 06 October 1665]])</ref>
<u>Charles Conyers 7 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Charles Conyers.  Possibly Charles Conyers, London merchant.  But Charles Conyers, the friend of Sir William Ryder, mentioned in Sir George Oxenden correspondence, may have been resident in Stepney ([[MRP: Charles Conyers will| PROB 11/323 Carr 1–58 Will of Charles Conyers, Merchant of City of London 24 April 1667]])</ref>
<u>Edward Micoe 13 hearths (1662)</u>
===Broad Street Ward (1662)===
====Winchester Street (1662)====
'''In the lower precinct in the parish of Alhallowes : Winchester Streete'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
William Cockaine  8 hearths (1662)
<u>Sir John Shawe  22 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Sir John Shaw.  Sir John Shaw was the brother-in-law of XXXX, who was a ''SVJS'' subscriber (Possibly PROB 11/362 Bath 1-59 Will of Sir John Shaw 08 March 1680)</ref>
====St Margarett Moses parish, upper precinct (1662)====
'''In the upper precinct in St Margarett Moses parish'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
John Pennoyer  4 hearths (1662)
====St Bartholmew Exchange, upper precinct (1662)====
XXXX<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
William Parker  11 hearths (1662)
<u>Thomas Massam  6 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Thomas Massam.  Possibly the scrivener Thomas Massam, who was a former servant of the London merchant and scrivener, Sir Martin Noell ([[MRP: Thomas Massam will| PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of Thomas Massam, Scrivener of Saint Martin Ludgate, City of London 01 April 1675]])</ref>
====Parish of St Peters the poore (1662)====
'''In the parish of St Peters the poore'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118402 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1662: Broad Street ward: St Stephens the Poor', London Hearth Tax: City of London, 1662 (2011)], viewed 31 January 2012</ref>
George Joyce  16 hearths (1662) (Drapers Hall)
William Cockkayne 9 hearths (1662)
Cesar Callendrine  9 hearths (1662)<ref>Cesar Callendrine.  The Callandrine name was a prominent merchant name, though no PRC wills have survived.  The family may have been related to Major (later Sir) Thomas Chambrelan (alias Chamberlaine).  See [[MRP: 1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe|1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe]]</ref>
Christopher Willowby (sic) 8 hearths (1662)
William Cutler 32 hearths (1662)
Sir Thomas Aleyn  19 hearths (1662)<ref>Sir Thomas Aleyn.  Sir Thomas Alleyn, London alderman (PROB 11/423 Boy 225-265 Will of Sir Thomas Alleyn, One of the Alderman of the City of London of City of London 13 December 1694)</ref>
John Holworthy 13 hearths (1662)<ref>John Holworthy.  There are several candidates (See PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of John Holworthy of Gentleman, Saint George the Martyr 26 August 1667; PROB 11/389 Foot 133-172 Will of John Holworthy, Merchant of London 01 December 1687)</ref>
Sir Elias Harvey (sic)  33 hearths (1662)<ref>Sir Elias Harvey.  Sir Elias Harvey may also have had a property at Roehampton in Surrey, where a 'Sir Eliab Harvey  7 hearths' was recorded on Lady Day, 1664.  (See PROB 4/9044 Harvey, Elias, of St. Peter the Poore, London, esq. 1664 2 Nov.)</ref>
Greasham College 5 (sic) hearths) (1662)
<u>John Swifte 10 hearths (1662)</u><ref>John Swifte.  Just possibly John Swift, London merchant, who was the brother-in-law of the London merchants Benjamin Glanville and Sir George Smith, and who was involved commercially with the London merchant Robert Cranmer.  If so, he died in the East Indies ca. 1667 ([[MRP: 27th March 1663, Letter from Robert Cranmer, London|27th March 1663, Letter from Robert Cranmer, London]]; XXXX</ref>
====Unknown, in the Streete (1662)====
===Coleman Street ward: Second precinct (1662)===
'''Coleman Street ward: Second precinct'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
<u>Samuell Sambrooke  6 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Samuell Sambrooke, London merchant (See possibly PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of Sauel Sambrooke of All Hallows London Wall, City of London 25 May 1676; PROB 4/4807 Sambrook, Samuel, of Allhallows in the West 1676 26 May)</ref>
<u>Jeremie Sambrooke  8 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Jeremy Sambrooke, London merchant and correspondent with Sir George Oxenden ([[MRP: 24th March 1662/63, Letter from (Jeremy) Sambrooke to Sir GO, London|24th March 1662/63, Letter from (Jeremy) Sambrooke to Sir GO, London]]; See possibly PROB 11/481 Gee 45-85 Will of Sir Jeremy Sambrooke of London 28 April 1705</ref>
Francis Sambrooke  3 hearths (1662)
===Coleman Street ward: Fifth precinct (1662)===
'''Coleman Street ward: Fifth precinct'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
<u>John Mascall  15 hearths (1662)</u><ref>John Mascall.  See also presumably a different John Mascall: PROB 11/387 Foot 45-89 Will of John Masscall or Mascall, Mariner of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, Middlesex 20 June 1687</ref>
===Coleman Street ward: Sixth precinct (1662)===
'''Coleman Street Ward: The Sixth precinct'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118416 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1662: Coleman Street ward: Sixth Precinct', London Hearth Tax: City of London, 1662 (2011)], viewed 26 December 2011</ref>
<u>Thomas Tyte 12 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Thomas Tyte.  Possibly the London merchant Thomas Tyte, who was a correspondent with Sir George Oxenden ([[MRP: Thomas Tyte will| PROB 11/410 Fane 97-146 Will of Thomas Tyte, Merchant of London 10 June 1692]]; [[MRP: 21st March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Tyte to Sir GO, London|21st March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Tyte to Sir GO, London]]; [[MRP: 10th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Tyte to Sir GO, London|10th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Tyte to Sir GO, London]]; [[MRP: 25th September 1667, Letter from Thomas Tyte to Sir GO, London|25th September 1667, Letter from Thomas Tyte to Sir GO, London]])</ref>
George Roddington (sic)  16 hearths<ref>Is Roddington a transcription error for "Boddington"?</ref>
<u>Mathew Holworthy  14 hearths (1662)</u><ref>Mathew Holworthy.  Mathew Hollworthy was a London merchant and subscriber to the ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock''.  He was knighted in XXXX.  In XXX he purchased the Hackney estate of Sir Francis Bickley, where he was resident when he wrote his will.  Bixley appears in the 1666 hearth tax returns for Hackney in a building with twelve hearths.  The death of Richard Holworthy, Mathew Holworthy's brother, was noted by Sir George Smith in a letter to Sir George Oxenden dated March 1665/66: "three mo:ths Since dyed S:r Martin Noell & his lady & Dick Holdworthy10 the 2 former of the plague the latter by á fall off his horse."  As a result, Richard Hollworthy did not appear in the 1666 hearth tax returns ([[MRP: Sir Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will| PROB 11/356 Reeve 1-55 Will of Sir Mathew Holworthy of Hackney, Middlesex 25 November 1678]]; PROB 5/457 HOLWORTHY, Sir Matthew, kt, [of Hackney, Middx] [Registered will: PROB 11/356] [Sentence: PROB 11/358] 1679; [[MRP: March 1665/66, Letter from George Smith to Sir GO|March 1665/66, Letter from George Smith to Sir GO]])</ref>
===St. Andrew Undershaft===
'''Ax Yard'''<ref>'Ax Yard' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118509#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Andrew Undershaft ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]), viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Richard Goodlad  5 hearths</u><ref>Richard Goodlad.  Probably Richard Goodlad, merchant tailor, who was described in St Dionis, Backchurch baptismal records in the late 1660s and early 1670s as a woollen draper.  There is a clear link between Richard Goodlad, merchant tailor, and the Goodlad family of mariners, with Richard Goodlad, merchant tailor, alleging the marriage of "Richard Goodlad, of Wapping, Widower, 36, & Mary Sale, of Ratcliffe, Middlesex, Spinster, 28; at S:t James, Duke's Place" on November 10th, 1671.  Thomas Tomlins, London merchant and correspondent of Sir George Oxenden, married a member of the Goodlad mariner family (PROB 11/399 Dyke 45-90 Will of Richard Goodlad, Merchant Tailor of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 23 June 1690; PROB 4/11993 Goodlad, Richard, Mr., of St. Dionis Backchurch, London 1690 7 Feb. Undated; [http://www.archive.org/stream/allegationsforma26byuches#page/298/mode/2up Joseph L. Chester, George J. Armytage (ed.), ''Allegations for marriage licences issued by the Bishop of London, 1611 to 1828'', vol. 2 (London, 1887), p. 298])</ref>
<u>ye Lady Jane Micoe  16 hearths</u><ref>Lady Jane Micoe.  Lady Jane Micoe was the widow of Samuel Mico, London merchant.  See [[MRP: Lady Jane Mico will| PROB 11/334 Penn 129-184 Will of Dame Jane Mico, Widow of London 09 December 1670]]; PROB 11/333 Penn 67-128 Sentence of Jane Mico, Widow of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 09 December 1670; [[MRP: Sir Samuel Mico will| PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Sir Samuel Mico, Mercer of London 24 May 1666]]; Sentence of Samuel Mico or Micoe of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 05 July 1666; [[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
Ald. Charles Thorold  14 hearths<ref>Ald. Charles Thorold.  Charles Thorold, London ?merchant (Possibly PROB 11/405 Vere 93-139 Will of Charles Thorold of London 12 December 1691; PROB 11/412 Fane 195-241 Sentence of Charles Thorold of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 18 March 1692; PROB 18/22/72 Probate lawsuit Thorold v Thorold, concerning the deceased Charles Thorold, esq of St Andrew Undershaft, London. Allegation 1692)</ref>
Sr. Will Thomson  19 hearths<ref>Sr. Will Thomson (Possibly PROB 11/366 North 48-94 Will of Sir William Thompson of London 19 April 1681)</ref>
'''Leadenhall Street south'''<ref>'Leadenhall Street south' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118509#s4 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Andrew Undershaft ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]), viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Isaac  Delillers  9 hearths
Mr. Tho. Mothwaight  10 hearths<ref>Mr. Tho. Mothwaight.  Possibly Thomas Murthwaite (b. bef. 1610, d. 1677), according to J.R. Woodhead (1966), who identifies him as a London merchant and haberdasher, the son of John Murthwaite of Richmond, Yorkshire, a merchant (PROB 11/353  Hale 1-43 Will of Thomas Murthwait, Haberdasher of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 03 April 1677; 'Murthwaite, Thomas' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31889#s68 'Maycock - Mynne', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 101-119], viewed 15/02/12)</ref>
<u>Sr Thomas Chamberlin  16 hearths</u><ref>Sr Thomas Chamberlin.  Sir Thomas Chamberlaine was a London merchant, a cousin and correspondent of Sir George Oxenden.  He also had a seventeen hearth property in Putney, which appears in the Surrey 1664 Lady Day hearth Tax returns ([[MRP: Sir Thomas Chambrelan will | PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671]]; [[MRP: 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London|29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London]]; [[MRP: 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, continuation|29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, continuation]]; [[MRP: 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney|8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney]]</ref>
<u>ye East India Comp howse  18 hearths</u>
'''Lime Street East'''<ref>'Lime Street East' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118509#s6 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Andrew Undershaft ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
John Vandermarsh  10 hearths<ref>John Vandermarsh (See PROB 4/750 Vandermarsh, Charles, of Norton Folgate, London 1683 27 June)</ref>
'''St Mary Ax East'''<ref>'St Mary Ax East' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118509#s9 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Andrew Undershaft ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Ald. Will Love  15 hearths</u><ref>Ald. Will Love.  William Love, London merchant, alderman, and subscriber in the ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock'' [[MRP: William Love will| PROB 11/395 Ent 47-90 Will of William Love, Merchant of London 17 May 1689]]</ref>
<u>James Clouthrow  13 hearths [Probably James Clitherow/Clitheroe]</u><ref>James Clitherow, London merchant and subscriber to the ''SVJS''.  He acquired a country property in Boston, Middlesex in XXXX; [[MRP: James Clitherow will| PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of James Clitherow of Boston, Middlesex 28 November 1682]]; PROB 4/13312 Clitherow, James, of Boston in New Branford [Brentford] Mdx, esq. 1683 20 June </ref>
<u>Sr. John Jacob  15 hearths</u><ref>Sir John Jacob, customs farmer.  Sir John Jacob referred in his will to his London and Bromley at Bowe houses, and also to the Bromley at Bowe house of his brother, Robert Jacob. The 1666 hearth tax return shows the two Bromley houses: Sir John Jacobs' house with thirty-two hearths and "Mr. Robert Jacob" with seventeen hearths.  [[MRP: Sir John Jacob will| PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Sir John Jacob of Bromley, Middlesex 02 April 1666]]; [[MRP: 1st March 1662/63, Letter from John Jacobs to Sir GO, London|1st March 1662/63, Letter from John Jacobs to Sir GO, London]]</ref>
'''St Mary Ax west'''<ref>'St Mary Ax west' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118509#s10 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Andrew Undershaft ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]), viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Ald Love  6 hearths</u><ref>Ald Love.  William Love, London merchant, alderman, and subscriber in the ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock'' ([[MRP: William Love will| PROB 11/395 Ent 47-90 Will of William Love, Merchant of London 17 May 1689]])</ref>
===St Bartholomew the Less===
'''Litell britten South'''<ref>'Litell britten South' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118512#s2 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Bartholomew the Less ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Sr John Lewis  17 hearths</u><ref>Sir John Lewis (alias Lewys) (b. ?, d. 1671), London merchant.  [[MRP: Sir John Lewys will| PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir John Lewys 01 December 1671]], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
'''Smith side'''<ref>'Smith side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118512#s3 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Bartholomew the Less ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Aldr Fox  7 hearths"
===St Dionis Backchurch===
'''Fanchurch Street north side'''<ref>'Fanchurch Street north side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118600#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dionis Backchurch', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Sr Arthur Ingram  20 hearths</u><ref>Sir Arthur Ingram.  Sir Arthur Ingram, London merchant and correspondent with Sir George Oxenden.  He was the son-in-law of Sir Thomas Chambrelan, who had a Putney as well as a London house.  During the plague year of 1665 he and his family took shelter with his father-in-law in Putney ([[MRP: 25th September 1662, Letter from Arthur Ingram to Sir GO, London|25th September 1662, Letter from Arthur Ingram to Sir GO, London]] ; [[MRP: 23rd March 1662/63, Letter from Arthur Ingram to Sir GO, London|23rd March 1662/63, Letter from Arthur Ingram to Sir GO, London]])</ref>
John Archer Esq.<ref>John Archer.  Possibly John Archer (PROB 11/358 Reeve 106-156 Will of John Archer of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 02 December 1678)</ref>
'''Fanchurch Street South side'''<ref>'Fanchurch Street South side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118600#s2 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dionis Backchurch ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Ambrose Smith  11 hearths<ref>Ambrose Smith.  Possibly Ambrose Smith, London Vintner (PROB 11/336 Duke 54-101 Will of Ambrose Smith, Vintner of London01 July 1671)</ref>
Sr Tho: Adams  12 hearths<ref>Sr Tho: Adams.  Possibly Sir Thomas Adams, London merchant, draper and alderman.  See 'Adams, Thomas (A)' in J.R. Woodhead (1966).  However, Woodhead does not make a link to Fenchurch Street in St Dionis, Backchurch.  (PROB 11/326 Hone 1-57 Will of Sir Thomas Adams, Alderman of City of London 09 April 1668; 'Adams, Thomas (A)' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31877#s7 'Abrahall - Ayray', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 14-21], viewed 15/02/12)</ref>
'''Fanchurche Street south side'''<ref>'Fanchurche Street south side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118600#s3 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dionis Backchurch', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Francis Drinckewater  6 hearths<ref>Francis Drinckewater. Just possibly Francis Drinkewater (alias Drinkwater), London draper (PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Francis Drinkewater or Drinkwater, Draper of London 04 September 1671; PROB 4/5378 Drinkwater, Francis, of St Gabriel, Fenchurch Street, Citizen and Draper of London 1671 9 Sept.)</ref>
'''Limestreet East Side'''<ref>'Limestreet East Side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118600#s4 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dionis Backchurch', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Peter Vandenancker  7 hearths
Francis Tryon 10 hearths<ref>Francis Tryon. Probably Francis Tryon, merchant of London and Hackney (PROB 11/322 Mico 139-184 Will of Francis Tryon, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 31 December 1666; see also PROB 11/325 Carr 117-176 Sentence of Francis Tryon, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 18 May 1667; PROB 36/1 Name of deceased: Trion, Francis London 1667)</ref>
Sr. Edmond Turner  11 hearths<ref>Sr. Edmond Turner.  Just possibly Sir Edward Turnor, Chief Baron of the Exchequer (PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of Sir Edward Turnor, Chief Baron of His Majesty's Company of Much Hallingbury, Essex 17 April 1676; PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Sentence of Sir Edward Turner 06 May 1676)</ref>
'''Limestreete the West Side'''<ref>'Limestreete the West Side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118600#s5 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dionis Backchurch', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Pewterers Hall 12 hearths
'''Phillpott Lane'''<ref>'Phillpott Lane' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118600#s6 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dionis Backchurch', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Richard Spencer  15 hearths<ref>Richard Spencer.  Just possibly Richard Spencer, London merchant and subscriber to the ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock''.  His will stated "Richard Spencer of London Esquire," and in an accompanying memorandum "Richard Spencer Esquire Late of the parish of S:t Mary Newington in the County of Surrey But at the tyme of his death of Berry Streete London deceased," referring to an addition to the will dated August 28th 1667.  Berry Street could have been in St. Mary Axe, the shift from St. Dionis, Backchurch could have been due to fire damage in 1666 ([[MRP: Richard Spencer will| PROB 11/325 Carr 117-176 Will of Richard Spencer of London 26 September 1667]])</ref>
Abraham Wessell  7 hearths<ref>Abraham Wessell,  Just possibly Abraham Wessll, London merchant (PROB 11/399 Dyke 45-90 Will of Abraham Wessell, Merchant of London 21 March 1690)</ref>
===St Dunstan in the East===
'''Arnolls Court'''<ref>'Arnolls Court' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Richard Pendarvis  8 hearths (Emty)
'''Dice Key'''<ref>'Dice Key' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s5 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Nicolas Hurlston 5 hearths</u>"<ref>Nicolas Hurlston.  Just possibly Nicholas Hurlestone, London merchant, son of Nicholas Hurlestone, mariner, who was a correspondent of Sir George Oxenden.  See [[MRP: Nicholas Hurlestone will| PROB 11/318 Hyde 108-162 Will of Nicholas Hurlestone or Hurleston, Mariner of Rotherhithe, Surrey 26 December 1665]]; and PROB 11/333 Penn 67-128 Will of Nicholas Hurleston, Merchant of Rotherhithe, Surrey 15 September 1670.  However, both Nicholas Hurlestone, mariner, and his son, Nicholas Hurleston, merchant, describe themselves in their wills as of "Rotherhithe"</ref>
'''Harp Alley'''<ref>'Harp Alley' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s7 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Elexander (sic) Bence 15 hearths</u><ref>Elexander Bence.  Probably Alexander (later Sir Alexander) Bence, London merchant, son of Alexander Bence the elder, who had died ca. 1663.  His grandfather was Alexander Bence, merchant, of Aldeburgh.  See [[MRP: Alexander Bence of Aldeburghe will| PROB 11/121 Capell 1-65 Will of Alexander Bence, Merchant of Aldeburgh, Suffolk 25 February 1613]]; [[MRP: Alexander Bence the elder will| PROB 11/311 Juxon 52-102 Will of Alexander Bence of London 14 July 1663]]; [[MRP: Sir Alexander Bence will| PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of Sir Alexander Bence of Dublin, County Dublin 20 July 1676]]</ref>
'''In the Yard'''<ref>'In the Yard' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s9 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Dixey Page  7 hearths
'''Mincing Lane East Side'''<ref>'Mincing Lane East Side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s10 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Clothworkers hall  8 hearths
'''Thames Strett North'''<ref>'Thames Strett North' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s17 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
<u>Edward Wood 6 hearths</u><ref>Edward Wood.  Edward Wood, merchant, citizen and grocer of London, wrote his will in 1658.  However, it was not proved until 1667.  Despite finding himself in 1658 "somewhat altered from my former health," Wood remained an active merchant in the early 1660s, although he may have begun to reduce his commercial activities.  By 1663 he had moved out of London and started to build a mansion house in Littleton, Middlesex.  The mansion at Littleton was completed circa 1665 and survived until 1873/74.[http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/vcdf/detail?coll_id=18628&inst_id=118&nv1=browse&nv2=sub AIM 25: Wood Family: GB 0074 ACC/0421: held at London Metropolitan Archives]; [[MRP: Edward Wood will| PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of Edward Wood of Grocer 27 June 1667]]</ref>
Thomas Bradnax  6 hearths
Tho: Bradnax  7 hearths (Emty 2 years)
'''Water Lane west Side'''<ref>'Water Lane west Side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s23 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Stephen Pendarvise  10 hearths
<u>Trenety howce  12 hearths</u>
'''West Side'''<ref>'West Side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118601#s26 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Daved Boonale  15 hearths<ref>Daved Boonale.  Just possibly David Bonnell of Isleworth, Middlesex (PROB 11/401 Dyke 134-172 Will of David Bonnell of Isleworth, Middlesex 13 October 1690)</ref>
<u>John Langham  14 hearths</u>"<ref>XXXX</ref>
===St Gabriel Fanchurch===
'''Fanchurch Strett south side'''<ref>'Fanchurch Strett south side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118504#s1  in 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: Saintt Gabrill Fanchurch', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12</ref>
Richard Boylston  14 hearths (Notes: 16x)<ref>Richard Boylston. Richard Boylston.  Probably Richard Boylston, clothworker (PROB 11/343 Pye 119-167 Will of Richard Boylston, Cloth Worker of London 30 December 1673; PROB 4/2906 Boylston, Richard, Citizen and Clothworker of London missing(1674); see also PROB 4/5513 Boylston, Thomas, of St Gabriel Fenchurch, Citizen and Cooper of London 1669 30 July (1668); PROB 4/7331 Boylston, Katherine, of St Gabriel Fenchurch, London, spinster 1665 28 Jan.</ref>
Edward Boylston  2 hearths<ref>Edward Boylston.  Probably Edward Boylston, clothworker (PROB 11/349 Dycer 106-147 Will of Edward Boylston, Clothworker of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London 20 December 1675; PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Sentence of Edward Boylston or Boilston of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London 01 June 1676; PROB 18/8/33 Probate lawsuit Boylston v Stansall, concerning the deceased Edward Boylstone of St Gabriel Fenchurch, London. Allegation and interrogatory 1676)</ref>
<u>Sir Francis Clarke  10 hearths</u><ref>Sir Francis Clarke.  Sir Francis Clarke, London merchant (b. 1622, d. ca. 1690).  In addition to his ten hearth premises on the south side of Fenchurch street, Sir Francis Clarke probably had an eleven hearth home in Putney, close to the larger Putney home of Sir Thomas Chamberlaine.  The Surrey hearth tax return for Lady Day 1664 shows a "Mr Clarke  11 hearths" in Putney.  Francis Clarke was knighted, according to J.R. Woodhead, in 1665.  Furthermore, Woodhead records a Putney home in 1668.  Woodhead does not record the Fenchurch Street property, but notes St. Helen's, Bishopsgate address was given as Sir Francis Clarke's trading address in 1677.  Sir Francis Clarke sent a letter to Sir George Oxenden from London, dated April 7th, 1663 ([[MRP: 7th April 1663, Letter from Francis Clarke to Sir GO, London|7th April 1663, Letter from Francis Clarke to Sir GO, London]]; J.R. Woodhead (1666) states PCC Admon, 4 Jun 1690 and 4 Dec 1708); 'Clarke, Francis (A)', in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31879#s45 J.R. Woodhead, 'Cade - Cutler', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966)]</ref>
<u>Daniell Edwardes  10 hearths</u>
'''North side Fanchurch Strett'''<ref>'North side Fanchurch Strett' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118504#s2 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: Saintt Gabrill Fanchurch', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12</ref>
Tho: Boylston<ref>Tho: Boylston.  Probably Thomas Boylston, London citizen and cooper (PROB 11/328 Hone 113-166 Will of Thomas Boylston, Cooper of London 07 December 1668; PROB 4/5513 Boylston, Thomas, of St Gabriel Fenchurch, Citizen and Cooper of London 1669 30 July (1668); see also Richard Boylston (14 hearths) and Edward Boylston (adjacent) on Fanchurch Strett south side; PROB 18/8/33 Probate lawsuit Boylston v Stansall, concerning the deceased Edward Boylstone of St Gabriel Fenchurch, London. Allegation and interrogatory 1676</ref>
Larance (sic) Martell  9 hearths<ref>Larance Martell (alias Lawrence), London Merchant (See "XXXX Fanchurch Street, Langborne Ward & Aldgate Ward" (ML (1677); PROB 4/8681 Martel, Laurence, of St Gabriel Fanchurch, London, merchant; PROB 18/9/36 Probate lawsuit Martell v Martell, concerning the deceased Laurence Martell, [merchant] of St Gabriel, Fenchurch, London. Allegation 1677 1679 25 June (1677); possibly PROB 11/565 Tenison 15 -206 Will of Ann Martell, Widow of London 05 September 1718</ref>
<u>Charles Morisco 7 hearths</u>
===St George Botolph Lane===
'''Butolph Lane west'''<ref>'Butolph Lane west' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118624#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St George Botolph Lane', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12</ref>
Arnoll Beake  9 hearths<ref>Arnoll Beake.  Probably Arnold Vander Beke (PROB 11/348 Dycer 52-105 Will of Arnold Vander Beke 22 July 1675)</ref>
Elias Beake  7 hearths<ref>Elias Beake. Possibly Elias Vander Beke (alias Beak) (PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of Elias Vander Beke, or Vander Beak of Saint Olave Hart Street 03 July 1667)</ref>
<u>Nathanell Letton  12 hearths</u><ref>[Nathanell Letton (alias Nathaniel Letten), London merchant (b. ?, d. ca. 1682) ("Nathaniel Letten will" PROB 11/370 Cottle 55-110 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 15 August 1682])</ref>
<u>Wm Moyer 13 hearths</u>
'''Puding Lane East Side'''<ref>'Puding Lane East side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118624#s4 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St George Botolph Lane', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12</ref>
Bryan Apellbee  13 hearths<ref>Bryan Apellbee. Unlikely match to PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of Brian Appelby, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 04 December 1682</ref>
===St Giles without Cripplegate===
'''Barbican North: Three pigeon ally'''<ref>'Barbican North: Three pigeon ally', in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118631#s4 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Giles (without) Cripplegate : Barbican North', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed10 February 2012</ref>
Earl of Bridgewater  36 hearths<ref>Earl of Bridgewater. Possibly John, Earl of Bridgewater (PROB 11/389 Foot 133-172 Will of John Earle of Bridgewater Viscount Brackley and Baron of Ellesmere 28 May 1687)</ref>
'''Barbican South: Figg Tree Court'''<ref>'Barbican South: Figg Tree Court' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118632#s2 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Giles (without) Cripplegate : Barbican South', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed10 February 2012</ref>
Richard Barker  16 hearths<ref>Richard Barker.  Possibly Richard Barker, London Merchant (PROB 11/376 Hare 48-97 Will of Richard Barker, Merchant of London 15 July 1684)</ref>
Richard Chiverton  14 hearths<ref>Richard Chiverton.  Possibly (Sir) Richard Chiverton (b. 1606, d.  1679), London merchant, who has been profiled by J.R. Woodhead (1966).  Woodhead mentions Fenchurch Street, 1641, St Margaret Moses, 1653, on the Green, Clerkenwell, Middx, 1677, where he died (PROB 11/361 King 125-176 Will of Sir Richard Chiverton, Alderman of the City of London of City of London 25 November 1679; 'Chiverton, Richard' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31879#s40 J.R. Woodhead, 'Cade - Cutler', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (London, 1966), pp. 42-56])</ref>
'''Checquer ally'''<ref>'Checquer ally' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118657#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Giles (without) Cripplegate : Checquer Alley', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed10 February 2012</ref>
<u>Sr Robert Viner</u>  7 hearths<ref>Sr Robert Viner. Possibly Sir Robert Vyner, XXXX (PROB 11/393 Exton 131-172 Will of Sir Robert Vyner of London 04 October 1688</ref>
'''Powells Alley'''
William Kiffin  7 hearths<ref>William Kiffin.  See "William Kiffin, little Morefields (Cripplegate Without Ward)" (ML (1677)); PROB 11/449 Pott 1-44 Will of Henry Kiffin, Merchant of London 01 March 1699</ref>
'''White Lion Yard, White lyon yd'''XXXX
William Dashwood  8 hearths<ref>William Dashwood.  Just possibly William Dashwood, ?London merchant (PROB 4/16781 Dashwood, William, of the City of London ob. at Chesthunt, Herts. 1680 2 Feb.)</ref>
'''Old Street'''<ref>'Old Street' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118722#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Giles (without) Cripplegate : Old Street', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 07 December 2011</ref>
George Dashwood 8 hearths<ref>George Dashwood.  Just possibly George Dashood, London merchant ([[MRP: George Dashwood will| PROB 11/405 Vere 93-139 Will of George Dashwood of Hackney, Middlesex 02 July 1691]])</ref>
'''Goat ally'''<ref>'Goat ally' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118686#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Giles (without) Cripplegate : Goat Alley', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 07 December 2011</ref>
<u>Nathaniell Withers  8 hearths</u><ref>Nathaniel Withers, London merchant (b. ?, d. 1669).  Nathaniel Withers was living in the parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate at his death in 1669, his dwelling in Goat Alley having been rated at a relatively modest eight hearths three years earlier ([[MRP: Nathaniell Withers will| PROB 11/331 Coke 108–166 Will of Nathanaell Withers, Merchant Tailor of London 15 September 1669]])</ref>
===St Helen's, Bishopsgate===
'''Bishop gat Street the East side'''
<u>Chamberlin 10 hearths</u><ref>Chamberlin ([Burial] 1677 Aug. 23: Elizabath Chamberlin, in the Church in the voyd place in her husband's grave" ([http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofsthel31sthe#page/324/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London (London, 1904), p. 324))]</ref>
<u>Edward Drayton 18</u><ref>Edward Drayton, vintner.  Sir William Ryder referred to him in a letter to Sir George Oxenden dated October 15th, 1667, offering to obtain more wine for Sir George Oxenden from "Honest Drayton," if Oxenden had enjoyed the wine Ryder had previously sent.  Drayton was the innkeeper of the Great or Old James in Bishopsgate Street. It was a sizeable tavern with eighteen hearths, and was visited on a number of occasions by Samuell Pepys in the 1660s.  Latham & Mathews state that Drayton died a rich man in 1677.  Resident in St. Helen's, Bishopsgate in 1650s and 1660s, the St. Helen's, Bishopsgate parish register book records a number of christenings and deaths for children and servants of Edward Drayton and Jane, his wife.  Edward Drayton was buried in the parish: "[Burial] 1677, Aug. 20 : M:r Edward Drayton, in the Church in the north quire on the South Side of M:r Backhouses his toum" ([[MRP: 15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London|15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London]]; Robert Latham, William Matthews, The diary of Samuel Pepys, vol. 10 (XXXX, XXXX), p. 424; PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Edward Drayton, Vintner of London 02 October 1677; [http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofsthel31sthe#page/324/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London (London, 1904), p. 324])</ref>
<u>Sr John Langham 30 hearths</u><ref>Sr John Langham.  Sir John Langham, London merchant. "I give and bequeath unto my Loving Sonn Stephen Langham All That my Capitall Messuages or tenem:t with the appurtenances commonly called or knowne by the name of Crosbyes Place or Crosby House scituate lying & being in the Parish of S:t Helens within Bishopsgate London And all those severall Messuages or Tenem:ts with the appurtenances to the said capitall Messuage or Tenem:t called Crosby Place belonging or appurteyning And also the ?Rectory appropriate of S:t Helens in the Ward of Bishopsgate London with the rights members and appertannces therof And all other the Messuages or Tenem:ts of mee the said S:r John Langham in the said Parish of of S:t Helens" ([[MRP: Sir John Langham will| PROB 11/336 Duke 54-101 Will of Sir John Langham of Cottesbrooke, Northamptonshire 21 June 1671)]]</ref>
'''Bishops gate west'''
Gressum Colledge  39 hearths
'''In Great St Hellens'''
Beniamine Skitt (sic)  12 hearths<ref>Benjamin Skutt, London merchant.  ("Benj. Skutt, Great St. Hellens, Bishopsgate Ward" (ML (1677); PROB 11/451 Pott 86-128 Will of Benjamin Skutt of Island of Barbados 15 July 1699; probably related PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Joseph Skutt 08 March 1677 & PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Sentence of Joseph Skutt, Merchant of Saint Helen, City of London 27 February 1678; PROB 18/7/2 Probate lawsuit Baden otherwise Harward and others v Skutt, concerning the deceased Joseph Skutt, merchant and plantation owner of St Helen the Great, City of London and of Barbados, West Indies. Allegation and holograph will 1675; PROB 18/8/40 Probate lawsuit Baden otherwise Harward and others v Skutt, concerning the deceased Joseph Skutt, merchant and plantation owner of St Helen the Great, City of London and of Barbados, West Indies. Allegation 1676)</ref>
Abraham Moone  12 hearths<ref>Abraham Moone.  Abraham Moone, London merchant (See "Abra. Moone, Great St. Hellens, Bishopsgate Ward" (ML (1677); "[Burial] 1688, June 4 M:r Abraham Moone, in the voyd Place of the Church Close up to the West End of S:r Jno Lawrences tombe" ([http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofsthel31sthe#page/334/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London (London, 1904), p. 335])</ref>
<u>John Fenn 5 hearths</u><ref>Just possibly PROB 11/400 Dyke 91-133 Will of John Fenn 09 July 1690</ref>
Sr John Lawrence  26 hearths<ref>Sir John Lawrence, London merchant.  Sir John Lawrence had a London house of twenty-six hearths in Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, and a thirty-one hearth house in Putney.  A post-mortem inventory has survived for the Putney mansion.  (PROB 5/2301 LAWRENCE, Sir John, kt, of Putney, Surrey (includes account) 1694; "Sir John Lawrence, Great St. Hellens, Bishopsgate Ward" (ML (1677))</ref>
<u>William Finch 10 hearths</u><ref>William Finch, London merchant and correspondent of Sir George Oxenden.  William Finch wrote to Sir George Oxenden from London, in a letter dated March 6th, 1665/66 ([[MRP: 6th March 1665/66, Letter from William Finch to Sir GO, London|6th March 1665/66, Letter from William Finch to Sir GO, London]]); He lived on the East side of Bishopsgate Street in the parish of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, from at least 1659 till his death in 1672. His residence appears in the 1666 London hearth tax returns with ten hearths.  In his will he described himself as a merchant of London ([[MRP: William Finch will| PROB 11/339 Eure 55-107 Will of William Finch, Merchant of London 08 July 1672]]).  He was buried in St. Helen's Bishopsgate, the parish in which his wife had given birth to XX children: "1672, July 4. M:r William Finch, in the Church in the north quire Closse to S:r Thomas Gresham's monument" ([http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofsthel31sthe#page/318/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London (London, 1904), p. 319]). A marble wall monument was erected in the church memorialising him and his wife Esther, who died two years later</ref>
John Harbin 14 hearths<ref>John Harbin.  See "John Harbin Great St. Hellens, Bishopsgate Ward" (ML (1677), John Harbin's house was by the St. Helen's, Bishopsgate churchyard; "[Burial] 1672/73, Jan. 18: M:r John Harbin, in the Church in the South quire Close to M:r Chamberlin's Stone, and his brother taken up and Layd with him in the same grave" ([http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofsthel31sthe#page/318/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London (London, 1904), p. 319]</ref>
'''Little St Hellens'''
<u>Barnidisston 11 hearths</u><ref>Barnidisston.  Probably the house of Sir Samuel Barnardiston, as suggested by T. Frank Green: "Sir Samuel's house was in Bishopsgate Street Within, near Cornhill, and abutted, at the rear, upon Merchant Taylors' Hall, being reached by a passage between two of the houses or shops that occupied the street frontage" ([http://www.archive.org/stream/mordencollegebla00greerich#page/26/mode/2up T. Frank Green, Survey of London Monograph 10: Morden College, Blackheath (London, 1916), p. 27]); Harben states that the site of New City Chambers "On the west side of Bishopsgate. In Bishopsgate Ward Within (O.S.)" was "occupied in O. and M. 1677, by Sir Samuel Barnardiston's house, and in Strype, 1720 and 1755, so that the Chambers were probably erected after the Fire in Bishopsgate Street in 1765." ([http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=63244#s1Henry A. Harben, 'New City Chambers - New Court, Harrow Alley, Middlesex Street', A Dictionary of London (1918)]</ref>
Ald. Francis Warner 14 hearths<ref>Ald. Francis Warner,  Just possibly Francis Warner (PROB 11/379 Cann 1-51 Will of Francis Warner of City of London 07 March 1685)</ref>
<u>Beniam Alben 8 hearths</u><ref>Beniam Alben.  Possibly Benjamyn Albyn, London merchant and partner of John Jolliffe, London merchant and subscriber to the ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock'' (Possibly PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of Benjamin Albyn, Merchant of London 02 June 1676; PROB 4/11649 Inventory of Beniamyn Albyn, 1676 (scroll & short scroll attachment); see also possibly the widow of Benjamin Albyn: PROB 11/458 Noel 163-196 Will of Elizabeth Albyn, Widow of London 28 June 1700; PROB 5/2367 Inventory of Elizabeth Albyn, 1700, ff.1-5)</ref>
<u>Henry Spurstoe  10 hearths</u><ref>Henry Spurstoe.  PossiblyHenry Spurstow ([[MRP: Henry Spurstow will | PROB 11/372 Drax 1-51 Will of Henry Spurstowe of London 14 February 1683]])</ref>
ye Company Leather Selers  15 hearths
Tho (sic) Lewis Esqr 12 hearths<ref>See "Thomas Lewis Little St. Hellens, Bishopsgate ward" (ML (1677)</ref>
Edward Bushell 11 hearths"<ref>Edward Bushell.  Possible Edward Bushell, London merchant, partner of William Bird, London merchant, who was resident in Hackney (PROB 11/418 Box 1-45 Will of Edward Bushell, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 20 February 1694; PROB 11/444 Lort 45-91 Will of William Bird or Birde, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 26 March 1698)</ref>
===St James Dukes place===
'''St James Duke Place'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
Hugh Upton 9 hearths
===St Katherine Coleman===
'''Fanchurch Strett north'''<ref>'Fanchurch Strett north' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118783 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Katherine Coleman ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]  viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
Diego Rodriguyarias  8 hearths
<u>Tho: Papillion  11 hearths</u><ref>Thomas Papillon.  By 1666, Thomas Papillon had a London house, and a house in Acrise, Kent.  He mentioned London and Kent parishes in his will: "I give and bequeath unto M:r Robinson (Pastor of the Church Meeting in little S:t Hellens London) the summe of five pounds and the like summe of ffive pounds to M.r Jn:o Lewis Min:r of the parish of Acryse in the County of Kent." ( [[MRP: Thomas Papillon will| PROB 11/465 Herne 90-131 Will of Thomas Papillon of London 03 June 1702]])</ref>
'''Hart Chand Corte'''
Jacob Lacie  16 hearths<ref>Jacob Lacie.  Possibly Jacob Lucie (b. ?, d. ?1688), London merchant.  In 1677, Jacob Lucie was listed in Fanchurch-street (Langborne Ward & Aldgate Ward); In 1666, Samuel Swynock lived nearby in St Katherine Coleman Magesty Allie and Lucie and Swinnock appear together commercially.  See "June 1669: June 18: Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to permit Jacob Lucy and Samuell Swynock, of London, merchants, to unlade the "Mary and Jane," Custom free, in accordance with the permission granted by the King by letters patent under the Great Seal, 1666, April 3, permitting the commodities of Jamaica to be imported to England free of Custom for five years from 1663–4, Feb. 18, in order to advance the plantation of that island; in spite of the fact that for accidental reasons the said ship arrived in England after the time limited as above, viz., 1668–9, Feb. 18. Out Letters Customs I. p. 166." ([http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=79677 William A. Shaw (ed.), 'Entry Book: June 1669', Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3: 1669-1672 (1908), pp. 226-240], viewed 29 August 2009); [[MRP: Jacob Lucie will| PROB 11/390 Exton 1-44 Will of Jacob Lucie of Saint Katherine Coleman, City of London 12 December 1688]]</ref>
'''Magesty Allie'''
Samuell Swinock  6 hearths<ref>Samuell Swinock.  In 1677, Samuel Swinock was listed in Fanchurch street Pye Alley (Langborne Ward & Aldgate Ward) (ML (1677)</ref>
'''Poste masters yarde'''
Randall Knipe  7 hearths<ref>Randall Knipe.  In 1677, "Rand. Knipe" was listed in Fanchurch Street (ML (1677)</ref>
===St Lawrence Jewry===
'''In Alderman Bery & so onn 600: bhind the Chorch'''<ref>'In Alderman Bery & so onn 600: bhind the Chorch' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118785#s1 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Lawrence Jewry ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12</ref>
Sr Erasmus Delafountain  23 hearths<ref>Sr Erasmus Delafountain. Probably Sir Erasmus De La Fountaine of Kirby Bellars, Leicestershire (PROB 11/338 Eure 1-54 Will of Sir Erasmus De La Fountaine of Kirby Bellars, Leicestershire 28 March 1672, pp. 29 (sic))</ref>
<u>Sr George Entt (sic)  8 hearths</u><ref>Sr George Entt.  Sir George Ent was a doctor in physic. He treated Elizabeth Dallison in her final illness (PROB 11/397 Ent 139-189 Will of Sir George Ent, Doctor in Physic of East Langton, Kent 21 October 1689; PROB 11/396 Ent 91-138 Unfinished Will of Sir George Ent, Doctor in Physic October 1689)</ref>
Francis Perkins  9 hearths<ref>Francis Perkins. Francis Perkins, haberdasher (PROB 11/338 Eure 1-54 Will of Francis Perkins, Haberdasher of Saint Lawrence Jewry, City of London 03 February 1672 )</ref>
'''In St Lawrenc Lann'''<ref>'In St Lawrenc Lann' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118785#s5 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Lawrence Jewry ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 15/02/12</ref>
John Netelship  7 hearths<ref>John Netelship.  John Nettleship, salter (PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of John Nettleship or Nettleshipp, Salter of Saint Lawrence Jewry, City of London 26 February 1675)</ref>
===St Leonard Shoreditch===
'''Spittle Yard'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119037 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Leonard Shoreditch : Spittle Yard', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 13/02/12</ref>
Samll Wastell (sic)  6 hearths<ref>See Samuel Wastall, Vine Court Spittlefields (ML (1677); possibly PROB 11/392 Exton 87-130 Will of Samuell Wastell, Grocer of London 07 July 1688; see also PROB 4/5179 Wastell, Samuel, of Hatfield, Herts. 1688 20 Aug.</ref>
'''halfe way to Islington'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
John Hodges  4 hearths
'''Katherine Wheele Ally'''<ref>'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Leonard Shoreditch : Islington, Katharines Wheel Alley and Kings Head Yard', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119025 Date accessed: 05 January 2012</ref>
Wm. Howgrave 3 hearths
'''Kings head Yard'''<ref>'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Leonard Shoreditch : Islington, Katharines Wheel Alley and Kings Head Yard', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119025 Date accessed: 05 January 2012</ref>
Joseph Hatley  4 hearths
John Holley  2 hearths"
===St Margaret Pattens===
'''St Marget Paten'''<ref>'St Marget Paten' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118789 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Margaret Pattens', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 12/02/12</ref>
Peter Vandeputt  14 hearths<ref>Peter Vandeputt.  Probably Peter Vandeputt, London merchant (PROB 11/331 Coke 108-166 Sentence of Peter Vandeputt of Saint Olave Hart Street, City of London 22 May 1669; see also Mr Peter Vandeputt 10 hearths, Clapham (1666)).  Mentioned by Major (later Sir) Thomas Chambrelan, a frequent correspondent with Sir George Oxenden, in [[MRP: 1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe|1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe]].  His son, also named Peter Vanderputt, London merchant, draper and alderman of Lime Street (1684-1687), has been profiled by J.R. Woodhead (1966) ('Vandeput, Peter' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31897#s2 J.R. Woodhead, 'Vandeput - Vyner', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (London, 1966), pp. 167-168]</ref>
===St Martin le Grand===
'''In Mayden Lane'''<ref>'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Martin le Grand ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118791 Date accessed: 24 January 2012</ref>
<u>Sr Tho. Bludworth  22 hearths</u><ref>Sir Thomas Bludworth, London merchant, subscriber to the ''Smirna Venture Join Stock'' and correspondent with Sir George Oxenden ([[MRP: Sir Thomas Bludworth will| PROB 11/370 Cottle 55-110 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682]]; [[MRP: 22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Bludworth to Sir GO, London|22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Bludworth to Sir GO, London]]</ref>
===St Martin Ludgate===
'''St Martins Ludgate South syd: within the gate'''
Ludgate Prison 21 hearths
'''St Martins Ludgate wth out: ould Bayley east syde'''
Tho Barrow  15 hearths
Thomas Apthorpe & (sic)  5 hearths (possibly linked in assessment to adjacent record of Augustin Joes  4 hearths)<ref>Thomas Apthorpe &.  Apthorpe is a highly unusual name.  There is only one Apthorpe will, 1660-1710, that of Thomas Apthorpe, "glass seller of Sain Martin in the Feilds."  It is just possible that this is as in  the hearth tax record.  A secondary source states "From the mid-1670s also the only glass-seller supplying the house-hold of the Earl of Bedford at Bedford House not far away appears to have been Thomas Apthorpe, whose shop was near the corner of Drury Lane and Long Acre."  The same source states in a footnote that Apthorpe was "a leading member of the Glass-sellers' Company."  He was one of the first sellers of flint glass in London (PROB 11/457 Noel 124-162 Will of Thomas Apthorpe, Glass Seller of Saint Martins in the Feilds, Middlesex 12 October 1700; 'XXXX' in ''Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archæological Society'', vol. 37 (London, 1986), p. 200; & fn. 47, p. 215; see also PROB 4/15554 Apthorpe alias Giles, Jane, of St. Clement Danes, Mdx. 1667 14 Feb.; for background on glass sellers see Alexander Liddon Howard, ''The Worshipful Company of Glass-sellers of London: from its inception to the present day'' (London, 1940)</ref>
'''St Martins Ludgate wth out: ould Bayley west'''
Ralph Gaile  7 hearths<ref>Ralph Gaile.  Just possibly Ralph Gale (b.?, da. ca. 1671/72), haberdasher (PROB 11/335  Duke 1-53 Will of Ralph Gale, Haberdasher of London 03 February 1671</ref>
'''St Martins Ludgate wth out: ould Bayley west syde'''<ref>'St Martins Ludgate wth out: ould Bayley west syde' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118792#s32 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Martin Ludgate ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011), viewed 17/02/12</ref>]
Sr Frances (sic) Pridion<ref>Sr Frances Pridion.  Probably Sir Francis (sic) Prujean (sic) (b. ca. 1605, m. 1. ?, m. 2  1663/64, d. ca. 1666), doctor in physic; married at least twice; secondly, when about sixty, to "the Hon. Dame Margaret Fleming, of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, widow" on Feb. 10th, 1663/64.  Dame Fleming was described as forty and upwards "she having been dangerously ill."  The wedding was to be at Westminster Abbey "or in some convenient room in the house of Thomas Gorges, D.D., one of the prebends of said church, situate in the cloisters thereof."  The wedding took place, since following Dr Prujeacn's death in 1666, his widow, Margaret Prujean, was engaged in probate litigation.  Dr Prujean was a long term resident of St Martin Ludgate, of at least twenty years, since his son, Thomas Prujean "gent., of St. Martin Ludgate" married Isabelle Hore, of St. Sepulchre, spinster, nineteen, daughter of a citizen and apothecary, Robert Hore, at Great Ilford, Essex, in Nov. 1645.  White (1891: 72, 152) refers to "Prujean Square, Old Bailey, on the west side, a few doors from Ludgate Hill, so named from the residence here of Sir Francis Prujean, and eminent physician, who was President of the College of Physicians, 1650-1654," and later states that "the country house of Sir Francis Prujean was Sutton Gate, Hornchurch."  His widow went on to marry Sir John Maynard, serjeant-at-law.  Pepys noted Dr Prujean's death in his diary on June 24th, 1666, remarking that "he died very rich, and had, for the last yeare, lived very handsomely, his lady bringing him to it  He was no great painstaker in person, yet died very rich; and, as Dr. Clerke says, was of a very great judgment, but hath writ nothing to leave his name to posterity."  (PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138 Will of Sir Francis Prujean, Doctor in Physic 06 July 1666; C 6/177/18 Short title: Prujean v Prujean. Plaintiffs: Margaret Prujean widow. Defendants: Robert Prujean. Subject: will of the deceased Sir Francis Prujean. Document type: demurrer. SFP 1666; C 6/178/39 Short title: Prujean v Prujean. Plaintiffs: Dame [unknown] Prujean. Defendants: Robert Prujean. Subject: personal estate of the deceased Sir Thomas Fleming. Document type: answer only. SFP 1667; C 6/190/83 Short title: Prujean v Prujean. Plaintiffs: Dame Margaret Prujean widow. Defendants: Robert Priyean, Lord Richard Georges, Henry Stanley, Michael Pearce and others. Subject: manor of North Stoneham, Hampshire. Document type: bill, answer. SFP 1666; [XXXX J. Foster, London marriage licences, 1521-1869 (London, 1887), p. 1103]; William White, ''Notes and queries'', vol. 89 (?Oxford, 1894), p. 71; Henry B. Wheatley (ed.), ''The diary of Samuel Pepys'', vol. 10 (London & New York, 1895), pp. 318-319)</ref>
===St Mary at Hill===
'''North side'''<ref>'North side' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118794#s5 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Mary at Hill ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 17/02/12</ref>
Abraham Jaggerd (sic) 6 hearths<ref>See Abraham & Francis Jaggard, Tokenhouse-yard near Billingsgate [Billingsgate Ward] (ML (1677); consistent with with 4s in £ 1692/93 records showing Abraham Jaggard in St Mary at Hill parish (City of London, Billingsgate Ward, St Mary Hill Parish: Jaggard, Abraham £8.00 £40.00 ££2.40 £200.00 Comment: Junior. " + [FIVE RECORDS LATER]"Jaggard, Abraham £4.00 £20.00 £1.20 £100.00 Comment: Senior.": [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=19566 'Four Shillings In The Pound Aid 1693-1694: City of London, Billingsgate Ward, St Mary Hill Parish', Four Shillings In The Pound Aid 1693/4: The City of London, the City of Westminster, and Metropolitan Middlesex (1992)], viewed 01 August 2009); see also PROB 11/418 Box 1-45 Will of Abraham Jaggard, Grocer of London 24 December 1694; PROB 11/518 Smith 232-280 Will of Abraham Jaggard, Grocer of Saint Mary at Hill, City of London 11 November 1710; see PROB 18/14/73 Probate lawsuit Jaggard v Jaggard, Browne and others, concerning the deceased Francis Jaggard, merchant of St Mary at Hill, London. Allegation 1682</ref>
'''St Mary Hill'''<ref>'St Mary Hill' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118794#s7 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Mary at Hill ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 17/02/12</ref>
Sr Edwd Alston 11 hearths<ref>Sr Edwd Alston.  Probably Sir Edward Alston, doctor of physic, despite location specified on will as "Great St. Helen [Bishopsgate]; President of Royal College of Physicians, 1663/64 ([http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=113-rcplegac&cid=1-4#1-4 Royal College of Physicians of London: Charles II. Letters Patent under the Great Seal.  RCP-LEGAC/Charter 1663 SR/1K  26 March 1663], viewed 17/02/12; PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66 Will of Sir Edward Alston, Doctor of Physic of Great Saint Helen, City of London 24 January 1670</ref>
===St Mary Woolnoth===
'''Bearebinder Lane Anchor Yard'''
William Stringer  2 hearths<ref>William Stringer.  Probably William Stringer, "hottpresser"; marr. to Susan; son, Daniell, bap. July 1 1655 ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n129/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 53])</ref>
'''Greate Lumbard streete North syde'''<ref>'Greate Lumbard streete North syde' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118799#s5 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Mary Woolnoth', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 16/02/12</ref>
<u>Sr Robert Vyner  11 hearths</u>
<u>John Colville  9 hearths</u><ref>John Colville.  John Colville, goldsmith; marr. to Dorothy; son, Josias, bap. Feb. 23 1655/56; John Colville dead by Aug. 27 1671, when "Mrs Dorothoe Colvill" was described as "Widdow" (PR, p. 237) (XXXX)</ref>
Alexander Holt Esqr  6 hearths<ref>Alexander Holt Esqr.  Alexander Holt, goldsmith; married to Mary; son, Alexander, bap. Jan. 23, 1654 ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n129/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 52])</ref>
'''Litle Lumbard streete ye North syde'''
William Rawson  3 hearths<ref>William Rawson.  William Rawson, goldsmith; mar. to Elizabeth; dau., Elizabeth, bap. Jun. 13 1656 ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n129/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 53])</ref>
Godfrey Beck  3 hearths<ref>Godfrey Beck.  Godfrey Beck, goldsmith; wife, Elizabeth, bur. Aug. 16 1677 (PR-burials, p. 243)</ref>
'''Litle Lumbard streete ye Southsyde'''<ref>'Litle Lumbard streete ye Southsyde' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118799#s7 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Mary Woolnoth', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 16/02/12</ref>
Thomas Weld  11 hearths<ref>Thomas Weld.  Possibly Thomas Weld, "drugster"; mar. to Joyce; son, Thomas, bap. Oct. 30 1643; just possibly described in 1678 as "grocer of Richmond"; a Lawrence Weld, "Druggest," in St. Mary Woolnoth in Jan 1673 (PR-burials, p. 238)([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n123/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 46]; PROB 11/357 Reeve 56-105 Will of Thomas Weld, Grocer of Richmond, Surrey 12 August 1678)</ref>
Richard Turgis  8 hearths<ref>Richard Turgis.  Richard Turgis was a London merchant and grocer; described in his burial entry as "Richard Tirges, Druggest"; marr. to Anne; daughter, Anne, bap. Mar. 22, 1654/55; Richard Turgis bur.  Mar. 27 1668 (PR, 236)  ([[MRP: Richard Turgis junior will| PROB 11/326 Hone 1-57 Will of Richard Turgis, Grocer of London 03 April 1668]]; [[MRP: PROB 4/10596 Inventory of Richard Turges (alt. Turgis), 1668 (scroll)|PROB 4/10596 Inventory of Richard Turges (alt. Turgis), 1668 (scroll)]]; [http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n129/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 52])</ref>
Abraham Johnson  7 hearths<ref>Abraham Johnson.  Probably Abraham Johnson, Esq.; d. "att his mansion att Hackney," Jun. 23 1676, bur. Jul. 3 1676 (PR-burials, p. 242)</ref>
Thomas Mottershed<ref>Thomas Mottershed.  Thomas Mottershed, grocer, who was possibly related to Elizabeth Mottershed, widow of Clapham (PROB 11/385 Lloyd 136-181 Will of Thomas Mottershed, Grocer of Little Lombard Street, City of London 04 November 1686; PROB 11/417 Coker 175-222 Will of Elizabeth Mottershed, Widow of Clapham, Surrey 24 November 1693; PROB 4/17466 Mottershed, Elizabeth, of Clapham, Surrey 1693 1 Dec.</ref>
'''Lumbard streete ye South syde'''
William White  5 hearths<ref>William White.  Possibly William White, haberdasher (PROB 11/348  Dycer 52-105 Will of William White, Haberdasher of Saint Mary Woolnoth, City of London 04 September 1675)</ref>
Samuell Payne  5 hearths<ref>Samuell Payne.  Samuell Payne, merchant taylor, married to Mary; a son, Samuell, bap. Nov. 13, 1654, St. Mary Woolnoth ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n129/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 52])</ref>
Alexander Pollington  7 hearths<ref>Alexander Pollington.  Probably Alexander Pollington, haberdasher, who died at Hornsey, Middlesex (PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Alexander Pollington, Haberdasher of London 25 November 1672; PROB 4/9901 Pollington, Alexander, of St. Mary Woolnoth, London ob. at Hornsey, Middx. 1673 [?] Oct. (1672)</ref>
Abrah Browne  18 hearths<ref>Abrah Browne.  Possibly Abraham Browne, vintner; mar. to Penelope; son, William, bap. Jul. 11 1644; Abraham Browne d. Jul. 9 1672, at Charlton, Kent, bur. Jul. 10 1672  (([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n123/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 46]; PR-Burials, p. 238))</ref>
'''Sherborne lane ye East syde'''
Crisp  8 hearths<ref>Crisp.  Possibly Andrew Crisp, Rector of St. Mary Woolnoth; son, Robert, bur.  Sep. 4 1672, St. Mary Wool. (PR-burials, p. 238</ref>
Tho Collyer  3 hearths<ref>Tho Collyer.  Possibly Thomas Collyer, goldsmith; mar. to  Ellyn; son, William, bap. Feb. 13 1643/44 ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n123/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 46])</ref>
Widd Fletcher  7 hearths<ref>Just possibly Mary Fletcher, widow of James Fletcher, who d. ca. 1654; James Fletcher described in St. Mary Woolnoth PR as "brownbaker" and in will as "baker;" son, Samuell, bap. Feb. 14 1643/44 ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n123/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 46])</ref>
'''Sherborne lane ye west syde'''
Thomas Seymor  6 hearths<ref>Thomas Seymor.  Possibly Thomas Seymor (alias Seymour), goldsmith.  A son, Benjamin, of "Thomas Seymour, goldsmith" bur. Nov. 2 1672, St. mary Woolnoth (PR-burials, p. 238)</ref>
Widd Boyce  7 hearths<ref>Widd Boyce.  Possibly Ellen Boyes, widow; her deceased husband may have been Ralph Boyes, haberdasher of Saint Mary, Woolnoth.  But a Raph Boyce, "hottpresser" had a  dau., Abigail, by Ann Boyce, bap.  June 21 1643 (PROB 11/349 Dycer 106-147 Will of Ellen Boyes, Widow of Saint Mary Woolnoth, City of London 19 November 1675; PROB 11/296 Pell 511-558 Will of Ralph Boyes, Haberdasher of Saint Mary Woolnoth, City of London 06 December 1659; [http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n123/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 46])</ref>
'''Streete syde'''<ref>'Streete syde' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118799#s12 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Mary Woolnoth', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 16/02/12</ref>
<u>Edward Backwell Esqr 13 hearths</u><ref>Edward Backwell, goldsmith (Possibly PROB 11/448 Lort 224-268 Will of Edward Backwell of City of London 13 December 1698)</ref>
Anthony Manwayring  3 hearths<ref>Anthony Manwayring.  No trace of  Anthony Manwayring, but Elizabeth Manwayring (alias Maynwaring, Manwaring), widow, bur. Apr. 13 1666 may have been related (See PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138 Will of Elizabeth Manwayring or Maynwaring, Widow of London 20 June 1666; PROB 5/1629 MAINWAYRINGE, Elizabeth, of St Mary Woolnoth, London [Registered will: PROB 11/321] [Sentence: PROB 11/322] 1666) [http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n311/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 235]</ref>
<u>John Portman  8 hearths</u><ref>John Portman, London goldsmith and correspondent of Sir George Oxenden.  His son, John Portman, was in the East Indies with Oxenden.  Documents survive from a probate dispute, which followed the death of John Portman junior ([[MRP: 2nd October 1667, Letter from John Portman to Sir GO, London|2nd October 1667, Letter from John Portman to Sir GO, London]]; [[MRP: 25th March 1666/67, Letter from John Portman to Sir GO, London|25th March 1666/67, Letter from John Portman to Sir GO, London]]; 'Portman, John' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31892#s67 J.R. Woodhead (ed.), 'Pack - Pyers', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 124-134], viewed 14/02/12; PROB 11/349 Dycer 106-147 Will of John Portman of Quedah, India 20 December 1675; PROB 18/4/105 Probate lawsuit Portman v Portman, concerning the deceased John Portman, bachelor of Quedah [Quetta ?], East Indies. Allegation 1672; ROB 18/5/91 Probate lawsuit Portman v Portman, concerning the deceased John Portman, bachelor of Quedah [Quetta ?], East Indies. Interrogatory 1673)</ref>
Charles Everard  9 hearths<ref>Charles Everard, London goldsmith; mar. to Mary; son, Charles, bap. July 12. 1658; Charles Everard, goldsmith, bur. Oct. 28 1665 in one of the heaviest months for deaths in St. Mary Woolnoth in the plague year of 1665 (PR, p. 235) (PROB 11/319 Mico 1-46 Will of Charles Everard of Saint Mary Woolnoth, City of London 08 March 1666; PROB 5/5526 EVERARD, Charles, esq, of St Mary Woolnoth, London (account only) 1670); [http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n131/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886), p. 55]; see also PROB 4/22393 Everard, Mary, of St. Mary Woolnoth, London 1702 [illeg]</ref>
Nathaniell Cock  6 hearths<ref>Nathaniell Cock.  Nathaniell Cock, London merchant, located adjacent to the goldsmith Isaac Meynell (PROB 11/342 Pye 53-118 Will of Nathaniel Cock, Merchant of Saint Mary Woolnoth, City of London 20 June 1673; PROB 4/429 Cock, Nathaniel, [of St Mary Woolnoth, London, merchant] 1673 26 July; PROB 5/2300 COOKE, Nathaniel, of [St Mary Woolnoth], London, merchant (includes account) [Administration with will annexed d b n Apr 1686] 1673)</ref>
<u>Isaack Menell Esqr 7 hearths</u><ref>Isaack Menell (alias Isaac Meynell), London goldsmith (PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of Isaac Meynell, Goldsmith of Saint Mary Woolnoth, City of London 01 July 1676)</ref>
===St Nicholas Acons===
'''St Nicholas Acorns parrish: Nicholas Lane northside'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
George Torinson  10 hearths<ref>George Torinson.  Possibly George Torriano, who gave St. Nicholas Acons in his will as his home ([[MRP: George Torriano will| PROB 11/381 Cann 108-165 Will of George Torriano, Merchant Tailor of London 02 December 1685]])</ref>
Fardinandow George  8 hearths
Giles Vanbrugge  16 hearths"<ref>'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Nicholas Acons ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118805 Date accessed: 24 January 2012</ref>
===St Olave Hart Street===
'''Cruchett Fryers north side'''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
<u>John Buckworth  12 hearths</u><ref>Possibly PROB 11/390 Exton 1-44 Will of Sir John Buckworth of Saint Peter Le Poer, City of London 03 January 1688</ref>
Mary Hollworthy 12 hearths
Roulond Ingrom (sic)  9 hearths
'''Mark Lane East'''
<u>John Litheler (sic)  16 hearths</u>
Sir Thomas Allen  8 hearths
Wm Warrin (sic)  9 hearths
'''Mark Lane west side'''
<u>Sr Andrew Rickard (sic)  17 hearths</u><ref>Sir Andrew Rickard, London merchant ([[MRP: Sir Andrew Riccard will| PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Andrew Riccard, Merchant of Saint Olave Hart Street, City of London 19 September 1672]])</ref>
<u>Richard Midelton  11 hearths</u> (WAS THIS SIR WILLIAM RYDER'S SON-IN-LAW?)
'''Sething Lane East'''<ref>'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Olave Hart Street ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118806 Date accessed: 03 February 2012</ref>
<u>The Navy ofes  48 hearths</u>
<u>Sr Richard Ford  18 hearths</u><ref>Sir Richrad Ford, London merchant.  Ford was in partnership with his son-in-law, Peter Proby, and involved in naval contracting with Sir William Ryder (PROB 4/17997 Inventory of Sir Richard Ford, 1678)</ref>
===St Vedast, Foster Lane===
'''Cheape syde'''<ref>'Cheape syde' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118816#s5 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Vedast, Foster Lane ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 16/02/12</ref>
Wm: Hall 8 hearths<ref>Wm: Hall.  William Hall, goldsmith (PROB 4/8424 Hall, William, of St Vedast, alias Fosters, London, goldsmith 1682 10 Feb.)</ref>
Robert Tempest  8 hearths<ref>Robert Tempest.  Robert Tempest, citizen and goldsmith (PROB 11/343 Pye 119-167 Will of Robert Tempest, Goldsmith of London 19 December 1673; PROB 4/10489 Tempest, Robert, of St. Foster, London, Citizen & Goldsmith 1675 11 Sept. (1673))</ref>
'''Gutter Lane'''<ref>'Gutter Lane' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118816#s7 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Vedast, Foster Lane ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 16/02/12</ref>
John Hinson  3 hearths<ref>John Hinson.  John Hinson was possibly related to Elizabeth Hinson (PROB 4/8186 Hinson, Elizabeth, of St Vedast alias Fosters in Gutter Lane London, widow 1665 13 Apr.</ref>
'''Meare mayd Taverne yeard'''<ref>'Meare mayd Taverne yeard' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118816#s11 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Vedast, Foster Lane ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 16/02/12</ref>
Symon Urling  5 hearths<ref>Simon Urling (alias Urlin).  Simon Urlin, citizen and goldsmith (PROB 5/535 URLIN, Simon, citizen and goldsmith of London [St Vedast Foster Lane] [Registered will: PROB 11/372] [Sentence: PROB 11/374] 1681; PROB 18/13/21 Probate lawsuit Urlin v Browne otherwise Urlin and others, concerning the deceased Simon Urlin, citizen and goldsmith of St Vedast Foster Lane, London. Allegation 1681)</ref>
Henrie Rowse  7 hearths<ref>Henrie Rowse.  Henrie Rowse's house was adjacent to Symon Urling's in Meare mayd Taverne yeard, St Vedast, Foster Lane (PROB 4/18497 Rowse, Henry, of St. Vedast, London 1677 27 Feb)</ref>
'''Sadlers Hall Court'''<ref>'Sadlers Hal Court' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118816#s13 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Vedast, Foster Lane ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 16/02/12</ref>
Robert Whiting  8 hearths  (for ye Hall [presumably Sadlers Hall])
===Vintry ward: Sixth precinct (1662)===
XXXX<ref>'Hearth Tax: City of London 1662: Vintry ward: Sixth Precinct', London Hearth Tax: City of London, 1662 (2011). URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118442 Date accessed: 20 December 2011</ref>
Richard Batson 20 hearths
'''Bromly'''<ref>'Bromly' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118823 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Bromley', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 25 January 2012)</ref>
<u>Sr. Jno. Jacobs  32 hearths</u><ref>Sir John Jacob, customs farmer.  Sir John Jacob had a thirty-two hearth house in Bromley at Bow and a fifteen hearth house on St. Mary Axe East in the parish of St. Andrew's Undershaft.  Both houses appear in the 1666 Hearth tax, as does the seventeen hearth house of his brother, Robert Jacob, in Bromley at Bow.  Sir John Jacob referred in his will to his London and Bromley at Bowe houses, and also to the Bromley at Bowe house of his brother, Robert Jacob ( [[MRP: Sir John Jacob will| PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Sir John Jacob of Bromley, Middlesex 02 April 1666]]; [[MRP: 1st March 1662/63, Letter from John Jacobs to Sir GO, London|1st March 1662/63, Letter from John Jacobs to Sir GO, London]])</ref>
Mr. Robert Jacob  17 hearths<ref>Mr. Robert Jacob was the brother of Sir John Jacob; Robert Jacob's house is mentioned in Sir John Jacob's will.  See [[MRP: Sir John Jacob will| PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Sir John Jacob of Bromley, Middlesex 02 April 1666]]</ref>
Collonell Morgan  23 hearths
<u>Justice Tomlins  13 hearths</u><ref>Thomas Tomlins (alias Thomblings, Tomblings) wrote to Sir George Oxenden from St. Leonard Bromley in a letter dated March 26th, 1663; he also gave St. Leonard Bromley as his residence in his will.  There were fourteen addresses between Justice Tomlins and Mr Boone in the 1666 hearth tax return for St. Leonard Bromley ([[MRP: 26th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Thomlins to Sir GO, St. Leonards Bromley|26th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Thomlins to Sir GO, St. Leonards Bromley]]; [[MRP: Thomas Tomlins will| PROB 11/354 Hale 44-95 Will of Thomas Tomlins of Saint Leonards Bromley, Middlesex 01 May 1677]])</ref>
Lady Poole  9 hearths
<u>Mr. Boon  9 hearths</u><ref>Mr Boon was Christopher Boone, London merchant, a cousin of Sir George Oxenden and Elizabeth Dallison, and a correspondent of Sir George Oxenden ([[MRP: Christopher Boone will| PROB 11/385 Lloyd 136-181 Will of Christopher Boone, Merchant of London of All Saints Lee, Kent 29 July 1686]]; [[MRP: March 1665/66, Letter from Christopher Boone|March 1665/66, Letter from Christopher Boone]]; [[MRP: 13th April 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO, London|13th April 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO, London]]; [[MRP: 7th October 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO|7th October 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO]]; see just possibly related inventory PROB 20/255 Boone, Christopher: London 1680)</ref>
'''Chiswicke'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118826 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Chiswick ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
Sr Fra: Wortley  12 hearths<ref>Sr Fra: Wortley.  Sir Francis Wortley appears to have resided at Turnham Green, Chiswick, as well as at Wortley Hall, Yorkshire.  Inventories have survived for the Chiswick and the Yorkshire locations (PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Sentence of Francis Wortley 27 January 1665; PROB 11/322 Mico 139-184 Sentence of Sir Francis Wortley of Chiswick, Middlesex 27 June 1666; PROB 11/316  Hyde 1-56 Will of Dame Elizabeth Wortley of Chiswick, Middlesex 23 March 1665; Sr Fra: Wortley; PROB 32/1/30 Deceased: Wortley, Sir Francis, bart., of Wortley Hall, Yorks., resident in Turnham Green, Chiswick, Middx. (Earl of Manchester con Wortley et Lady Griffith) Inventory of goods at Wortley Hall and Holley Hall 1666 May 17 (1666 Apr. 2); PROB 32/1/36 Deceased: Wortley, Sir Francis, bart., of Wortley Hall, Yorks., resident in Turnham Green, Chiswick, Middx. (Earl of Manchester con Wortley et Lady Griffith) Inventory of goods in Yorks. 1666; PROB 32/1/48 Deceased: Wortley, Sir Francis, bart. Inventory of goods in Turnham Green, Chiswick, Middx. 1665/6 Mar. 16</ref>
The honbl' Wm Ashburnham  35 hearths<ref>The honbl' Wm Ashburnham. Possibly PROB 11/362 Bath 1-59 Will of William Ashburnham, Cofferer of His Majesty's Houshold of Westminster, Middlesex 13 March 1680, pp. 15</ref>
Lady Cholmley  23 hearths
Lady Cholmley 6 hearths (other house)
<u>Sr Stephen Fox  18 hearths</u>
Duke of Monmouth  34 hearths
===Chiswick town===
'''Chiswick Towne'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118827 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Chiswick town ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
<u>The Lady Kendall  18 hearths</u>
===Covent Garden===
'''Covent Garden'''<ref>'Covent Garden' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118829#s1 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Covent Garden ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 17/02/12</ref>
Right Honoble Earle of Bedford  60 hearths
Sr John Babar  8 hearths<ref>Sr John Babar.  Probably Sir John Babar, doctor of physic (PROB 11/475  Ash 46-88 Will of Sir John Baber of Saint Paul Covent Garden, Middlesex 20 July 1704)</ref>
Lord Gorge  18 hearths
Lord Brunckard  20 hearths
Dr Glison  15 hearths<ref>Dr Glison,  Possibly Francis Glisson, doctor of physic (b. 1597, d. 1677 (PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Francis Glisson, Doctor in Physic of Saint Bride, City of London 29 November 1677; for background, 'Francis Glisson (1597–1677) and the "discovery" of rickets', ''Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed'' 1998;78:F154-F155 doi:10.1136/fn.78.2.F154)</ref>
===Duchy of Lancaster Liberty (Savoy & Somerset)===
'''Savoy Ward'''
Exeter House  30 hearths
The Right Honoble the Lord Ashley  19 hearths
'''Somsett House'''
William  Goddard  10 hearths
The Countes of Nottingam  11 hearths
'''The Dutchy Lyberty in the Strand pt in ye Parrish of St Mary Savoy & pt in St Clements Danes./ Temple Barr Ward.'''
The Dutchey Countes of Somsett  59 hearths<ref>The Dutchey Countes of Somsett (Possibly PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of The Right Honorable Lady Frances Duchess of Somerset and Marchioness of Hertford 18 June 1677; PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Sentence of The Right Honourable Lady Francisca Duchess of Somerset Marchioness Hertford, Widow of Saint Clement Danes, Middlesex 08 March 1677; see also PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of William Duke of Somerset 24 December 1671; PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of The Honorable John Duke of Somerset 01 June 1676</ref>
<u>Lord Chief Justice Bridgman 23 hearths</u><ref>Sir Orlando Bridgman, lawyer; Elizabeth Dallison had various dealings with Bridgman regarding her brother's legal matters, and also regarding her daughter's jointure, which was under threat of removal due to the attaint of her daughter's husband for treason (PROB 11/345 Bunce 54-103 Will of Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 04 July 1674)</ref>
Sir John Maynard 0 hearths (empty)<ref>Sir John Maynard.  Just possibly Sir John Maynard, serjeant-at-law (PROB 20/1783 Maynard, Sir John: sergeant at law 1676-1691)</ref>
<u>The honoble Henry Howard (for Arundell house)</u><ref>The honoble Henry Howard (Possibly Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk (b. 1628, d. 1684); second son of Henry Howard, 22nd Earl of Arundel and Lady Elizabeth Stuart. He succeeded his brother Thomas Howard, 5th Duke of Norfolk after his death in 1677; no title till created 1st Baron Howard of Castle Rising in 1669 and 1st Earl of Norwich in 1672.  More likely to be the above rather than Henry Howard, 5th Earl of Suffolk (b. 1627, d. 1709</ref>
'''Worcester House'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118832 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Duchy of Lancaster Liberty', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 25 January 2012</ref>
Right Honoble Earle of Salisbury  32 hearths<ref>Right Honoble Earle of Salisbury (Probably PROB 11/328 Hone  113-166 Will of William Earle of Salisbury 23 December 1668; see also PROB 11/341 Pye 1-52 Will of Catherine Countesse of Salisbury 25 January 1673)</ref>
'''Litle Ealing'''<ref>'Litle Ealing' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118871 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Little Ealing ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 17/02/12</ref>
Paschall Stevens  8 hearths<ref>Paschall Stevens.  Possibly Perceivall Stevenson, Innholder of Ealing (PROB 11/386  Foot 1-44 Will of Percival Stevenson, Innholder of Ealing, Middlesex 08 March 1687; PROB 4/14651 Stevenson, Persivall, of Ealing als. Yealing, Mdx. 1688 22 Sept. [?1687])</ref>
John Maynard 44 hearths<ref>John Maynard.  John Maynard (later Sir John Maynard) (b. 1602, d. 1690), serjeant-at-law; son of Alexander Maynard, of Tavistock, Devon, who was a Middle Temple barrister; educated Exeter College, Oxford & Middle Temple; bencher 1648; M.P., Totnes, 1640; member of Westminster Assembly of Divines; friend of Bulstrode Whitelocke; Protector's serjeant, 1658; solicitor-general, 1659; King's serjeant, 16XX; defended Thomas Papillon, 1684 against Sir William Pritchard; lord commissioner of the great seal, March 1690; died October 1690.  Bought manor of Gunnersbury, Ealing/Hounslow, and built Gunnersbury House, starting 1663, a substantial building; buried at Ealing church.  Henry Oxinden of Barham, cousin to Elizabeth Dallison and Sir George Oxenden, used John Maynard as one of his counsel in a protracted Chancery suit against Mr. Vincent Denne.  He noted his victory in an entry in his commonplace book dated  November 10th, 1652: "No.[vember] 10 1652 overthrew old M:r Denne in Chancery, at which hearing S:r Tho: Withrington,  Sarjeant Maynard  & M:r Vincent were of councel for mee." In the 1660s, Elizabeth Dallison chose as one of her counsel Maynard's fellow serjeant-at-law, Sir John Glyn, rather than Maynard, though she also took legal advice from Mr John Vincent, of Gray's Inn, as well as Robert Raworth, also of Gray's Inn (PROB 11/405 Vere 93-139 Will of Sir John Maynard, at present one of the Commissioner's for Keeping of the Great Seale and Sergeant at Law 11 July 1691; PROB 20/1783 Maynard, Sir John: sergeant at law 1676-1691; James McCullen Rigg, 'Maynard, John (1602-1690), in [http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Maynard,_John_%281602-1690%29_%28DNB00%29 Dictionary of national Biography, vol. 37, (London, 1885-1900), pp. 158-161]; BL. Add. MSS 54,332 Henry Oxenden Common Place Book, f. 18v.</ref>
<u>Jno. Bathurst Esqr. 31 hearths</u><ref>Jno. Bathurst Esqr.  John Bathurst, London merchant (PROB 11/425 Irby 42-84 Will of John Bathurst of Edmonton, Middlesex 07 May 1695; PROB 11/419 Box 46-90 Will of John Bathurst of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 08 March 1694); John Bathurst was elected a committee of the EEIC for 1662-1663 ('A General Court of Adventurers, April 17, 1662' (''Court Book'', vol. xxiv, p. 482, in [http://www.archive.org/stream/courtminutesetc00east#page/200/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.),  A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1660-1663 (Oxford, 1922), p. 200])</ref>
Mr. Christo: Willoughby  19 hearths
Thenpest (sic) Milner Esqr  25 hearths"<ref>Tempest Milner, Merchant Taylor; elected Alderman of Cripplegate, September 27th, 1653; chosen Sheriff, June 24th, 1656; removed to Candlewick, May 5th, 1657 ([http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=59912 'Charters', Analytical index to the series of records known as the Remembrancia: 1579-1664 (1878), pp. 61-65], viewed 01 May 2011)</ref>
'''Church Streete'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118820#s1 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Hackney', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
Thomas Viner  20 hearths<ref>Thomas Viner.  Entry in St. Mary Woolnoth PR, July 5 1673 "Dyed, Sir George Vyner, Knight and Barronett, and the twenty-fifth died Dame Abygall, his wife, and were both buryed from there Mansion House att Hackney, the 18th of August foll: in the Chancell, under the Communion table" (PR-burials, p. 239) (Probably PROB 11/323 Carr 1-58 Will of Thomas Vyner of Hackney, Middlesex 13 February 1667)</ref>
<u>William Spurstow  16 hearths</u><ref>William Spurstow (Possibly PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138 Will of William Spurstowe, Gentleman of Saint Augustine, City of London 30 August 1666)</ref>
'''Clapton Dalstone Kingsland Shackelwell and Newington within the parish of Hackney'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118820#s2 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Hackney', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
The Lord Brokes  37 hearths (Note: xxxvij)
<u>Francis Bickley 12 hearths</u><ref>Francis Bickley's estate was bought in 166X by Sir London merchant and ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock'' subscriber. He bequeathed the estate to his nephew and commercial partner, Stephen White See [[MRP: Sir Stephen White will|Sir Stephen White will]]; [[MRP: Stephen White will|Stephen White will]]</ref>
'''Growe and Well Streete'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118820#s3 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Hackney', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]  viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
Nathaniell Barnardistone  12 hearths<ref>Nathaniell Barnardistone (Probably PROB 11/363 Bath 60-123 Will of Nathaniel Barnardiston of Hackney, Middlesex 29 July 1680; see also PROB 11/357 Reeve 56-105 Will of Nathaniell Barnardiston, Merchant of London 16 July 1678)</ref>
'''Hackney Hommerton'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118820#s5 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Hackney', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]  viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
William Bird  18 hearths<ref>William Bird, London & Hackney merchant ("Burd, Hackney Town to be spoken withal at Mr. Sherwoods Broadstreet" (ML (1677); PROB 11/444 Lort 45-91 Will of William Bird or Birde, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 26 March 1698</ref>
Henry Cloubery  20 hearths<ref>Henry Cloubery (Probably related to PROB 11/316 Hyde 1-56 Will of Henry Clobery, Gentleman of Hackney, Middlesex 23 May 1665)</ref>
Henry Chittey  13 hearths<ref>Henry Chittey (alias Chitty), London merchant ("Hen. & Mat. Chitty, Bishopsgate Street within" (ML (1677); PROB 11/363 Bath 60-123 Will of Henry Chitty of Hackney, Middlesex 25 September 1680</ref>
'''Marestreete'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118820#s6 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Hackney', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]  viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
George Hockenhull  9 hearths
'''Hammersmith'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118847 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Hammersmith', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 06 February 2012</ref>
Hen: Bristow  0 hearths (note: "j")<ref>Hen: Bristow (Probably PROB 4/5272 Briscoe, Henry, of Hammersmith in Fulham, Midd. 1668 30 Sept.; PROB 32/3/14 Deceased: Briscoe als Bristoe, Henry, Hammersmith, Fulham, Middx. Inventory 1668 (1668 Aug. 6); PROB 32/3/53 Deceased: Briscoe, Henry, maltster, Hammersmith, Fulham, Middx. Inventory 1668 Aug. 3)</ref>
James Morley  8 hearths<ref>James Morley (Probably PROB 20/1853 Morley, James: Dublin and Hammersmith, gent. 1677-83)</ref>
Tim: Robinson  10 hearths<ref>Tim: Robinson.  Tim Robinson of Hammersmith (PROB 11/334  Penn 129-184 Will of Timothy Robinson of Hammersmith, Middlesex 14 October 1670; PROB 4/15288 Robinson, Timothy, of Hammersmith, Mdx, esq. 1673 10 May (1670); PROB 32/15/109 Deceased: Robinson, Timothy, [esq.], [Hammersmith, Middx.] Account ('The general Cash Book for money received and paid by Mr Robinson's executors') 1670 Sept. 24; PROB 32/16/100 Deceased: Robinson, Timothy, esq., Hammersmith, Middx. Declaration (Sworn 1679 May 23))</ref>
Tho: Nowell Esq.  12 hearths ('Watson but 10')
Abra: Otgar  9 hearths
Christopher Quinten  8 hearths<ref>Christopher Quinten: (Probably PROB 32/10/75 Deceased: Quinton, Christopher, Hammersmith, Middx. d. in the Kings Bench prison, Southwark, Surrey Inventory and account (1673 Easter Term))</ref>
Sr Tho: Bomfie  9 hearths (Note "j")<ref>Sr Tho: Bomfie.  Probably Thomas Bonfoy of Hammersmith (PROB 11/331 Coke 108-166 Will of Thomas Bonfoy of Hammersmith, Middlesex 10 November 1669; PROB 32/13/38 Deceased: Bonfoy, Sir Thomas, knight, Hammersmith, Middx. Letters of administration with will annexed. (Introduced and renounced 1673 Apr. 18) 1671/2 Feb. 26 (will made 1669)</ref>
Edw. Butler  3 hearths<ref>Edward Butler.  Possibly Edward Butler, baker of Fulham (Edward Butler, baker of Fulham (PROB 11/331 Coke 108-166 Will of Edward Butler, Baker of Fulham, Middlesex 01 November 1669; PROB 4/13869 Butler, Edward, of Hamersmith in Fulham, Mdx., baker 1669 22 Nov.)</ref>
Sir Ralph Clapham  10 hearths<ref>Sir Ralph Clapham (PROB 11/319 Mico 1-46 Will of Sir Ralph Clapham of Hammersmith, Middlesex 15 March 1666; PROB 4/13712 Clapham, Sir Ralph, kt. & bt. of Hammersmith, Mdx. 1666 18 Mar.</ref>
Tho: Kerby 4 hearths<ref>Tho: Kerby.  Thomas Kerby was probably a glazier of Hammersmith or Fulham, Middlesex (Probably PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66 Will of Thomas Kerby, Glasier of Fulham, Middlesex 09 February 1670; Probably PROB 4/8925 Kerby, Thomas of Hammersmith, Middx., glazier, ob. 28 Jan. 1669 1670 11 Feb.)</ref>
Wm: Chalkhill  5 hearths<ref>Wm: Chalkhill (Probably PROB 4/1887 Chalkhill, William, of Starch Greene, Hammersmith, Fulham, Midd., gent 1676 18 Oct.)</ref>
'''Hamsted'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118848 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Hampstead', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 25 January 2012</ref>
Ld Wotton  36 hearths (empty then)<ref>Just possibly PROB 11/392 Exton 87-130 Will of The Honorable Charles Henry Lord Wotton Earl of Bellomont of Wotton, Kent 14 July 1688</ref>
Ald Hussey  15 hearths
Justice Dolbin  6 hearths"
===St. Andrews, Holborn===
'''St Andrews Holborne Parish'''
'''Part One'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118895 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Andrew Holborn (1 of 2)', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 06 October 2011</ref>
Lincolnes Inn  193 hearths
<u>Robt Raworth Esqr. 11 hearths</u><ref>Robert Raworth, Gray's Inn lawyer; he provided legal advice to Elizabeth Dallison and Sir George Oxenden, and corresponded with Sir George Oxenden ([[MRP: Robert Raworth will| PRO 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of Robert Raworth of Grayes Inn, Middlesex 18 July 1676]]; [[MRP: 9th April 1663, Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir GO|9th April 1663, Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir GO]]; [[MRP: 19th March 1665/66, Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir GO, Grayes Inn|19th March 1665/66, Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir GO, Grayes Inn]])</ref>
Robert Raworth is recorded in the 1666 Hearth Tax returns in a property with eleven hearths, close to Lincoln's Inn
<u>Jno Vincent  Esqr.  12 hearths</u><ref>John Vincent, Gray's Inn lawyer and colleague of Robert Raworth.  Both Vincent and Raworth provided legal services to Sir George Oxenden ([[MRP: John Vincent will| PROB 11/331 Coke 108–166 Will of John Vincent of Grays Inn, Middlesex 21 October 1669]]</ref>
Grayse Inne  120 hearths (more 432 unpd)"
Bartho Beale Esqr.  7 hearths<ref>Bartholomew Veale, auditor (PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Bartholomew Beale of Hatton Garden, Middlesex 03 June 1674</ref>
Ld Char. Warwick  42 hearths<ref>Possibly PROB 11/346 Bunce 104-150 Sentence of Charles Count of Warwick of Leez, Essex 13 May 1674</ref>
<u>Serjent Newdigate  17 hearths</u><ref>Richard Newdigate (alias Newdegate), serjeant-at-law (PROB 11/358 Reeve 106-156 Will of Sir Richard Newdegate, Sergeant at Law of Harefield, Middlesex 18 December 1678)</ref>
Aldr. Barker 10 hearths
Countess of Monmouth 25 hearths
Cursitors Office  11 hearths
'''Part Two'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119285 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Andrew Holborn (2 of 2)', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 29 January 2012</ref>
The Right Honble: Cristo; Ld Hatton 18 hearths (empty)
Edw. Stillingfleet 10 hearths
Auditor Beale 10 hearths
Dr. Merrick 10 hearths
Ld Cheife Justice Keeling 10 hearths
Serjea: Waller  10 hearths
The Ld Fanshaw  19 hearths
Serjeant Waller 1 hearth (in a Coachouse)
<u>The Right Reverend the Ld Bispp of Ely  39 hearths</u>
===St. Botolph Aldgate===
'''St Botolph Aldgate'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118911 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Botolph Aldgate : St Botolph Aldgate', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 12/02/12</ref>
Abra: Corsellus  15 hearths<ref>Probably PROB 11/329 Coke 1-56 Will of Abraham Corsellis, Brewer of Saint Botolph without Aldgate London 11 February 1669</ref>
Joseph Wright 10 hearths<ref>Probably PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66 Will of Joseph Wright, Vintner of Saint Botolph without Aldgate London 04 January 1670; see also PROB 11/505 Barrett 262-301 Will of Joseph Wright of Saint Botolph without Aldersgate, City of London 03 November 1708</ref>
Henry Partridge 12 hearths<ref>Probably Henry Partridge, cooper and alderman for Bread Street, 1666.  See PROB 11/322 Mico 139-184 Will of Henry Pattridge or Partridge, Alderman of City of London 12 December 1666; see 'Partridge, Henry' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31892#s21 J.R. Woodhead (ed.), 'Pack - Pyers', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 124-134], viewed 12/02/12</ref>
Tho: Partidge  5 hearths
Jacob Vanderlack  10 hearths
===St Giles-in-the-fields, King Street===
'''The uper end of King Streat goeing to Tattnam Cort North Sid'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118953#s3 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Giles in the Fields : King Street', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 23 January 2012</ref>
Sr Charlis Siddley  11 hearths<ref>Sr Charlis Siddley.  Possibly Sir Charles Sedley of Southfleet, Kent (b. ?, d. ca. 1701) (Possibly PROB 11/461 Dyer 89-137 Will of Sir Charles Sedley of Southfleet, Kent 30 August 1701)</ref>
Henery Semor Esqr.  22 hearths<ref>Possibly PROB 11/461 Dyer 89-137 Will of Sir Charles Sedley of Southfleet, Kent 30 August 1701 (Possibly Bond 1-42 Will of Henry Seymour of Westminster, Middlesex 26 March 1696)</ref>
Robert Spencer Esqr  19 hearths<ref>Robert Spencer Esqr (Unlikely PROB 11/456 Noel 84-123 Will of Robert Spencer of Hanwell, Oxfordshire 06 August 1700</ref>
<u>The Rt. Honrb the Earle of Southampton 50 hearths</u><ref>The Rt. Honrb the Earle of Southampton (Possibly PROB 11/323 Carr 1-58 Will of The Honorable Thomas Earl of Southampton 22 May 1667; See PROB 18/8/66 Probate lawsuit Thynne v Dowager Duchess of Southampton, concerning the deceased Frances Seymour, Duchess of Somerset otherwise Marchioness of Hertford. Two allegations) 1676</ref>
===St Giles in the Fields: Great Queen Street===
'''Greate Queene streete'''[[FootNote('Greate Queene streete' in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118944#s1 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Giles in the Fields : Great Queen Street', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)]), viewed 17/02/12]]
Sir Alexander Frazier  9 hearths<ref>Sir Alexander Frazier.  Possibly Sir Alexander Frazier, doctor of physic (b. ?, d. ca. 1681); fellow of Royal College of Physicians, 1663/64 (PROB 11/367 North 95-141 Will of Sir Alexander Fraiser of Doores 07 July 1681; PROB 11/368 North 142-189  Sentence of Sir Alexander Fraiser or Fraser, Physician to His Majesty of Dores, Inverness-shire 07 July 1681; PROB 32/20/68 Deceased: Fraiser, Sir Alexander, bart., [physician to King Charles II, Doones, Scotland, d. in Whitehall] [Fraiser con Fraiser see PROB 18/13/75] Inventory (Sworn 1681 July 14)</ref>
The Earl of Bristoll  40 hearths
Earle Rivers  25 hearths
Lord Montague  24 hearths
The Lord Conway  31 hearths
Earl of Norwich Goringe  14 hearths
Lady Anne Yelverton  9 hearths
===St. James, Clerkenwell===
'''St James Clerkenwell (Part One)'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118828 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Clerkenwell (1 of 2)', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 14th February 2012</ref>
The Lord Cheife Justice 20 hearths
<u>Lord Barckley 32 hearths</u><ref>Lord Barckley.  Possibly Sir John Lord Berkeley or Baron of Stratton (Will of Sir John Lord Berkeley or Baron of Stratton, Lord of His Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council 02 October 1678</ref>
Earle of Carlile 23 hearths<ref>Earle of Carlile.  Possibly the Honorable Charles Earl of Carlisle (PROB 11/380 Cann 52-107 Will of The Honorable Charles Earl of Carlisle 11 May 1685; see also PROB 11/436 Pyne 1-44 Will of The Right Honorable Elizabeth Countess of Carlisle, Dowager 03 February 1697)</ref>
Sr Nicholas Strowd 15 hearths
The Lady Jane Crafts 11 hearths<ref>The Lady Jane Crafts was probably Dame or Lady Jane Crafts (alias Crofts) of St James, Clerkenwell and Ixworth Thorpe, Suffolk (PROB 11/339 Eure 55-107 Will of Dame Jane Crofts of Ixworth Thorpe, Suffolk 22 May 1672; PROB 4/9302 Crofts, Jane, Dame, of St. James, Clerkenwell, Middx. 1672 25 May</ref>
The Lady Thornhill 13 hearths
The Earle of Essex 19 hearths<ref>The Earle of Essex.  Possibly Arthur Earl of Essex (PROB 11/375 Hare 1-47 Will of Arthur Earl of Essex 04 April 1684; see also PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Dame Irwin Countess of Essex 13 October 1677)</ref>
The Earle of Alisbury 30 hearths<ref>The Earle of Alisbury,  Possibly the Honorable Robert Lord Bruce Baron of Wharleton and Earl of Aylesbury and Earl of ElginPROB 11/380 Cann 52-107 Will of The Honorable Robert Lord Bruce Baron of Wharleton and Earl of Aylesbury and Earl of Elgin 15 December 1685</ref>
Doctr. Wm. Goddard 9 hearths<ref>Doctr. Wm. Goddard.  William Goddard, Doctor of Physic (PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66 Will of William Goddard, Doctor of Physic of Saint James Clerkenwell, Middlesex 09 March 1670)</ref>
Sr Edward Banister 13 hearths<ref>Sr Edward Banister.  Just possibly Sir Edward Banister of Isleworth (PROB 11/335 Duke 1-53 Will of Sir Edward Banister of Isleworth, Middlesex 01 February 1671)</ref>
Wm: Bowles Esq:r  12 hearths<ref>Wm: Bowles Esq:r.  Probably Sir William Bowles (PROB 11/365 North 1-47 Will of Sir William Bowles of Saint James Clerkenwell, Middlesex 01 March 1681)</ref>
'''St James Clerkenwell (Part Two)'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119283 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Clerkenwell (2 of 2)', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 14th February 2012</ref>
Thomas Coventry Esqr  21 hearths<ref>Thomas Coventry Esqr.  Possibly Thomas Earl of Coventry (PROB 11/451 Pott 86-128 Will of Thomas Earl of Coventry 27 July 1699)</ref>
Sir John Cropley 34 hearths<ref>Sir John Cropley.  Probably Sir John Cropley of Saint Andrew Holborn (PROB 11/350 Bence 1-54 Will of Sir John Cropley of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 09 April 1676; see also PROB 4/21173 Cropley, Edward, of St. James, Clerkenwell, Mdx. 1672 1 July)</ref>
Mary Towse  20 hearths<ref>Mary Towse.  Just possibly Mary Towse, widow of Hampstead (PROB 11/336 Duke 54-101 Will of Mary Towse, Widow of Hampstead, Middlesex 31 May 1671)</ref>
The Brewers Almshowses; not fully endowed  10 hearths
The Brewers Schoole; Belongeth to ye Almshous  3 hearths
===St Martin in the Fields : Whitehall===
'''The King Whitehall'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119141 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Martin in the Fields : Whitehall', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 25 January 2012</ref>
The Duke of Richmond now Le Dorssett  19 hearths
The Duke of Buckingham  43 hearths
Justice Baile  10 hearths
The Portugale Ambasador  23 hearths
'''Stanmore Magna'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=118843 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Great Stanmore ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
<u>John Burnell  11 hearths</u>
<u>Tho Burnell  8 hearths</u>
===Stepney: Bednall Green===
<u>Sr. Wm. Ryder  16 hearths</u><ref>Sr. Wm. Ryder, London merchant, commercial partner and correspondent of Sir George Oxenden (["Sir William Ryder will" PROB 11/331 Coke 108 - 166 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669)</ref>
===Stepney: Limehouse===
'''Limehouse'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119155 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Stepney : Limehouse', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 10 February 2012</ref>
William Maynard  6 hearths<ref>William Maynard.  Just possibly related to  William Maynard, mariner (PROB 11/219 Grey 201-251 Will of William Maynard, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 23 December 1651)</ref>
Capt Samon  8 hearths<ref>Capt Samon.  Identity is unclear (See PROB 11/172  Pile 90-123 Will of Robert Salmon, Mariner of Leigh, Essex 21 November 1636; PROB 11/223 Bowyer 154-195 Will of Stephen Salmon, Mariner of Plymouth, Devon September 1652; PROB 11/310 Juxon 1-51 Will of Jacob Salmon, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 25 February 1663; PROB 11/322 Mico 139-184 Will of Thomas Salmon, Mariner of Dover, Kent 16 October 1666)</ref>
Capt. Richard May 6 hearths<ref>Capt. Richard May.  Possibly Richard May, mariner (See PROB 11/375 Hare 1-47 Will of Richard May, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 11 April 1684;  PROB 11/359 King 1-65 Will of Richard May, Mariner of Rotherhithe, Surrey 27 March 1679</ref>
===Stepney: Lymehowse Poplor & Blackwall Hamlett===
'''Lymehowse Poplor & Blackwall Hamlett'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119156 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Stepney : Limehouse Poplar and Blackwell Hamlet', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 10 February 2012</ref>
Capt. John Swanly  7 hearths<ref>Capt. John Swanly (See PROB 11/148 Hele 1-56 Will of Jeremy Swanly or Swanley, Mariner of Limehouse, Middlesex 13 January 1626; PROB 11/213  Pembroke 110-156 Will of Richard Swanley of Limehouse, Middlesex 11 September 1650; PROB 11/312 Juxon 103-150 Will of Elizabeth Swanly, Widow of Stepney, Middlesex 09 October 1663; PROB 11/348 Dycer 52-105 Will of Robert Swanley, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 15 September 1675; PROB 11/393 Exton 131-172 Will of William Swanley, Mariner and now on board the Ship Success in Swally Hole in East India and Master of Stepney, Middlesex 15 November 1688)</ref>
Capt Fenny  8 hearths<ref>Capt Fenny (See PROB 11/213  Pembroke 110-156 Will of Robert Fenny of Penzance, Cornwall 03 September 1650;  PROB 11/415 Coker 91-133 Will of William Fenny or Fenney, Mariner of Wapping Whitechapel, Middlesex 16 August 1693; PROB 4/4640 Pheny, John, of Limehouse, Stepney, Midd. 1671 15 Dec.)</ref>
Capt. Robert Clark 12 hearths<ref>Capt. Robert Clark (See PROB 11/119 Fenner 1-59 Will of John Clarke, Mariner of Limehouse, Middlesex 11 June 1612; PROB 11/173 Goare 1-58 Will of Richard Clarke, being aboard the Ship Palsgrave in the East Indies of Limehouse, Middlesex 30 January 1637; PROB 11/403 Vere 1-47 Will of John Clarke, Mariner of Limehouse, Middlesex 07 August 1691; PROB 11/554 Fox 173-208 Will of James Clark or Clarke, Ropemaker and Mariner of Limehouse, Middlesex 08 September 1716)</ref>
Capt. Gunn  7 hearths<ref>Capt. Gunn (See PROB 11/366 North 48-94 Will of Joshua Gun or Gunn, Mariner of Bantam, East Indies 03 April 1681)</ref>
<u>Capt. Thomas Harman  8 hearths</u><ref>Capt. Thomas Harman.  "Captain Thomas Harman, mariner, lived at Dolphin Row, Poplar, and married Grace Chick by license on January 1, 1628. He died in 1670, and his will, which was proved on January 3 of that year, described him as 'Thomas Harman the elder, of Poplar'; bequests were left to his wile Grace, his three children, Thomas Harman, Mary Browse, and Helen Greenaway, and to numerous grandchildren and cousins. Possibly this son Thomas is the Captain Thomas Harman whose naval exploits in the reign of Charles H. were recorded by a series of small pictures in one of the antechambers of Greenwich Hospital. Lysons mentions an almshouse in Poplar, rebuilt by Captain Thomas Harman in 1676" ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924091024475#page/n231/mode/2up G.W. Hill, W.H. Frere (eds.), Memorials of Stepney parish that is to say the vestry minutes from 1579 to 1662 (Guilford, 1890-91), p. 198]</ref>
===Stepney: Mile End===
'''Mile End'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119159 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Stepney : Mile End', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 10 February 2012</ref>
Mr. Spratt  9 hearths
<u>Geo: Swanley  8 hearths</u><ref>Geo: Swanley.  Just possibly PROB 4/3004 Swanley, Captain George, of Stepney alias Stebbonheath, Midd. 1679 29 Oct.</ref>
Tho: Bowyer  3 hearths
<u>Mrs Crowder  10 hearths</u><ref>Mrs Crowder .  Probably the widow of John Crowther, the brother-in-law of Sir William Ryder.  John Crowther wrote his will in February 1658/59. In his will he described himself as "of the parish of Stebenheath otherwise Stepney in the Countie of Midd Merchant."  Stepney parish vestry records show that he was a resident of the hamlet of Mile End (alias Myle End), within the parish of Stepney, along with the merchant Maurice Thompson, who the historian Robert Brenner has characterised as a leading "New Merchant." ('General meeting of the vestry of the parish of Stepney, 27th February 1654/?1655,' in [http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924091024475#page/n237/mode/2up  G.W. Hill, W.H. Frere (eds.), Memorials of Stepney parish that is to say the vestry minutes from 1579 to 1662 (Guilford, 1890-91), pp. 202-204]; Robert Brenner, ''Merchants and revolution'' (Princeton, 1993); PROB 11/294 Pell 400-456 Will of John Crowther, Merchant of Stepney, Middlesex 19 August 1659; see also PROB 32/9/44 Deceased: Crowther, John, Stepney, Middx. Letters of administration 1672 June 3)</ref>
Deane Clarke  16 hearths
Coll. Middleton  13 hearths
Captaine Curtis  10 hearths<ref>Captaine Curtis,  Just possibly William Curtis of Mile End (PROB 4/13931 Curtis, William, of Miles-end in Stepney, Mdx. 1670 8 Dec.)</ref>
Mr. Joseph Cope  6 hearths<ref>Mr. Joseph Cope.  Probably M:r Joseph Cope of Mile End, one of nine vestrymen and parishoners of 'Myle End' listed at a vestry meeting of Stepney church, February 27th, 1654.  Others listed at that meeting who appear in the Mile End 1666 Hearth tax records are Mrs Crowder (for the deceased Mr. (Captain) John Crowther, and Mr Mepus (possibly a relative of Mr. Thomas Mempris at vestry meeting) ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924091024475#page/n237/mode/2up G.W. Hill, W.H. Frere (eds.), Memorials of Stepney parish that is to say the vestry minutes from 1579 to 1662 (Guilford, 1890-91), pp. 202-204]); See also PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of Joseph Cope, Gentleman of Mile End, Middlesex 11 October 1676</ref>
Capt. Jefferies  8 hearths
<u>Mr. John Proud  10 hearths</u><ref>Mr. John Proud.  Possibly Captain John Prowd ([[MRP: John Prowd will| PROB 11/368 North 142-189 Will of John Prowd, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 03 December 1681]])</ref>
Mr. Mepus<ref>Mr. Mepus.  Probably a relative of M:r Thomas Mempris  of Mile End, one of nine vestrymen and parishoners of 'Myle End' listed at a vestry meeting of Stepney church, February 27th, 1654.  Others listed at that meeting who appear in the Mile End 1666 Hearth tax records are Mrs Crowder (for the deceased Mr. (Captain) John Crowther and Mr. Joseph Cope) ([http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924091024475#page/n237/mode/2up G.W. Hill, W.H. Frere (eds.), Memorials of Stepney parish that is to say the vestry minutes from 1579 to 1662 (Guilford, 1890-91), pp. 202-204]); PROB 11/272 Wootton 1-51 Will of Thomas Mempris, Gentleman of Stepney, Middlesex 28 January 1658</ref>
===Stepney: Nightingale lane===
'''Nightingall Lane'''<ref>'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Stepney : Nightingale Lane', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119160 Date accessed: 10 February 2012</ref>
Capt. Tho: Ewens  8 hearths<ref>Capt. Tho: Ewens.  Captain Thomas Ewens was listed as one of ten vestrymen and parishioners of Limehouse at a vestry meeting of Stepney parish church on February 27th, 1654.  A footnote in the edited records states "fn. 4 on Capt. Thomas Ewens: "Captain Thomas Ewens, one of those recommended by Waterton (p. 179). His will was dated October 8, 1664, and on March 2, 1666, his widow, Martha (for her life), and son, Thomas, were admitted at a manorial court to his property: - State Papers, Domestic; Stepney Court Rolls, iii. 59, v. 178." (ADD REFERENCE; PROB 11/323 Carr 1-58 Will of Thomas Ewen, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 04 February 1667). The widow of Charles Conyers, who is mentioned by Sir William Ryder in his correspondence with Sir George Oxenden, may have married Captain Thomas Ewens' son, also named Thomas Ewen, who styled himself a gentleman.  See "[1667] Dec. 17 Thomas Ewen, of Limehouse, par. Stepney, Midx., Gent., Bach:r, ab:t 27, & Elizabeth Conyers, of S:t Giles, Cripplegate, Wid., ab:t 28; at S:t Giles, Cripplegate" ([http://www.archive.org/stream/allegationsforma23ches#page/142/mode/2up Joseph Lemuel Chester, Allegations for marriage licences issued by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558-1699: also, for those issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679 (London, 1886), p. 143])</ref>
===Stoke Newington===
Gilbert Upton  6 hearths<ref>Gilbert Upton.  Just possibly related to Gilbert Upton, merchant, of Camberwell, Surrey (PROB 4/1514 Upton, Gilbert, of Camberwell, Surrey, merchant 1705 23 March)</ref>
'''Tuddington'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119185 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Teddington', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 25 January 2012</ref>
<u>Lord Cheife Justice Bridgman  16 hearths</u><ref>Lord Cheife Justice Bridgman.  Sir Orlando Bridgman, lawyer; Elizabeth Dallison had various dealings with Bridgman regarding her brother's legal matters, and also regarding her daughter's jointure, which was under threat of removal due to the attaint of her daughter's husband for treason (PROB 11/345 Bunce 54-103 Will of Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 04 July 1674)</ref>
'''Tottenham'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119186 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Tottenham', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
<u>Jno. Deshicke (sic) Knt.  17 hearths</u><ref>Jno. Deshicke (sic) Knt..  Sir John Dethwick (alias Dethick), London merchant; father-in-law of Sir John Banks, a correspondent of Sir George Oxenden.  Sir John Banks acqquired a substantial property in Aylesford, just outside Maidstone, in Kent, with XXX hearths (PROB 11/335 Duke 1-53 Will of Sir John Dethick, Mercer of Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex 06 April 1671; PROB 4/14002 Dethicke, Sir John, kt., of Tottenham High Crosse, Mdx. 1671 24 July; [[MRP: 1st April 1663, Letter from John Bankes to Sir GO, London|1st April 1663, Letter from John Bankes to Sir GO, London]]; XXXX)</ref>
"'''Uxbridge'''<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119190 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Uxbridge ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)], viewed 24 January 2012</ref>
<u>Sr. Christopher Abdy  23 hearths</u><ref>Sr. Christopher Abdy (PROB 11/357 Reeve 56-105 Will of Sir Christopher Abdy of Uxbridge, Middlesex 14 May 1678)</ref>
<u>Sr Christopher Abdey  7 hearths</u>
<u>Abdey  2 hearths</u>
===Whitechapel hamlet===
'''Whitechapel hamlet'''
<u>Willm Meggs Esqr.  15 hearths</u><ref>Willm Meggs Esqr.  Probably William Meggs junior, London merchant [[MRP: William Meggs Junior will| PROB 11/356 Reeve 1-55 Will of William Meggs of Whitechapel, Middlesex 26 November 1678]]</ref>
== KENT ==
===East Greenwich===
'''Coombes Hill'''
William Hooker Esq.  23 hearths<ref>[Just possibly PROB 11/439 Pyne 133-177 Will of Sir William Hooker, late Lord Mayor of London 16 July 1697]</ref>
Mr Mark Cottell  23 hearths
'''Duck and Taverne Rowe'''
<u>Benjamin Glanvill  12 hearths</u>
'''Crane South'''
Mr Tho[mas] Browne the Warden of the Collehe  30 hearths
<u>Capt[ain] George Cock  15 hearths</u><ref>Capt[ain] George Cock, London merchant and partner of Sir William Ryder in naval contracting and other ventures.  Much commented on by Samuel Pepys. ([[MRP: George Cock will| PROB 11/359 King 1-65 Will of George Cock, Merchant of Greenwich, Kent 03 April 1679]])</ref>
'''East Lane East'''
Mr William Prittiman  10 hearths
Sr Theophilus Biddulph  21 hearths<ref>Sir Theophilus Biddulph (PROB 11/373 Drax 52-101 Will of Sir Theophilus Biddulph of West Combe, Kent 08 May 1683)</ref>
'''East Lane West'''
<u>Mr Nicholas Cooke  13 hearths</u><ref>Nicholas Cooke, London merchant ([[MRP: Nicholas Cooke will| PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Nicholas Cooke of East Greenwich, Kent 22 January 1674]])</ref>
===Wingham hundred, 1662===
CKS-U1107/9/1/16 Dering Manuscripts Part 2 sub-fonds OFFICIAL PAPERS series Taxation papers - Hearth Tax: 'Wingham lower half hundred Date 1662 Extent 2pp., 110 names'
CKS-U1107/9/1/17 Dering Manuscripts Part 2 sub-fonds OFFICIAL PAPERS series Taxation papers - Hearth Tax: 'Wingham upper half hundred Date 1662 Extent 6ff., 171 names'
[http://www.hearthtax.org.uk/communities/kent/kent_1664L_transcript.pdf - '''Kent Hearth Tax Assessment Lady Day 1664: CKS: Q/RTh Transcribed and computerised by Duncan Harrington''']
(data of interest)
===Seavenokes Town===
Earle of Dorsett  85
Francis Farnaby gent: 18
<u>Thomas Lamberd Esq(uire) 14 hearths</u>
===Parish of Seale===
<u>S(i)r Tho(mas) Pierce Barron(e)t  13 hearths</u><ref>Sir Thomas Piece (alias Piers), gentleman.  Sir Thomas Piers was a brother-in-law of Sir George Oxenden and Elizabeth Dallison.  He married Jane Oxenden, their sister around 1643.  Following her early death, he married for a second time, to Audrey Master of Ospringe in May 1649.  His home was at Stonepit(t)(s), near Seal, in North Kent, which he had inherited from his father, Lawrence Piers (See profile of [[MRP: Piers family| Sir Thomas Piers and the Piers family]]; PROB 11/363 Bath 60–123 Will of Sir Thomas Piers of Seal, Kent 24 May 1680)</ref>
Daniel Newman gent 18
Henry Swaisland 9
Mr Richard Olliver 8
Mr Stowell 7
Widdow Cox 7
Nicholas Madox 6
Samuel Masters  6
Francis French 5
Margaret Bryant 5
Edward Cox 5
Richard Browne 5
Stephen Olliver 5
James Pelsett 5
Mrs Brett 4
Lawrence Fench 4
===Parish of Cudham===
Biggest house is only 5 hearths
(see document for data)
===Parish of Farmborough===
Thomas Broome serjt at  Law?  16
===Parish of St Paul's Cray===
S(i)r Leonard Feerby Knt  15
===Parish of St Mary Cray===
Mr Edward Manning  12
Mr Thomas Felton 11
===Parish of North Cray===
Mr Cooke  17
Mr Buggin 16
===Parish of Bexley===
S(i)r Rob(er)t  Austin  barr(one)t  29<ref>S(i)r Rob(er)t  Austin  barr(one)t (PROB 11/322 Mico 139-184 Will of Sir Robert Austen of Bexley, Kent 01 December 1666)</ref>
Henry Grimes gen(tleman) 10
Henry Carew  10
===Parish of Bromfield===
William Cage Esq(uire) in Leeds Castle 32
===Halling Borough===
William Clemence  17
Sir John Marsham 8
Thomas Hawes  8
===Shorne Southborough===
George Woodyer gent  13
Henry Parker  gent  12
Gervaise Maplesden  7
Richard Balam  cler(ke)  7
===The hundred of Little field In the Lath of Aylsford===
====Mereworth Parish====
<u>In Mereworth Castle  23 hearths</u>
<u>Mr James Master  21 hearths</u><ref>Mr James Master.  James Master was a cousin of James Master, lawyer of Gray's Inn.  His account books have been published.  He lived at Yotes Court, Mereworth in Kent, a house he built in 1659 on the site of a former building which had been owned by his step-father Sir Thomas Walsingham (Biographical profile of [[MRP: James Master of Yotes Court|James Master of Yotes Court]], including a description of Yotes Court; PROB 11/399 Dyke 45-90 Will of James Master of Merwood, Kent 17 May 1690)</ref>
Mr George Love  8
====East Peckham Upper Borough====
<u>S(i)r Roger Twisden Kt & Bart  30 hearths</u><ref>S(i)r Roger Twisden Kt & Bart.  S(i)r Thomas Twysden (PROB 11/343 Pye 119-167 Will of Sir Roger Twysden of East Peckham, Kent 11 December 1673; PROB 11/343  Pye 119-167 Sentence of Sir Roger Twisden of East Peckham, Kent 11 December 1673; PROB 18/5/48Probate lawsuit Twysden v Twysden, concerning the deceased Sir Roger Twysden, kt and bart of [Roydon Hall] East Peckham, Kent. Allegation 1673; see related PROB 4/20147 Twysden, William, Sir, Bt., of [East Peckham, Kent] 1698 10 Feb.</ref>
====The Lowy of Tunbridge In the Lath of Aylesford Tunbridge Towne====
William Dike Esq(uire) 11
Doctor Amherst 11<ref>Doctor Amherst.  Probably Doctor Arthur Amherst, a doctor in Physic of Tonbridge, Kent (PROB 11/363 Bath 60-123 Will of Doctor Arthur Amherst, Doctor in Physic, Doctor in Medicine of Tonbridge, Kent 16 June 1680)</ref>
===The Hundred of Larkefeild In the Lath of Aylesford Parish of East Malling===
<u>S(i)r Thomas Twysden  23 hearths</u><ref>S(i)r Thomas Twysden.  (Possibly XXX; PROB 11/373 Drax 52-101 Will of Sir Thomas Twisden 04 June 1683; see related PROB 4/20147 Twysden, William, Sir, Bt., of [East Peckham, Kent] 1698 10 Feb.; PROB 18/5/48Probate lawsuit Twysden v Twysden, concerning the deceased Sir Roger Twysden, kt and bart of [Roydon Hall] East Peckham, Kent. Allegation 1673</ref>
===Parish of Aylesford===
<u>Sir John Banks  25 hearths</u><ref>Sir John Banks, London merchant (b. 1627, d. 1699).  A correspondent of Sir George Oxenden.  Sir John Bank's father-in-law was the London merchant Sir John Dethwicke, who had a property in Tottenham with seventeen hearths (PROB 11/452 Pott 129-167 Will of Sir John Banks of Aylesford, Kent 11 December 1699; [[MRP: 1st April 1663, Letter from John Bankes to Sir GO, London|1st April 1663, Letter from John Bankes to Sir GO, London]])</ref>
George Duke Esq  15
John Taylor 10
===The Borough of Oxinoth in the Hundred of Hoo in Aylesford lath===
Sir Humphrey Miller  18
<u>Max: Dalyson Esquire  10 hearths</u><ref>Maximilian Dalyson (alias Dallison.  Son of Elizabeth Dallison and nephew of Sir George Oxenden.  He corresponded once with Sir George Oxenden, in XXX.  His wife, Frances Dalyson, nee Stanley, also corresponded once with Sir George Oxenden, in XXX.  He lived with his wife and family in the Hamptons, a house he leased then acquired from his father-in-law, the Kent brewer Thomas Stanley ("Maximillian Dallison will" PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Maximilian Dalyson of Hamptons in West Peckham, Kent 01 December 1671; [[MRP: 30th March 1663, Letter from Max Dalyson to Sir GO, Hampton|30th March 1663, Letter from Max Dalyson to Sir GO, Hampton]]; [[MRP: 25th March 1663, Letter from Frances Dalyson to Sir GO, Hamptons|25th March 1663, Letter from Frances Dalyson to Sir GO, Hamptons]]; biographical profile of [[MRP: Maximilian Dallison|Maximilian Dallison]]; biographical profile of [[MRP: Frances Dallison, nee Stanley|Frances Dallison, nee Stanley]])</ref>
===The Towne of Maidstone In the lath of Aylesford The High Towne===
Dame Ann Asteley  18
Mr William Bickford 17
Walter Giles 13
Mrs Dixon widdow  13
Mr Robert Brooke 10
Thomas Howting 9
Thomas Wood 9
John Downes 9
John Callant  junior 8
Mr John Callant senior 8
Richard Duke Esquire 8
Mr Edward Maplisden 8
Mr Gervase Maplisden  8
Thomas Merriam 8
Robert Callant 8
Mr James Ruse 8
<u>Mr George Ongley 7 hearths</u>
William Charlton  7
John Goare 7
Dudly St Leager 7
Stephen Weekes 7
William Willard 7
Mr Gervase Maplesden junior 3
Edward Jury  7
George Maplesden  7
John Merriam 2
===The Hundred of Chetham and Gillingham In the Lath of Aylesford The half hundred of Chetham===
In ye King's pay house  14
Mr William Jenman 13
Mr Charles Boules 13
<u>Peter Pett Esquire  12 hearths</u>
Mr Henry Sheafe 12
Mr William Hempson  12
Captain John Brock 11
Mr Haward in 4 tenements 11
Captain John Crux 10
Nathaniel Holt 10
James Ansell 10
Mr Phillip Barrow 9
Mr Phineas Pett 9
Capt. Phineas Pett 8
John Knight 8
Capt. John Allen 8
Charles Smyth 8
Thomas Bensonn 8
Jihn Wood
Robert Castle 8
Thomas Stretton 7
Robert Fitzhugh 7
Thomas Fletcher 7
Walter Dyer 7
Richard Cooke 7
===The lower half hundred of Totingtrough Gravesend Towne===
John Reddall 15
Mr Samuel Harwar 12
Thomas Bonn 11
William Naylor 9
James Guildford 8
Mr John Morris 8
(more large ones in West Street southside)
Some very large ones in '''Milton next Gravesend'''
===The precinct of the Cathedral Church of Rochester===
Mr George Maplisden 5
(and some other larger ones)
'''The Bishop of Rochester 7'''
===The City of Rochester Middle Borough===
George Woodyer gent(leman)  18
George Allington 13
Mr Phillip Bartholomew  12
Robert Fowler Esq 11
===St Clement Borough (Rochester)===
John Gadge 16
John Cart  9
===South Borough (Rochester)===
Thomas Mott 19
William Bennett 13
John Plastow 8
Mr John Mabb 8
===Northgate Borough (Rochester)===
Mrs (Blank) Juett widdow  10
===Southgate Borough (Rochester)===
Sir Francis Clarke knight  15
Thomas Manly gentleman 12
George Newman Esquire 10
Robert Faunce gentleman 9
Richard Manly gentleman 9
Steeven Pine 8
Thomas Bennett 8
===Eastgate Borough===
Samuell Walsall 6
Mr Edward Booth 9
Mr Henry Wriothsley  11
Edward Fisher 8
===Borough of Sittingbourne===
'''Deane Borough'''
James Greenstreet 1
===The towne of Ashford in the Lath of Scray===
Ralph Clare 14
Samuell Wood 13
Mr Osmanton in an empty house 11
John Nower gent 9
Mr John Nowell 8
Robert Gibbs 8
Mr James Bate 7
Mr Edward Woodward 7
Joy Starr 7
Mr Hilkiah Reader 7
Ralph Dayton 7
===Pluckly Borough===
<u>Sir Edward Dering Baronet at Surrenden  34 hearths</u>
===Dane Borough===
<u>Robert Sprackling 8</u>
===Borough of Socombe===
<u>Thomas Godfrey Esq 14 hearths</u>
===The Hundred of Westgate in the Lath of St. Augustine Borough of Hackington===
Coll(onel Thomas Colpepper 40
The Lady Harfleet 14
===The Precinct of Christchurch Canterbury Within the lath of St. Augustine===
Dr. Thomas Turner Deane  27
(and lots of ecclesiastical doctors in quite large houses)
===The Hundred of Wingham In the Lath of St Augustine The Upper Halfe Hundred Borough of Wingham Street===
<u>Sir Henry Palmer Bart  28 hearths</u>
<u>Thomas Denn 4 hearths</u>
<u>Mrs Oxenden 1 hearths</u>
===Borough of Winghamwell===
<u>Sir Henry Oxenden  17 hearths</u>
Mrs Harfleet widd(ow) 14
===Borough of Goodnestone===
<u>Sir Thomas Engham 20 hearths</u>
<u>Sir John Boys 10 hearths</u>
===Twitham Borough===
<u>Henry Oxenden gent 11 hearths</u>(presumably this is Brooks?)
===The Hundred of Cornillo In the Lathe of St Augustine The Upper Halfe Hundred Borough of Northbourne===
<u>Sir Richard Sandys  28 hearths</u>
===The Hundred of Eastry in the Lath of St Augustine The Upper  Halfe Hundred Eastry & Street===
Sir George Sondes Knt. of ye Bath for ye parsonage  7
<u>John Boys Esq 18 hearths</u>
===Borough of Hamwell===
<u>Sr Thomas Peyton  21 hearths</u>
===Parish of Denton===
John Andrewes gent  19
Thomas Marsh  7
<u>Henry Oxenden gt. 5 (sic) hearths</u>
===Borough of Bishopsbourne===
Sr. Anthony Aucher 20
Sr. Richard Hatton 5
===Barton Borough===
<u>Sr. Bazell (sic) Dixwell  20 hearths</u>
===Waldersheire Borough===
<u>Sr. Edward Monins Bart.  19 hearths</u>
===West Langdon Borough===
<u>Richard Masters Esq.  13 hearths</u>
===Patrixbourne Borough===
Sr. Arthur Slingsby  15<ref>Sir Arthur Slingsby (PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Sir Arthur Slingesby of Bisron, Kent 01 March 1666)</ref>
<u>Sr. Thomas Godfrey  16 hearths</u>
===Upper Hardres===
<u>Sr. Richard Hardres Bart 22 hearths</u>
Mr. Christop(her) Hardres  7
===The Bishopps Liberty===
The Lords Grace of Canterbury  59 hearths
Lady Needham  13 hearths
Phillip Valentine  10 hearths
Lady Paul 11 hearths
Mr Rookes for the Kings Head 10 hearths
===The Prince's Liberty Second Divison===
Mr Jacobson 12 hearths
Mr Jasper Colthoofe  27 hearths
===Lambeth Deane===
Howland Alias Roberts Esq  12 hearths<ref>Possibly PROB 4/7581 Howland, alias Roberts, Walter, of Bristow Causeway in Lambeth, Surrey, esq. 1693 31 Oct. (1692)</ref>
Anne Lancellott 12 hearths
Jon Scaldwell for two howses  9 hearths<ref>Jon Scaldwell is probably related to Mrs Dorothy Scaldwell of Bristow Cawsey, Lambeth (PROB 4/25196 Scaldwell, Mrs Dorothy of Bristow Cawsey in Lambeth, Surrey, widdow 25 Oct 1683 (29 Oct 1683)</ref>
The Lord of Loathberry  18 hearths
===Lambeth Marsh===
Mr Walker  15 hearths
Mrs Lawrance  12 hearths
Mr Johnson  10 hearths
Mr Young  14 hearths
===South Lambeth & Foexehall===
<u>The Earle of Clarendon  28 hearths</u><ref>The Earle of Clarendon.  Sir Orlando Bridgman,  lawyer; Elizabeth Dallison had various dealings with Bridgman regarding her brother's legal matters, and also regarding her daughter's jointure, which was under threat of removal due to the attaint of her daughter's husband for treason (PROB 11/345 Bunce 54-103 Will of Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 04 July 1674)) (XXXX)</ref>
Hester Traduskine  11 hearths
Geo Chute 20 hearths<ref>Geo Chute.  Possibly George Chute of Lambeth (b.?, d. ca. 1684) (PROB 11/375 Hare 1-47 Will of George Chute of Lambeth, Surrey 17 January 1684; see also PROB 11/396 Ent 92-138 Will of George Chute of Streatham, Surrey 04 July 1689)</ref>
Mr Rich Downes  33 hearths
===Cammerwell Liberty===
Sir Edmond Bowyer Kgt  20 hearths<ref>Sir Edmond Bowyer Kgt.  Sir Edmond Boywer (b.?, d. ca. 1681) (PROB 11/365  North 1-47 Will of Sir Edmund Bowyer of Camberwell, Surrey 26 March 1681; PROB 18/13/4 Probate lawsuit Bowyer v Bowyer, concerning the deceased Sir Edmund Bowyer kt of Camberwell, Surrey. Allegation and interrogatory 1681; PROB 4/2865 Palmer Mrs. Katherine, of Camerwell, Surrey, servant to the Rt. Worshipful Sir Edmond Bowyer 1663 3 July)</ref>
John Scott Esq  17 hearths
Sir John Bowre  10 hearths
Mr Delves  17 hearths
Dr Parr  10 hearths
Mr. Fox  13 hearths
Gods Gift College  33 hearths
Mr Leonard Lydcoot  9 hearths
Mr. Geo Portman  10 hearths
Dennis [Gauden] Esq  39 hearths
<u>Mr Peter Vandeputt 10 hearths</u> <ref>Mr Peter Vandeputt.  Probably Peter Vandeput, London merchant.  See PROB 11/331 Coke 108-166 Sentence of Peter Vandeputt of Saint Olave Hart Street, City of London 22 May 1669; see also Peter Vandeputt 14 hearths, St Margaret Oaten, London (1666).  Mentioned by Major (later Sir) Thomas Chambrelan, a frequent correspondent with Sir George Oxenden, in [[MRP: 1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe|1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe]]</ref>
Mr [...] Hearne  30 hearths
===Tooting Bec Liberty===
Mr [Abra] Jaggard [...]
Mrs Eliz Lodwicke 9 hearths
===Tootinge Graveney===
Mrs Mary Maynard  17 hearths
<u>Mr Ellis Crisp  24 hearths</u><ref>Mr Ellis Crisp.  Possibly the son of Sir Nicholas Crispe, customs farmer; see PROB 11/397 Ent 139-189 Will of Elias Crispe, Merchant of London 06 December 1689); see also PROB 4/5324 Crispe, Thomas, of the City of London, ob at Mortlake, Surrey, merchant 1689 24 Oct. (1688</ref>
Mr Thomas Willsom 21 hearths<ref>Mr Thomas Willsom. Thomas Wilson was probably related to Robert Wilson (PROB 11/303 May 1-53 Will of Robert Wilson of Merton, Surrey 29 March 1661)</ref>
Mr Kesterman  12 hearths
The Earle of Bristoll  (4 howses)  70 hearths<ref>The Earle of Bristoll.  Possibly George Digby Earle of Bristol (PROB 11/353 Hale 1-43 Will of George Digby Earle of Bristol 10 April 1677)</ref>
<u>Mr Geo Willoughby in an empty howse  11 hearths</u><ref>Mr Geo Willoughby.  Possibly George Willoughby, London merchant, the cousin and heir of Christopher Willoughby, London merchant and ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock'' subscriber.  At the time of the 1666 hearth tax Christopher Willoughby was living in a seventeen hearth house in Edmonton, though he also had a house in Bishopstone, Wiltshire.  George Willoughby inherited this Wiltshire property, which he gave as his residence in his will (PROB 11/426 Irby 85-124 Will of Sir George Willoughby of Bishopstone, Wiltshire 04 June 1695; [[MRP: Christopher Willoughby will| PROB 11/365 North 1-47 Will of Christopher Willoughby of Bishopstone, Wiltshire 17 February 1681]]</ref>
Mr Oxenbridge  10 hearths
Sir Allen Brodericke  15 hearths<ref>Sir Allen Brodericke (PROB 11/364 Bath 124-185 Will of Sir Allen Brodericke or Broderike of Wandsworth, Surrey 26 November 1680)</ref>
The Right Honourable Earl of Nottingham  13 hearths<ref>The Right Honourable Earl of Nottingham.  Just possibly The Right Honorable Charles Earl of Nottingham (PROB 11/366 North 48-94 Will of The Right Honorable Charles Earl of Nottingham 27 April 1681)</ref>
Mr Wymonsole  46 hearths<ref>Mr Wymonsole.  Mr Wymonsole was probably the later Sir Dawes Wymondesold of Putney (PROB 11/349 Dycer 106-147 Will of Sir Dawes Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey 22 February 1675; PROB 4/3128 Wymondesold, Sir Dawes, of Putney, Surrey 1675 18 Dec.; PROB 18/7/94 Probate lawsuit Wymondesold v Wymondsold, concerning the deceased Sir Davies Wymondesold, kt of Putney, Surrey. Allegation 1675); see also PROB 5/1257 WYMONDSOLL or WYMONDSOLDE, Thomas, esq, of Lambeth, Surrey, [merchant] [Registered will: PROB 11/448] 1698)</ref>
<u>Sir John Lawrence  31 hearths</u><ref>Sir John Lawrence, London merchant.  A post-mortem inventory has survived for the Putney residence.  In addition to the Putney mansion, there was a substantial house in Great St. Helen's, which was recorded in the 1666 Hearth Tax assesment with rwenty-six hearths (PROB 5/2301 LAWRENCE, Sir John, kt, of Putney, Surrey (includes account) 1694)</ref>
<u>Sir Tho Chamberlaine  16 hearths</u><ref>Sir Thomas Chambrelan (alias Chamberlaine), London merchant, relative and correspondent of Sir George Oxenden.  His son-in-laws were XXX and Sir Arthur Ingram.  During the plague infection of 1665, Sir Arthur Ingram joined his father-in-law at Chambrelan's Putney house.  Chambrelan also had a sixteen hearth house in St. Andrew's Undershaft ([[MRP: Sir Thomas Chambrelan will| PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671]]; [[MRP: 29th September 1662, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO|29th September 1662, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO]]; [[MRP: 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London|29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London]]; [[MRP: 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, continuation|29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, continuation]]; [[MRP: 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney|8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney]])</ref>
Sir Willm Terringham  17 hearths
Lady Ruse  9 hearths
Mr Peteward  20 hearths<ref>Mr Peteward.  Mr Peteward was either John Pettiward or Roger Pettiward, both gentleman, of Putney (PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of John Pettyward or Pettiward of Putney, Surrey 11 December 1671; Will of Roger Pettiward, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 09 February 1675; PROB 5/1894 PETTIWARD, Roger, gent, of Putney, Surrey [Registered will: PROB 11/349] [Sentence: PROB 11/349] 1675)</ref>
<u>Mr Portman  17 hearths</u><ref>Mr Portman.  Just possibly John Portman, London Goldsmith, whose town house was on Great Lombard street.  J.R. Woodhead (1966), in his profile of Portman, does not mention a Putney residence.  No will available</ref>
<u>Mr Clarke  11 hearths</u><ref>Mr Clarke.  Possible the future Sir Francis Clarke, who was knighted in 1665, after the Surrey hearth tax return for Lady Day, 1664.  J.R. Woodhead (1966) states that Sir Francis Clarke was of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate and Putney 'Clarke, Francis (A)', in [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31879#s45 J.R. Woodhead, 'Cade - Cutler', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966)]</ref>
<u>Mr Proby  11 hearths</u><ref>Mr Proby.  Peter Proby, merchant taylor of London and Putney (PROB 11/378 Hare 141-180 Will of Peter Proby, Merchant Taylor of London 21 November 1684; PROB 5/1892 PROBY, Peter, of Putney, Surrey, merchant tailor, died in London (includes commission) [Registered will: PROB 11/378; Administration with will annexed d b n Feb 1686, Jun 1690] 1684)</ref>
Alldermann Ridges  5 hearths
<u>John Mascall 6 hearths</u>
The Right Honourable Countess of Devon  57 hearths<ref>The Right Honourable Countess of Devon. See an earlier countess of Devon (PROB 11/190 Cambell 86-131 Will of Elizabeth Countess of Devon, Dowager 07 November 1642)</ref>
Mrs Mary Harvey  20 hearths
<u>Sir Eliab Harvey  7 hearths</u><ref>Sir Eliab Harvey.  Possibly Elias Harvey, whose inventory was recorded at St. Peter le Poer, 1664 (PROB 4/9044 Harvey, Elias, of St. Peter the Poore, London, esq. 1664 2 Nov.; see later PROB 11/570 XXXX Will of William Harvey of Roehampton, Surrey 03 September 1719)</ref>
Sir Abraham [Cullen] Bart  6 hearths
===Wallington Hundred: Mitcham===
George Smith Esq  14 hearths
Rich [Farrant] Esq  16 hearths
<u>Mr Henry Hampson  12 hearths</u><ref>Just possibly PROB 11/404 Vere 48-92 Will of Henry Hampson, Merchant of London 28 March 1691)</ref>
Mr William Garland  12 hearths<ref>Mr William Garland.  William Garland was a gentleman of Mitcham  (PROB 11/317 Hyde 57-107 Will of William Garland, Gentleman of Mitcham, Surrey 17 July 1665; see also PROB 11/330 Coke 57-107 Will of Agatha Garland, Widow of Mitcham, Surrey 25 June 1669)</ref>
Eliz Watts  3 hearths<ref>Eliz Watts.  Elizabeth Watts was probably the widow of Ralph Watts of Mitcham, Surrey (PROB 4/7571 Watts, Elizabeth, of [Mitcham] Surrey, widow 1664 8 July; PROB 11/309 Laud 108-162 Will of Ralph Watts, Gentleman of Mitcham, Surrey 23 December 1662)</ref>
Eliz Watts for Sir Nicholas Carews house 6 hearths
<u>Rob [Cranmar] Esq  15 hearths</u><ref>Robert Cranmer, London merchant and ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock subscriber''.  Writing his will in February 1665/66, Robert Cranmer appointed as his executors "my saide eldest Sonne Robert Cranmore and my very goode freinde and neighbour Henry Hampson of Mitcham in the County of Surrey esquire."  ([[MRP: Robert Cranmer will| PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Robert Cranmore of Mitcham, Surrey 12 April 1666]]; [[MRP: PROB 5/2160 Inventory of Robert Cranmere, 1665, ff. 1-5|PROB 5/2160 Inventory of Robert Cranmere, 1665, ff. 1-5]])</ref>
Mr Samuell Lamb 4 hearths<ref>Mr Samuell Lamb.  Samuell Lamb was a gentleman of Mitcham (PROB 4/3970 Lambe, Samuell, of Mitcham, Surrey, gent. 1687 13 Oct.)</ref>
<u>William Greene esq  13 hearths</u><ref>William Greene Esq.  Presumably Sir William Greene.  Robert Cranmer appointed Sir William Greene one of his two overseers, when writing his will in Febraury 1665/66: "Sir William Greene of Mitcham aforesaid Baronett and Mr Joseph White of the same place gent overseers of this my last will and testament" (PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir William Greene of Mitcham, Surrey 07 December 1671)</ref>
Mr William Fletcher  15 hearths<ref>Mr William Fletcher.  William Fletcher was a gentleman of Mitcham (PROB 11/363 Bath 60-123 Will of William Fletcher, Gentleman of Mitcham, Surrey 23 June 1680)</ref>
Sir Willm Cholmeley  13 hearths<ref>Sir Willm Cholmeley.  Sir William Cholmeley, Bt., of Whitby, Yorkshire, died at Mitcham June 18th, 1664 (PROB 4/2700 Cholmeley, Sir William, Bt., [of Whitbey] York, ob at Mitcham 1664 18 June; no associated PRC will has been found)</ref>
'''Howses empty'''
Mr Rob Cranmar A Tennement  5 hearths
Mr Sam Lamb A Tenement  3 hearths
Coll Robert Phillips 19 hearths
<u>John Highlord Esq  15 hearths</u><ref>John Highlord Esq.  Thomas Stile, a London merchant, mentioned "my Sonne in Lawe John Highlord Esq:r" in his will, which he wrote in November 1656.  Thomas Stile described himself as "in the Countie of Surrey Esquire," and referred to "my twoe Coaches and my Coachhorses togeather with the Lease of the house in Morden which I doe live at present," which he bequeathed to his son Maurice Stile.  Thomas Style's widow decribed herself as "of Mordon in the County of Surrey"  (Probably PROB 11/358 Reeve 106-156 Will of John Highlord of Mitcham, Surrey 21 November 1678; [[MRP: Thomas Stile will| PROB 11/266 Ruthen 260-310 Will of Thomas Style or Stile of Surrey 25 July 1657]]; [[MRP: Martha Style will| PROB 11/285 Wootton 674-720 Will of Martha Style, Widow of Morden, Surrey 16 January 1658]]; [[MRP: Maurice Stile will| PROB 11/292 Pell 300-349 Will of Maurice Style, Gentleman of Edmonton, Middlesex 08 June 1659]]; PROB 4/4651 Style, Henry, of the City of London, ob at Mitcham, Surrey, mercer 1675 6 Sept.)</ref>
<u>Mr Willm Vanburgh  17 hearths</u>
Mr Willm Booth Rector  14 heaths<ref>Mr Willm Booth Rector.  William Booth, clerk, of Morden, Surrey (PROB 4/3024 Booth, William, of Morden, Surrey, clerk 1671 21 July; PROB 11/335 Duke 1-53 Will of William Booth, Clerk of Morden, Surrey 13 March 1671)</ref>
Mr Tho Style  3 hearths
Sir Nicholas Carew Kgt  50 hearths<ref>Sir Nicholas Carew Kgt (PROB 11/390 Exton 1-44 Will of Sir Nicholas Carew of Beddington, Surrey 19 March 1688)</ref>
<u>Sir Edmond Hoskins Kgt  18 hearths</u><ref>Sir Edmond Hoskins Kgt.  Serjeant-at-law, friend and legal advisor to Elizabeth Dallison and Sir George Oxenden in the early 1660s.  His widow, Elizabeth Hoskins, daughter of Sir Job Harby, a London merchant, corresponded with Sir George Oxenden after his sister's death.  Her son, Thomas Hoskins, was with Sir George Oxenden in teh East Indies, at Broach ([[MRP: Sir Edmond (Edmund) Hoskins will| PROB 11/316 Hyde 1-56 Will of Sir Edmund Hoskins, Serjeant at Law 7th February 1665]]; [[MRP: X April 1667, Letter from Elizabeth Hoskins, Carshalton|X April 1667, Letter from Elizabeth Hoskins, Carshalton]]; [[MRP: 13th October 1667, Letter from Elizabeth Hoskins to Sir GO|13th October 1667, Letter from Elizabeth Hoskins to Sir GO]]; [[MRP: 14th August 1665, Letter from Thomas Hoskins to Sir GO, Broach|14th August 1665, Letter from Thomas Hoskins to Sir GO, Broach]])</ref>
<u>Sir Edmond Hoskins More for a howse empty  6 hearths</u>
Mr David Odgar  8 hearths
===Croydon (town)===
Arbp Canterbury  44 hearths
===Surrey Hearth Tax, 1664===
[http://www.hearthtax.org.uk/communities/surrey/surrey_1664L_transcript.pdf Surrey hearth Tax transcript, Lady Day, 1664]
Surname index
Statistical analysis
Historical analysis
==Possible secondary sources==
Arkell, T with Alcock, N., eds. (2010) Warwickshire Hearth Tax Returns; Michaelmas 1670, with Coventry Lady Day 1666, BRS Hearth Tax Series VII (Dugdale Society vol. 43)
Beazley, F. C., ed. (1906) 'Hearth tax returns for the city of Chester, 1664-5'. Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, 52, Miscellanies, 5
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[http://www.hearthtax.org.uk/index.html Hearth Tax Online]
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[http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029785478#page/n7/mode/2up James Mark Saurin Brooke, Arthur Washington Hallen, The transcript of the registers of the united parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw: in the city of London, from their commencement 1538 to 1760 (London, 1886)]

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